Foursome Becomes Twosome in my First Group Sex Experience with Chloe [some cuckold] [long] [minor foot fetish] [Group]

*Author’s note: This is a continuation of my other stories. However, as with my other writing, it should stand on its own well enough that you shouldn’t have to read the others. While this story is mostly about a group sex experience, the cuckold elements start to come in strong towards the latter third. Thanks for reading, and as always, your feedback drives if I write more and if so what I write about next.*


The thing you have to understand about my relationship with Chloe was that the cuckolding aspects developed over time — I wasn’t eating other men’s cum out of her pussy in the first week, or even the first couple years. Instead, she spent the first couple of years mostly using her freedom to have hookups at parties or fuck randoms off of Tinder. There were a couple of bumps along the way, like times when feelings were caught or rules were bent a little too far, but what got us through it all was our excellent communication.

One of the things that we communicated about over those first several months was how we felt about group sex. We generally talked about threesomes, and to my surprise Chloe seemed far less interested in the idea than I would have anticipated. But all I had to do was ask why, and she was happy to explain it to me.

It wasn’t that she didn’t *want* to have threesomes, you see. It was that she considered them unrealistic fantasies, way too hard to facilitate to be worth the energy worrying about. Plus, she explained, she still wasn’t comfortable with me having sex with other women, and she figured that was the natural progression of any threesome that included another girl.

“What about threesomes with other guys?” I remember asking, probably over text. This she seemed more interested in, but she was still hesitant.

“But if we have a threesome with another guy, aren’t you going to want a threesome with another girl? Isn’t that usually how it works?”

I knew this question was coming from her sorority sisters. She had relayed several stories to me of girls in her sorority that had done threesomes with each other’s boyfriends in order to “pay them back” for earlier threesomes they had done with other guys.

While I was sure this worked for other couples, I explained to Chloe, our relationship was different. I reminded her that since we got back together, she had fucked at least half a dozen guys, some of them multiple times each, and I had remained entirely loyal to her. Why would I now start expecting reciprocation in terms of her letting me fuck other girls?

“So you’re saying you’d be down to do a threesome with another guy, but I wouldn’t have to find a girl to do a threesome with after to pay you back?” Chloe asked in disbelief.

I could have taken this opportunity to tell her that if anything, I *preferred* a threesome with another guy so I could watch her fuck someone else in person, but I let her believe I was doing her a favor and simply replied “yes”. This was the bulk of the conversation, but we did also clarify that Chloe was okay with me having oral sex with other girls, as long as it was in her presence. It was penetration that was off the table. We wouldn’t talk too much more about group sex for a while, but it ended up being an extremely fundamental conversation to what would happen next.

Quite a bit of time passed after that conversation, until one night we were hanging out in a common area on campus with our friend circle. One of our friends, Zach, was talking about his roommate. Zach was probably the least sex-positive person in our friend circle, a proud virgin who regularly talked down to anyone in our group who was having sex. As a result, we kept the nature of our relationship to ourselves around Zach even more so than normal.

Zach was talking about how he had recently gone into his roommate’s bedroom to ask him a question, but he wasn’t there. Instead, he found an open bottle of anal lube on the bed, and he was going on and on about how disgusting he found that.

I tuned Zach out after hearing about the anal lube, uninterested in his sex bashing. Instead, I started thinking about Zach’s roommate in a way I hadn’t before. Knowing that he was sexually adventurous enough to leave anal lube out on his bed gave me a spark of inspiration.

Zach’s roommate’s name was Matt, and he was sort of on the fringe of our friend circle. He hung out with us sometimes, but it was clear that we weren’t his primary friend group. I knew he had a girlfriend name Taylor, so it’s also possible that he didn’t hang out with us very much because he was with her, fucking her in the ass apparently.

