I [M] cheated with the hot married senior lawyer at my office [MF]

This happened a few years ago now. I’ve loved reading gonewildstories and have been mulling over sharing some of my own. I was nervous about sharing this story but I’ve since separated from my old partner and moved on to another law firm. I have other stories I may share as well if there’s enough interest – it’s why I made this account. I’ve changed some details but the essential details are true.

Now at the time I had been called to the bar less than a year. I was a junior litigator just starting to get my feet set under me. I’ll preface the story by letting you know that most of what you hear about litigation is true – it is usually awful and stressful for everyone involved, clients and lawyers.

I was working at a small firm at the time – nothing extravagant. It had been a deliberate choice to find an office that practiced more holistic law where I wouldn’t be forced to work 60+ hour weeks. We placed an emphasis on trying to find workable solutions that placed the needs of our clients and their families first.

But I guess that’s not really important to the story.

What’s important is that my colleague, Emily, was a 34 year old married lawyer who had a young family of her own. I was 28 at the time and was thankfully child free. I didn’t know it at the time but we were both horny fucking messes whose libidos got worse the more stress we were under.

In terms of personality, Emily was a quick witted fire-cracker. She was usually the loudest and funniest person in the room. She had shoulder length dark auburn hair that framed a heart shaped face. Standing at a towering 5”0” she had no business intimidating lawyers on the other end of her files. She had a curvy figure – with full C – cup chest and a thick ass that just drew my eye. The fact she almost always wore heels made it harder to ignore.

I’m ashamed to admit it but she caught my eyes lingering more than once. I was just drawn to her. She was confident, beautiful and capable. I would have asked her out in a heartbeat if she wasn’t taken.

Fortunately and unfortunately, it seemed she reveled in the attention I gave her. We would be sitting across a desk from each other and discussing files, when she would uncross and re-cross her legs – giving me brief glimpses. I remember the first time she was wearing a navy blue lacy thong. It was clear she preferred to be shaved bare. I remember her puffy lips looked desperate for attention and I had to excuse myself to grab a glass of water. Other times, she would lean over her desk unnecessarily to point out something on a document I had brought to her attention. Her chest would be hanging low and my eyes would drink up the sight of her smooth, tan breasts. She was soft, inviting and such a tease.

As I said though, she had kids and a husband. I also had a partner and a strict rule to not shit where I eat. I’d done it when I worked retail years earlier and knew it was an awful idea. This was my first job as a lawyer and I didn’t want to jeopardize my career.

That didn’t stop me from going to my office and quietly relieving myself every time we had our private little “show and no tells” in her office.

I guess I’ll let you know that I’m a solid 6”0 and inching towards 6”1. I’ve been an athlete all my life and I’ve got a solid body from years of sports, working out and physical labor to get myself through school. I was a lean 175 lbs. This was coupled with long brown hair, a little past my shoulders, green eyes and a neatly kept beard. I’ve been given the backhanded compliment more than once that I look like Thor’s second and skinnier younger brother.

Under normal circumstances I don’t think anything would have happened. But normal circumstances aren’t why we all come to this subreddit. In the summer of 2018, both our legal assistants had quit with minimal notice. One relocated to another city to be with her fiancé for a position she needed to take ASAP. The other went on stress leave – apparently getting caught by your husband with the contractor causes a lot of stress.

Emily and I were swamped with work. We only had 3 lawyers, including us, in our office and the other senior lawyer handled our accounting needs in addition to her legal work. We were left with all the other “little” details. We were usually too busy to talk but we would briefly catch up around the coffee pot or when we needed to talk about files.

The week before things went down, we were chatting in the office kitchen and she was telling me that her mother was in town and had agreed to take the kids back to her farm. She was going to get a few days to relax – just her and her husband. I made a quip about how they can catch up on some much needed “alone” time. She had complained to me before how they never got a moment’s rest or ‘adult’ time.

“That’s not happening and hasn’t happened in months” She laughed, loud and derisively. “I will definitely take the time to ‘treat myself’ in the bath and read something a little more fun than kids books.” She really emphasized treating herself. I tried not to picture it while maintaining eye contact.

“Ouch, months?” I winced, “I mean I get a few weeks here and there but that’s awful. How the hell are you managing the stress?”

“What makes you think I’m managing? I’m losing my fucking mind” she laughed again, bending and reaching over the counter to grab sweetener. I enjoyed a quick glance down her top and failed miserably at being discreet.

