[MF] Maeby we should lockdown.

At this point it’s around Early march 2020 when the lockdowns started. Me and Maeby have gotten into a pattern of  being humans about once a week but never on the same day or same hour it was all up to her really. It was while I was peeing. She had her usual firm grip at my base. It usually take me a minute to pee so we chat.

Josh: so I was thinking about the lockdowns and I figured you would want to go stay with your parents to help them out cause they’re older.

Maeby: I thought I would stay here with you for the same reason?

I mean I’d hoped she’s stayed because if she didn’t I’d have to go live with my parents cause I would have no night care if she left.

Maeby: plus Tony’s parents wanted him upstate at their cabin where they think they are safe from the virus haha. So I’ll have no where to go and since you work online and I’m going to school online now I can work for you 24/7 till the lockdown is over if that’s something you want.

Josh: I mean it is 100% up to you what you think you can handle, I can be a lot if you are doing it constantly.

Maeby: how about we see how it goes but I’m in for now if you are.

Josh: Alright, initiate all lockdown measures, we’re at defcon one people move move move (said in the most sarcastic way possible)

Maeby: Yes Sir (she salutes me)

I tell her I’m done peeing she gives me one good stroke and puts it away. And goes into the bathroom. That day was filled with orders and phone calls. Cancelling plans, order PPE and toiletries and paper towels, food had to be ordered in bulk to last for at least a month. Calling the nursing company and telling them, it was a day full of phone calls and I was super stressed and Maeby could tell. Cause she keeps asking me what is wrong and I tell her nothing. We just go about the day until she got me in bed that night. She let me pee with a double stroke to end it.

Maeby: what’s been with you all day you just seem down or scared idk I’m not a shrink haha

Josh: it’s just a lot to do today and I’m just worried about the virus and what the lockdown means for the industry and my career. I mean I work from home ready but still.

Maeby: I feel the same about the virus but I get why you are so worried with your lungs and all.  Here let me make you feel better….

At that she prepares me my vaporizer for me and said she would go get dressed for bed and came back. She came back in a large Vampire Weekend with black thong panties on. I offer her the vaporizer and she takes a hit. 

Maeby: so I was thinking that I’m just going to sleep in here that way I don’t have to walk all that way anymore since we don’t have to worry what it looks looks like it just makes it easier.

Josh: ya this bed can easily fit the both of us, just don’t steal the covers lol

Meaby: fine I’ll bring over my blankets. I’m going to go call Tony before we go to sleep,

Josh: you don’t have to leave the room I don’t care what you talk about as long as it’s not me lol

Maeby: ………..well actually it kinda is?

Josh: oh ok um should I be worried?

Maeby: no not at all nothing bad.

Josh: something good?

Maeby: I’ll be right back!

I’m tense and nervous and hard all at the same time, my skin was on fire I was either a convict waiting for the chair or a kid on Christmas. I kept bouncing back and forth between the two. She was gone for like 20 minutes and when she came back she looked very happy.

Maeby: here watch this:

And she crawls into bed next to me I can easily see her large tits hanging beautifully in her shirt. She brought her phone up and there was a video of her boy friend.

Tony: hey dude so I’ll be straight with you when maeby told me she jerked you off I was……

And he paused for what felt like an eternity

Tony: really…..

This time the video buffered for forever and a day

Tony: proud of maeby for being so cool to help you out cause let’s face it you are awesome but society tells women that men’s strength is their worth and you got fucked in the muscles department and with this fucking pandemic I figured since you all will be together for at least a month I want you and her to stay sane and a good release helps with that… I’m still new to this whole lifestyle so let’s start with (turning to speak to Maeby [kinda weird to do that in a video but he was an actor so]) Meaby you can do anything to him he should be able to do to himself.

Josh: what’s going on? Am being punked (yes I’m old) or are you serious?

She turns her phone off and looks me in the eyes.

Maeby: soooo this all started the day I jerked you off, frankly you got a nice dick and I did not expect that and I told Tony about it and he was intrigued actually and then one night I was facetiming Tony while playing with myself and we started talking and eventually I was about to cum talking about jerking you off again and I realized I enjoyed it maybe a little too much. He suggested the all hands thing idk but what do you think.

Josh: so you will do anything to me I should be able to do that I want, right?

Maeby: Yes, my hands are yours to command haha.

Josh: even kinky stuff:

Maeby: as long as I can wear gloves if I’m in your butt hahaha.

Josh: Deal!

Maeby: Now?

Josh: ok? How do you want to work this?

Maeby: you tell me what to do with my hands and I’ll do it or ask you to clarify if I don’t understand. Ok?

Josh: ok, I want you to wrap your right hand around my shaft and full strokes from top to bottom.

Maeby: and the left hand?

Josh: rubbing your clit

She looked at be puzzled

Maeby: I thought it was what you could do to yourself with my hands.

Josh: Tony said anything I should be able to do with my hands

Maeby: hey I’m all about pleasure

Josh: but you have to do what I say right?

Maeby: as long as I don’t hate it ya fine

Josh: stroke me at the same speed till you are ready to cum then make us cum together if you are up for the challenge that is.

Maeby: challenge accepted! (She salutes me)

She started stroking me long and slow till I started to get rock hard then when I’m finally hard she starts to rub her clit hard and fast until she got close then she stroked and stoked me so fast her hand was a blur


as if it was instinct she wrapped her lips around my cock and sucked every last drop out of me. I was completely spent. She came hard just as her mouth met my cock. She was shaking hard and her eyes rolled back in her head. When she lifted her head I was looking at her

Maeby: (with a mouthful of cum) what? I didn’t want to have to change the sheets (she swallows) glad you like it (she winks)

After this we talked for a little bit about plans for more fun stuff so we came up with a list of 30 sex acts that can be done with hands and an occasional mouth. Would you all like to hear about the 30 days of Maeby?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m910y1/mf_maeby_we_should_lockdown

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