Matt was still in our friend group chat, though, so I got his number from there and texted him privately. I told him that Chloe and I were looking to find some other couples to go on double dates with, and asked if he and his girlfriend would be interested in getting dinner soon. He agreed, and we arranged to meet that Friday at a steakhouse close to the apartment I shared with Chloe. I don’t know if Matt even remotely suspected it at the time, but I went into this date with every intention of trying to make group sex between the four of us happen.

The night of the date came and we arrived at the steakhouse. It wasn’t a super dressy joint, but Chloe was in a blue dress regardless, and I had opted for a button-down dress shirt and jeans. We beat Matt and Taylor there, so we grabbed our table and ordered drinks (but not alcoholic ones, as we were all 20) while we waited. They arrived right on time and joined us in the booth. Matt was dressed in a polo and jeans, but Taylor was dressed far sluttier than I would have expected for a dinner date, even at an informal restaurant. Her red skirt was just barely long enough to cover her ass, and her thin tanktop betrayed the early fall coolness outside.

It was my first time meeting Taylor in person, so introductions were in order, but what I couldn’t get over was how surprised I was to see Matt dating a girl like her. She was *tiny,* five-foot nothing and thin. Matt was only about the same height as me, but he was a gym rat and his muscular shoulders and chest highlighted the differences between he and Taylor even more.

The conversation got off to a bit of a slow start, as we didn’t really know each other all that well, but once it got off the ground the dinner was very enjoyable. We talked about school, classes, and since Chloe was there, sex. She brought up Zach’s mentioning of the anal lube and asked Matt and Taylor how using it had gone. She had never let anyone fuck her ass, and wasn’t in any real hurry to lose her anal virginity, so she had lots of questions. I tried to hush her at first, considering the inappropriate nature of the line of questioning, but Matt and Taylor insisted that they didn’t mind and liked talking about it.

As the dinner came to an end, we were all very warmed up to each other and having a good time. I told them that our apartment was only about two minutes away, and asked if they’d be interested in following us back to continue chatting and maybe play cards or something. They agreed, and they followed our car the two blocks or so to our apartment.

Once we got inside, we gave them a brief tour of the small apartment and then sat down in the living room. We had a little bit of vodka one of Chloe’s older sorority sisters had procured for us, so we offered them drinks, but they declined. We collapsed on the living room couches as we continued to talk.

It was Taylor who re-broke the ice.

“So, we’ve heard some rumors about your all’s relationship.” she began, looking at me. “Is it true you let Chloe have sex with other guys?”

I didn’t even bother trying to think about how she found out. With Chloe’s loose lips and the way gossip spreads, I knew it was only a matter of time before everyone in our friend group knew. Still, there was no sense in denying it.

“Yeah, I do.” I answered. “Chloe is hot and young and way too good at sex for me to keep her all to myself.” This explanation seemed more socially acceptable than telling them I got off on her doing it, but I still expected some ridicule. To my surprise, I didn’t get it.

“I know!” Taylor exclaimed to my surprise. “I feel the same way about Matt. Like, he’s a stud, he’s got a high sex drive, and he’s in college. I don’t wanna tie him down, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I did?”

I was shocked. Did Taylor let Matt fuck other girls the same way I let Chloe sleep around? Was she actually some sort of cuckqueen but just putting on a show, similar to how I was? Where was this coming from?

“Exactly,” I continued. “Like, I’d be doing a disservice to the world if I tried to keep Chloe’s blowjobs all to myself.”

“Is she good?” Taylor asked.

“Oh, she’s a master.” I answered. Chloe smiled but didn’t even come close to blushing, this was exactly the kind of conversation she liked.

“I have never felt like I was that good at blowjobs, I gag really easily.” Taylor said.

“Yeah, we usually just go straight to sex.” agreed Matt.

It’s at this point I should probably mention that one of my other habits was ordering sex toys or sex-related items off Amazon. Since Chloe was getting so much dick from other guys, I felt pressure to do something that still kept the sex she had with me fresh and exciting, and Amazon gave me a way to accomplish that through new bondage items or lingerie. One of the items I had ordered was a throat-numbing spray meant to help girls give blowjobs without gagging. We hadn’t really used it, as Chloe could easily blow me without gagging, so I thought this might be a good time to bring it up.

