After 4 years, we had an “agreement”[MF]

This happened over 10 years ago. It may seem like a long build up, as the real life build up surely was.
In the 10th grade, my family moved from the suburbs back to the country. We live in the South and this highschool is in the middle of nowhere. We moved to the river. All my family went to this school so it was sort of a “homecoming” and I already had friends there.
My first day of school,in 1st block, I was in music appreciation. I was sitting by a couple of buddies I had went to elementary school with. We were the “country” crowd. I mean really the whole school was. Everyone hung out with each other . It was a small school. (2A)
Sitting there with Chad, thats when I saw her come in. Not late but right before the bell. I still remember what she had on. Jeans and a tight blue almost velvety t shirt. I had never met her but she was friends with my buddies already. She came and sat with us. She introduced her self saying “ Hey, Im Kayla” . I smiled and shook her hand and told her my name. She was ….damn she was just pretty. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, kinda tan, beautiful smile, and still to this day the most awesome pair of tits I have ever seen in person(although I havent seen them yet….wink) they were big and they fit her frame perfectly. She wasnt a beanpole but she wasnt chubby either. She was known for her tits with the guys. She knew it too. She wasnt slutty or anything. That first day we just chatted and we had a few classes together. She was cool and we all partied together. We got to be really good friends. Actually somewhere on down the line( way down) she was some kind of kin to me…by marriage. So we called each other cuz. ( i can hear the comments now).

She was really the only girl I ever ran around with outside of school. We partied. And even went to get party “favors” together. Nothing too heavy. We never had any kind of sexual interaction until the one the story is about. She knew though that I had just always wanted to see those titties. She was always dating somebody older or was enamored with another guy .

Fast forward 4 years, I guess I’m about 20 now and so is she and we still hang out, she even helped me do a few remodeling jobs. I spent the night at her house a few times( she lived on the river, too) but we were just friends. I dated 3 of her best friends throughout higschool and Im sure they had talked. Look I hate to say it, but as It’s relevant to the story, I was known for my big dick. I hate to sound braggadocios.Like even girls I had not been with I had overheard them talk about it. Kayla had even told me in conversations “ yeah she told me what yall did the other night, she said your fucking huge”
So was she curious? Who knows. She never made a move and neither did I until……

It mustve been during the summer, I remember it being hot. I still lived at home and I dont know why I wasnt working that day, maybe in between contractor jobs. Kayla calls me -its before noon- says hey If you wanna “ ride up the road” I got us. I said ok, and got in the car to go pick her up. I got to her house 20 mins later and she got in the car.she had on jeans and a low cut white t shirt. Where we had to go was about 30 miles away , so we just chatted and jammed out to the radio on the way. We drove to town , did our buisness and started back. We stopped on the way back in our neck of the woods at the gas station about 10 minutes from her folks place on the river. We just been hanging out , riding around and having a good time. After I pumped the gas and got us a Red Bull, I got back in the car and she said “ Hey, I wanna drive your car.”
I said ok…. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll let you drive but when we get to your house, you gotta show me your tits. Haha… I guess I was kind of direct.
She didn’t hesitate. “Ok, deal she said.”
I about fainted. Could it be? Now , I had wanted to see her tits since the first day I met her. Is today the day? I started doubting she would actually do it. And that wouldve been fine. I wouldnt have pushed it.
The ride to her place seemed to take forever and she just drove easy. She was unusually quiet, like in deep thought and I dont know how we got on the conversation of sex but I remember her not having a boyfriend at the time and me saying “Look if you ever just want to do it and are single , just consider me. Just think about it. I wont tell a soul. (And I didnt…until now) We can just help each other out like that. I had never mentioned this before to her and didnt really press it. She just kind of nodded and acted like it went in one ear and out the other.
So we pull up at her house and her mom and boyfriend are not home. We park the car, walk to the front door without really saying a word. We take the first right to her bedroom and she sits down on her pink comforter on her bed and I walk in and say jokingly”Ready for show and tell?”
I saw the change. The change in her eyes. Bedroom eyes. She replied sexily “Got a condom?” The way she said it reminded me of Marilyn Monroe and how she used to softly talk to men to get her way in the movies. “ I’ll be right back” I said. I left the room and went out to the car and got some from the glovebox. When I returned to her room she was on the bed on her knees straightening the pillows . She turned around quickly to face me when I entered. Wow. Just wow. She had stripped down to a black lace bra and thong. And Oh my God. I’ll never forget it. Her breasts in that bra. Holy shit. They were fucking huge. The way she was looking at me, its a wonder I wasnt helpless, paralyzed. Here before me nearly and soon to be naked was the girl I had fantasized about for 4 years. I took off my shirt and stood at the edge of the bed, she moved toward me on her knees on the bed. We ferociously made out. I was biting her lower lip , her tongue in my mouth and I was rubbing her tits. I pushed her back on her back still on top of her, lips never came apart. I kissed her neck, I reached for the clasp on her bra and before my hand got to it she undid it and threw her bra off the bed. And then there they were. They were so perfect they almost looked fake( but I knew they werent) soft and round not a bit of sag . and small pink nipples. Still to this day the best Ive seen. DDs . Oh yes.
I told her “I’ve wanted to see these for so long” as I started kissing them and sucking and biting on her nipples, taking turns on each breast. Back to her mouth and more making out. I inched a hand down to her panties, and then inside them . I stuck a finger in her, and slowly started fingering her. She was soaked. She was smooth as silk. Am I dreaming?
I fingered her a while as we kissed, I slid her thong down her tanned sexy legs. She kicked them in the floor. I put two fingers into her. I could feel her tensing up under me. She broke from our kiss and she told me “I’ll do you, If youll do me”

If this generates enough interest, I’ll continue the story with part 2. Forgive any grammatical errors. This is the first time I have done this.



  1. Just post part 2 later. Youll get more interest that way people will look for part 1

  2. You gotta work on the spacing. Some of these paragraphs are brutal to read.

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