I Couldn’t Resist My Older Sister’s Husband[FM]

Was my senior year of high school, I’d been living with my older sister and her husband John for six months at that point. I moved out of mom and my stepdad’s house because he was always being a complete jerk. He’d do things like unplugging the cable modem when he knew I was on my laptop doing homework when cutting grass he’d try to aim the mower so it would throw rocks at my car, and whenever I’d mention to mom about having a date I’d get accused of screwing half the boys in my class. The worst part was, my mom would take his lies as truth and never listen to me. I finally got to the point where I could not take it anymore and had to leave. My older sister Tara let me move in with her so I would not have to drop out of school to get a job. She and John both were upset at the way our stepdad treated me. My sister worked at a nursing home and kept odd hours, I would come home from school a lot to find super already fixed or money for a pizza if she had got called in and not had time to cook. John would get home a bit later and would often tell me about his day while I did my homework. I could tell John kinda liked me but was married to my sister, I thought there were a few times that it looked like he was trying to sneak a peek in the bathroom when I was taking a shower. I acted like I didn’t notice cause he really turned me on.

One Saturday I came home from going to the mall with my best friend (who was trying to get me to date a guy she knew but I didn’t like him) to find out that John and my sister had a fight that morning and she’d gone to work. I set down and let him vent all his frustration, afterword I hugged him and held the hug for a few minutes. I smiled as I felt his hard-on start to poke the side of my leg. I reached down and started to rub the bulge in his pants, I knew it was wrong but it just felt good. This made him even more excited and before I knew it we were kissing and I found myself pulling him over to the sofa sitting down with him in front of me. Pulling his cock out I was amazed at how much larger he was than the two guys I’d had sex within the last few years. It almost didn’t fit in my mouth as I started going down on him. Before I knew it, he pushed my head back to the couch and started moving his cock in and out of my mouth faster than was moving. I closed my eyes as he continued to screw my mouth. Only moving my hands down and raising my shirt and bra up to expose my breast. I felt myself getting really wet and began rubbing my pussy through my jeans. When he noticed he pulled his cock out of my mouth and pulled my jeans and panties off me and threw them in the corner, in what seemed like one move he had my legs on his shoulders and his cock plunged into my pussy. I let out a series of moans and screams for him to go faster and harder. He was so much better than any other guy I’d been with, I guess being with my sister allowed him to get practice. He seemed to have no end to his energy and kept going for hours. After what seemed like an eternity, I felt his orgasm burst into me. As he stopped I looked down and watched his cock throbbing still in me as the last bit of his cum flows into me.

John looked at me with a smile and said he’d been wanting to do that ever since I had moved in with them, but was afraid of what would happen. He didn’t want to make my sister mad and really loves her, just I turned him on. I took a shower and we ordered a pizza as normal and set on the couch with him holding me and watched a movie. I jumped up and moved to a seat across the room when I heard my sister pull in the driveway. She came in and asked if I could let them talk and I heard her saying she was sorry about causing their fight. After they made up I was let back in and we watched TV as normal.

I dated a few guys in the rest of my Senior year, but never seriously. Every chance we had that I and John were at the house alone, we’d repeat the scene above. Before long I was going to the doctor and found out she was pregnant and a month later I found out I was as well. My sister never questioned anything, she assumed I must have slept with one of the guys I’d been dating. The only guy that had been with my thought was her husband.

After I gave birth to my daughter and got a job after high school, I also baby sited my sister’s son for her. I and her husband continue to sleep together when the chance comes around. I moved out and got my own house right next door to them. When both our children turned 5 we were at the mall one day and a lady that worked at one of the stores made a comment about how much alike they looked. My sister told her it was because they were cousins, I didn’t say anything but in my mind, I was screaming, “No, it’s cause my daughter is your son’s half-sister.”

It’s been a long time since I was with her husband, as I am seriously dating someone now and both me and John agreed that we needed to stop. No one here will ever know the truth about what happened during that time, that is one chapter of my life that is closed.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m3ivmb/i_couldnt_resist_my_older_sisters_husbandfm


  1. Do you ever feel bad about your sister? Is there anything circumstance that would get you to confess and make amends with your sister?

    You talk about your relationship with your bil, mother and stepfather but not your sister. I would like to hear about that relationship if possible.

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