[M]y kid’s sitter was really [f]eeling herself

I had finally left a work function for some visiting clients and was dialling home as I jumped in the car.

“Hello? Gabby speaking.”

Our 20 year old sitter for our 18 month old son was a university student who had answered an ad we stuck to the community noticeboard, and my wife and I had felt we’d hit the jackpot. She was great with Nate and over the past few months she had really helped us find more time to be ourselves again. This particular Friday, my wife had arranged for Gabby to look after Nate from the afternoon as she had left for a Girls Weekend Hen’s Party with her friends. I was due home from entertaining clients at 9pm but was already an hour late.

“I’m really sorry Gabby, things just ran way over time. I’m in the car and headed home, be there in 25 minutes.”

Not a problem, she replied. She was so easy going and trustworthy that I sighed in relief and said thank you, turning the car down the main road out of town towards our lifestyle block. By the time the streetlights of the town were disappearing into what was our rural outskirt of the town, the dark night skies had groaned and opened to dump some seriously heavy rain.

Car parked, I grabbed my bag and dashed through the rain to the front door. Soaked through, I stood trying to shake off some of the excess rain when the front door opened and the yellow light from inside revealed Gabby’s small but fit figure standing with a towel.

“Hey! It’s really coming down tonight huh?” She stifled a small yawn as I took the towel and thanked her for both it and staying late.

“It was no problem, really Craig. I managed to finish most of an assignment which puts me ahead of where I’ll need to be come Monday.”

All the same, I gave Gabby her pay for the night plus a bit extra. After checking in on Nate who was all snug and asleep, making sure Gabby had all of her stuff, I grabbed a large umbrella and helped her stay dry on her walk to her car.

There’s no way I could say I had never really _looked_ at Gabby before. She was beautiful with the strong and toned body of a competitive high school netballer and the cute, freckled face of the Girl Next Door. As she leaned in through the backseat door, I guiltily took the brief moment to admire her from behind.

Even through sweats in the dark of night, the way her round ass bobbed made me hold my breath as she leaned in to place her books and laptop neatly in the back of her hatch. The rain hammered her car and the umbrella I held overhead as she turned to say Goodnight and swung into the drivers seat.

“Drive home safe, Gabs!” I said to her window before turning and walking back to the house. I had only dried off, kicked my shoes to the side and had started the jug boiling when there was a knock at the door. This time I opened it and there stood Gabby, soaked from head to toe, with her car keys in hand and a confused look in her eyes.

“I don’t know what’s going on but my car won’t start.”

I’m not a mechanic and I don’t know the first thing about cars.

“Look, it’s alright. It’s pretty bad out there and neither of us are going to be able to look at your car, let alone fix it, tonight. If you’re okay to stay the night, you can take the spare bedroom and me and Nate can help you get your car sorted tomorrow. Cool?”

Gabby looked shattered. It was late and she was far too tired to even try and decline. She took a towel from the linen cupboard and I grabbed some warm night clothes my wife owned and placed them on the spare bed. After making some hot cocoa, Gabby emerged with her usually curly brown locks wrapped up in the towel, and my wife’s gym shorts and sweater around her figure.

“Thank you.” She said as she took a good gulp of the cocoa.

“It’s all good, maybe now we’re even?” I laughed, said goodnight and left for my room. I heard Gabby climb the stairs and close her door, and I settled into what would be a difficult sleep to fall into.

Eyes closed and thoughts racing, I couldn’t help but entertain the idea that maybe something might happen between us that night. Maybe she’d just slip into my room and climb in beside me. Maybe I’d get to taste those curvy lips of hers, feel the tightness of her body. Maybe feel her hands grip the bulge growing beneath my sheets. I knew it was dumb but I couldn’t help it. I wanted her body next to mine. I wanted to take in the smell of her freshly showered skin. I wanted to hear her whisper my name in the dark..

“Mmmm.. Oh Craig..”

My eyes opened. That was not my imagination but I knew I was still alone in the room. What was going on? I strained my ears to listen harder and eventually, in the dark, the sound of rustling, of slow but quickening breathing, the faint hum of a moan and then..

“Oh.. mmm.. Craig.. please.”

I sat up and searched in the dark. On my wife’s beside table, our spare baby monitor that she kept for the spare room when I would take a crying Nate there to sleep when he wouldn’t stay in his room. The green light of noise registering on the monitor moved up and down with the volume coming from the speaker, I grabbed it and hesitated. The LCD screen wasn’t on, I’d have to press the button.. But should I, I wondered?

