no tips for room service so i [F] provided some boob service to a guest [M]

pre-covid story of when I was working at a high-end restaurant inside a hotel part time during junior year of college.
Almost every week, my Friday evenings were spent counting the minutes at work until I could get off and start the weekend. As a part time time hostess, I’d often work shifts between meal periods and every second felt like an hour. With sparse customers, I’d often get stuck in long, winded conversations with the regulars who were mostly older men starved for conversation and attention.

By 5pm, things were picking up a little by the bar as a large group of business professionals filtered in after finishing a seminar in the hotel. It didn’t take them long to get loud and sloppy, and I noticed the leers and smiles through the intoxicated eyes of a lot of the men as I moved through the crowd to grab empty glasses. It makes me kind of uncomfortable when they sometimes make explicit moves while I’m at work, so I just do my best to be polite and stay close to the hostess stand.

About an hour later, we got a room service order and since the staff was busy, I decided to take up the bill and bag myself. I took the elevator up to the 11th floor and knocked at the door. A man who looked in his late thirties, with hazel green eyes opened the door and I recognised him from the party downstairs. His button down was rolled up at the sleeves and his hair looked a little disheveled, but even in this state I could honestly admit to myself that he was quite attractive. He smiled warmly at me and then did a quick look over while taking a step back.

“Come on in and leave the bag for me on the table while I grab my wallet”
I entered slightly into the foyer and placed the items on the table right by the entry way as he walked back. He signed the bill and then tried to tip me, which I refused as the hotel had a no tipping policy.

“Come on, you can’t expect me to let you go without anything at all. How about I pay you for another service which isn’t part of your job as hostess- you can uncork my wine and pour for me, as well as lay out the food.”

Honestly I was pretty bored given the pace of my shift today, and the man didn’t give off creepy vibes so I was like what the hell, I’ll amuse myself for a bit and then head back down. I entered another step into the hotel suite and the door clicked shut behind me.

Im a pretty petite girl, 5”3 and 100lbs and I was dressed in a strappy top with little cleavage and a skirt and tights. He sat on the loveseat and pulled the dining table closer, gesturing for me to proceed. I uncorked his bottle, something I’m not the best at and holding the bottle at an odd angle meant I accidentally sprayed a few splashes on my chest and top. He laughed and then out of nowhere, I felt his fingers graze the top of my chest to wipe off the drops and then he brought them to his lips and sucked the small drops. At this point, I realized that our interaction was probably going to go up a notch and set a mental timer to head back so I wouldn’t be missed for long. I was enjoying the thrill of being up here and could tap out whenever I wanted.

I continued pouring for him, and he asked if he could lay out a glass for me to join him and I refused because I was still at work.
“Hm, I’ll have to catch you at another time for us to indulge some more”
At this point, he started asking me questions about my life, what i was studying and how it felt working at the hotel. He told me he noticed me at the restaurant a few times this week and was working up the courage to strike up a conversation. I asked him why he was here and he disclosed it was for work and he was here until Tuesday. At this point, he was still seated and I was standing in front of him, and he reached out with this hand on my lower back to pull me closer.
“I’m sorry for being so forward, but I’m really fucking turned on by you. We can stop whenever you want, but I’d love to see what’s under that top.” He said as he reached for his wallet again. He pulled out $200 and laid them on the table and his hand slid a little lower.
I was kind of turned on by him, and even though I didn’t care for the money it added some thrill to the situation. I told him I’d take off my shirt but he couldnt touch me. His response was to reach out and pull my straps down, and I saw his eyes widen and mouth part as he relished the sight of my perky, 34C cups. My front hooking bra was tight in all the right places, and the cut showed half my boobs and hid my nipples right under the fabric. I could feel his self control wavering as he moved his hand resting on his thighs. I enjoyed the sight of him being so in awe of my body, so I took a step closer until I was standing between his legs. He looked up at me and said, “$100 more if you let me unhook the bra and get a squeeze. Please, it’s only going to be a few more days of me being out here before I return to my family and my wife and I have been going through a rough patch”
I don’t like to be a home wrecker but the poor guy looked so desperate and his personal life was clearly his own decision, plus I wasn’t going to let things get too far anyways. So I nodded yes and his eager hands pulled the bra to the sides and he squeezed my tits with all his might. His face moved closer to my chest as he flicked the nipples and rolled them with his fingers. I couldn’t help but let out a little moan at the sight of him admiring me.
“Please let me suck them. $200 if you sit on my lap and let me play with them”
I agreed to 15 minutes and told him I had to head back downstairs or else I could get into trouble. He grabbed my right butt cheek and pulled me onto his lap and his mouth wrapped around my nipple hungrily. He sucked and kissed me all over my chest, leaving small marks of his attacks. I could feel his hard on through my skirt, and the motion from him moving me around created friction between us which he seemed to enjoy. His mouth felt insane on me, as my boobs are very sensitive to pleasure and I was loving his keen attention. He licked one nipple as he pinched the other tight, and by the time he was done my chest was flushed, nipples erect and sore, and shiny wet. He’d unbuttoned his pants and was slowly stroking himself as I got up to recompose myself. He watched me dress myself and I added some extra flair as I rubbed my bruised titties and I heard him gasp. I could tell he was tempted to ask me to stay longer but I put my bra and top back on and stepped towards the door.

He asked for my number and whether I was not working any day this weekend because he wasn’t local to the city and wanted to go out for a drink. After our antics today, I was charged up on the adrenaline and felt like he could be a fun time so I gave him my contact details, took the money he offered, and headed back down.

We met twice more before he left, and if yall enjoy this little excerpt I can post more- been feeling very turned on and isolated these days and reflecting on past encounters helps me feel better..



  1. Such a well written and sexy story. I’d love ? to read about the rest.

  2. Good writing. Have you thought about doing this professionally? The story moves well with a lot of detail but not too much. Keep writing, I’m sure you will only get better.

  3. You sound like a fun girl! Please share more when you have time! Hopefully you stop feeling isolated soon.

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