[MF]x3 A strange sequence of events led to the best 24 hours of [M]y life.

This is the story about how I managed to have four sexual encounters with three women in one day. This takes place back in early 2007. It was a big year for me, a huge time of change, but this tale takes place a few months before all that. It’s a long one, so buckle up folks, it’s a helluva ride.

I had just turned 23 and had been dating this one woman (who we’ll call Scarlet due to her hair colour) for a couple years but we were on-off constantly and at this time we were ‘off’. Despite this we’d still sleep together and often she’d crash at mine (sharehouse with 4 others) if she were out on the town as I wouldn’t be using my bed and her place was a while out of town. As for appearance, she looked similar to Amanda Seyfreid but with dark hair and a killer hourglass figure, bordering on pear. Crass to say it this way I know, but Scarlet has booty for days. And 14 years later, she still does.

At the time I worked at a club on graveyard shift: 12:30am- 9am. So at about 4am I get a message while at work from a friend I’ll call Topaz (because of her golden brown hair with blonde highlights) She was ranting about how nobody cared, that she was always miserable and had decided to kill herself. I’d only known her a few months and was pretty panicked, but a couple of my workmates had known her since high school and just sighed. I was young and naive so I ignored their grumblings, got permission to leave and raced to hers.

I found her reasonably drunk and very depressed. I spent several hours with her, cheering – and sobering – her up. Topaz has similar looks to Adele when she was curvy, but messy golden brown hair and (at the time) running mascara. She probably used a bit too much makeup, and the few times I saw her without I actually thought she looked so much better. Eventually she slides onto my lap and because we’d talked about her being attracted to me and her telling me off last time when I did the ‘nice thing’ and not take advantage of her while drunk, I decided to just go with it. [Long story short, when she found out from a friend that she’d made advances on me at a party while totally plastered and I said no because I didn’t want to take advantage of her, she pushed me against a wall and said in no uncertain terms that if she wanted to fuck me, she was going to fuck me. I was 22, she was hot, she said that while sober, so that was fine by me.]

Anyway, the moment she realised I wasn’t going to refuse her, she was like a demon released! It started with her using a remote to bump up the volume of the sound system. Then she slid into my lap and began grinding against me. I was already reasonably hard (again, she was hot, and I had spent an hour or two hugging her and having her hug me back… so sue me) and she could feel it so began grinding a fair bit harder. I tested the waters and slid my hands along her thighs, up her sides and cupped her breasts over her blouse.

Apparently that was not good enough. She used her hands to guide mine under her shirt where I discovered a satin bra barely holding back her bust. I think I can squarely blame Topaz for my love of voluptuous women, as hearing her moan while she ground against my hardon with my hands firmly groping both her breasts is still one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.

We sat like that for several songs (I think it was one of Massive Attack’s albums) before she couldn’t stand it any more and stood up. I thought she was headed to her bedroom, but instead she leaned over, exposing her stockings and said “help me out.” I slid a hand up her plump rear to try and find the waistband but she slapped me. “Tear them…”

Well I wasn’t about to refuse a request like that. So I grabbed the material at the apex of her thighs, held tight and pulled as hard as I could. One quick movement – and a significant tear later – and I discover I’d managed to grab her panties with one hand as well, yanking them to the side to reveal her shaved and very wet pussy. I sat in awe of the sight before me; her swollen lips glistening in the dim light, smooth on all sides and gently rocking back and forth. I only snapped out of it when I realised she had backed up almost to the point her sex was right in my face, having done so to unzip my work pants and release my own demon.

The moment my rock hard erection felt the cool night air it was engulfed by a rapidly descending Topaz. No more foreplay, no more messing around. I was balls deep inside her for the first time and it was glorious! She bounced on my lap as she rode me, my hands having trouble kneading her breasts they were bouncing around so much. Thinking perhaps it would be sexier, but in reality making my life that much harder, Topaz hilted me thoroughly and stayed there, asking for me to undo her bra (but still with her blouse on. ‘Naked breasts? Yes please!’ Thought my brain. What I got felt better, and made her moan more, but also moved around considerably more than before when she started up her bouncing again.

Well, throughout all this I had been doing my best to control myself. Waaaay back when I left home for Uni (at that point, five years prior) I was terrified my first time would really suck for my partner. So I practiced various tantric techniques and so on. I was using everything I knew not to immediately blow my load as soon as she mounted me. That kinda backfired as she started shaking when trying to bounce until eventually she sat down forcefully on my cock, grabbed one of my hands, slapped it against her clit and replaced where my hand had been on her breast, with her own. I got the message, played with her forcefully as she ground against me and came. She came. I… did not.

