The Time I made Love to my Dream Girl [MF]

This is the story of the first time I made love to the woman of my dreams. The story starts several years back when I was renting a room in a house with 5 other roommates. She was the newest roommate, staying in town only for a summer gig. Although we worked the same type of job she worked at a different company during this time. I instantly noticed she was gorgeous of course. She was petite, fit with beautiful brown hair, gorgeous unique facial features, a smile to die for and the most beautiful complex brown eyes I could have lost myself staring into them all night. I, on the other hand, am not the handsome stud of the story. I have “struggled” with weight issues my entire life. (I put struggled in quotes cause to be real I have never really put the effort in to overcome it so it’s not like dieting failed as much as I failed to diet and exercise). I am pretty average height (5’11” for anyone who cares) and besides the weight I would hope not to ugly. Anyway, with my obvious body images issues, upon our first meeting I had very little expectation of anything beyond friends. That first year we hung out some, watched some netflix, and generally were good platonic friends, nothing special. At the end of the summer she moved back home and when she came back for the summer gig the following season got an apartment closer to her work.

That was the end of the story I thought. I am not good at keeping in touch with distant friends so never expected to see her again. However, she came to a couple parties at the house and much to my surprise we spent a lot of the time talking. I am pretty shy at first but I think you all can see that once I get talking I can keep a conversation going for a while. It was amazing talking to her at those parties. She is quirky and extremely smart. Easy to get lost down some thread of conversation. That might have been when my crush on her first started to flicker into life beyond the casual interest of a friend. I was looking forward to spending more time with her in the future. Maybe I could ask her to go hiking or paddle boarding. But my inner voice was always thereā€¦”she can only ever see you as a friend” “how can an overweight failure like you expect to win the heart of someone so beautiful”. “Hahaha hiking you are too overweight to be outside”. My birthday comes around and she sends me a message:

“happy birthday! We should hang out soon!”

This is it! My chance to see her again and stop being a coward. I send a message back:

“thanks! It’s great to hear from you! Some friends and I are actually going to a few bars downtown tonight if you want to come”.

She replies that she would love to and is meeting a friend downtown and will try to swing by. Jump forward to later that night. We are at the final bar, a hipster coffee house bar, it’s been a fun night and I’m riding pretty high on my buzz. This is where you expect the story to start. Well nope you get the same punch in the gut I got. She walks in with another guy, an acquaintance I knew but not well. The “friend” she was meeting, which I mistakenly thought was a girl friend, was actually a date. My buzz took a pretty good hit there I will admit. I stumbled a bit before regaining my composure by slamming the last half of my beer. I didn’t let myself get dragged down by their sudden arrival. We have all had times in which we miss read signals, thinking one thing while the other person was just being friendly. It happens and I believe it’s important to be able to move past it. The rest of the evening was great. Everyone had lots of fun and no one was the wiser that my heart had been slammed with a sledgehammer.

Skipping a few years in which I still saw her occasionally at parties but nothing crazy happened. Until she got a job at the same company I worked for… now all of a sudden my dream girl is working beside me everyday. Everyday I worked with her was torture. We would laugh and joke around. Have long conversations meandering around various topics with me always having to shove down my feelings, always afraid she would see how infatuated I was with her. Did I mention she watched star trek too! I mean come the fuck on, extremely hot, outdoorsy, great conversations, AND likes star trek just fucking shoot me now and get it over with. She was still living with her boyfriend at this time and would anybody of true worth try to steal someone’s girl? Luckily between traveling for work, copious amounts of alcohol, and various ill fated hookups (which I may write about if I ever get the writing bug again), I didn’t suffer that much.

She was always pretty guarded about her relationship, which is fair enough, eventually she tells me she’s moving out of boyfriend’s house. I wanted to comfort her, give her a shoulder to cry on and all that, but I held back. This story is getting pretty long so I’m going to quickly jump around a bit. She ends up leaving to go home for awhile, I hear nothing from her and give her space. She comes back in town and we start hanging out again. Unfortunately, between her working night shifts and me having to go out of town we don’t see much of each other. That’s ends up being the best thing that’s ever happened to me. In those 2 months I started actually watching what I ate and exersizing almost daily. Of course in 2 months nobody is going to become the greek god Adonis. Never underestimate the appeal of self improvement. Apparently it’s sexy.

