My Wife Doesn’t Just Let Me Eat And Run [Breast Feeding] [M/F]

They had grown at least few sizes and left her skin taught and riddled with large veins. She produced, apparently, an abnormal amount and the build up would leave her groaning in the morning as she tossed in her sleep.

That’s how I woke most days, to the sweetly pained mutterings of a swollen-chested woman. I had her wear tight t-shirts with small cut-outs for her nipples. Of course this meant she leaked onto the bed but the easy access to her large oozing nubs more than made up for that. Now I could relive her as she slept so she could get rest I knew she so desperately needed. With some research we discovered that my feeding on her would drain nearly 700 calories due to just how much she would produce, and I always finished her to the last drop.

Unfortunately she was turned away from me. A woman’s breasts tend to be on the front so I tugged gently at her shoulder until at last the engorged and breast fell onto the bed in front of my face with a mouth watering thump. With as much restraint as possible I watched her body leak what it could to relive itself from the building pressure behind her nipple. I held my tongue out as the lovely drops spread over my taste buds and I drooled. I could taste her love in every morsel. She continued to fuss in her sleep but I took my time, after all, these moments where the highlight of my day and I wouldn’t have them end in a blur of savage gulping, that would come later.

As I finished the appetizer I drew near for the main course. My nose would burry into her breast and through her shirt I drew in the smell of her lotions and soaps as they blended into her own unique scent. Now I sealed my lips around her, suction was optional at first. Her body practically forced the nutrient rich nectar into my mouth for a moment. The discontent moans quieted and I heard her breathing slow and even out as she slipped back into the rejuvenating depths of REM sleep. My beautiful wife slumbered restfully and I began to suck the milk down.

Warm and thick it ran over my tongue with deliciousness. I could almost taste the vast amounts of energy her wondrous body spent in making this, and it gave it freely to me. She had begun to shed -what I called- ‘my’ baby weight at an astonishing rate, so much so that our doctor had advised her to minimize her usual exercise routine since I was ever so faithfully draining her ever day. As much as I had grown attached to that wonderful bulge of fat on her tummy it’s size shrunk by the month, but not her breasts. No, they stayed fat and ready. I would never stop feasting here in fear of them going dry, luckily the discomfort was so annoying my wife is quite eager to agree to such an arrangement. We also happened to keep a healthy collection of mutual kinks.

Her brown eyes fluttered as she woke in her usual time I swallowed and greeted her as tenderly as I could to start her day off pleasantly.

“Good morn-“


And her hand pushed me back into her pillowy breast. As they say, actions speak louder than words. So I swirled my tongue around her swollen nipple in my mouth and she breathed a sigh of relief as the milk flooded out of her. With her awake I coiled my hands around her body and she hooked her heal into by back. This morning had grown cold but a sanctuary of sunlight kept us comfortable as we lay intertwined in our now traditional embrace.

My alarm clock began to beep, it’s original purpose now rendered superfluous save for the thirty minute warning it provided me. Still I was having trouble getting out of this bed on time, even with me starting early on her. In the spirit of retaining my employment I brought my mouth to her other breast. There was always a moan when I would ‘pop the cork’ so to speak. I’ll admit my hunger got the best of me and I began to swallow far more often and draw with more force. My wife preferred this and her imprisoning leg tightened around me as she began humping my stomach. This was quite maddening for me since I absolutely refused to leave her partially drained. Torn between two very powerful instincts, I endured her horny grinding as she hugged my head. Not like I could move anyway, at such a time, a woman’s legs have more in common with a maximum security prison than anything else.

But suddenly the hunger waned, and she sucked her teeth as I stopped.

“I think I’m full” I said.

“Oh no you’re not.”

She crawled over me making sure I couldn’t leave and go do something silly like get up and go to the bathroom. Pulling her shirt off she hung the massive jugs over my face and hunted for my cock. Using me as a hand-crank breast pump my wife stroked me the harder I sucked. With my apatite restored I went back to my duty. Unfortunately she knew my body as well as I knew hers and she would squeeze my cock at the base to ruin any chance of me cumming to retain her leverage. But she wasn’t a cruel woman and as her breast emptied in my mouth she stoked me faster.

I slid a hand down into her pajamas to find her pussy a hot slimy mess. I had little trouble finding enough pussy juice to coat and rub her engorged clit. Her nails dug into my free wrist. With loving rhythm I pleasured her pussy and drained her aching breast. The energy I took from her I vowed to return multiple times over at work today. We would feed each other, care and love one another until the end.

She brought her hand to her tits and massaged the now almost empty glands into my sucking mouth. Her body shook from the pleasure of it and her stroking had grown distracted and uneven as she lost the ability to think straight. The lack of physical pleasure became replaced by pride and satisfaction as my wife soaked my hand with her cum. She fell back on the bed with a sigh and I took a fearful glance at the clock bolting up into my usual tardy routine.

Dressed and ready I turned around to say goodbye, only to be greeted by a scowl.

“Um, bye honey. I love you…” I said.

“Fuck you.”

I scowled back.

“Rotten little shit… Fine then” I said.

We glared at each other as I undid my belt only a minute after I put it on. Her hand shot out and she snatched the throbbing cock out of my pants. I thought she was going to tug it off the way she pulled me down between her legs. She locked her feet together behind me and I knew I wasn’t going anywhere until the job was finished. Hot soaked lips spread over my girth and we shared that look we do when we’re together again, united by our bodies. Sure, being late all the time sucked and I had grown tired of making excuses, but this person was worth it.

Wrapped together, hot and moaning, we fucked on another. I could see the apology in her face, she knew it wasn’t needed but still did it anyway. I kissed her reassuringly with lips that barely touched her cheek and she pulled my hips down, driving me down inside her body. Our bedroom disappeared and my world became curves of her flesh, the wind was her breath and the sky echoed with her moans. My wife had the best pussy, teasing little bumps rubbed at my cock until I couldn’t help but pound her with unbridled lust.

Her voice was in my ear as she goaded me on between bites and slithering licks. Nothing existed but her. I could feel her consuming pleasure from my body as I drank her milk only moments before, and together we became a symbiosis of carnal zealotry. Every thrust met with a groan and every groan met with a thrust into infinity. We writhed together in sweaty love as out bodies attempted to keep pace with the growing need.

Such passion could only last for so long and I felt my self pass a point where nothing could stop me. It built inside me, boiling. She could feel it too, her nails dug fresh painful lines in my back to accompany the countless others. It burst forth into her body like a bolt of lightning. Her back arched and I sank deeper until her body let me go no more, there I came again against the end of her. I filled my wife with hot cum until I collapsed on top of her unable to move. Then, when I was spent, she whispered her love into my ear and how she would always be there for me. The sex might end, but the love never did.

No, I wasn’t allowed to go to work that day.


1 comment

  1. Thank you for reading! Woke up with this story in my head, I wonder what I dreamt about?

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