Luna and Riley Ch. 08 – The Day After [Futa] [Incest] [Sub/Dom] [Lesbian] [Fiction]

Disclaimer: This story is dramatically fictitious and possesses depictions of completely unrealistic and unattainable body standards. If that isn’t your forte then you may not find this story to your liking. If you decide to read the story regardless I thoroughly hope you enjoy it! Thanks!

Notice: You should read the earlier chapters, so that the story makes more sense. Your choice though, hope you enjoy it regardless.

**If you like it consider supporting me at Subscribestar, just search Rebhillbabe, Thanks! Xoxo**

*The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence.*

Written By: RebHillBabe

### Chapter 8: The Day After

Eleanor was on her bed, furiously rubbing her clit to the mental image of Luna fucking Riley. The thought of Luna’s unbelievably massive cock sliding in and out of Riley’s tiny cunt stirred up her loins like nothing else ever had. Suddenly, the door to her room crashed open, and in walked Luna, her penis swaying beneath her, with Riley by her side.

“See I told you she would be masturbating.” Riley chirped mischievously.

Eleanor quickly grabbed the sheets in an attempt to cover her body. Before she had a chance however, Luna closed the distance between them, unnaturally quickly, and ripped the sheets from her hands. Riley had somehow gotten behind Eleanor without her noticing. Things were happening at an odd pace, and there was a mysterious and abnormal feeling to the whole situation. Luna loomed over Eleanor like she never had before. Eleanor felt herself shrink under Luna’s imposing figure, as the whole room around her seemed to stretch and expand as did Luna. Eleanor felt so insignificant under her massive daughter, as she felt Riley’s small, soft hands gently grab her shoulders from behind and pull her back onto the bed.

“She’s so wet, this will be easy.” Luna said with a grin.

“I… I can’t…” Eleanor insisted weakly.

“Oh, but you have to mom!” Riley squeaked, “It feels soooo good! You’ll see!”

Luna grabbed Eleanor’s ankles and forced her legs apart. Her cock seemed to have an unnatural control over its movements, behaving more like a tentacle than a penis. It wormed its way towards her pussy until she could feel the head rest at her entrance.

“Are you ready mom?” Luna asked.

“No! It… it won’t fit!” Eleanor said.

“So that’s the only thing holding you back?” Luna questioned, prodding her phallus against Eleanor’s hole.

“There’s… Something else…” Eleanor said, her mind foggy and confused.

She knew there was another reason why she couldn’t have sex with her daughter, but she couldn’t remember what it was. It was right on the tip of her tongue, but she just couldn’t quite figure it out.

“Honey…?” A familiar male voice spoke.

Eleanor looked to the door to see her husband, standing with a look of heartbreak on his face. That was the other reason, Eleanor thought to herself. How could she be such a terrible wife and have forgotten about her husband? A tear formed in her eye before falling down the side of her face.

“She’s mine now!” Luna said, plunging her massive dick inside her mother.

Eleanor’s world swirled around her as she was penetrated. She reached out towards her husband as the room seemed to stretch, increasing the distance between them. Eleanor became scared as a feeling of loneliness and regret crept over her. She looked back to Luna after her husband had receded so far away that she could no longer see him. Luna continued to plow into her pussy, sending shockwaves of pleasure though her body. She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help but cum again and again as Luna had her way with her.

“Luna’s gonna take good care of us.” Riley whispered coldly in Eleanor’s ear as Luna’s cock erupted inside her pussy.

Eleanor shot up in a cold sweat as she regained her orientation. She was in bed, in the dark, with her husband snoring next to her. It had all been a dream, Eleanor realized. She panted and gasped for air as she calmed down from the intense vision. It had all felt so real, but as she thought back to it, she realized how odd the things in the dream were. Like the room stretching and Luna’s aggressive attitude. Eleanor reached down between her legs to find the crotch of her panties were completely soaked through. It may have been a dream, but her arousal was clearly very real. She looked over to the digital clock on her bedside table. It was 5:00 am. She sighed as she laid her head back down on her pillow.

It had taken her longer than usual to get asleep last night, as the thought of her children fucking swirled in her mind. Eventually she had managed to fall asleep but it seemed her perverted, arousing thoughts had followed her. She reached back down between her legs and pressed two fingers against her clit. She took a sharp breath as electricity flowed through her extremely sensitive vagina. She was ashamed to admit it, but she couldn’t deny her body’s response to the tantalizing nightmare she had had.

