Step Sister Corruption Part 88 – Day 49 Birthday Snack (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Summer called out allowing me to not delve onto what had transpired. I looked over my shoulder, “Huh?”

Summer not looking back as she cooked the bacon on one side of the oven and Kel was on the other side cooking. “I asked what would you like with your bacon and hash?”

I barely heard her watching both girl’s asses shake as they cooked.

Focus Gabe.


I answered, “Whatever you think will go good with it. I’m not too picky.”

Summer spoke, “Omelette it is.”

I got happy hearing omelette. Can’t remember the last time I had an omelette. Or breakfast for that matter.

Usually on weekdays we’re out the door hauling ass towards the college…..after a coffee stop or stops seeing how we’re usually using MY car. We used my car for the simple reason… car was newer compared to Summer’s nearly ancient hand me down sedan.

The only time Summer used her car was when she had to go to work or had plans like go see Morgan or go get groceries.

Kel still hadn’t gotten a new car though insurance had paid her for her car that was totaled some time back. So she had a really nice down payment ready to get herself a new car.

Her excuse was that she had been too busy to actually go to the dealership and get a new car. Or the other one was each time she was available her dad, Jason, who likes to wheel and deal was out of town or busy himself.

So Kel relied heavily on me, Summer, or mom to get around. Usually me. But she found the proper payment to haul her around….road head. Lots and lots of road head. And gas I make her pay for gas every other fill.

I’m just happy my tank is really small……and my car gets awesome gas mileage. Thank you hybrid cars.

Though I still cringe if the gas costs more than $25 to fill up my tank.

I got up and decided to be an ass to both girl’s.

I walked up while both were completely focused on cooking.

I grabbed my dick and dick slapped Kel’s ass, “How’s the hash?”

Kel lightly jumped feeling her ass nearly whipped by my slowly hardening member. Even my dick lightly stung as it was smacked against Kel’s nearly rock hard ass meat.

Kel tried to answer my question but was interrupted as I reached around using one hand to fondle one of her breasts and the other hand went down easily finding her protruded clit telling me she was turned on. The only thing she got out was, “It’s c…..” before it turned into a moan.

I looked over her shoulder to see that the hash was looking good but if I remember hash cooks fast.

I lightly twisted Kel‘s nipple and whispered in her ear, “Flip the hash Kel.”

Kel moaned out, “Its not read…..”

I pushed a little more on her love button down stairs. I whispered, “I said flip it Kel.”

She moaned out.

Summer smacked my arm with a spatula, “Let her cook Gabe before she burns it.”

I looked at her still playing with my toy who recently admitted that she loves me and looked towards the pan of hash.

She looked at the hash and groaned, “Oh for fucks sake. Move!”

And edged us away which my hands took more of a handful right where they were and lifted Kel off her feet and moved so Summer could move in.

I may or may not have slipped a digit in my love toy as I was moving her causing Kel to deeply inhale as she felt her insides get penetrated by my finger as she was being moved and opened her legs even more.

Summer flipped the hash showing me that it was barely golden brown and looked at me, “See it’s not done yet.”

I smiled looked down at the meal happy it wasn’t ruined….so far.

My best bet to have a good meal unburned was to occupy the person who was the most likely culprit to burn any meal and that was the person who was in my hands lightly moaning as she tried to grind her hips on the single digit lodged in her.

I smiled and said, “Well if you shall excuse me I’m going to have a light snack before breakfast is ready.”

And I turned Kel around and lifted her until her delicious center was inches from my face. Kel immediately wrapped her legs around my head and folded down putting her heavy jugs on top of my head and grabbed the back of my head. I now had a Kel body face mask as I held her up by her ass checks.

Summer muttered, “Lucky bitch.”

And I started eating my *snack*.

I don’t know exactly long I running my tongue and kissing against the sensitive organ of the body that tightly held my head against it’s body but it was long enough for the body to try drown my ass as a high torrent of near clear semi sweet fluid sprayed all over my face.

Why is it the girl’s tell me my fluid tastes amazing especially with Nutters coursing through my boys changing the flavor notes but a girl’s flavor notes are almost nonexistent. Especially with Kel.

I lightly wondered if Muschi made a supplement that would turn a girl’s ‘fluid’ into something more flavorful like Nutters. And if they did what would they call it?

During one of her high pressure torrents of shooting fluid I got some of it in my mouth before she tried drowning me and suffocating me with her body tightly held against me as her orgasm took her body. The little that I got had hardly any taste.

It was like someone filled her with the clear liquid and put in a quarter of a teaspoon of sugar and stirred it.

Don’t get me wrong I’m happy it wasn’t urine and didn’t taste like urine.

Then there was her grool which had the same taste but that was thicker than her high pressure fluid.

I didn’t notice that breakfast was being cooked but knew it was done when I felt a mouth greet my semi hard member and grew inside the orifice.

I knew that Kel hadn’t turned into a contortionist nor had I flipped her because she was still tightly hugging my head shaking from the multitude of orgasms that rocked her body.

So I used the only logical answer that Summer was on her knees giving me a blow job.

I lifted Kel off my head which took a lot of coaxing to release my head because she had just started another orgasm. But I finally coaxed Kel off my head and as soon as Summer saw that I was peeling Kel off my head did she detach herself from my member giving it one last kiss before stepping away so I could lower Kel down to the ground.

I had to hold Kel in place so her rubber legs wouldn’t give out on her and I saw she had her usual orgasm smile on her face.

I ignored Kel and looked at Summer, “Breakfast ready?”

Summer turned to the side to show on the table was three plates of food. A big ass omelette, some hash browns, and three pieces of bacon sat on each plate. A tall glass of oj. And one of the plates had a large helping of pills sitting next to it.

I smiled, “Alright let’s eat.”

And I walked over to the food.

We sat down and ate pretty much silent except for the loud chewing from the squirter otherwise known as Kel.

I on the other hand didn’t just eat I shoveled the food as fast as possible as I could.

If anyone was behind me there would definitely be shrapnel as the little bites flew passed me and onto their merry little way.

What?? You try fucking two girl’s and tell me you’re not hungry.

If you say you’re not I’ll call bullshit.

The girl’s watched as I made my meal disappear before they were even half way done with their meal.

After I shoveled the food, I mouthed the pills and washed everything down with the oj.

Summer gave me a look, “Somebody hungry?”

I gasped as I finished my oj, “Yeah well I was feeling a little drained.”

Kel lightly laughed at my joke as Summer just rolled her eyes but still smiled.

I got up and walked to the refrigerator. I opened the door and grabbed a bottle of water.

I damn near tore the blasted cap off as I tipped the bottle back and chugged the water as fast as possible.

I threw the bottle in the trash and gasped to finish off my sustenance with a belch.

Kel scoffed, “Attractive.”

With my belly finally full I was happy.

I looked at the girl’s, “Any other plans for my birthday?”

Both girl’s looked at each other before Summer gave Kel a shit eating smile as Kel whispered, “Come on I’m not ready for that yet.”

Summer just nodded at Kel.

Kel muttered something I couldn’t hear before she looked at me, “Just need some prep time.”

I smiled, “Alright I’ll be upstairs getting some videos done.”

Summer spoke as I ascended the stairs, “We’ll come get you when we’re ready.”




  1. Pleaseeeeeeee tell me this is going to go past the 100 chapters you have listed on the home page. It’s just too damn good

  2. Fuck just spend the last 2 days reading it all and shit I want it to continue way past chapter 100. Thanks for writing this this is awesome.

    Can’t wait for the next few chapters. Keep up the great work.

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