A Cold Night Alone In A Winter Cabin

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The air was crisp and the altitude made it hard to breathe. Bending down to put on your boots was a struggle. Claire had managed to make it through the night but didn’t know if she would survive the rest of the day. Her car had slid off the road on her way up the mountain and cascaded down a large drop. Her friend told her to put chains on before she left but Claire Insisted she would be fine, she scolded herself for being so naive. Her clothes were wet from sweat and snow melt touching her skin and she hadn’t been able to feel her toes since last night. She wasn’t even sure if they were pink any more. Stumbling aimlessly into the wilderness to try and find a path back to the road had proven more difficult then she thought. Apparently her fall was into a steep valley and the snow was high but powdery. The wind didn’t make things better. What am I going to do she thought. Her lips were cracked and chapped from the wind and attempts at eating snow. Her nose bore long icicles that she tired of wiping away but enjoyed the salty taste it left. She hadn’t ate in over two days because the person she was going meet was expecting anal. Why did he invite her all the way up to his cabin, why couldn’t it have been in our town?! She whimpered at the thought, ooo how she wished she could have him. The pictures he sent the night before drove her crazy and his vague text coerced her to drive up. The thought of that huge cock going inside of her ass made her moan in delight. The thought of his Dick helped her keep walking and pushed her forward. Her body ached and legs were jello but she knew this was nothing compared to what he was going to do to her for being late. All the happy thoughts of his huge cock faded away as a rush of Goosebumps covered her body. She thought back to the last time she made him wait, it was only a few mins and completely out of her control. A 3 car pile up had occurred in front of her and she had to violently swerve to the median which threw her car spiraling down the highway. Narrowly missing the accident she was able to drive away with nothing more then a racing heart and sweaty palms. That little detour had costed her though. It had costed her big time. 3 minutes is what she remembers hearing. 3 MINUTES is what he kept screaming as his hand came down on her nice round ass. She could only say one thing, she was only allowed to say one thing. Yes daddy, yes daddy. His hands were enormous compared to her wrist. He didn’t even need rope or constraints. He could put her over his legs, grab her wrist and have her screaming in seconds. His grip was controlled but firm, never leaving a mark on bare skin but also never allowing her to move her hands. His strikes were powerful, loud and exciting. No matter what, she could never understand his rhythm though and wasn’t able to anticipate it. Sometimes he would just hold here there, keeping her in a state of sleep and awake. He would soothe her and slowly caress the wound he had inflicted and make her feel completely alone and vulnerable. She knew that wasn’t allowed, she knew that was going to get her in trouble but she wanted it. He hated when she’d forget where she was, when she’d dream. He would ask what she was dreaming about and if she would rather be there! He would never ask a question before giving a spanking though so she was always awoken by a vivacious spanking that had her send out a scream followed by yes daddy. If yes daddy didn’t come out fast enough he would wait till she was In between breaths making it harder to scream. It made it worse that she could only answer with that as well, he always pointed his questions. She was always in trouble it seemed. Daddy was never happy, his rough face from not shaving for a few days mixed with the smell of bourbon always reminded her of that. She was to be punished because that’s what made daddy happy. She couldn’t stand to think what daddy was going to do to her this time though, it had been 2 days since she talked to him. TWO WHOLE DAYS! Something in her doubted he cared but a loud voice was screaming to be prepared. She almost didn’t want to be rescued or saved. Daddy would be mad if some other guy rescued her and she knew she would get in trouble. Maybe the belt, he hadn’t used that in a long time. Not since the sister accident. Or maybe the alcohol, pouring it over her open cuts. That was her least favorite but that’s what made daddy laugh. She loved his burly laugh that came from his stomach. Echoing through the room. His laugh was soothing to her cuts and she knew daddy was just trying to make sure they didn’t get infected. She knew he cared for her and she was missing him in that moment. The sun had already past midday and She felt as if she had walked miles, it had been a long one and the wind was picking up around her allowing the trees to shake off some of the cold. She began to day dream and thought to herself that this was it, daddy wouldn’t be pleased with her and she was terribly sad. Her legs and arms were trembling. Her mouth was hurting and her eyes were barely open. She took one more step and fell right one her face. Right into the snow, that soft powdery snow. It felt so good, the snow on her blushed face melted and she sipped the water from her chapped lips. She was in peace and slowly drifting away allowing the wind to sing to her. She was content and hoping that daddy would understand when they found her lifeless body in the summer after the snow melt. She knew he would be upset but what could he do to her?! She was safe, free and finally at peace. The wind started to blanket her with snow and her back started to get heavy with all the added weight. Her body slowly started to get colder as she wasn’t walking any more and the water from the melted snow started to freeze. The blood was settling and the long sleep was coming. She knew it was the end and that she could go no further. She was sad but felt proud that she had made it this far. At least she had tried and when they found her and told daddy that he would be told that she attempted to climb up to him. As her eyes finally came to a close and her mouth stopped sipping the melted snow she felt one last sensation. It wasn’t what she expected though, she thought drifting away slowly to heaven was going to be a sweet embrace but this was the complete opposite. This was very painful yet very familiar. Her eyes screamed open and her jaw came apart almost ripping her cheeks in terror and pain. Her body straightened like a board with a sudden flinch. The pain was unbearable and the room was white bringing on nausea as her mind started to adjust. What is this she thought, where am I? Is this hell? Is this what it feels like to die? Her heart was pounding in her throat and her lungs couldn’t breathe the thick air. Her eyes began to adjust and her surroundings became more clear. She could recognize things around her Like daddy’s large black boots on the floor next to his pants. The colored glass end table with a yellow glass ashtray that had never been emptied. Dozens of bottles littered the floor and the room smelled of sweat and bourbon. The stained green carpet had a pool of drool and sweat from her face that looked at her in disgust. Daddy would make her clean that even if it was the least worrisome of the stains. A loud voice thundered behind her head. She knew that Slurred and raspy voice from anywhere. His large hand switched and using his free hand he grabbed her by the hair and ripped her head back. Bringing his stubble to her cheek and bourbon to her nose. She realized she had fallen asleep and it began to make sense. He was asking her a question but her senses were over loaded. The room was loud with a ringing noise and she could barely breathe. She knew in her mind it wasn’t loud at all though, daddy kept the room cold cold and very quiet. Going as far as putting up yellow foam on the walls to not alarm anyone from the screams. It didn’t matter how quiet it was she couldn’t hear a thing. And then he spoke in such a graceful and quiet tone. He had never done that and somehow he pierced right through the ringing noise in her ears. The question was so clear and easy to understand. Tears ran down her face and into her mouth and she realized that’s were the saltiness came from. Her arms hurts, his constraint around her wrist had tightened she thought it was from grabbing onto to trees for balance. She couldn’t feel her toes for how long she had been bent over him, her thighs pressed to his had stopped the blood flow. She was sure it was because she had frostbite. She couldn’t believe he had made her feel like she was on top of a mountain, that she had survived a horrific car crash and was soon to die in the mountains alone and afraid. In her dreary mental state she remembered she had never left rural Illinois. The pain and realization was exhilarating, he had pushed her, he had punished her, he had shown her where she could go. She was screaming in pure ecstasy as his hand came down! She couldn’t believe what she was feeling. Her tight pussy was dripping down his leg which only cause the spanking to be harder. He hated messes that she caused even though he lived in a constant state of filth. It only made daddy more furious but she wanted more. She wanted it back, she wanted to feel DEATH! SHE YELLED, “YES DADDY!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m35ge3/a_cold_night_alone_in_a_winter_cabin