“Have you guys tried throat numbing spray?” I asked.

“Throat numbing spray? What’s that?” Taylor asked with a laugh. I wasn’t surprised they hadn’t heard of it.

“Yeah it’s like a breath spray that numbs your throat so you don’t gag. Want me to show you?” I asked.

“Sure!” Taylor smiled.

I got up from the living room couch and went into our bedroom, opened the nightstand with all our sex toys, and returned shortly with the bottle. I put it in Taylor’s hand and sat back down next to Chloe as she read the bottle.

“One of my many Amazon purchases.” I said as she read.

“So you just spray it on your throat and that’s it?” Taylor asked.

“Yup, that’s pretty much it” I answered.

To my surprise, Taylor popped the cap off the bottle and spritzed it twice into her mouth. I felt an erection begin as she did, and my thoughts began to race. Was she just testing it out? Checking the flavor? Or was she about to give it a proper test and start sucking Matt’s dick right there in our living room? I’d have to wait a bit longer for my answer.

“What else you got?” Taylor asked, apparently very aware of the message she had just sent.

“Well, there’s restraints, special kinds of condoms, some dildos –”

“Why don’t you just show her?” Chloe interrupted.

I hesitated, but figured it was too late to start pumping the brakes at this point.

“Wanna come see?” I asked Taylor.

“Of course!” she answered as she stood up.

She followed me into the bedroom and I led her to the nightstand. The smell of leather and silicone hit us as we opened the drawer, and Taylor wasted no time at all in starting to dig into my collection. She pulled out dildos of various sizes, handcuffs, blindfolds, and more. Occasionally she’d stop to ask me what something was and I’d tell her, but mostly I let her explore. Eventually, she landed on a small bag of dice.

“What are these?” she asked.

“Oh, it’s like some sort of game.” I answered. “You roll the dice and one of them has an action and the other has a body part. The actions are like kiss, suck, blow, touch and the body parts are like lips, nipples, dick/pussy, that sort of thing. Chloe and I use it for foreplay sometimes.”

“Ooh, that sound fun. Wanna see if they wanna play?” Taylor asked.

If there were any doubts still in my mind, that question cleared them all. Taylor and I were definitely on the same page, and we had just found our way to turn this double date into group sex.

“Sure!” I answered as I led us back into the living room.

“Whatcha got there?” Matt asked as we returned, noticing the dice in Taylor’s hand.

“We’re gonna play a game!” she exclaimed, sitting on the floor. The rest of us followed suit and joined her on the floor in a circle.

This dice game wasn’t exactly one with clearly defined rules, so we had to make some up ourselves. We decided that we would go around the circle, taking turns rolling the dice, and then performing the action on our respective partners. Taylor went first, and rolled the action “suck on”, and the body part “fingers”. Grabbing Matt’s hand, she slid his index finger into her mouth and made the biggest blowjob eyes she could, alternating between making eye contact with Matt and closing her eyes in pleasure.

“Wow, this numbing stuff really makes a difference!” she said as she removed her mouth. I had forgotten all about the numbing spray, but watching Taylor suck on Matt’s fingers like that made me hard as a rock.

It was Matt’s turn next, and he rolled “blow on” and “inner thigh”. Taylor laughed nervously, but Matt was intent on following through. He lifted Taylor’s short skirt up as she continued to giggle, revealing her red lace panties to us all. Chloe voiced her encouragement as Matt breathed cool air on Taylor’s thighs, just as the dice instructed. Taylor’s skin rippled with goosebumps, and I found myself noticing that her nipples were now hard, and the fact that I could see them through her tanktop must have meant she wasn’t wearing a bra.

It was my turn next, and I rolled “kiss” and “lips”.

