Rats Like Brie [FMonster] [Erotic Horror]

There is a town with far more homes than people. It stands vacant save for the few unfortunate fools with no other recourse than to imprison themselves there. Few wished to purchase a home that came with native residential rodents, but if the homes where infested then the public living spaces where overrun. People like Brie had learned to ignore the sound of skittering feet, the gnawing in their pantries and even the missing jewelry. They told themselves it’s just rats, no matter how heavy the steps in the dark.

The sun hung heavy with weariness in the west, exhausted after offering it’s luminous sanctuary for the day. Few things besides the light kept the incessant skittering relegated to the basement and Brie savored every second she wasn’t trapped behind the safety of her locked bedroom door. Precious few rooms in her new home where uninhabited after dark. If she was forced to return home after sun set she simply slept in the nearby hotel who received priority pest control service. However, after a year on the waiting list, Brie’s own appointment had finally arrived with a slothful knock.

If there was one positive thing about Kalico it was his confidence. Why shouldn’t he be? His was the only extermination service within hours. The rotund man pushed past her with a nod so curt it was nearly dismissible as a silent sneeze. Poor manners where the least of her concerns. The gap under her door was slowly being gnawed wider each night as she slept. Brie made an effort to stay awake but exhaustion forced her into the skitter-filled dreams, it only mattered if the man was competent. His arms and hands where a patchwork of bite marks and malformed gnarly fingers that appeared to have been reattached multiple times until they held a closer resemblance to ginger roots than human flesh.

He stopped at the locked basement door and tested his ear against it.

“The key went missing six months ago” Brie said.

“It’s too late in the day to go down there anyway. Sounds like I’ll have to come back with some help for that bit.”

She showed him upstairs to where she wanted the mouse traps. It was more accurate to call them bear traps. Great jawed things with unbiased teeth for anything foolish or ignorant enough to step into it’s steel maw. He distributed them generously around the halls surrounding her bedroom. When he saw the bottom of her bedroom door, deeply scarred by chewing with a pile of wood chips scattered about, he applied a thick foam to the tooth widened gap.

“Fuckers really want in here. You aren’t feeding them right? Not making deals?”

“What? No, I just stay in my room like they tell you on the website.”


She unlocked her bedroom and he inspected the various closets and bathroom cabinets. Finding the area mostly secure he turned to leave, but stopped with a long stare at a wall next to her bed. With his chewed hands on his knees he bent over a stared at the blank wall, his apathetic demeanor heated into that of a predator. Now she saw it, but then again, she had always know it was there. A circle of drywall so small and perfectly round it looked like a puzzle piece. With a quick tap from his crooked finger the peephole was revealed. She couldn’t look at it. That’s how she kept her sanity over the last year, ignoring the hungry stares from the dark corners in her own home.

Calico set to work tearing the compromised wall down. Piles of chewed wood lay scattered about and just below the hole, a collection of innumerable sporadic stains long dried, but some terrifyingly fresh. He reinforced the crawlways and boarded them shut with foam covered wood. The holes lead all they way down to the basement and Calico sent the beam of flashlight down as they peered into the vermin’s domain. The things acted quickly and only blurs of black fur and wrist thick tails could be seen. This path was boarded up with double the foam and wood that other tooth forged crawl spaces received.

“I can stay and keep going, but I charge three and a half for night hours.”

With the menacing bill already looming Brie showed the man out with about as much ceremony as he greeted her with. She herself didn’t even want to go up the stairs in the dark anyway, especially with all the traps out now. Alone again but with a feeling of security now that was based in more facts than sanity saving hope, she went and began the long process of turning the locks of her bedroom door. Another long skittering night awaited her, but she felt the muscles in her shoulders loosen for the first time in months. She didn’t even remember laying down.

“Where is it?”

Brie bolted awake in a raw surge of adrenaline. They were talking again. It was unmistakable, their sniffling speech. Every word chewed and echoed through what sounded like an overlong maw ill suited to higher actions like spoken words. Their mouths where meant to consume and the world would have been better off if nothing at all, but especially words, came out.

