He Fixed More Than My Car.

Of course my old clunker would give out on me today
The radio announced that “ This will be the hottest day of summer thus far “.
I was trying to escape to the beach like everyone else.
Now I’m stuck on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck to arrive.

A co- worker was supposed to introduce me to a good friend of her husband.
It’s been nearly two years since my divorce was finalized and I have still yet to go out on a single date.
My co-worker Nancy and I work in a busy office building populated with plenty of fine male specimens.
I just don’t like to , what’s that saying?
Oh ya. “ shit where I eat”.
What a disgusting saying!
Heat is melting my brain.
I’m soooo thirsty I feel like my mouth is stuck together.
I think I see it!
Yes ! The tow truck is coming!
I watched as the guy hooked up my piece of crap car then, he opened the passenger door allowing me to climb in.
This was not the most comfortable task .
I was wearing a long light cotton skirt.
Very sheer and clinging to my body like a magnet.
Luckily, I have my bikini bottoms on underneath.
We didn’t talk as he drove on just country music
playing quietly in the background from his radio.
We finally pulled into the repair shop.
I pulled out my change purse and headed straight to the drink machine.
I swallowed a sprite and a water in about thirty seconds.

I glanced over to see where my car was parked.
The mechanic already had his head under the hood.
I wouldn’t mind having his head under my hood, if you know what I mean.
I couldn’t help myself.
He’s so young, must be about twenty one ?
Longish dark hair , slim brown body .
Latin men have always turned me on.
He looked up from the engine and our eyes met.
Oh my God!
He saw me staring at him.
I’m so embarrassed!

I’m starting to feel the fast intake of liquids hitting
My bladder.
Plus, this is a subtle way of getting out of his sight .
I’ve never been the type to ogle over a sexy guy.
I must really need to go out on a date.
I asked the guy at the front counter for a key to the restroom.
He handed me the usual oversized, heavy wooden whatever it is attached to the key.
He gestured towards the outside.
I guess I looked as confused as I felt because he slowly said.” Outside around the back of the building lady”!
I gave a quick smile and a nod then began walking around towards the other side of the building.

I placed the thin protective paper around the seat of the toilet.
I’m not sure why this was even invented.
What exactly is it saving us from?
Of course, I still use it just because it’s there.
I noticed the restroom was very clean especially considering the location.
I Finished my business and turned the water on.
I washed my hands then, splashed the cool water over my face and neck.
This has been the best part of my day.
I kept running my fingers under the faucet and splashing water all over my body.
Suddenly I was startled by a knock at the door.
I’m sorry!
I’ll be out in a second “ I shouted.
I felt bad, I had made a bit of a mess with the water.
I reached for some paper towels to tidy up but, of course there weren’t any.
Oh well!
I walked to the door , unlocked the handle and WHOA!
I walked directly into the chest of a tall dark man.
The mechanic.
I’m sorry !I started to mutter and awkwardly stumbled a bit.
He caught my fall.
He was gently holding my arm and laughing a little.
Again, I’ve embarrassed myself!
This day just keeps getting better and better.
We both were still standing in the doorway of the restroom.
His eyes penetrated mine.
I felt myself backing up into the bathroom as he entered.
He quietly shut the door behind him.
I know I should have felt frightened but, I didn’t.
I can’t explain it.
He removed his white T-Shirt and tossed it to the floor.
He turned the cold water on and began splashing himself all over his body.
My heart raced with excitement and perhaps a little fear.
Not fear of him , fear of my own reaction to the situation.
I’ve never been a wild girl, a risk taker.
Quiet and logical Marie is how everyone perceived me.
Including myself.
He ran his fingers down my neck to my breast and stopped.
He smiled and politely asked “ Do you want me”?
I just stood there in front of him, like a deer caught in headlights.
He quietly repeated his question “ Do you want me”?
I finally was able to speak.
“ Yes what”? He replied with a teasing tone.
Yes I want you!
I heard my voice echo around the bathroom bouncing from wall to wall.
I smiled a shy uncomfortable smile.
He began pulling up my long skirt slowly until he had it all bunched up at my bellybutton.
He knelt down , pressed his lips against my bikini bottoms.
His hot breath between my legs ignited an instant fire.
He gazed up at me with those sensual, boyish brown eyes and said.” Do you like this”?
YES! I couldn’t contain my excitement.
He pulled off my bikini bottoms and tossed them aside.
The cold water was still running and splashing in the sink.
He moved my body slowly towards then, lifted me into the sink.
The sensation of the water on my ass and pussy felt so good on so many levels.
He crouched down and asked me “ What do you want “?
I’m not a sexually vocal woman , why must he keep asking me questions!
“ What do you want me to do “? He asked again.
I am so horny , if I want it, I need to say it.
I want you to eat my pussy!
He gave me a sinister grin and started licking me up and down.
Side to side.
Crazy circles while fingering me gently.
Lapping up my juices along with the flowing water from the faucet.
I was just about to cum.
He pulled me off the sink and lifted off my shirt and bikini top.
He took off his pants.
“ what do want “? He asked.
I couldn’t hold anything back anymore, I need to be fucked! I need to cum!
He sat back on top of the toilet seat, pulled me down guiding me to his penis.
I slid down like hot wax from a candle.
I rode him until I exploded!
My warm nectar covered his cock.
He stood me up then he got up.
He pushes me towards the sink .
This time I was facing the mirror.
He bent me over slightly and asked “ Do you know what I want to do “?
Ok. He replied.
He thrust himself into me from the back.
He was pumping harder and deeper with every move.
I could see my reflection in the mirror as he kept fucking me harder my tits bouncing up and down.
I could see his face, he’s going to cum.
He let out a sound I didn’t expect.
He had been so quiet , only asking me questions this whole time.
When he finally let go, he screamed with ecstasy.
He pulled his cock out of me,and let it spew all over my ass and back.

He washed up and got dressed.
I closed the door behind him as he walked out.
I dressed myself and headed out side as well.
Walking up to the front counter , I saw the old greasy man waiting to talk to me.
I smiled as I placed the giant restroom key on the desk.

Ok. He said.
Here’s what we’ve got.
I have the part for your vehicle.
That’s great! I said.
Well, you have a choice.
I’m listening, I said firmly.
“ the part I have now costs almost three times as much as the one I have on order.”
“ You can drive your car away today, or wait three to four days for the less expensive part to come in”.
“ What do you want lady”?
Here’s what I want, you will put the part you have here now for the same price as the one on order!
It’s not my fault that you don’t keep your shop stocked efficiently for your customers.!
I couldn’t believe it!
I’ve never been able to speak up for my self like that before.
The old guy shook his head side to side.
Just then, I heard my car start.
I turned around, there he was .
My bathroom sensei behind the wheel.
He gestured for me to get in.
As we drove off he asked “ where do..
I stopped him this time, where would you like to go?
And , what’s your name?

The End.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m2mumv/he_fixed_more_than_my_car