The Assistant 13 [affair]

Kylie’s alarm startled her awake at six in the morning. She shut it off and felt arms wrap around her. She smiled and rolled over to face Anthony.

“What are we doing today?” she asked.

“Right now, going back to sleep,” he mumbled. Kylie smiled and snuggled into him and drifted back to sleep. They woke two hours later with the sun coming through the shear shades.

“Good morning,” Anthony said.

“Good morning,” Kylie said. “I’m hungry.”

“What do you want for breakfast?” he asked as he got out of bed.

“Crepes,” Kylie moaned. This made Anthony’s balls ache. Kylie watched him as he got dressed. “You have a nice ass.”

Anthony turned around as he buttoned his khakis.

“You should get dressed or you’ll get no crepes,” he said. Kylie stuck her tongue out at him and finally left the bed.

Anthony had a rental car waiting for them at the hotel and he drove them to a diner for breakfast.

“So, tell me more about what you were talking about last night,” Anthony said when they were finally alone.

“About?” Kylie asked, playing dumb. Anthony raised his eyebrows at her. Kylie sighed. “I joined and there’s a community there of adulterers. A lot of people share their experiences and advice on how to not get caught. We lament together on how we don’t get sex at home. I’ve just learned a lot, is all. Workplace affair isn’t exactly smart but we kinda already crossed that line.”

“I see,” Anthony said.

“So, how is the extra stay being charged?” Kylie asked.

“On my personal credit card,” Anthony replied. Kylie swallowed.

“Does she have access to that account?” she asked.

“She does not,” Anthony said. “I handle the bills. She has her own credit card and an account she is responsible for. I have my own. We have a joint account that we both put money into and I make sure the bills are paid on time.”

Kylie relaxed a little.

“I’m going to guess that texting each other is a no no,” Anthony said.

Kylie nodded. She explained everything she had learned and they both decided how they would communicate with each other outside the office.

After breakfast he drove them to the boardwalk where they went to many shops. Kylie got a couple cute, casual dresses and they ate lunch at a little cafe before they went down to the beach where they walked in the sand. Kylie found some rocks to sit on so they could listen to the waves.

“What’s on your mind Kylie?” Anthony asked. Kylie looked at him. Kylie shook her head. “Don’t lie. You’re in your head.”

Kylie flushed. He was actually starting to know her.

“Just…thinking too much,” Kylie said. “This is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I think your wife would destroy me if she found out.”

Anthony took her hand in his and they sat in silence as they listened to the waves. He didn’t doubt what she was saying. It was terrifying to think about what would happen if anything was found out, so they better get their shit straight.

“Well,” Anthony said, finally breaking the silence. “Instead of tormenting ourselves with what could happen if we don’t keep our shit together, I think we should torment ourselves in more pleasurable ways.”

Anthony kissed her neck, just below her ear.

“I like the sound of that,” Kylie said with a smile. “But I’m not ready to go back to the hotel.”

“What would you like to do then?” Anthony asked.

“Oh! Is there a bookstore nearby?” Kylie asked.

“There is,” Anthony said. “Do you want a new book store or an old one?”

Kylie looked at Anthony, confused by his question. Anthony smiled. He hopped down from the rock and helped her down. Anthony drove her to The Last Book Store where Kylie proceeded to be in absolute heaven. He had been there many times before and let Kylie explore while he went to his usual history section.

A couple hours had passed easily before Anthony thought he should look for Kylie. He found her talking to one of the employees about the different collectable books they had. He stood near here and listened to their conversation. Kylie sighed as she handed the book back to the employee.

“Hungry yet?” Anthony asked.

“A bit,” Kylie said. “I just want to get one book I found downstairs.”

“Ok,” Anthony said and he let Kylie go ahead of him. He turned to the employee behind the counter. “That book she wanted, can you put it something she won’t be able to see it in?”

The employee smiled and nodded and took care of his transaction. Anthony went downstairs and waited by the door for Kylie to get through the line. They went to dinner and then a short drive before returning to their hotel room.

Kylie had already stripped out of her dress and Anthony had his shirt off. Kylie walked over to him in her mismatched bra and panties, looked up and asked, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

Anthony took the paper bag off the table behind him and handed it to her.

“I got you something,” he said, his eyes not leaving hers.

Kylie tried to keep her smile down, but her eyes and cheeks gave her away as she took the bag and carefully unrolled it and pulled out the book she had been looking at earlier today.

“Anthony Lawson,” she gasped.

Anthony crooked a finger under her chin and made her look up at him.

“Don’t even go there,” he said and he gently kissed her lips. Kylie couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with emotion. Anthony put the book on the table and brushed her tears away.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Anthony kissed her and picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He crawled onto the bed with her wrapped around him and set her down.

“You can tell me later why it’s important,” Anthony said. “Right now, I need you.”

His lips trailed down her body as he stripped the rest of her clothing off and then his. He gazed at her body as he stroked himself.

“Fuck, you are beautiful,” he said. Kylie blushed.

“Is that so?” she asked.

“Definitely,” he said and he rolled on a condom and crawled to her.

He kissed her passionately as he gently caressed between her legs. Kylie purred, arching up into Anthony. He slowly slid his cock inside and held himself there, resting his forehead against hers. They looked at each other. Kylie cupped Anthony’s cheek and kissed him just as passionately as he had kissed her. He slowly slid in and out of her and their bodies rocked together. Kylie held him close as her fingers dug into his back.

“Oh my God Anthony,” she moaned breathlessly. Anthony pressed his hips down into hers, grinding against her clit. He could feel her orgasm building.

“Cum for me Kylie,” he whispered in her ear and then nipped at her neck.

Her legs squeezed against him and her breath became ragged before she shuddered and tightened. Anthony only lasted a little longer and Kylie cuddled him on top of her, kissing his shoulder.