There was a satisfied sneer of victory on her lips as they scratched and moaned in vain for the hole she had been forced to ignore for so long. The heavy price of such a feeling only sweetened the taste. The monsters choked and gaged, some even sounded like they where suffocating altogether. Their pleasurable misery was enough to cause her eyes to grow heavy once again. But as she savored their choking lullaby, there was a all-to-near carving sound from the opposite wall in her bedroom.

The breakers where unfortunately in the basement as well, so she struck a candle to life. Another tiny hole had appeared. Brie could hear the familiar sound of its snout jammed against the opening as he sniffed the room for her, and when he did, his cackling glee. His terrible voice taunted her from inside the wall.

“Took my hole, but I see you.”

A black claw poked through the opening and to her horror began widening it until his familiar finger could fit, then two and then three.

“You show me again.”

“Please…” Brie said.

“I come in.”

The clawing began again and the woefully fragile material easily gave way to his teeth and claws. It wasn’t any use. She should have paid for the full job, now the cost would be exacted from what little dignity she possessed instead of her purse. The scratching stopped as her hands reluctantly went to her pants, as her fingers pulled the button out of the loop. Once more she would have to show him.

She got to her knees and turned away from the wall, pushing the pants down off her hips. He enjoyed this and encouraged her with the usual savage growls. Now in her underwear she bent over, his growling intensified the more of her ass she exposed to his unseen hungry eyes. This is what he wanted, now she would stay here as he took his sweet time ruining the walls interior. All she had to do was wait for the disgustingly satisfied sigh.

“More. You take my hole.”

She whirled around.

“You have a hole! I bend over and you go away!”

It’s hands where covered in black course fur. Each grabbed a handful of flimsy wall and tore the hole wider still, ripping her courage in the process. It was big enough for even her to get through now, she hadn’t seen the creature before but she sincerely hoped she never would. In complacent silence she turned around and closed her eyes as she pulled her panties to the side. It grunted for more.

With furtively shameful fingers she touched herself, spreading the delicate folds of her pussy open for his eyes to see. Now nothing was hidden to the monster. She heard his usual grunting and rhythmic rustles behind the wall and despite herself she found it difficult to hold the quickly moistening folds open. Brie attempted to get a better hold and her fingers accidentally brushed her clit and she felt her asshole wink at the creature who growled in approval. She slid a finger inside her neglected pussy, the half forgotten sensation had her rubbing the wetness over her clit in deliciously sensual circles. This was her lot now, to appease the monsters that lived inside her home. At least it stayed in the wall, or at least it was supposed to.

A great heavy step caught her with her fingers in her own pussy. Brie began to turn her head to see if it was still in the wall, or had broken it’s promise. But as she began to turn he began to snarl and hiss with intensifying ferocity the more she tried to find it. So she shut her eyes, there wasn’t anything Brie could do. It would take at least a minute to unlock the door. They weren’t supposed to come in as long as she did what they asked, but one was definitely behind her. His breath was hot with animalistic lust, and blasted her ass with every snarl.

The blinding pleasure from his impossibly long tongue snaked over her exposed pussy. He didn’t like her panties in the way and set to tear them to shreds with his teeth, the unrestrained violent action had her knees come up off the bed as she clung the headboard. How badly it must have wanted her body, watching her wave her ass in front of the hole night after night, this was only a matter of time. Brie was surprisingly ready for this moment.

She didn’t recoil when the tongue, like a wet slug, wriggled into her open and slimy pussy. Brie let the thing taste what it wanted, she let the abomination feed on her arousal and propel himself into a horrible lustful rage. The rough hands took hold of her wrists and he pulled her further down onto his wriggling greedy tongue. The slobbering thing made a mess of her, both mentally and physically. This terrifying beast, the source of her sleepless terror filled nights, now sent her thighs shivering as he fucked her senseless with that greedy squirming tongue. She tried to appreciate it, but there was only pleasure and obscenely wet slurping in this room turned prison. Logical thought had long abandoned her with and was replaced with a ache deep inside her belly.