She smirked and I leaned over the counter to close some of the distance. It was close enough I could smell her subtle perfume and hints of the coffee and mint on her breath. “Well, here’s to losing our minds together until we get an assistant back in this damn office” I said while staring right into her eyes. She looked a little flustered and it took her a beat and a half to realize I had raised my mug of coffee.

“To losing our minds together” she said as we clinked mugs. She was blushing faintly and it was my turn to smirk.

“I think we should plan Friday office drinks next week. Who says we can’t get a little buzzed that afternoon while we work?” I suggested, “I think we both have next Friday off from clients and we’re court free. I know we can twist Jesse’s (our boss’) rubber arm to buy office beers”

“I’m in if you bug Jesse” she said as she turned away. “I need to get back to work”

Whatever fun flirtatious thing we had before that talk changed. There was an edge and a seriousness to it that hadn’t been there before and we both knew it. We made more excuses to see each other in our respective offices and drank our coffee or shared snacks in the office kitchen. She would make excuses for me to pass her small things and would deliberately let her hand or fingers linger on mine. When she had a computer issue, I went to help and my hand casually grazed the back of her neck before resting on her chair. I leaned over to “squint” at the screen. Our faces must have been six inches apart when I turned back to tell her how to fix the issue.

These were all fun little games that we played when we had a moment to catch our breath from all the work. I convinced myself at the time they were harmless but I think I knew all along I was playing with fire.

The Friday finally came. She ordered some food for herself and I went across the street to buy beer from petty cash – with permission of course. It was a long weekend and Jesse had said we could grab beers but that she and her husband were leaving for BC. Her domestic assault trial collapsed because of no show witnesses and she was heading out the door.

The game changed. There was no one to supervise. No one to stop us from taking what we wanted. Cautious, we took drinks to our respective offices instead of bantering in the kitchen.

Forty minutes or so later, I went up for a second drink and poked my head into her office to ask if she wanted a second.

“Beat you to it,” she said, raising a mostly full beer. I opened the fridge and yes, there were three beers missing from the six pack.

“Number four is mine then,” I grabbed a beer before walking back downstairs. I’ll mention for posterity’s sake that I was drinking on a mostly empty stomach. Some of you may give me shit but I don’t eat much while I work. I find it too distracting and cuts into my productivity.

I don’t know how long later she messages me and asks if I want the last beer. I typed back sure and chugged the almost half full bottle I had left. I could definitely feel warmth from my gut climbing to my brain. What are you doing, I thought to myself. Stop acting like an idiot teenager with a crush – you know better. I put on my game face as I heard her come down the stairs. Her heels clacked as she went.

She’s wearing a partially backless, navy blue dress with her pink bra straps peeking out as she rounds the corner into my office. I take a swig of beer before letting the cold bottle rest comfortably in my hands.

“How’s your day coming?” she asked.

“The usual bullshit” I said, “clients keep calling to unload their bullshit instead of going to an actual therapist. I hate not having an assistant to screen our calls… Honestly, it would be cheaper for them to talk to a counselor then pay me my $200.00 an hour.”

It was an old complaint but we didn’t care. It was a break from work where we got to flirt.

We made small talk but the conversation started to run out and it felt a little like she was trying to stall. We started spending more time making eyes at each other and less time talking. I finally made the excuse that I had to get back to work.

Honestly, I was just feeling plain chicken. I didn’t want to push things somewhere we both might regret. With a nod of agreement she turned to leave. I glanced over to watch her go and that was apparently all it took to change my mind.

“Wait!” I almost yelled. She turned around.

“You have a tag sticking out you might want to tuck in, on your bra strap.” I gestured vaguely with my hand.

I was screaming internally. What the hell am I doing? You just told yourself you wouldn’t do something stupid. You both work together. It was also the lamest excuse to keep her there but it was apparently enough. She turned around and fumbled with the back of her bra. She clearly missed the **tag.**

“Did I get it?” she asked .

“No… but I can get it for you if you like?”

She walks up to me and turns around. She lifts her arms up to grab her hair and strikes a pose. It was a totally unnecessary gesture given her hair is only shoulder length and the strap is midway down her back. It did however give me an excellent view of her body and it’s curves. I could feel myself growing hard with anticipation.

I stood up out of my chair and put one of my hands softly over the strap. She shivered but was leaning into my touch. She was a little cold under my hands and I could hear that she was holding her breath. My left hand’s fingers wrap under the strap and I lift it from her back. My right hand grabs the tag and lays it smooth underneath. She leans into me a little more as I take my fingers out and let my hands slowly run to each side along the strap’s fabric. I somehow manage to keep my hands from shaking as I “smoothe” it down – completely unnecessary. Unless, I wanted to keep my hands on her body.