“Boring!” Matt said, as Chloe leaned in to receive my kiss. It was short and sweet, as Chloe was clearly eager to take her turn. To her dismay, though, she also rolled “kiss” and “lips”.

“Well that’s no fun.” Chloe said, dismay on her face. “Can I choose someone else to kiss?” She hadn’t asked anyone in particular, but I was still surprised when Matt spoke up first.

“Fine by me.” he said, not bothering to consider my opinion on the matter. I didn’t have time to voice it either, because Chloe immediately turned to Taylor.

“Have you ever kissed a girl before?” she asked.

“I have not.” Taylor’s tone was plain, but her smile betrayed her desire. Without hesitation, Chloe leaned in and Taylor tilted her head to receive the kiss. It was hesitant as their lips first met, but the kiss soon deepened as Taylor’s hand found its way to Chloe’s hair. They kissed for much longer than Chloe had kissed me, their tongues visibly intertwined. Eventually, Taylor broke the kiss with a laugh.

“I think it’s my turn.” she laughed.

“That was hot as fuck.” Matt said as Taylor collected the dice for the second time. Things were clearly heating up now, and the sexual tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Taylor rolled, and this time the dice said “stroke” and “lips” again.

“Hmm.” she puzzled. Picking up the body part die, she rolled it again, and this time landed on the “cock/pussy” square. We all laughed at this blatant violation of the rules, but nobody minded Taylor’s infraction. Grabbing Matt’s hand, Taylor pulled him around the corner into the hallway so that they were out of sight from Chloe and I.

“Oh my God!” Chloe whispered as we heard Matt’s belt unbuckle and a zipper unzip. “I can’t believe this is happening!”

I answered only by smiling, and then paused for a few seconds before calling out to Matt and Taylor. “You two having fun?”

“Sorry!” Matt called back, as we heard him hastily redress. He came back around the corner, but instead of rejoining us on the floor, sat on the couch.

“Babe, it’s your turn.” Taylor said.

“I’m gonna pass” Matt said with a laugh.

Shrugging, I picked up the dice and rolled. It was “suck on” and “nipples” for me this time.

“Are you comfortable with that?” I asked Chloe. She didn’t answer, but instead pulled the top of her low-cut dress and bra down, exposing her breasts to us all.

“Wow, your tits are so big!” Taylor said with a laugh. I pressed my lips to one of her nipples, and for a few seconds everyone just sat and watched as I sucked on Chloe’s tits. It was Taylor who again broke the silence.

“I feel like I need to properly test out this numbing spray before it wears off,” she said matter-of-factly. I glanced up to watch her move over to where Matt was sitting, but didn’t want to stare. I resumed sucking Chloe’s nipples as I again heard the sound of pants unzipping. Making no attempt to hide around the corner this time, I could only listen as the sounds of sucking and Matt moaning began to fill the room. This continued for a few seconds before I couldn’t resist looking any more.

Pulling myself away from Chloe’s breasts, I watched as Taylor absolutely went to town on Matt’s dick. The angle I was watching from combined with Taylor’s long dark hair made it difficult to see exactly what was going on, but the speed at which she bobbed her head up and down and the loud, frequent slurping sounds made it clear that she was having no trouble sucking Matt’s dick this time.

“Is the numbing spray helping?” I asked, putting words to my thoughts.

“Mm hmm.” Taylor moaned the affirmative into Matt’s cock.

“She’s doing so fucking good,” Matt added, running a hand through Taylor’s hair.

After watching for a bit more, Chloe turned and whispered into my ear. “Want to ask them to join us in the bedroom?” I nodded, and she turned to them.

“Do you all want to join us in the bedroom?” she asked, her words dripping with lust.

Taylor removed her mouth from Matt’s cock with a loud pop. They looked at each other and nodded, agreeing to the proposition without a need for words.

“We’ll be right there.” Matt answered.

Taking the signal, Chloe and I stood up and headed to the bedroom, leaving the door open behind us. Chloe lied down on top of me on the far side of our queen bed, leaving plenty of room for Matt and Taylor to join.