We sat a few minutes – me still inside her and throbbing at every slight movement – while she recovered. Then she realised I was still hard and asked if I had cum. I answered her truthfully and with a huff I’m not entirely sure wasn’t in frustration she got off me, turned around, knelt down and sucked me down to the base of my cock in one smooth motion. Now, I’m no porn star like some of the folks on here apparently are. I’m about 6.5” in length, and about 6” circumference. So at the top end of average for Australia. And she took my whole engorged package all the way to the back of her throat.

I’d only gotten a blowjob a couple times before that (and only a couple times since much to my dismay). But that was something else. I could feel her throat muscles swallow around me as she deepthroated me. No gag reflex, just gulping around my cock as she assaulted the sensitive underside of my shaft with her tongue. All the while she looked up at me with the sluttiest gaze I have ever seen. I was getting close, and I think she could hear it in my breath, or feel it in the way my cock was throbbing because the next thing I know she’s back in my lap, breasts in my face and riding me like the world depended on it.

I took the initiative this time and grabbed the front of Topaz’s blouse in either hand and tore it open, sending several buttons flying. She gasped but returned to moaning as my mouth clamped down on her left nipple and sucked it into my mouth, hard. My teeth came down to lightly bite against her larger than usual areola while my tongue lashed at her thick nipple (we’re talking Werthers Originals in size). My other hands were just as busy with one firmly kneading her right breast while the other scratched down her back.

If I were to forget everything else about that night I would still remember one thing, as it’s seared into my brain. She was grinding against me at a decent tempo and I was bucking up into her in time. And every single time I bottomed out she’d release a cute little moan. “Uhn-uhn-uhn-uhn…” it was too much for me. I thrust upwards and just held that pose as she ground hard against me, all the faster as she realised I was at my limit. And then the moaning stopped, she paused and said to me – not whispered, not shouted, just straight faced told me – “Cum.”

She didn’t move to get off, and I didn’t care. I practically exploded inside her. And as I was cumming, she rode out the rest of her crescendo to climax astride me; legs shaking, breath heavy.

It was a good ten minutes or so before we could stand, and I think the night had finally gotten the best of her as she collapsed against me when she tried to get up. I helped Topaz to her bed and I could hear her snoring by the time I had gathered my things and closed her front door. I still had two hours left before the end of my shift, so I drove back to work and after explaining [lying] about how I ‘talked her down’ I finished my shift and went home. The workmates that knew her wanted details, though not sure if they knew we’d just had mind blowing sex or wanted to know whether it was pills, or something else that she was threatening to use.

So I head home (I live with one of my workmates, and our house was only a ten minute walk from the club) and upon arriving I find Scarlet in a particularly horny mood. She’s completely naked under my covers and apparently had come by after clubbing with some friends, hoping to get in some fun time before sleep and forgot I was working. But I was back from work, and she had two hours before Uni started, so…

I’d mostly recovered from the night before and given I was leaping into an already warm bed under some nice sheets with a very horny woman, it took little time to get me to full mast. Now while Topaz was one who liked being in control, Scarlet was a bit more on the passive end. So when she pulled me into bed (after I had stripped naked) she pulled me right on top of her. She wrapped her arms around my midsection and tried to force me inside her, but I had other plans.

Being so passive earlier had pulled out the Dom in me. The universe needs balance. So I grabbed her wrists, placed them above her head on the mattress and pinned her down. She wanted me in her so badly, but I knew I’d only have one shot at this, and I needed more time than her. I’ve found some women can cum over and over no problems while others cum once – hard – and after that the over stimulation can hurt. Scarlet was in the latter category. So I needed to tease her while getting me close or she’d just leave me Blue balled when headed to Uni (she thought leaving me in that state was cute…)

So with her hands pinned and her trying to writhe against me in the hopes of me getting too frustrated and just fucking her senseless, I played with her. I pushed just the head of my cock inside her before pulling back out. Light little pops of my cock between her pussy lips. Then when she rested her arse for a moment, I thrust deep inside her. Unlike the very deep passage of Topaz, Scarlet was a little more shallow. So when my hips smacked against hers, my cock also slammed against the end of her passage. I can understand if for some this would be quite painful – and if I got her at a weird angle it could be quite painful for me – but she always seemed to love it. So as I hilted myself inside her, Scarlet all but screamed my name.

