Looking for recommendations (PTSD recovery)

Hi all,

My SO is recovering from PTSD related to sexuality, and in her recovery she is looking for erotic literature to read. She and I have been looking on the internet and on goodreads, but a lot of the stories seem to involve power relations, bondage or things that aren’t really friendly towards the traumatized mind.

So, I was wondering if any of you have some good recommendations for literature (books) that contain gentle, consensual erotica where the emphasis is on the empowerment of the woman in the story. It doesn’t matter if it’s heterosexual or not.

Sites which offer these stories are okay as well, but we often encounter the problem that halfway in the story there are some (light) triggers or very ‘objectifying’ language.

Can anyone help me out? Thanks!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mbgkb2/looking_for_recommendations_ptsd_recovery

1 comment

  1. I feel like this isn’t exactly what you are looking for, but this fanfiction was something I read while in an extremely depressive state (after homelessness). It doesn’t actually involve any women in the dynamic, I’m sorry. It’s between a (into men, I can’t remember specific orientation label) trans man and a gay cis man. They both have their share of trauma and meet each other where they are at with it. I recall there being maybe only one sex scene? (I read this when it was being released chapter at a time.)

    There are instances which very much address or involve trauma within the story (I don’t think explicit sexual violence, but the threat was mentioned as a past thing), but it’s treated as the trauma it is. I never felt like I was taken off guard when reading it. As a survivor of a number of different kinds of abuse, I felt like the author genuinely cared, and these topics were given the appropriate weight and tone, in chapters separate from the sex scenes.

    It’s also an AU so I don’t think you need to read or care about the original work to enjoy it.


    I’m going to try and come back with better recommendations and edit my post accordingly.

    In the meantime, solidarity. I hope you find what you need.

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