I get back in town and invite her to come sailing with me on my boat. She looks absolutely stunning in her bikini. I haven’t described her yet and don’t believe I could do her justice. Now she is not a super model or anything like that but to me she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her breast are small but with enough shape to fill a champagne goblet. Her curves are not overly dramatic but extremely enticing. And her ass, all though small, is ample enough to truly look stunning in a cheeky bikini. We had a great day out having on the water and in the sunshine. Beautiful warm breeze that got the boat moving at fun 6.5 knots. I even had the confidence to take off my shirt, which for any of you overweight people out there know, can be a big mental hurdle. We get back to the dock salty and tired but with smiles and laughter abound.

She invites me back to her place to take a shower, eat dinner , and maybe watch a movie. She tells me to jump in the shower first and orders food while I shower off. After her turn in the shower, she comes out wearing a semi tight t-shirt and the smallest gym shorts imaginable. Up to this point in the day I have just been enjoying having a good day with an old friend. Covid was tough for everyone and between no hookups and barely seeing any friends it was great to just enjoy another’s company. Seeing her standing there in her braless shirt with the faintest evidence of nipples poking out wearing the tightest shorts imaginable made my cock perk up in attention however. We ate dinner and had some drinks. Drink of choice tonight was Dark ‘N’ Stormy. Nothing like the sharp bite of ginger beer and the sweet smokiness of goslings black seal to quench a sailors thirst.
*sexy part*
The sun is setting in a beautiful cascade of orange and red light as she suggests we go up to her room to watch a movie as her roommates are using the living room. I lay back on her bed as she turns down the lights and gets the iPad. Her silhouette is perfectly outlined by the faint glow of the few candles she lit. sliding into the bed next to me, we prop up the iPad as she scooches closer to me compressing tightly against my side. There is nothing I can do in this tight space but put my arm around her and draw her closer to me. She smells amazingly like the sweet scent of violets with the hint of salt and sunscreen.

The movie begins but I am having trouble concentrating on what the actors are saying. Her hand gently rubs my thigh as I am slowly drawing circles on her arm. At this point my heart is racing and I cannot believe the situation has developed this far. I am afraid of going to far or doing something stupid to ruin the mood. She then looks up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers and all doubt sweeps from my mind. I lean my head down slowly and kiss her for the first time. Now when I was younger I never really understood the difference between a good kisser and a bad kisser. Then I had a hook up with the worst kisser. Now I had the best kisser right there in my arms. It was slow at first, almost feather like but soon there was more agency. It was gentle with a desire and urgency that kept me enthralled for a timeless moment of pure satisfaction.

Our hands started exploring each other’s bodies. Hers running up and down my back and along my arms. Mine exploring her amazing curves trying to memorize every detail for I would remember this night for the rest of my life. She tore my shirt off while giving a soft moan as I softly moved my hands under her shirt and up her tight stomach to her soft and wonderful breast. I massaged them gently as our legs started to intertwin and our lips explored each other in ever increasing passion. I broke the kiss long enough to tell her to lift her arms so I could remove her shirt exposing her beautiful small pillow breast. She then quickly removed her shorts as I equally quickly removed my pants. Her soft hands gently stroked my already very hard cock as she pulled me down to her already glistening pussy lips.

I stopped her. I wasn’t ready for that yet. I had spent years waiting for this moment and I was going to take my time enjoying every second of it. I sat up and took in the full majesty of her naked form below me. The candle lit flickered across her skin creating shadows and details that only made her look even more mysteriously heavenly. Now remember I’m still pretty overweight here. If you saw us together on the street you would never think we were together. But at that moment it didn’t matter how fat I was or how amazing her body was. It only mattered that we were both here together in this softly lit room.

She looked up at me and said in a half chuckle, “are you going to fuck me or what”

I responded, “not yet you’re going to have to wait a bit longer”.

I leaned down and kissed her gently on the mouth before slowly moving down her neck. I wandered my way slowly down her soft transcendent skin stopping to gently suck on her hard nipples. First one then the other going back forth while exploring her curves with my hands. She starts to moan quietly, shutting her eyes while her hands try to push me down further. Eventually I relent and start making my way down her amazingly tight stomach to gently lick and kiss her thigh. I go up one leg and down the other gently brushing against those glistening lips that sends shivers down her spine. I slowly lick closer till I’m hovering over her wet pussy lips gently breathing in her intoxicating aroma. I slowly run my tongue along her slit in one long smooth motion. She moans louder as her leg twitches involuntarily and smacks her thigh right into head. I let out a soft chuckle as she says sorry but nothing at this point is going to keep me from my prize.