“I definitely won’t be able to get back to sleep like this…” She thought to herself, her mind eager to find any justification for her wrongful masturbation.

She considered waking up her husband, but she had already begged him for sex when he had gotten home that night, to which he had embarassingly declined. It wasn’t the first time he had declined her sex, as their sex life had become nearly non existant in the recent years. While it wasn’t uncommon, Eleanor felt particularly hurt this time, due to her pleading nature. She had declined him plenty of times, but not when he was as desperate as she had been.

She knew he still loved her, but it was in moments like this that made her silently question his affection. Unable to resist temptation, she bit her lip as her thumbs wrapped around the hem of her panties and slid them down her thighs. Her hands quickly got to work, stimulating her clit and fingering her hole.

She tried her best not to think about it, but her mind kept wandering back to the dream she had woken up from. How small she had felt next to Luna. How obedient and submissive Riley had been to her sister. She was unsure of how she felt about the idea of being so subservient to another person, but the feeling between her legs was hard to deny. Just as she started to imagine a life where she was Luna’s plaything, she climaxed, twitching softly under the covers of the warm bed.

Eleanor was left with a feeling of guilt as her horniness subsided. How could she even imagine letting her daughter fuck her? Abandoning her husband for his own child. Her post orgasm clarity helped her realize the perverted and morally wrong concept for what it was. Her eyes teared up as she became overcome with a feeling of shame, and she cried softly into her pillow as she drifted back to sleep.


Luna smiled as she awoke, with Riley still asleep in her embrace. She held her there, spooning her small, plump frame peacefully before quickly being reminded of the previous night. Their mother now knew of their copulation, and she figured their father would be told about it soon, if he hadn’t been already. Despite her firm resolve to defend her relationship with Riley, she couldn’t help but be worried about what could happen.

While Luna was willing to run away and create a life with Riley, she really didn’t want it to come to that. She was already three years towards her degree, and it felt wasteful to just throw that all away. Not to mention, without a degree, she would be forced to get a worse paying job with poorer working conditions. And what about Riley? She would be throwing her life away too. Maybe if she made enough money, Luna could send Riley to a community college, but it was far from an ideal situation.

Riley shifted under Luna’s arm and continued to purr, blissfully unaware of Luna’s frantic mindset. Like it or not, Luna knew that the best outcome would be to stay on good terms with the family, and that as the older sibling, she would have to be the one to talk to their mother. Luna shuddered at the thought of how that conversation would go. Admittedly, Luna shuddered at the thought of even facing their mother again at all. She snuggled into the warmth of Riley’s full body as she tried her best to enjoy the moments they still had. She cupped Rileys large breast, which filled her hand nicely, and gave it a soft squeeze.

She admired how firm yet soft and squishy they were, as Riley’s warm flesh became molded by her grasp. Riley stirred, her back arching slightly as she got stimulated in her sleep. Luna smiled lovingly as she teased Riley’s nipple between her thumb and index finger, rolling and pinching it gently. Riley’s breathing quickened and she began to unconsciously hump the bed as Luna played with her breasts.

Not wanting to wake her, Luna stopped her fondling and climbed out and over Riley. Riley rolled over and curled up as Luna pulled the covers back over her small, naked body. Luna headed for the shower, hoping the steamy warmth would help reinvigorate her morale and clear her mind of doubt. After drying off, she got dressed in some thigh high socks, short gym shorts, and a high neck cropped tank top.

Luna strolled down the stairs and into the kitchen, looking for something to eat. It was quite early in the morning, Luna missing her parents departing for work by just a half hour or so. Luna got her breakfast and sat down in the living room to watch TV as she ate. To her relief, the smell of cum and sweat had all but disappeared from the room. She considered how she would approach the situation with her mother as she munched.

Across town, in the large office building where she worked, Eleanor pushed through the large glass doors and assumed her place at the front desk. The soft hum of fluorescent light bulbs could be heard over the quiet bustling of the office environment. Eleanor turned on her computer and checked the schedule. Her boss had a few appointments, but other than that, it would be another uneventful day of answering the phone, and greeting guests at the door.

The hours ticked slowly as Eleanor sat at her desk, only getting up occasionally to refill her water bottle which she sipped periodically. Eventually her lunch break had arrived, and Eleanor grabbed some cash out of her purse and headed to the office vending machines. She was good friends with a couple of her coworkers, who she would often eat lunch with, which made the break more enjoyable. After purchasing a small yogurt cup, Eleanor joined her friends at one of the tables in the small commissary.