With his face planted gluttonously between her ass cheeks the skittering from inside the wall grew maddeningly loud. They had finally gotten to her, their prize was being claimed on her own bed and Brie’s lustful moans called back to them. The creature clamped it’s horrible massive maw completely over her pussy and began to suck her generously abundant cream straight from the source. Her pussy lips began to swell within the bestial mouth and grew to a level of sensitivity that made her involuntarily jerk and cry out with every wriggle of his tongue. It wasn’t any use to resist, Brie couldn’t stop from cumming any more than slow her racing heart. The monster screamed his delight as she creamed his tongue with fresh pussy grool.

And when she had collapsed, insides shuddering, mouth drooling, Brie felt the creature crawl over her limp twitching body. The coarse hair scratching at her back, the bulbous thing pressing into the mess that was her pussy, she was so ready for it that the massive thing sunk deep to the hilt as if she had grabbed him and pulled the corrupt cock inside. It howled in ecstasy, pushing her down into the bed with his crushing weight. Stretched to her limit Brie was fucked with deep intentional thrusts. The various large and strange bulges of it’s abominable cock pressed into parts of her womanhood she didn’t even know existed. It was eccentrically shaped and overgrown, but the pleasure it forced into her greedy hole was undeniable.

The claws bit deep into her back and his howls turned into strangled shrieks as her unknowing body pleasured him in return. It bit into the hair of her pony tail lifting her groaning face off of the bed. Brie could feel the cock swell even larger with lustful intent. He hilted himself, her head was drawn up and her shoulder pushed down so far she was arching for him when the maddeningly warm seed began to blast at the bottom of her pussy. Great heaving throbs sent pulse after pulse of monster seed into her belly. Brie gasped and her eyes rolled back from the carnal pleasure of There is a town with far more homes than people. It stands vacant save for the few unfortunate fools with no other recourse than to imprison themselves there. Few wished to purchase a home that came with native residential rodents, but if the homes where infested then the public living spaces where overrun. People like Brie had learned to ignore the sound of skittering feet, the gnawing in their pantries and even the missing jewelry. They told themselves it’s just rats, no matter how heavy the steps in the dark.

The sun hung heavy with weariness in the west, exhausted after offering it’s luminous sanctuary for the day. Few things besides the light kept the incessant skittering relegated to the basement and Brie savored every second she wasn’t trapped behind the safety of her locked bedroom door. Precious few rooms in her new home where uninhabited after dark. If she was forced to return home after sun set she simply slept in the nearby hotel who received priority pest control service. However, after a year on the waiting list, Brie’s own appointment had finally arrived with a slothful knock.

If there was one positive thing about Calico it was his confidence. Why shouldn’t he be? His was the only extermination service within hours. The rotund man pushed past her with a nod so curt it was nearly dismissible as a silent sneeze. Poor manners where the least of her concerns. The gap under her door was slowly being gnawed wider each night as she slept. Brie made an effort to stay awake but exhaustion forced her into the skitter-filled dreams, it only mattered if the man was competent. His arms and hands where a patchwork of bite marks and malformed gnarly fingers that appeared to have been reattached multiple times until they held a closer resemblance to ginger roots than human flesh.

He stopped at the locked basement door and tested his ear against it.

“The key went missing six months ago” Brie said.

“It’s too late in the day to go down there anyway. Sounds like I’ll have to come back with some help for that bit.”

She showed him upstairs to where she wanted the mouse traps. It was more accurate to call them bear traps. Great jawed things with unbiased teeth for anything foolish or ignorant enough to step into it’s steel maw. He distributed them generously around the halls surrounding her bedroom. When he saw the bottom of her bedroom door, deeply scarred by chewing with a pile of wood chips scattered about, he applied a thick foam to the tooth widened gap.

“Fuckers really want in here. You aren’t feeding them right? Not making deals?”

“What? No, I just stay in my room like they tell you on the website.”


