New Beginnings [M] Dom [F] sub (A catfishing story]

This is the story of my failed catfishing attempt. It turned into a wonderful Dom/sub relationship… and I am more than happy it happened. This started out as a business between myself and the person in the photos/videos to make a little side money. I was the mind, she was the body… It worked very well! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the start of this story… I would love to continue it for anyone willing to read. (Posting the rest to my profile) We get pretty x-rated later down the line:)

This was all done over txt, so there are many spelling mistakes, I only changed any personal information we shared.

sub-R (Myself/the catfisher)

Dom-G (the man I catfished)


Dom-G: can i ask you a serious question just quickly?

sub-R: Yes shoot

Dom-G: And i hope i dont offend or upset you with this, but you seem really into me, like really really into me. And i guess im just surprised, i dont feel like physically im anything special, especially for an 18 year old, so i dunno what my question is, but i guess i just want to make sure that this is 100% genuine. again, i dont want to upset you, im actually giddy talking to you, but part of me, my insecurities just makes me feel like its too good to be true? i hope you dont take offence to this.

sub-R: —

This is so unfair… Ok, so.. this is a business. Something that I started a few weeks ago and I thought it was a clever little thing we are doing my team and me. I cannot dig someone as much as I dig you and lie to you when you ask me so direclty like that

If you dont wanna talk to me after I tell you I will understand

Dom-G: —

no you’re right, im an idiot

sub-R: —


I never said that

Dom-G: —

no no, sorry

im saying that im an idiot

i know you didnt

sub-R: —

Why? Your not an idiot

I really truly dig this and I really truly havent came… thats not a lie

Dom-G: —

because thats a silly question to ask

sub-R: —

its not a silly question

Im just fucking up by getting into things instead of keeping it profesional

I really do dig you…

Dom-G: —

okay, lets leave it at that then

because i really want to make you cum

sub-R: —

So, are you sure you are ok not knowing the whole reality of the situation?

Dom-G: —


sub-R: —

God I need you to make me cum… It is literally driving me crazy

Dom-G: —

so lets just forget that im an idiot who asks silly questions and lets focus on your pussy

sub-R: —

You are no idiot… and I will gladly answer any question you have within reason… And you drive me fucking wild

Dom-G: —

i wouldnt even know what to ask lol you can just tell me what ever you want to share

sub-R: —

Well, I will start off with… My Name is R


Dom-G: —


sub-R: —

I dislike my name lol but it is my real name

Dom-G: —

well i like it so too bad

sub-R: —


Want to know my real age?

Dom-G: —

haha i knew it, but yeah

sub-R: —

I mean I could still be just your 18 y.o. cum slut if you like…

Dom-G: —

no i wanna know the real you, if thats okay

sub-R: —

ok.. I am 33 as well…

Dom-G: —

okay, cool :slight_smile:

honestly, im not surprised. the way you talk, i knew you werent 18 lol

sub-R: —

haha, like i said i am no pro at this I have been winging it for several weeks

It’s just hard not to let my own personality out when I find a like minded person

Dom-G: —

of course, so they’re not your pics on your profile?

sub-R: —

Sigh That is ______. We do this business together. She is the body I am the mind

And don’t worry its not like im ugly or anything haha… I just would rather be the mind behind the scene

Dom-G: —

okay, so when you sent me your pussy the other day?

sub-R: —

Her and I work together… I talk the talk.. and tell her what I need her to do so she takes the photos and we split 50/50 profit

Oh and no she isnt 18 either

she is 21

That is why i am sorry for the deception

Dom-G: —

okay, but everything you said about me, about how i make you feel, how your pussy is on fire. thats all true?

sub-R: —

Moraly I cannot lie to someone that i enjoy spending time with.

And I swear to you I wasn’t lying

I still AM on fire

Dom-G: —

so every time we talk its been you?

sub-R: —

Im very sorry you had to hear this

Every single time

I control the acct

she just does the pics and vids

Dom-G: —

its okay, honestly id rather know, and nothing changes in terms of me wanting to make you cum

sub-R: —

Glad to hear that honestly

Dom-G: —

so 33 years old and only 1 uncut cock?

sub-R: —


Dom-G: —

okay, thank you for being honest with me

sub-R: —

your welcome

Dom-G: —

any chance i will get to see you now that i know? or is that completely off limits?

sub-R: —

yes hold on

*sends a photo of my face*


Dom-G: —

hi beautiful

sub-R: —

Awe really?

*shares a few more photos to verify my identity*


thank you, you’re gorgeous

id love for you to share your body with me from now if you’re comfortable with that

sub-R: —

Awe ty… But I don’t know if I’m ready for that just yet

Dom-G: —

okay, no worries

sub-R: —

So, yes I’m a mom…

That’s pretty much why

Dom-G: —

thats why you dont wanna share your body?

sub-R: —

Yes… Unfortunately

I’m still loosing the weight from my last born

Dom-G: —

okay, i respect your decision, you know what, but im 33, i know what a real womans body looks like

you know that*

sub-R: —

I’m not comfortable with myself just yet

Dom-G: —


so i have the real you now? 100% you?

the words match the person?

sub-R: —

I promise scouts honor

I turn 34 in August

This is me

Dom-G: —

and everything about liking that im doing to you, and how much you find me attractive and how much you like my cock, thats all you?

sub-R: —

Every word… every word. Would you reciprocate and send another photo of you now too tho?

Just so you know this closeness breaks some of the terms and conditions. I no longer will be taking money from you… And I won’t be talking to you on ____ anymore. Is that ok?

Dom-G: —

oh okay, sure

sub-R: —

This is now a friendship. You are no longer a client


Dom-G: —


sub-R: —

Okay :)
