The white wolf and the petite hiker (brainwashing)

This is a story I’ve often done a roleplay about and so lots of this will be taken as ideas from the’s set out where there’s a female hiker, and I will be writing as the wolf and also narrating the story. Hope you enjoy.

The white wolf and the hiker.

It was a fairly warm day and Lynn had been hiking all day, she was a 23 year old track and field star, so very fit and toned as a young woman.
By this point in the hike it was getting late in the afternoon and the sun was setting low, she had worried she’d come too far out and now was getting turned around, *shit, where do I go from here, I don’t want to have to spend the night out here* she mumbled to herself. She wasn’t dressed for a night out in the wilderness, she wore a tight tank top, no bra, hiking shorts (which were tiny) and nothing else.

The weather was cooling by the time she gave up and decided she’d have to start looking for some kind of shelter for the night.
After walking a bit further she came to a clearing, this clearing happened to have a rock in which she sat down to have a shirt breather and to gather herself. It was then that she felt like she wasn’t alone, so Lynn looked around her, getting a little scared but there was nothing she could do, so took a seat while keeping a lookout. That was when she noticed a movement in the brush opposite the clearing she was in.
She stood up, ready to run away if needed but then this sudden wave if calm washed over her. With this wave if being calm, Lynn spotted 2 ears appear put of the brush, but she wasn’t afraid.
A wolf showed its head which made her gasp but as she locked eyes with the wolf she got this feeling of “I’m not here to harm you, pup” a warm feeling spread through her. This wolf had an affect that couldn’t be explained.

The wolf and her sat together for a long time x she got used to being in the wolf presence and even felt safe, like who would even come near her with a great white wolf as her protection.
After a bit the air was cooling down and the sun was setting so she thought, “I have to be getting out of here” but then oddly she was torn between leaving the wolf and staying.
The wolf decided to get up and he walked into the nearby cave, “ahh that must be his den” she figured and got up to take a closer look.

Walking into the wolfs den Lynn was fairly surprised to find it warm and welcoming. There was even a comfy hay bed in the centre of the cave that the wolf was laying on.
“maybe I can spend some ti… what am I thinking.” she was so torn, but before she realised what was happening, her legs had started moving toward the bed. Getting there she lay down alongside her wolf gaurdian. Lynn leaned against him, surprised she could even touch him but then again if the wolf wanted her dead, she would be. She lay there cuddling the wolf for a long while, time just disappeared, and before she knew it, Lynn would need to spend the night there as it was dark. “shit… Shit… Shit…” she kept saying, “I need food and I kinda have to pee too” she said as she was squirming around. Then she just decided to drop her pants she was wearing, she never had underwear on, she rarely did, she found them unnecessary and encumbersom. So now bottomless and only wearing a sport bra, she quickly darted out of the cave and squatted in the bush and let her stream flow, God she was actually desperate for a whizz.

Upon walking back into the cave, her wolf guardian was up and ready to go out again. “you do what you need to do Mr wolf, I need to sleep” she mumbled to the wolf and then sat on the hay bed. As Lynn stretched out her legs, her cleanly shaven but sweaty pussy was letting off quite the aroma which enticed the wolf to come sniffing art her most private parts. “no.. No….. Ah fuck it…” she said as the wolf shoved it’s nose into her crotch and took a long sniff at her moist sex.
Lynn immediately gasped out for air as the wolf’s wet muzzle forced its way into her pink and moist slit. “oh God doggy that’s amazing” is all the could say as her eyes rolled back in her head and her head lulled back.. He legs were brought up which exposed her pert bum more to the wolf which was now full on lapping at her as if there was nothing else tastier in the world, and to the wolf, there wasn’t. As he was lapping away at her exposed little pussy, little did she know but his huge red rocket doggy dick was appearing out from its sheath.

The wolf stopped its onslaught and nudged her in the side, it wanted her to flip over into a more appropriate position, and just on instinct she did. Once in this position with her ass sticking up in the air did the realization of what she did hit her. She unknowingly just invited the wolf to mount her, and he is not going to miss out on the opportunity, but not before he ments her resilience a bit more. There it suddenly was again, that brain numbing tongue licking at all her brains just oozing out of her pussy. What was she thinking. Actually just that, she wasn’t. Lynn was acting purely on instinct and that instinct was telling her to truly submit and be the bitch in heat.
The wolf quickly hops up, mounting his bitch, and with his 2 front legs that fit so perfectly into the crevace of her hips, he pulls her back to meet him. He cannot direct his wolf penis into her sopping vagina, so it glances off and slides along. This feels like an electric burn to Lynn who whines out, “ahh I need it master”, she just called a wild beast her master, and without even realizing it, but to her, he did own her. This large white, wild wolf owned the petite Lynn,.

(I hope you enjoyed this and if so I’ll have a second part)



  1. ??? Fuck, a forbidden pleasure I didn’t know that I’d enjoy reading

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