We’re so close I can smell the shampoo in her hair. It’s citrus. My cock twitches again as I’m looking at the plunge of her neckline over her shoulder. I gently push on one side of her back to spin her around toward me.


There’s less than a foot between us. She’s looking up with her soft brown eyes which flicker from my lips up to my green eyed stare.

I barely heard her thank you because I’m stuck thinking about the soft feel of her skin under my hands. My cock swells. There’s no way she doesn’t see it out of the corner of her eye.

Fuck this. I want her. Now or never, I lean in and she steps forward. My lips are on hers. I can feel how hungry she is, she’s as desperate as me. Her stomach presses into my cock and I grab fistfuls of her thick ass to pull her tighter.

Her hands are already pulling my shirt out of my slacks. Finger tips play over my stomach gently before she reaches up my chest and carves thick red lines to my navel. I growl and she smiles into my mouth as we kiss.

“You want to get me in trouble with [GF]?” I pull away to ask.

She pouts. “Maybe?” she says. She’s already leaning back in to kiss when I grab her roughly and lift her onto my desk. Her dress is riding up and I can see she has a matching pink thong. She planned this.

My hand digs into her auburn hair and I pull – exposing her neck. My teeth and lips follow my eyes; I wasn’t gentle. She tasted as sweet and was as soft as I’d imagined. She moaned into my ear, her hands roaming.

“Fuck yes, please more,” she choked out. “Use me. Hurt me.” I bit down harder and slid my teeth to her shoulder. Her legs wrap around me and pull me closer. Her hands fumble with my belt as I shake with anticipation.

I unclasp her bra and pull the dress down from her shoulders as she struggles to pull my cock free. I step out of my pants and let my own hands reach under her dress to feel that she’s sopping fucking wet. I cup her cunt and let my thumb gently glide over her panties and clit. She’s whimpering now and lifting her hips into my hand. I pull her underwear to the side and run my finger along her slit. She’s bucking and has managed to slip out of the top of her dress. Her tits are on display with her dress bundled around her middle.

I lean forward and let my tongue travel up between her tits before circling her dark, puffy nipples. Her breasts are soft, full and warm to the touch – exactly how I imagined. My fingers have never left her clit and she has her hand wrapped firmly around my thick cock. Her wedding band is gone. I can’t remember if she had it when she walked in.

I have her now. There’s no turning back as I let my tongue leisurely tease her before I pull her into my mouth – sucking slow and hard. I finally sink a finger into her and her breath hisses out. My fingers moving come hither while her hand awkwardly moves up and down my six and half inches. She’s struggling to think but I don’t stop.

“Fuckkkkkk” she finally whimpered, “please, more; I want to cum on you fucking cock.”

I bite down on her tits before pulling my fingers out and licking them clean. “Not yet, I want to taste your cunt first” I ripped off the rest of my clothes and she slid out of her dress.

“I need to taste that cunt first. I’ve wanted to bury my fucking tongue in you since the first time you ‘accidentally’ flashed me.” I push her further on the desk and on her back. My fingers are digging into her thighs and her cunt is staring me in the face.

“Want to know a secret?” She asks just as my tongue edges around her swollen lips. I nod. “I kept getting distracted when we interviewed…” I interrupted her with my teeth. Biting the soft flesh of her inner thing.

“Go on,” I get out from around her high, “…when we interviewed.” Her face is flushed. I straighten a little and wait for her to continue.

“When we interviewed you for the position, I was 5 months pregnant. It was awful. Alll I wanted to do was ride your fucking face until I came” she grinds out.

“You little fucking whore”

“You have no idea” she grins, “but you’re about to find out.” Her hands are reaching for my cock again. She’s folded under me and I’m teasing the head of my cock along her sopping slit.

As much as I want to just bury myself in her I want her to cum in my mouth more. I lower my head. My fingers dig into her thighs and my tongue finds her cunt. Slow, deliberate strokes get her shivering and I savor her taste with each one. I let her moans build.

When her fingers get tangled in my hair I moved to gently suck her clit. “Harder, faster” she whimpers. I don’t know if I could stop. It is less than a minute and her hips are bucking. It feels like she’s going to rip the hair out of my head.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop…” she repeats. Her nails are digging into the back of my scalp. I look up and her eyes are squeezed shut.

She’s going to cum.