“No way! It made that big a difference?” Eleanor heard Kimberly, one of her friends, say in a sharp whisper. She had caught them mid conversation.

“I’m telling you, it was night and day. He was like a whole new man.” Joan replied.

“Is this about your new implants?” Eleanor asked quietly as she sat down.

“You know it girl.” Joan joked, slyly hefting her new boobs.

Joan had been absent from work for over a month, after having undergone breast enhancement surgery. She had ranted and raved about it the weeks leading up to the procedure, hoping it would mend her broken sex life with her husband. Today was her first day back since the operation, and Eleanor had to admit that her new chest suited her quite well.

“Sounds like it went well?” Eleanor insinuated.

“Very well. I don’t think I’ve EVER seen him so interested in me.” Joan replied.

Eleanor frowned. After last night, attention was all she wanted from her husband. She had never been more horny, and it was harsh having gotten rejected. While she figured it was natural for the spark of a relationship to die out somewhat over time, she still couldn’t help but feel sad about it.

“I’m so happy for you!” Eleanor feigned excitement.

Admittedly she was happy for her friend, but a selfish part of her wanted that joy for herself.

“Thanks, it really was a nice change of pace.” Joan said, “I really think you girls should consider it if you aren’t being… satisfied.”

“I would, but Calvin and I can’t spare the cash.” Kimberly replied, “What about you Eleanor?”

“Don’t bother, you know she never talks about it.” Joan teased.

It was true. Eleanor usually preferred to keep her sex life out of the public eye, but due to the circumstance of last night, she felt inclined to share.

“Actually, last night was pretty disappointing…” Eleanor said softly, hoping no one would over hear her.

“Oh really? Do tell.” Kimberly insisted.

“Well, it’s just that, I was really feeling it last night, more than normal, and he completely ghosted me. Like I wasn’t even there.” Eleanor explained.

“Tsk tsk tsk,” Joan said, “Men. Always thinking about themselves. Same as always.”

“Yeah but this felt… Different.” Eleanor said, her eyes watering a bit, “I practically begged him but he still said no. It was so embarrassing”

“Oh honey,” Kimberly said, trying to comfort her friend, “I’m sure he’ll realize how much of a dick he’s been and he’ll make it up to you tonight.”

“He better!” Joan claimed, “I’ll come over there and whoop his ass if he doesn’t.”

Eleanor chuckled at the ridiculous idea of Joan “whooping” her husband.

“I’m telling you,” Joan started again, “You should really consider some implants. They’re expensive, but they’re worth it. I’ve begged countless times before to no response, but after I got these, he begs me. And I get to say no if I feel like it.”

“Now that’s just cruel.” Kimberly laughed.

“Don’t worry,” Joan reassured, “I don’t do it… often.”

“You bitch!” Kimberly whispered, as the two continued to giggle.

Eleanor had somewhat spaced out of the conversation. She fully considered how getting implants might change her life. Plus with her husband’s new promotion, money was no longer in short supply. The longer she thought about it, the more she liked the idea. After her break was over, she returned to the front desk. She looked around the office to make sure no one was in the immediate vicinity, before doing some research about breast augmentation.

The thought of needing to get surgery just for your husband to be interested in you was more than a little demeaning, but Eleanor felt like it was her only option. She clicked on website after website, reading up about how much it cost, what it would feel like, and how long it would take to heal among other things. Eventually she found herself on a forum populated with other women in a similar boat to herself.

All of them had been married for some time, and all of their husbands had shown little to no interest in them. Many of the forum users spoke fantastic tales of success, claiming the surgery was the best decision they had ever made. However, a small minority of the users spoke of how the surgery had little to effect on their sex life, or had even made things worse. Eleanor’s mind flipped back and forth between thinking it was a good idea and a bad one.

Eleanor grabbed her phone, deciding to consult her husband on the matter. As she was about to text him, however, she recalled what she had witnessed last night between her children. Her pussy twitched at the thought again. It disgusted and aroused her all at the same time, but regardless, she had to tell her husband. She figured they could grab a coffee after work and talk about it before returning home that night.

She texted husband, and after a while, received a response confirming he would be there. Eleanor sat back in her office chair as her mind raced. How would she bring up such a volatile concept? And how would she transition it into talking about the possibility of getting implants? She sat at work, absentmindedly, as she contemplated the upcoming conversation.