“I can’t believe we’re about to do this!” Chloe expressed her disbelief for the second time.

“Are you okay with whatever happens?” I asked.

“I think so. I still don’t think I want you fucking Taylor if it comes to that though.”

“Is oral okay?”

“That’s fine.” Chloe answered.

We didn’t have any more time to discuss boundaries, because just then Matt and Taylor entered the room. Not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable, Chloe and I focused on kissing each other as they crawled into bed next to us. We were both still fully clothed, but Matt must have left his pants and underwear in the living room, because he was naked from the waist down. Despite this, I still didn’t get a good look at his dick as he climbed in bed on top of Taylor.

Matt wasted no time in pulling Taylor’s skirt off, looping his fingers under her panties as well and removing them in one swift motion. Placing her legs on his shoulders, Matt entered Taylor to a loud moan and instantly started pounding her hard and fast, clearly worked up from the blowjob. I watched Taylor’s tiny bare feet dangle beside Matt’s head as he fucked her, imagining how they would feel pressed against my face.

After a minute or so of taking Matt’s dick, Taylor spoke for the first time since entering the bedroom.

“You guys are wearing way more clothes than us.” she managed between moans. It was an observation she made through a laugh, but her saying so made me realize that I hadn’t paid any attention to Chloe in several minutes, nor had she paid any attention to me. We were both completely enthralled with Matt and Taylor’s performance.

Complying with Taylor’s implied request, I pulled Chloe’s dress up and over her head, leaving her in just her bra and panties. Standing up, Chloe pulled my pants and underwear down just as Taylor pulled Matt’s shirt over her head, making him the first completely naked. As my dick sprang free, I was suddenly aware that this was the first time I had been exposed like this in front of someone other than Chloe, and even more so in front of another guy.

I didn’t have too much time to dwell on the thought, as Chloe had now pulled down her panties and was climbing on top of me. Just as she had many times before, she guided my dick into her and lowered herself onto me until I was completely inside of her. Unlike normal, however, she didn’t even look at me as she did so. She was transfixed by Matt, who now had Taylor’s legs wrapped around him as he continued to pound her.

I was too, in all honesty. Chloe and I each watched Matt any Taylor fuck until Chloe couldn’t take it anymore.

“You guys wanna swap?” she nearly shouted over the sound of Matt slamming into Taylor.

“Ok!” they answered together.

Matt withdrew from Taylor and stood up, and for the first time I got a good look at his naked body. Some people are good looking on accident, but Matt was good looking on purpose. His time at the gym evident, Matt was shredded from the rippling muscles on his chest to the clear outline of a six pack. But I forgot all about that when my eyes landed on his penis.

The word doesn’t even do justice to Matt. I have a penis. But Matt? Matt has *dick*. To this day the biggest I’ve ever seen, Matt’s cock was a solid 9″ and diamond hard, cut and clean shaven with just the perfect amount of thickness to be able to fill a girl up but still thrust hard. Envy hit me hard as I stared blatantly at his cock, and I could feel my own dick start to shrivel as Taylor made her way around the bed towards me. Chloe had Matt lay down as she removed her bra, the last piece of fabric on her body.

“Your tits are so big!” Taylor exclaimed as she sat on the bed next to me.

“Thank you!” Chloe answered, cupping her DD breasts with her hand. “Can we see yours?”

“They’re not nearly as nice as yours.” Taylor said in a sort of cute whine, pulling her tanktop off over her head.

It was true, here tits were no larger than an A cup, but they fit her tiny body well.

“I think they’re cute!” Chloe insisted, reaching over and touching Taylor’s breast briefly. “Speaking of things that are big, though…” Chloe trailed off as she returned her attention to Matt’s still-hard cock. She swung her leg over and sat on Matt’s lap behind his dick.

Beaming from the compliment, Matt had clearly noticed that his dick was significantly bigger than mine. “Do you want to touch it?” he asked Chloe.