Gotta admit, I would get a kind of perverse pleasure when she did that; the rest of the house fully aware of what was happening in my room. They were all guilty of it too to a certain degree, but Scarlet was noisier than most (with the exception of one housemate who was very very vocal; not just screams of joy but shouted commands and status updates… but that’s another story).

Well as soon as she felt me push against her most secret places I pulled back and started with the head popping again. I did this several more times – building her into a false sense of security and heightening my own sensation – before slamming straight back in immediately after pulling out, and setting a deep thrusting pace. Scarlet moaned loudly with each slap of skin on skin, my hands holding her in place as I fucked her hard and deep. Somewhere in there I shifted both hands on top of each other above her head so I could pin her with one hand while the other ravaged her left breast and my lips descended on her right. I sucked hard on the flesh around her nipple, purposefully giving her a hickey right on her bra line (our previous encounter she gave me one right where the elastic of my briefs would sit) before suckling her nipple.

Scarlet loved me being a little rough in the bedroom, and that morning I was definitely feeling it. You know the video where the calf is trying to get milk out of an empty udder and keeps smashing its face against it in frustration? I was a little more gentle, but yeah. Same mood. I wasn’t having sex with Scarlet, I was ravishing her. I could tell she was close, as was I. So I asked “Outside or in?” She thought about it and said “Out.”

So, bit of a disclaimer here. Usually Scarlet and I would use a condom. I hadn’t considered it too necessary with Topaz as I had come back clean after a test I took because some [expletive rant deleted] left a needle under one of the poker machines at the club, where my thumb discovered the pointy end while wiping up. And Topaz had informed me she’d just gotten a negative test back the day before after getting blackout drunk a couple months prior and waking up full of cum. She’d not gotten drunk or having a sexual partner since; so she said. On top of that she had an IUD, so there was no real risk of pregnancy. So no condom at that stage seemed fine if Scarlet was fine with it. Bit of a dick move now that I look back, but nothing came of it.

Now, Scarlet really didn’t like the feel of cum on her body. And I was in a bastardly mood. So when I felt her pussy clamp down around me I gave her two more thrusts before pulling out and blasting the first shot of my jizz across her lips and belly. She screamed in shock, bucking her hips against me in just the right way that my next load was delivered deep inside her. I thought she’d push me off or slap me or something. Nope. I felt her legs wrap around my waist as she impaled herself on my cock as deep as possible. I could feel my cum barely squirt out the tip, welling up around the head of my cock as her hips gyrated against me.

I pumped load after load into Scarlet as she bucked against me, but eventually she got to the negative end of the experience and released me from her grip, pushing me back a bit. I knew when to act dominant and when to not be a dick, so slid out and off of her, before giving her a hug and collapsing to her side. [I’m tall, so have had a king size mattress for many years, which meant my rooms tend to be a bed and a desk, no space for a chair.] We chat for a bit but I do not mention my morning with Topaz, as the two hate each other with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.

So, after Scarlet got herself organised, had a shower and left for Uni, I went to sleep. Working midnight to 9am has its pros and its cons. I could either sleep when I got home through to late afternoon, have my breakfast around dinner time, lunch before work and dinner as my break at work around 4:30am. Or I could treat it like most people would their day: wake before my shift, have breakfast then go to work, have lunch at work, come home, have dinner and then fuck about for a few hours before going to bed. I found the former method easier to work with as it helped my head be clear through my shift, having been awake for six hours already by the time it started. My workmate-housemate was the other way, so we saw little of each other as by the time I woke from sleep, he was off to bed.

So I’m woken by Scarlet coming in after Uni, knowing I didn’t have work that night. Which is when I got a random text. It was from an old Uni friend I hadn’t seen in years (let’s call her Sapphire, for reasons you’ll discover later). Our friend group had a bit of a falling out several years back, so we stopped gathering together and then her boyfriend at the time (she was 19, he was 35) basically stopped her from seeing any of her old friends. It was a toxic relationship I was soon to find out had ended. She asked if I was up for coming over as she wanted to catch up. Well Scarlet was amused by this and pushed me into it (not like I was gonna turn Sapphire down after all these years apart) and said to me the immortal words: “If you’re lucky, you might get laid twice today.” To this day I don’t know where I found the willpower not to say “already have.”