Back at home, Luna was laying on her stomach on her bed, watching netflix on her laptop. It was about midday, and Riley had yet to come talk or hang out with her. Luna’s cock pulsed inside her pussy as her mind thought of Riley’s plump figure, so soft and fun. Luna quickly closed her laptop and got up from her bed, fueled by a sudden conviction to fix the matter. They were in a relationship now, and Luna wasn’t going to let Riley ignore her so easily.

Luna walked out to the hall and made her way to Riley’s door. She didn’t even consider knocking, somewhat due to their “open door policy”, but more so because Luna felt a twisted pleasure from displaying dominance over her helpless little sister. Riley’s naturally submissive attitude towards Luna was seeming to have equal yet opposite effects on Luna’s confidence and sense of authority. She turned the doorknob and pushed her way into Riley’s room swiftly, eager to discover what was keeping Riley so busy.

“Heyy! I didn’t say you could come in!” Riley cried out, hiding under the covers of her bed.

“I don’t need your permission, silly.” Luna insisted, making her way towards Riley’s hiding spot.

Riley whimpered quietly under the covers, as she had come to yearn for Luna’s attention. Riley held her breath as she heard Luna stop, merely a foot away from the bed in which she was hiding.

“Hmmm, I wonder where she might be?” Luna teased.

“Not here!” Riley claimed deviantly, “No need to check.”

“You know,” Luna started, “It’s rude not to give your sister a good morning kiss.”

“Look I’m sorry okay…” Riley responded sadly, remaining under the covers, “Just leave me alone.”

“Wow, someone’s feeling bold,” Luna said, “Sounds to me like someone needs a SPANKING!”

Luna lunged for the covers, grabbing and pulling at them playfully.

“Nooo! Stop!” Riley pleaded as she did her best to resist Luna’s attack.

Riley’s small frame was no match for Luna’s prowess, and within moments, the sheets Riley had been using to obscure herself were resting on the floor at Luna’s feet.

“Don’t look at me!” Riley begged, curling up into a fetal position, naked on the bed.

Luna looked down at her sister, finally understanding why Riley had been so obstinate.

“You’re… back to normal.” Luna said.

Riley’s body had changed back to her normal form, complete with her unsatisfying proportions and lackluster figure.

“I know… and now you don’t love me anymore… So just leave.” Riley whimpered.

Luna sat on the edge of the bed and rested her hand on Riley’s boney, exposed shoulder.

“Hey! Don’t say that. You seriously think I only loved you yesterday because of your new body?” Luna questioned.

“Kinda…” Riley responded shyly.

“That hurts my feelings,” Luna whispered, nuzzling her face up to Riley’s, “You should know me better than that. I love you for you, not for your body.”

It was true, Luna did truly love Riley, though deep down, a part of her was sad to see Riley’s voluptuous body disappear so soon after it had arrived.

“You really mean that? You aren’t just saying that?” Riley asked.

“Obviously.” Luna said with a smile.

Riley immediately perked up, quickly sitting up on the bed and lunging at Luna. She didn’t waste any time landing kisses all around Luna’s face before attempting to make out.

“Woah now,” Luna said, grabbing Riley and pulling her away from her face, “You think a naughty girl like you deserves kisses after all that?”

“Yes?” Riley said, biting her finger with a mischievous grin, knowing that was not the correct answer.

“Uh uh,” Luna shook her head, “No, a naughty girl gets a spanking!”

Luna swiftly laid Riley across her thigh sock clad lap and began to smack away at her exposed, petite rear.

“No! Stop!” Riley pleaded, “I’m sorry.”

“Too late for sorries,” Luna claimed, continuing the punishment, “If you didn’t want to get spanked, you shouldn’t have been naughty.”

Riley cried out as Luna’s hand worked her ass pink. With each smack, Riley felt some pain, but also immense pleasure. Riley put up a facade of resentment, fearful Luna might stop if she revealed that she was secretly enjoying the spanking. Unfortunately, not every part of her body was on the same page, and Luna suddenly stopped.

“What’s this?” Luna asked, running her fingers between the outer lips of Riley’s vagina.

Riley shuddered as Luna brought her fingers to her face for inspection, finding them wet with Riley’s slime.

“Nothing…” Riley giggled unconvincingly.

“I can’t believe this!” Luna exclaimed playfully.

Luna picked Riley up off her lap and threw her down on the bed behind her. Riley chirped happily as she got tossed around like a little doll. Luna got up from the bed and marched towards the door.

“I guess the only way I can really punish you, is by not touching you at all.” She announced.