She didn’t answer, but reached forward and wrapped her hand around Matt’s member. Slowly she began to stroke it, using Taylor’s juices as lube. I could see the lust on her face, and it wasn’t long before she turned to Taylor.

“Is it okay if I fuck your boyfriend?” she asked plainly. Taylor nodded, and Chloe began to position herself to ride Matt.

Watching Chloe mount Matt’s dick is probably the single most erotic memory I have. With her hand still curled around his shaft, she slowly lowered herself onto him, eyes locked with his the whole way. She let out a deep breath as he entered her, any thoughts of condoms absent from all our minds. It felt like time was moving in slow motion for the first few bounces, and Chloe was clearly savoring the fact that everyone in the room was watching her. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward and kissed Matt, never breaking the rhythm of her hips.

I had seen Chloe kiss other guys before, but for whatever reason seeing it this time sent a shockwave of jealousy through me. The sex she was having with Matt was lustful, but the kiss was something more. Intimate, passionate, and almost romantic, I tore my gaze away from them and looked back at Taylor.

“What would you like?” she asked me, as if suddenly remembering that she was supposed to be doing stuff with me too. Her hand reached for my dick, and as she touched it I was suddenly aware of the fact that I wasn’t fully hard anymore — in fact, I was barely at half mast. Remembering that I wasn’t allowed to have sex with her, I asked if she’d mind giving me a blowjob, to which she happily agreed.

Taylor’s oral was completely adequate, but it was nowhere near what I had come to expect from Chloe. Combine that with the fact that the show of my life was taking place on the bed right next to me and I think I had Taylor feeling neglected pretty soon. I moaned my encouragement as she did her best to blow me back into being fully hard again, but really the only thing I cared about was watching Chloe bounce on Matt. She had increased the speed of her hips, and I could tell by the way she had her head thrown back that an orgasm was welling up in her. Matt’s hands had also begun to explore her body, pinching her nipples or grabbing fistfuls of her ass. Clearly having no erection issues of his own, Matt ignored his girlfriend as Chloe continued impaling herself on his dick.

“Is it okay?” Taylor interrupted my train of thought. Figuring she was asking about the blowjob, I took this as an opportunity to try to shift to what I really wanted.

“You’re doing so good.” I answered. Then, after a pause, “Do you want to help them and I’ll watch for a bit?”

She smiled as if I had released her from a chore she never wanted to do and whispered an “OK”. Realizing that I was occupying the best spot for her to be, I got up from the bed and stood off to the side as Taylor moved next to Matt, kneeling on the bed. Taylor tried a couple of times to kiss Chloe or to suck on her nipples, but Chloe was moving around way too much for that to be a realistic possibility. Instead, she ended up just kneeling next to them and occasionally stroking their bodies as they fucked. I remember thinking that Taylor was probably wishing she was getting the fucking Chloe was getting, and the thought caused me to reach for my half-hard dick and begin to stroke it.

Eventually, Chloe’s speed slowed as she tired, but Matt wasted no time in taking over the thrusting. They didn’t switch positions — instead, Matt bent his knees so that he could fuck Chloe from underneath, and fuck her he did. I thought Chloe was riding Matt hard, but it was nothing compared to the absolute pounding Matt was giving her from below. She gasped at the sudden increase in tempo, but began to lose her balance as Matt nearly fucked her off of him. To remedy this, she and Matt did something I had never seen before — Chloe leaned slightly forwards and placed her hands in Matt’s, interlacing fingers and using his arms to support herself. Stable in this position, Matt resumed his unrelenting thrusting and Chloe quickly reached an orgasm, finishing on Matt’s dick as Taylor moaned her encouragement. Chloe and I have tried this position several times since, but never with this result.

After a few breaths to recover, Chloe dismounted Matt and mumbled something about needing a break. She called me back to the bed with them, and we all lied down together in what sort of resembled a cuddle. I lied on my back with Taylor on my right and Chloe on my left, while Matt got into a sort of spooning position with Chloe.