“Ohhhhh….” her voice is rising to a squeal, “… fuckkkkkkkkk.” she’s bucking under me now but I hold onto her harder. That clit was mine and I was going to enjoy every fuckingwhimper and drop of cum I could get from her. I keep sucking as she bucks so hard it feels like she’s fucking my face. She’s dribbling down my chin and I finally start lapping at her with my tongue.

Her face is flushed and her chest is heaving. I stand up and her legs fall to either side of me. My stiff cock is resting gently on her clit. I let her catch her breath.

“Oh my god, I can’t remember the last time I came that hard” Her chest is heaving as my fingers trace lazy circles on her body. “No more waiting.” She reaches down and grabs my leaking cock, rocking back and forth so my shaft slides between slit. I know I’m not going to last long.

“Please fuck me. I need you to fill me”

That’s all I needed to hear. I lean down to bite her neck again as she lines me up with her cunt. I can’t help but tease her more. I rock slowly back and forth. Parting her slowly. We’re making out again and now she’s the one growling. Her legs wrap around me as she tries to push me deeper. I resist and inch forward. She screams when I roughly shove the rest of my cock inside her.


Every inch of my cock is on fire and her cunt feels burning hot on my shaft. I can tell she’s intentionally squeezing me as tight as she can. At this point I don’t care if I last a minute or an hour.

I pull back slowly before slamming back into her. She pulls my mouth to hers and bites my lip.

“Harder please, faster. I need this” she whimpers into my mouth.

Evening out my strokes I can already feel my balls beginning to burn and tighten.

“Fuck, I’m not going to last long”

The smell of our sex and sweat mingled with her perfume and my cologne has me high. I could feel myself getting light headed and my vision narrowed. Her nails dig into my ass and she starts slamming me into her.

“Good, I want you to cum for me like you fucking mean it.” she growled. “Fucking use this little cunt and fill me with your hot cum. Use me. I’m your little fucking slut. And when your all out of cum I’m going to suck that cock until you’re ready to fucking fill my cunt again. I want your cum dripping down my leg when I go home and kiss my husband. I want to be licking up your cum as it drips from the fingers I use to fuck myself later.”

It was honestly the hottest fucking thing anyone had ever said to me. WIth my legs shaking I could feel as a shiver passed from my calves up my legs and back. My cock tightened and the pressure built in my balls built until my orgasm ripped out of me. I flooded that cunt with rope after rope of cum as I kept slamming into her.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum again” her voice climbed. “Please don’t stop, holy fuck yes like that, just like fucking that.” I steadied myself by wrapping my hands around her neck. I was dead on my feet and it felt like my soul was leaving my body. But holy fuck was I determined to keep going.

I picked up the pace and she finally let out a yell. I could feel her cumming and tightening around my cock. She was squeezing out all the cum I’d stuffed into her. My cock was a creamy mess as I weakly pumped a few more times. I could feel our mess dripping down my balls and puddling on the ground.

I finally collapsed on top of her as her fingers stopped working her clit. She put her hands on the back of my head as we kept sucking back deep, rattling breaths.

I couldn’t believe how turned on I still was. I licked at the sweat dripping between her tits before letting my tongue swirl lazily across her chest. None of the guilt that would come later crossing my mind.

“Wow,” she said.


I leaned in and we softly made out for a few more minutes. I picked her up, still inside her, and brought her over to the couch in my office. She sat in my lap while my cock twitched.

“How are you still hard? Did you cum?”

I nodded to the floor.

“Does that look like cum to you?”

“Holy shit that’s a mess” she giggled as she settled into my lap. “I can’t believe we just did that. Fuck… ” She wiggled into me. “We should clean up though.”

“Why?” I asked. I grabbed her ass again and ground her into me. I wanted more.

“Stop that!” she teased “Don’t start what you can’t finish.”

I slapped her ass.

“I have every intention of finishing you again”

To maybe being continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m6jizg/i_m_cheated_with_the_hot_married_senior_lawyer_at


  1. As hot as it is, I still hate reading these kinds of stories. If you’re unhappy in a relationship, especially a marriage, you need to talk to your partner. Not get something on the side.

  2. I never comment with this account, but I had to make an exception for this one. What an awesome well written story. Thanks for posting and look forward to seeing more.

  3. So hot and well written! Loved the details – you’ve got a flair for writing!

  4. I always knew that lawyers were one of the most shameless creatures on the planet. Your just proving it .

  5. I don’t need to see cheating stories in here. Please don’t be proud of yourself for this.

  6. Damn, that is one hot story right there! I had a co-worker like her once, unfortunately (or fortunately? LOL) the perfect situation like yours never materialised. Sexual tension over 9000!

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