I got ready, and went over to Sapphires. She’d made dinner and we talked over that, had some wine and just generally caught up. I know this is cliche. But think of the smartest, kindest, bubbliest person you know, and given them the appearance of Velma from Scooby Doo. Except black hair. Well, we chatted for ages and eventually the topic got to her and her ex. Not gonna go through all of it, suffice to say it’s been nearly fifteen years since she recounted this story to me and even though he’s gotta be pushing 50 at this point: if I ran into him on the street I would not hesitate in trying to take his head off with the nearest available street sign.

Anyway, she left him after some bad – and frankly illegal – behaviour on his part, and was making a name for herself in the cooking world. Things were going well, but she missed her old friends. She knew I had a crush on her back in the days and was the only one super vocal about how creepy her then boyfriend was (and not just because he was nearly double her age and she was only barely legal when they met). So she admitted she had brought me here because she knew I liked her for more than her body, and that she was super mad when she found out my best friend when we all still hung out (a girl herself) had been telling the other girls around me not to get romantic with me because that would change the group dynamic. Turns out THAT was the catalyst that had split the group all those years prior. And I had no idea.

Well Sapphire laid it out plain and simple. She was gagging for it, and knew from our chat earlier that I was in an ‘open’ relationship (or rather a fuck buddy agreement until Scarlet decides randomly to be back in a relationship again). We tidy up a little, I get a bit arse gropey which is reciprocated and what follows will be the second most intense sexual experience of my life. One hour of foreplay, and an hour and a half of sex, before another half hour of me getting the job done. No I didn’t bring a timer with me, she just had a very bright digital clock on her bedside table that was impossible to miss, and just as hard to ignore. I have never had an experience like that again, so here we go.

We get to her bedroom. She has an MLP bedspread with a massive rainbow going across it. This doesn’t throw me off in the slightest, it’s completely on-brand for the Sapphire I knew back at the dorms. (Unisex dorms are heaps of fun!) But what she does next just blows my mind. She sits me in a desk chair and slowly undresses for me. Now, Sapphire has the curves of Velma, and a bit extra to go with it. She is by no means unhealthy, but there are some good love handles there for me to work with. As she strips I notice some new ink work above her crack. Not ashamed to say I almost cried. She had asked me to design her a tattoo five years earlier, but before she could get it done, her boyfriend told her no. She had kept the design and after kicking that prick to the curb she went and got it done. It was a stylised rainbow between two clouds. Nothing too special to anyone else, but it just absolutely made my day. It had healed but was still apparently a little tender. When she moved closer for me to see it I gently kissed it, and got a breathy sign in return.

She continued the striptease, pulling her panties down as the last act to reveal a neatly trimmed and bright blue patch of hair. Hence “Sapphire”. She then crooked her finger at me and got onto all fours on the bed. With her having done a striptease for me, I decided to do one for her, and slowly removed all that I had worn there before crawling onto the bed as well, she had turned around to kneel on the covers while watching me strip so when I got on the bed, we were facing each other and started kissing. It started with gentle pecks, sweeping hands across each other’s faces to shift hair aside and gently scrape nails down our necks. Then the kissing became more intense as our hands began their quest to explore every inch of our bodies.

Now I kept my nails trimmed, but not too short. I’m not a mani-pedi kind of guy, I just try to keep them neat. And she absolutely loved the feel of my nails scraping down her back. Moans and shivers and begging me to go harder. It was all I could do not to pop right there from her words alone. But again, I channeled the sensations into my busy fingers and kept pushing back and back and back my orgasm. Eventually my nails down her back weren’t enough. She fell onto the bed and pulled me with her, guiding my fingers to her hole as she began slowly pumping my cock with her other hand. We continued kissing each other gently as I slid first one, then two, then three fingers inside her.

Again, me being terrified of my first time (which was only realised a year or so before this day) I had done a lot of research on pleasing women. Over the years I found out a lot of it was complete nonsense, but whatever I read on erotic massage seemed to hit the spot as for close to a half hour I curled my fingers inside her, gently played with her clit and ran circles around her mons and thighs until it felt like my hand was about to fall off. At which point I swapped to the other hand. Throughout this I was utilising a tube of lube that she had picked out. One of the issues brought about by her prior relationship involved her taking longer than normal to achieve climax with toys, and she found her body kinda ran out of the natural stuff after a while. However when it came time for a different kind of fun, she pulled out a different kind of lube.