She unlocked her bedroom and he inspected the various closets and bathroom cabinets. Finding the area mostly secure he turned to leave, but stopped with a long stare at a wall next to her bed. With his chewed hands on his knees he bent over a stared at the blank wall, his apathetic demeanor heated into that of a predator. Now she saw it, but then again, she had always know it was there. A circle of drywall so small and perfectly round it looked like a puzzle piece. With a quick tap from his crooked finger the peephole was revealed. She couldn’t look at it. That’s how she kept her sanity over the last year, ignoring the hungry stares from the dark corners in her own home.

Kalico set to work tearing the compromised wall down. Piles of chewed wood lay scattered about and just below the hole, a collection of innumerable sporadic stains long dried, but some terrifyingly fresh. He reinforced the crawlways and boarded them shut with foam covered wood. The holes lead all they way down to the basement and Kalico sent the beam of flashlight down as they peered into the vermin’s domain. The things acted quickly and only blurs of black fur and wrist thick tails could be seen. This path was boarded up with double the foam and wood that other tooth forged crawl spaces received.

“I can stay and keep going, but I charge three and a half for night hours.”

With the menacing bill already looming Brie showed the man out with about as much ceremony as he greeted her with. She herself didn’t even want to go up the stairs in the dark anyway, especially with all the traps out now. Alone again but with a feeling of security now that was based in more facts than sanity saving hope, she went and began the long process of turning the locks of her bedroom door. Another long skittering night awaited her, but she felt the muscles in her shoulders loosen for the first time in months. She didn’t even remember laying down.

“Where is it?”

Brie bolted awake in a raw surge of adrenaline. They were talking again. It was unmistakable, their sniffling speech. Every word chewed and echoed through what sounded like an overlong maw ill suited to higher actions like spoken words. Their mouths where meant to consume and the world would have been better off if nothing at all, but especially words, came out.

There was a satisfied sneer of victory on her lips as they scratched and moaned in vain for the hole she had been forced to ignore for so long. The heavy price of such a feeling only sweetened the taste. The monsters choked and gaged, some even sounded like they where suffocating altogether. Their pleasurable misery was enough to cause her eyes to grow heavy once again. But as she savored their choking lullaby, there was a all-to-near carving sound from the opposite wall in her bedroom.

The breakers where unfortunately in the basement as well, so she struck a candle to life. Another tiny hole had appeared. Brie could hear the familiar sound of its snout jammed against the opening as he sniffed the room for her, and when he did, his cackling glee. His terrible voice taunted her from inside the wall.

“Took my hole, but I see you.”

A black claw poked through the opening and to her horror began widening it until his familiar finger could fit, then two and then three.

“You show me again.”

“Please…” Brie said.

“I come in.”

The clawing began again and the woefully fragile material easily gave way to his teeth and claws. It wasn’t any use. She should have paid for the full job, now the cost would be exacted from what little dignity she possessed instead of her purse. The scratching stopped as her hands reluctantly went to her pants, as her fingers pulled the button out of the loop. Once more she would have to show him.

She got to her knees and turned away from the wall and pushed the pants down off her hips. He enjoyed this and encouraged her with the usual savage growls. Now in her underwear she bent over, his growling intensifying the more of her ass she exposed to his unseen hungry eyes. This is what he wanted, now she would stay here as he took his sweet time ruining the walls interior. All she had to do was wait for the disgustingly satisfied sigh.

“More. You take my hole.”

She whirled around.

“You have a hole! I bend over and you go away!”

It’s hands where covered in black course fur. Each grabbed a handful of flimsy wall and tore the hole wider still, ripping her courage in the process. It was big enough for even her to get through now, she hadn’t seen the creature before but she sincerely hoped she never would. In complacent silence she turned around and closed her eyes as she pulled her panties to the side. It grunted for more.

With furtively shameful fingers she touched herself, spreading the delicate folds of her pussy open for his eyes to see. Now nothing was hidden to the monster. She heard his usual grunting and rhythmic rustles behind the wall and despite herself she found it difficult to hold the quickly moistening folds open. Brie attempted to get a better hold and her fingers accidentally brushed her clit and she felt her asshole wink at the creature and he growled in approval. She slid a finger inside her neglected pussy, the half forgotten sensation had her rubbing the wetness over her clit in delicious greedy circles. This was her lot now, to appease the monsters that lived inside her home. At least it stayed in the wall, or at least it was supposed to.

