The sitter

My first story. Be gentle with the criticism

All the kids are grown now and out on their own. The oldest daughter lived with us till the age of twenty three when she got married and moved out. For the last two years we’ve been able to go somewhere for a weekend and even take week long vacations. Our daughter was home to watch the babies. We have three chihuahuas. Don’t call them dogs. My wife will snap on you. “They are babies”. Is what my beautiful wife Brooke will tell you.

We learned to enjoy ourselves about once a month.
We’d drive a couple hours and stay the weekend at a nudist resort. It was awesome! Walking around strutting our stuff and enjoying the sun on our bare skin. Oh, and of course, checking out all the other people. Better leave your sunglasses on at a nudist resort. The rules are ridiculous. If you get caught starring at someone, you can be kicked out. Then we found out there was a swingers nudist resort no farther away than the prudish nudist one. It was all downhill from there! The first day we arrived at the resort (really more of a fancy campground than resort) we get undressed and head to the pool. No sooner did we walk in the gate to the pool area and a random woman walk over, grabbed my cock and said “hey, I’m _______” while shaking my cock. You know instead of my hand. I told her hello and looked down at Brooke. Brooke was just laughing.

This became our routine for a couple of years. At least one weekend a month we went back. Usually a long weekend.
Our daughter got married and of course the two of them had an apartment waiting.
Uh oh. We don’t have a babysitter anymore. We didn’t do hardly anything that winter. We would go to see friends. Hang out in their hottub and drink. Naked of course. Sometimes even have sex with them. Those are stories maybe I’ll tell another time.
That situation fizzled out eventually as they always do and we found ourselves bored again. We’d finally had enough of sitting at home we needed to start getting away for the weekend again.

I put and add on the Nextdoor app for a “baby”sitter and within twenty minutes she called. Amber was a high school student and a homebody. She didn’t have a job. She would be going to college in a couple of years. At seventeen she was very responsible and didn’t need much money given that she was a homebody. She didn’t really like spending time with people her age. This was the perfect job for her and she seemed to be perfect for the job.

I asked if she would be available that Friday. She said she would and seemed excited. She told me she was looking forward to snuggling with the babies. She arrived on Friday at 5 pm as planned. Brooke answered the door and let Amber in. Holy shit! She had to be under five foot tall. I have a thing for short girls. She was slim but had hips to boot. Hard to miss considering she had on light gray leggings. She had a fairly loose sweatshirt on that did a good job of hiding her top half. But her hair… she had beautiful red hair. Not the almost orange red you see a lot of but a good bit darker. I thought she had dyed it honestly. Her lught completion was indicative of someone who didn’t get out much. To top it all off, she had the biggest, brightest green eyes I’ve ever seen. I had to say excuse me and head for the bedroom for a minute.

Brooke came in the bedroom a few minutes later as I was putting the last few things in my bag for our weekend. She gave me the sweetest kiss and asked “are you ok”? I told her I would be fine and how much I loved her. She just gave me a devilish smile and said I needed to go talk to Amber for a minute before we left. “Did she catch me staring” I asked. “I don’t think so” said Brooke.

Back story is needed here. You can only have a great marriage if you’re spouse knows everything about you. Good or bad. So, Brooke already knows what my dream girl is. Amber is almost an exact replica of the woman in my head. I didn’t think a physical representation was even possible. Yet, she’s here. Out in our living room. In the flesh. This almost perfect representation of my dream woman wasn’t a woman at all though. She’s just a teenager. Even if she were a year older and legal, she would still be a teenager.

It was time to go say hello and get this over with.

I put Brooke’s and my own bags by the front door and walked into the living room. Amber is spread out on the couch laughing as all three of our chihuahuas are pouncing on her and licking any exposed skin they can find on this young goddess. Amber is squirming and laughing as they lick her face, neck and hands. Choco is licking Amber’s left ear. Stopping only to growl at the other two if they get too close. These dogs never act like this with a new person. They have to warm up to someone first. Brooke walks into the living room and witnesses the fiasco. “Holy crap” she exclaims. Amber sits up and adjusts herself. She has tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. Brooke and I looked at each other and we immediately knew Amber was the right person to sit with our babies.

Brooke and I showed Amber around the house including where her room would be while she’s here.
She would be using our guest room complete with a low king size bed. This room also doubles as our play room if we have the right kind of guests over. Which hadn’t happened yet of course. After giving Amber the layout of the house Brooke and I finished loading up and hit the road.

A couple hours later and we were at one of our favorite places surrounded by naked people and flirting. It had been a while and it sure was nice to get back into the wild and not have to adult.
We spent the the weekend swimming, laying in the sun and of course playing with cute couples.
It was nice to see Brooke let loose a bit. Her short curvy body laying in the sun. Her large breasts out for everyone to stare at. She says she’s fat but she knows better. She looks amazing to me and to everyone else. At 43 she turns more heads than women ten years younger. I guess I’ve done ok also for my age. I’m 46 and still slim with decent muscle tone. Of course I have the dad bod trying to take over. I don’t have abs anymore and I have a bit of love handle going on.

Brooke called and checked on Amber one a day. She would be watching Netflix and snuggling with the babies. It was nice to know that we could enjoy ourselves without worrying about the house and dogs.

We returned home on Sunday a little earlier than expected on Sunday. The babies went nuts when we walked in the door. We didn’t see Amber. Brooke called out for her but there was no answer. Brooke went to our bedroom to put her bag down. I went to see where our babysitter was hiding. When I reached the guest room I froze at the doorway. Amber was laying on the bed facing the opposite direction. She had on a sweatshirt. She must really like sweatshirts. She had on a tiny pair of shorts and bright pink panties but they were both around her ankles. Her knees were up and she appeared to be masturbating.
She had earbuds in. Now I see why she didn’t hear us come in. I know I shouldn’t have been watching but I was simply frozen in place. Brooke came up beside me and witnessed the scene for herself. After a short gasp, Brooke just slid her arm through mine and literally leaned on me and watched with me. Amber was facing the other way and had earbuds in so she had no idea. A few moments later Amber was having an orgasm. She was making the cutest noises. Instead of screaming out she was basically making little squeaking sounds. What she was doing and what she was using to do it was a mystery to us. We couldn’t see that part of her.

Neither of us would ordinarily invade on someone like this but neither of us could help it. It was a beautiful sight. Her head would raise off the pillow and her feet would raise off the bed as well. Then her head and feet would slam down and her pelvis would raise up giving us only a view of her hands covering her mound. Her right hand moving furiously. I think she came for a thirty seconds before her seventeen year old body collapsed to the bed completely relaxed. Both arms fell out to her side and out of her right hand rolled a tiny dildo. It was only about 4 inches long and half the girth of an average penis.
Brooke squeezed my arm and said it came out of her nightstand. “That little thing”? I asked. “It was a gag gift from my sister” said Brooke. “Looks like it did the trick”. I told her. We both chuckled at each other and started to turn and leave when we heard Amber say “Oh God”! We both turned back to see her sitting straight up and facing us. Clutching a pillow over her lap with a horrified look on her face.

Brooke and I retreated to the living room.



  1. This is FUCKING great….PLEASE continue this…i love it till now
    You are a really good writer….

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