My marriage has been over for years. It has crumbled to a pile of two people resenting each other and the bedroom is dead. Our kids were getting older and my husband whom I have known since high school is no longer the man that I met. He had a routine that involves coming home from work, showering, eating, and having “a few beers” while watching TV before passing out.
We live in a nice ranch style house and in the back there is a community walking trail where people exercise and walk their dogs. This is an account of the past few months with me and a divorcee (Jay) that lives a few blocks away. Jay walks his dog every evening. He is like clockwork on his walks and during the summer months we have exchanged pleasantries and chatted. As fall rolled around and the days got shorter, I would see him walking with a headlamp and sometimes even wave from my bedroom and get a flicker of the headlamp back.
One night, that all changed. The following posts are the events that occurred on that evening and many days after.