I go back in using my tongue to gently spread her outer lips exposing the beautiful glistening flower within. I spend some time exploring trying to find what she responds to. I make my way to her soft button at the top giving it a gentle lick. She twitches again and her hands grab onto mine lying next to her. I spend some time getting to know the button, taking slow licks before gently sucking it into my mouth. Her breathing is picking up as her moans increase in volume. After a while I take my hand back from hers to move it below my mouth, still keeping attention on her clit. Slowly I trace my finger around her warm inviting opening teasingly inserting just a bit before quickly removing it before gently pushing my finger all the way in. She lets out an audible gasp as her legs gently squeeze my head. While still giving loving attention to her soft button I slowly start moving my finger in and out making a soft come hither motion. She is moaning quite loudly now her head back and eyes closed. I can feel the soft spongy feeling of my intended target and arch my finger more to give it more attention.

I start picking up speed as she starts to grind her pelvis back at me. ” Oh my god , oh my god , don’t stop ” she exclaims as both her and the movement begins to speed up in eresnt. Her hips are thrusting up into me as I bear down barely holding on but unwilling to let up. Her entire body tenses as she lets out a single long and guttural moan clamping her thighs against my ears holding me in place. She stays that way for what seems like forever gently rocking side to side before finally letting me free to breathe again. She pants the 3 words that every guy loves to hear “you are amazing” while gently pulling me up to lay beside her. She lies there panting as I study the rise and fall of her chest, stroking her arm as she cools down. She turns to me and kisses me hard before saying, “fuck me now”. I reply in my normal nerdy way “as you wish”.

As I aim my, at this point, extremely hard cock I look down upon the scene below me. There she lies splendidly splayed out before me. The candle light making the perspiration that covers her tanned skin glisten as I watch her small perfect breast rise and fall to the rhythm of her breathing. Her enthrallingly beautiful brown eyes staring expectantly up at me with a longing need I have never seen before. It was at this point that I had one of those out body experiences you have right before you do something really dumb or really exciting. Like right before you take that step off the bungie jump platform and you think to yourself “what the fuck am I doing”. I thought to myself “what the fuck are you doing” as I entered her slowly.

Now I’m not going to lie to you and say my massive cock stretched her to her limits or anything. In fact I am pretty sure I have either a below average or average cock. I have never spent the time to properly measure it as my fragile ego is already beat down enough. She was tight and warm and felt amazing. To me it was the perfect fit and I couldn’t believe she could be any more perfect than I already thought. I was about to say something dumb like ” you feel better then I dreamt” but not wanting to sound like a creeper I was able to stammer out only a slightly better statement. “you feel amazing”. She breathes out a moan as I start moving in and out l. I’m focusing on every sensation I can, the warmth of her wet pussy, the feel of her thighs against mine, the taste of her lips as I lean down to kiss her softly. The creak of the bed as we start to pick up a rhythm. Slowly at first, but then faster as her hips begin thrust up to meet my downward thrust. It was a synchronization of bodies I have never experienced before. Like the culmination of intense practice of 2 instruments in an orchestra hitting all the notes to perform a concerto of beautifully haunting sound.. I couldn’t tell you how long it lasted for, it could have been 5 mins or an hour. I was lost in the moment as our bodies twisted together in ever building ecstasy.

I could feel myself getting close to the biggest release of my life and quickly told her. ” Come in me please” she moaned as she wrapped her legs tightly around me. “Come for me” she almost yelled. As our speed increased my whole body tingled. With an almost roar like sound that surprised even me I released into her years of sexual frustration, desire and longing triggering the most intense orgasm of my life. My whole body was like a single tight muscle as powerful bursts of cum spurred deep inside her. It was so intense the contractions literally hurt. I collapsed on top of her breathing heavily as she held me tightly with her legs keeping me firmly within her. After drinking in the pure moment of complete satisfaction we eventually disentangle our bodies and end up with me spooning her. I held her in my arms unwilling to let go from fear this was all a dream.

I have now been up well beyond 24 hours and been rambling long enough. The story that night continues and if I ever get the urge I may finish it. Thanks to anyone who actually got thru my overly long ramblings of an exhausted mind.



  1. That was amazingly well written, bravo. Would love to find out what happened next!

  2. I expect for you to send us confetti, to have at least 10 kids, and live and prosper like in the tales.
    As I often say, it cannot rain forever.

  3. Tell us there is more between you two! Congrats on finally getting with your dream girl. Your story is another reminder why we shouldn’t assume we have no chance because of looks, weight, race, or anything. The build up, anticipation leading up to the moment as you entered her for the first time must’ve felt unreal. She seems like an angel too for asking for your cum inside her on the first time

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