A great heavy step caught her with her fingers in her own pussy. Brie began to turn her head to see if it was still in the wall, or had broken it’s promise. But as she began to turn he began to snarl and hiss with intensifying ferocity the more she tried to find it. So she shut her eyes, there wasn’t anything Brie could do. It would take at least a minute to unlock the door. They weren’t supposed to come in as long as she did what they asked, but one was definitely behind her. His breath was hot with animalistic lust, and blasted her ass with every snarl.

The blinding pleasure from his impossibly long tongue snaked over her exposed pussy. He didn’t like her panties in the way and set to tear them to shreds with his teeth, the unrestrained violent action had her knees come up off the bed as she clung the headboard. How badly it must have wanted her body, watching her wave her ass in front of the hole night after night, this was only a matter of time. Brie was surprisingly ready for this moment.

She didn’t recoil when the tongue, like a wet slug, wriggled into her open and slimy pussy. Brie let the thing taste what it wanted, she let the abomination feed on her arousal and propel himself into a horrible lustful rage. The rough hands took hold of her wrists and he pulled her further down onto his wriggling greedy tongue. The slobbering thing made a mess of her, both mentally and physically. This terrifying beast, the source of her sleepless terror filled nights, now sent her thighs shivering as he fucked her senseless with that greedy squirming tongue. She tried to appreciate it, but there was only pleasure and obscenely wet slurping in this room turned prison. Logical thought had long abandoned her with and was replaced with a ache deep inside her belly.

With his face planted gluttonously between her ass cheeks the skittering from inside the wall grew maddeningly loud. They had finally gotten to her, their prize was being claimed on her own bed and Brie’s lustful moans called back to them. The creature clamped it’s horrible massive maw completely over her pussy and began to suck her generously abundant cream straight from the source. Her pussy lips began to swell within the bestial mouth and grew to a level of sensitivity that made her involuntarily jerk and cry out with every wriggle of his tongue. It wasn’t any use to resist, Brie couldn’t stop from cumming any more than slow her racing heart. The monster screamed his delight as she creamed his tongue with fresh pussy grool.

And when she had collapsed, insides shuddering, mouth drooling, Brie felt the creature crawl over her limp twitching body. The coarse hair scratching at her back, the bulbous thing pressing into the mess they was her pussy, she was so ready for it that the massive thing sunk deep to the hilt as if she had grabbed him and pulled the corrupt cock inside. It howled in ecstasy, pushing her down into the bed with his crushing weight. Stretched to her limit Brie was fucked with deep intentional thrusts. The various large and strange bulges of it’s abominable cock pressed into parts of her womanhood she didn’t even know existed. It was eccentrically shaped and overgrown, but the pleasure it forced into her greedy hole was undeniable.

The claws bit deep into her back and his howls turned into strangled shrieks as her unknowing body pleasured him in return. It bit into the hair of her pony tail, lifting her groaning face off of the bed. Brie could feel the cock swell even larger with lustful intent. It was too late to ask the creature to wear a condoms at least. He hilted himself, her head was drawn up and her shoulder pushed down so far she was arching for him when the maddeningly warm seed began to blast at the bottom of her pussy. Great heaving throbs sent pulse after pulse of monster cum into her belly. Brie gasped and her eyes rolled back from the carnal pleasure of the throbbing cock seeding her pussy. It was still fucking her when she passed out, legs numb.

She had a horrible nightmare that night. Out of nowhere giant deformed fingers shoved a giant bill straight up her ass. At least a monster would get her ready first.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m1ntj0/rats_like_brie_fmonster_erotic_horror


  1. I love scaring myself for some reason. There’s just something I can’t shake about being seduced by some foul and beautiful thing in the dark.

  2. This is different to the usual stories, building her fear, and then almost dismissive pest controller. Hopefully more to come of this or similar horror stories?

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