“Noo come back.” Riley yelled out, climbing off the bed and rushing after her sister down the hall. Riley was jealous of how Luna could move so much faster than her, due to her much longer legs.

Riley caught up with Luna as they walked down the stairs and into the living room. Luna sat down and folded her arms across her chest, in a somewhat exaggerated manner. Riley sat down next to her, hoping to enjoy some more one on one time. Luna sat silently, paying no mind to the yearning little girl begging beside her. Riley pulled at the neck of Luna’s thigh socks, stretching the fabric slightly, desperate for her attention.

“No!” Luna said, swatting away Riley’s hand, “You haven’t earned any attention from me.”

“I’m sorry Luna, please… can we do something.” Riley begged.

“You should have thought about the consequences of your actions.” Luna insisted.

Riley pulled her hand away and sat back somberly.

“I’m sorry Luna…” Riley said sincerely.

“For?” Luna asked.

“For… questioning your love for me…” Riley answered.

“Thank you.” Luna said, “Now do you promise to be a good girl from now on?”

“Mmmhmm,” Riley nodded enthusiastically with a smile, hopeful that all was forgiven.

Luna felt her cock twitch. She loved Riley more than anything, but the influence she had over her was a close second. It felt nice to be in control, and it seemed Riley was eager and happy to give her that control. But despite her growing arousal, Luna had to keep her word, and maintain her authority.

“Good,” Luna said, “And a day of abstinence should ensure you’ve learned your lesson.”

“Yes Luna…” Riley said somberly in understanding.

Luna leaned over, grabbing Riley’s face in both hands tenderly, and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Riley leaned forward as Luna pulled away, making their lips linger on each other’s for just a moment longer.

“There, that should tide you over until tomorrow.” Luna claimed.

Riley nodded happily, thankful for Luna’s gracious allowance.

“Now, about this…” Luna said, gesturing towards Riley’s ‘new-old’ body, “When did it change back?”

“It happened this morning, not exactly sure what time.” Riley responded, clearly sad about the topic.

“Hmm,” Luna hummed in thought, “And it started last morning?”

“Yeah,” Riley replied, “It was really early in the morning when it first happened.”

“That’s weird, I wonder what caused it.” Luna pondered aloud.

“Hey Luna?” Riley asked suddenly, changing the topic, “Did you… see mom before she left for work this morning?”

“No, she was gone by the time I had gotten up.” Luna answered, switching gears, “I’ll have to talk to her about it tonight when she gets back.”

“And… You still want to fight for us?” Riley asked shyly, looking down at her lap.

“Of course, I’m not losing you now that I’ve got you.” Luna said with as much resolve as she could muster.

Luna couldn’t see Riley’s downward pointed face, but she could see tears start to drip down from her head, sparkling in the light like diamonds before silently splashing onto her nude thighs. Despite being under punishment, Luna couldn’t stand to see Riley in such a mood.

“Oh come here,” Luna said, picking Riley up by the waist and holding her in her arms like a baby, “Don’t cry.”

“I… Love you… I really do… B.. but I’m scared of things changing.” Riley said amidst sobs.

Luna brushed the tears from Riley’s face tenderly, as she slowly rocked her back and forth. Riley felt herself relax and calm under Luna’s loving touch. It was just then, holding Riley’s small, light body, that Luna got an interesting idea.

“Sshhh,” Luna said, kissing Riley softly on the nose, “I have a way to fix everything.”

“Y… You do?” Riley cooed in Luna’s strong arms.

“Well, kinda,” Luna chuckled nervously, “It’s just that, mom saw you yesterday with your new body. But now that it’s back to normal… Maybe if we act like it never happened, mom will just think it was a dream or something.”

“That’s not much of a plan, Luna…” Riley replied softly.

“I know,” Luna admitted, “I’m just saying, that until we are forced to admit to it, I think it could be better to just act like it never happened in the first place.”

“I guess so…” Riley sighed, “I’m still scared though…”

“Don’t worry, I’m right here.” Luna said as she continued to rock Riley in her arms.


The work day was finally winding down, and Eleanor fidgeted in her chair as she anticipated her talk with her husband. A mix of eager and dreadful anxiety surrounded the, soon to be, topics of discussion. The hours had ticked by at a snail’s pace as she waited for the day to be over. But it finally was, and Eleanor, like many of the other workers in the building, began to pack her belongings and head for the door. Everything between her leaving the office and arriving at the coffee shop seemed to take a hundred times as long as normal.