“Did you have fun?” I asked Chloe.

“I did!” she answered with a giggle. “Did you?”

“I enjoyed watching you guys, yeah.” I answered. “And Taylor’s blowjob was really good too.”

“Yeah watching you guys fuck was really hot.” Taylor chimed in. She reached over Chloe and I to run her fingers through Matt’s hair. “Did Chloe’s pussy feel good baby?” she asked him.

“Mm hmm” he hummed back.

“Yeah your boyfriend’s dick is amazing.” Chloe said, turning towards Matt. Their lips met for a kiss, and another twang of jealousy shot through me. We lied there for a few more minute before I heard some shuffling coming from Matt’s side of the bed, followed by a soft moan from Chloe’s lips. It didn’t take me long to realize that Matt had slid back inside Chloe and was softly fucking her as they spooned. His pace was slow at first, but his thrusts were still firm enough that I could feel them as they reverberated through Chloe’s body into mine.

Tilting her chin up, I kissed the lips that had just been on Matt’s as she moaned into my mouth, barely focusing enough to kiss me back amidst the sex. Eventually Chloe broke the kiss.

“Wanna just get on top of me?” she practically begged Matt. He wasted no time in complying, and this time Taylor got up as I moved over to give them plenty of room in the middle of the bed. Matt’s dick slid back into Chloe’s wet pussy easily, and he resumed his forceful pace almost immediately. The stamina on this guy was absolutely insane.

They fucked for several minutes in that position, Chloe wrapping her legs and then her arms around Matt, pulling their bodies tightly together. Taylor found the chair in the corner of our room and pulled it up, sat down and began to pleasure herself as she watched her boyfriend pound into my girlfriend.

“Come on Matt, fuck her harder!” she called. “Show her a good time! Don’t make her regret inviting us in here!”

My erection returned to full strength at Taylor’s words. They sounded like something straight out of porn, but they proved to me that she was enjoying the show just as much as I was. Matt somehow managed to actually comply with Taylor’s request, speeding his thrusts as Chloe’s grip on his body tightened.

Pretty soon after, Chloe’s moans started to reach the familiar pre-orgasm build, and Matt also said that he was about to cum.

“Do you wanna cum inside me?” Chloe asked him, completely disregarding my rules or opinion on the matter.

“Cum inside her pussy baby!” Taylor encouraged.

Matt continued his pace for a few more seconds before grunting and emptying his load into my girlfriend’s bare pussy. Chloe climaxed with him and all but screamed as Matt filled her, holding him in with her legs until every drop was drained. Taylor finished as well, bringing herself to orgasm at the sight of our significant others. Then Matt withdrew with a sigh and collapsed on the only exposed part of the bed.

“That was fun.” Chloe commented after catching her breath. “Did everyone cum but you?” she asked turning to me.

“I think so.” I said, forcing myself to laugh about it.

“Do you think you *can* cum?” she asked. “You want to cum inside me too?”

I wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity to at least try, so I climbed back on top of Chloe and slid into her.

Chloe’s pussy was easily the loosest I had ever felt it. While she normally gripped my shaft tightly when we fucked, I barely felt any friction as I inserted my dick. She was extremely wet, and I realize now that it was Matt’s cum that was providing the extra lubricant. I fucked her as hard as I could, but my thrusts didn’t elicit nearly the reaction Matt’s had moments before. I hadn’t been in Chloe 30 seconds when she whispered in my ear.

“Do you like fucking your used, slutty girlfriend?”

That sent me over the edge instantly, and I let out a gasp as I added my load to Matt’s.

That was the end of our first ever “foursome.” After that, the four of us showered together briefly, and then Matt and Taylor went home. We formed a group chat with them, and they actually came back the very next day for another round, where we skipped the “foursome” pretext and just skipped straight to Matt fucking Chloe. We would have a few more foursomes with them before they broke up, but that’s for another story.