Sapphire pushed my hand away and got on all fours before taking a bottle of cum-lube and squirting near to half of it inside her. The pearlescent fluid began leaking out of her almost immediately, so I didn’t hesitate to just thrust myself inside. That’s when we discovered our combined fore play had been less ‘edging’ and more ‘desensitisation’. We fucked. Oh gods did we fuck. We started in doggy-style, my balls slapping against her clit with every thrust as I held onto her arse for dear life. Every few minutes I’d let go for long enough to scrape down her back, impaling her and holding there as I rapidly fingered her clit before going back into my rhythm, hands holding her hips tight.

Once my hips began to give out, she pushed me back onto the bed and rode me cowgirl. She ground her pussy against my crotch, and I could feel her inner muscles squeeze as she flexed her pelvic floor. My hands started on her thighs but were very quickly on her breasts, thumbs alternating between pressing against her nipples and gently rubbing around her areola. She could only keep eye contact for short bursts, closing them to moan. But it didn’t take long before her hands were on my chest, clenching the hairs there over and over as she rode my cock until she wore herself out.

I’d gotten my second wind by that stage and flipped her over missionary style to plough her as properly as I could. My second favourite position is to lay atop my partner, my elbows planted just above their shoulders so when I thrust into them, their body can’t slide up the bed. It also keeps me pretty much nose to nose with them so during brief breaks I can kiss them passionately without having to make huge changes to my position. Sapphire and I fucked like this for near to an hour. One smegging hour! That clock in the background looked like it was judging me at the 55 minute mark. I was very close to cumming, and knew if I kept putting it off, I soon wouldn’t be able to.

Barely able to continue thrusting, I’m pushed back onto the bed by Sapphire as she gets her second wind and mounts me again. This time in my all-time favourite position: reverse cowgirl. And she doesn’t go lightly. She can tell I’m close and fucks me wildly. I get to watch that rainbow bounce just above my swollen cock for only a couple of minutes before I’m moaning her name, firing load after load of my hot seed straight up inside her. She moans, but doesn’t stop fucking me. Eventually I start to go flaccid and I am incredibly red in the face. This was the first time I’d failed to get my partner off and after everything she admitted to me I felt horrible. But I was determined. Before she could stop me I had grabbed Sapphires hips and yanked her up the bed. I situated her dripping pussy above my mouth and dove in.

Yes. I have tasted my own cum before, any guy who says he hasn’t tried his own product is lying. But I didn’t care. I had a top priority mission, my ego and her orgasm were at stake. I licked, sucked and tongue fucked Sapphire until I thought my face would fall off, and then I kept going. It was eventually me reaching as far as possible to pinch her nipples while drawing the flat of my tongue across her clit that finally brought her to orgasm. And it was a violent one. Her legs clamped shut around my head and started shaking so rapidly I thought she was having a seizure at first. But when I heard her growl “Don’t you dare fucking stop” I did my best to continue.

Three straight hours of sex would leave anyone exhausted, and so after saying she loved the night but wasn’t up for me staying over this time, we said our goodbyes, kissed and then I went home. It was close to midnight when I got back (I walked to Sapphires as it was only 15 minutes or so from my house, but it took close to an hour for me to limp back; stopping at the servo for a donut and coffee) and when I got upstairs Scarlet was waiting for me. She asked me how it went, so I proceeded to give her the short version of the last several hours. Amazed and quite turned on (though her being horny was something that had built up over the last few hours) she revealed she was laying in my bed in a body stocking (my weakness).

“So how was it getting laid twice in one day?”

“Three times.” I replied, falling face first into her crotch to eat her out. I didn’t care if she found out, but as I landed between her thighs and began to lick, I’m pretty sure she thought I was referring to then as the third time. The rest of my body was not willing or able, so I gave her the best experience I could without pushing my well-used cock back into service. She really had worked herself up, and after only five minutes of intense tongue fucking Scarlet came. She apologised, asking if I wanted a blowjob after she recovered (sometimes it’s take up to a half hour or so) but I said I just wanted to sleep with her for a change. So we fell asleep in each other’s arms. Boy howdy did I fuck her stupid the next morning though. Wasn’t gonna let her get away with wearing a body stocking that easily.

And that is my tale of how I managed to get laid by three beautiful women in one day. I’ve had many fun experiences in my life, and several very intense moments. But that was easily the best 24 hours of my life.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m9wuzh/mfx3_a_strange_sequence_of_events_led_to_the_best


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