The elevator ride, the walk to her car, and the drive all felt excruciatingly long, but eventually she had arrived at her destination. She didn’t see her husband’s car in the parking lot, as she found a spot and climbed out of her vehicle. She headed inside, and got in the short line that led to the cash register.

The shop was about average for a coffee place, being on the smaller side as far as restaurant type establishments go. It was littered with small, round tables and bars along the large windows that covered two of the four walls. It was mostly empty, with a few younger looking individuals, likely students, sitting, drinking, and typing away at their laptops.

The main desk extended all the way down one wall, most of it being a glass display for an assortment of treats and pastries. Eleanor and her husband had been here several times before, and they had always been satisfied with the service and quality of food and drink. While not the most nostalgic of people, Eleanor did have a bit of a sentimental attachment to the small shop, remembering the times she had been with her husband fondly.

Bit by bit, the line was served and Eleanor found herself ordering a drink for herself and her currently absent husband. Having been before, she knew what he normally ordered. Within a minute, the drinks were ready, and Eleanor headed outside to the small, outdoor seating area by the shop’s entrance. Not long after she had sat down, she saw her husband’s familiar SUV roll up and park before he stepped out and made his way to her.

Eleanor stood as he approached, reaching out his coffee to him as he grew closer.

“Sorry I’m a little late, I got caught up in traffic.” Her husband insisted, taking the coffee from his wife and beginning to sit at the table.

“You’re fine,” Eleanor began, “Actually, I was thinking we could sit and talk in the car.”

“Oh… Sure that’s fine.” Her husband responded.

The two made their way to his SUV and got comfortable inside.

“What did you want to talk about?” He continued after they had gotten situated.

“There’s two things actually,” Eleanor said nervously, taking a sip from her cup.

After thinking about it for several hours, she had decided to start with talking about the children. She felt that it would be rude to ask for something like implants before dropping the bomb of their children fucking. Either way, it would be awkward to bring up both, but she felt confident that this was the best way.

“Alright let’s hear ‘em.” Her husband responded, completely oblivious about what was to come.

“Okay, there’s no easy way to say this… So I think I just have to say it…” Eleanor started, quickly losing resolve, “Well it’s just that… Um so… Luna and Riley are fucking.”

Mr. Johnson choked on his drink briefly, coughing a bit before resituating himself.

“What?” He asked, caught much more off guard than he was anticipating.

“I… I caught them having sex in the living room last night… before you got home.” Eleanor explained.

“Listen, Eleanor, this is a really weird joke, okay, so can you cut it out.” He responded.

“I’m sorry dear, but I’m not joking, Luna and Riley really are having sex with each other.” Eleanor insisted a bit more confidently now that it was out in the open.

Her husband’s face had become flushed, likely with embarrassment, and he stared into his wife’s eyes in disbelief.

“I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true.” Eleanor reasoned, “And there’s more to it.”

“Stop!” Her husband pleaded, “This isn’t at all funny.”

“This isn’t a joke, I saw Luna with her penis inside Riley, and Riley’s body had changed, it was womanly and…” Eleanor thought for a moment, looking for the right word, “Plump. She… had… pretty big breasts an-”

“Eleanor, what’s wrong with you?” Mr. Johnson demanded, “You bring me all the way out here for coffee, just to tell me some freakish joke about our children.

“For the last time it’s not a joke!” Eleanor insisted with a raised tone, a little hurt at her husband’s words.

“Listen to yourself! It doesn’t make any sense!” He continued ranting, “First of all, Luna and Riley would never do something like that, and on top of that you’re trying to tell me that Riley’s body magically changed. That’s not possible Eleanor!”

“I can’t explain it either!” Eleanor responded, basically yelling at this point, “But I’m not lying, I would never lie about something this weird!”

“You’re sick. Really sick.” Her husband said in a disappointed tone, “I’m going to drive home, to my kids that aren’t having sex. To my daughter who has the same petite body that she’s always had, and I’m going to try my best to forget that you EVER thought that this would be funny or… whatever you thought this would be. I’m disgusted Eleanor, truly disgusted.”

Eleanor was deeply hurt and immensely disappointed. Not only did her husband’s words cut into her emotions like a hot knife through butter, but the conversation had not gone at all like she had anticipated. Eleanor burst into tears as she climbed out of the SUV and slammed the door. She walked to her car with her head down and tears dripping from her eyes. She got into her car and tried her best to calm her crying. While it hurt to hear her husband adamantly berate her, she knew that as soon as he got home, he would see for himself that she was telling the truth, it was only a matter of time.
