Bree, Part 1. The party [MF][Long]

I had met Bree back when we were teenagers at a party hosted by a mutual friend. Angela and her then-fiance threw parties virtually every weekend, usually attended by about a dozen or so people. I had seen Bree at some of these parties but outside of knowing her as “the one with the incredible rack”, I really didn’t get to know her all that much. She was about 5’3, definitely a bit thick but not overly so. She had a smile that could light up a room, exuded confidence without coming off as overly cocky, and had a set of tits that pornstars go to plastic surgeons and pay good money for.

Shortly before this particular party, Angela and her fiancee had a huge fight after he had accused her of sleeping with half the guys in town. Now this was completely unfair to Angela as she had only made her way through a quarter of the guys in town, restrained herself by only sleeping with one of her downstairs neighbors after her fiancee had left. And there was no way she was going to stop partying just because her fiancee had gotten hung up on stupid little things like fidelity, and she spent the majority of this particular party in bed with my best friend.

While that was going on in one of the bedrooms, Bree and I were hitting it off in the living room. We had both had quite a few beers, were more than a little buzzed, and the conversation was going *very, very* well. That’s when Angela’s ex arrived back at the house. For reasons unknown, he decided to accuse *me* of sleeping with Angela *(remember that while this was going on, Angela is in the bedroom banging my best friend).* Now I had several problems with this. One is that I was already pretty drunk. Another is that even when sober, being accused of something that I didn’t do is a massive pet peeve of mine that sends me off the deep end. The third is that he was ruining my chances of hooking up with someone that I *did* want to fuck. Needless to say, I was in his face pretty quickly.

Now here’s the thing. I’m about 5’2″, and probably weighed about 110 lbs at the time. I grew up in a rough neighborhood where you had to stand up for yourself, so I could fight and had no problems fighting, but 5’2″ and 110 lbs isn’t going to be much of a threat to anyone. That said, I could still have torn this guy apart, as he wasn’t much bigger than me. Another partygoer, on the other hand, had a different view of things. He didn’t want a fight breaking out because that would mean the cops would show up. I’m a little fuzzy on the details of what happened next, but the next thing I knew, I was being speared Goldberg-style to the ground by a guy who literally was about the size of Goldberg. Let me tell you something…..getting speared by a guy a foot taller than you, more than double your weight, and coming at you like a freight train is *not fun.* I was down for the count, and any will to fight, argue, drink, fuck, or anything else for that matter, was immediately gone. Angela had come out of the room, her ex had left, and people were ushering me into Angela’s room. Between being drunk, tackled by a human locomotive, and hitting my head on the floor, I was done for the night.

I woke up the next morning, sore as hell. I spent the next several minutes groggy and trying to cobble together what I could remember of the night before. And also wondering why Bree was sleeping, topless, next to me. I was still fully clothed, and I doubt I was in any condition to have a roll in the hay and put my clothes back on, so I doubted we had slept together. Of course, the fact that she was topless didn’t help me concentrate, as my mind bounced between enjoying the view and figuring out what was going on.

I would find out later that Bree decided to stay with me to make sure I was OK, and simply preferred sleeping topless. Angela, of course, decided to continue partying because why the fuck not. I don’t know if she intended to let Bree and I spend the night in her bed or was just too busy partying to care. Either way, that’s where we were.

Bree woke up and we spent a few minutes having a conversation that basically went something like

“Hey baby.”


“How you feeling?

“Like I got hit by a truck.”

“Do you remember what happened?”

“Still trying to figure that out.”

She spent the next few minutes helping me fill in what I didn’t know/remember from the night before. Including why she was topless. One of the things I had always liked about Bree is that she was very forward, and basically told me she didn’t mind sleeping topless since the way things were going last night, she’d probably have ended up that way anyway. Yeah, I liked where this conversation was going.

I leaned forward for a kiss and things escalated pretty quickly from there. I moved down to her neck. One of my hands propped me up while the other hand moved to her already exposed tits. I tried moving down to take one of them into my mouth but she could tell the soreness was starting to get in the way. She laid me back down on the bed and basically took over, unzipping my pants and the next thing I knooOOOOOhmyfuckinggod I was now getting what I can say to this day is still one of the best blowjobs I have received in my life. This woman could suck-start a damn Harley. My eyes rolled so far into the back of my head that I swear I never noticed her take off her own jeans, and I was soon being rode by a woman who was fucking me like her life depended on it. Honestly, I probably would have came a lot sooner than I did if I wasn’t so sore, as my ribs were preventing me from participating or enjoying the moment as much as I’d have liked to.

Cumming in her was pretty dumb of me for all of the obvious reasons, but to be honest, I was really in no mood to worry about it. I did let her know I was about to cum and it didn’t even slow her down. She told me later she was on birth control. Even with everything considered, I can say this….I could have *actually* gotten run over by a truck and landed in the hospital with all of my ribs sticking out of me, and I still would have wheeled that hospital bed across town and to her house just for the chance at another fuck like that.

We got together several more times. The good thing about it is that the sex just kept getting better. As I got to feeling better and we got to know each other, the sexual chemistry between us was just off the charts, and we had absolutely no problems getting each other off repeatedly. The bad part was that as good as we were in the bedroom, we were that bad out of it. We just had personality traits that made having an actual relationship impossible. Eventually, we would settle for an FWB relationship, and basically hook up once every few months whenever neither of us were in a relationship with someone else. This went on for a couple of years, and eventually both of us would permanently go our separate ways, get married, have kids, divorce, etc., and I honestly never thought I would see her again.

I was wrong. That story is for part 2.


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