“Mmmm.. oh.. fuck..”

It was Gabby and she was picking up her pace. By now the slow movement of noise had become a faster beat. Her breathing, just barely perceptible before, was now coming through loud and clear. If I stayed still, I swore I could hear the gentle lick of a finger or two finding its way inside her or rubbing her outer regions as she moaned.

“Please.. oh Craig.. please.”

“Uh, Gabby?”

The silence came in an instant. A pit of embarrassment filled my stomach while I sat with my dick in one hand, the monitor in the other. Say something, you idiot.

“Gabby, uh.. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise this monitor was on. I’m such an idiot.. I.. I.. I’ll just turn this off and I’ll let you get back to sleep. The camera is on the dress at the foot of the bed if you’d like to turn it off too, just to be sure..”

I sunk in my bed, feeling like a right fool but somehow unable to the monitor off. Gabby made no noise, the green lights of the monitor were not lit.. but the camera was still on. The light showing the connection was still lit, there in the dark.

“So, can you see me Craig?”

“Oh no, no.. sorry, I haven’t turned the screen on.”

“Turn it on then.”

My mouth dropped and my eyes widened but I didn’t want to waste time. I hit the screen button and it woke in an instant. There, on our spare bed, lay Gabby – naked from the waist down and still wearing my wife’s sweater on top – her brown curls splayed across the pillows, her legs spread and one hand moving clockwise on her clit.

“Can you see me now, Craig?”


And then Gabby put her fingers to her mouth to moisten them before plunging them back, deep into her hole. I throbbed harder and began to stroke myself.

“Oh fuck Craig.. I wet.. I’m so, so wet.”

“Do you taste good?” I asked. Back to her mouth her fingers went as her other hand made it’s way down to her pussy. I watched her lick from her palm to the tips of her fingers, before pushing them deep into her mouth and moaning some more.

“I taste so good, Craig.. I’m so sweet.”

I pumped myself with my free hand as I watched Gabby work herself harder and faster on the bed. One leg pulled up in the air, her hand moved faster than the monitor could catch but I could hear every bit of friction in that room and it was tearing me apart.

“Do you want me, Gabby?”

“Oh.. my god.. Craig, I need you.. uhh.. I need you right fucking now!”

I watched her flip herself over on the bed, push her ass in the air and look back at the camera. My legs swung out of my bed and I took the first few steps to the spare room.

“Mmm.. oh god.. are you coming?” Gabby moaned, at still looking at the camera.

“Is that what you want?”

Gabby’s eyes closed as her hands ground her pussy through another wave of pleasure.

“Pleeease, Craig.. Uhhh.”

I reached the door and I could hear her without the monitor now. Now, she was breathless, panting and groaning into the bed. The monitor showed she had slipped her head under a pillow but still her hand worked her little pussy to a rhythm she set for herself.

“I’m here.” I said as I opened the door and Gabby rolled over. I dropped my boxers as she tossed the sweater to one side, freeing some soft but perky coed breasts that jiggled above her toned, youthful tummy.

“Come, Craig.” She breathed and I did as she asked. I lay on her and tasted her pussy through her own mouth, ran my hands over her breast, down her back and gripped her ass. She responded by lubing my cock up with her juices before I slid myself in and felt her gasp.

“Oh Craig!”

It was short, it was sweet and it was passionate. Already well on her way, it was easy enough work getting her to cum. She clasped her hands around my neck and told me “Faster!” so I drilled my dick so hard and deep into her that the bed shook and, before long, so did Gabby.

“Ohh.. mmmmmmmm! Yes yes yes!”

Her last “Oh” seemed to last forever as she pulled me into her shoulders and squeezed me from her thighs to her arms embrace.

“Wait. Wait. Stop.. Mmmmmmmm, oh shit.” she groaned as she willed my body to stop. “Craig.. I’m so sorry.. I was.. I was just feeling really hot and I thought that.. well, that I might use the thought of you to help me get ready for sleep.”

I kissed her and told her it was fine, interrupted by her pussy walls squeezing the cock that was still inside her.

“I know you’re not finished though,” said Gabby with a smirk. She pushed me back from her, rolled over and sank her ass backwards into my lap.

“Fuck me, Craig. Fuck me and don’t stop till you’re ready to blow.”

I saw Gabby’s eyes go wild as she looked back at me, her pussy dripping already and my cock ready for more.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m1wfbu/my_kids_sitter_was_really_feeling_herself


  1. That was hot! You both were thinking of each other at the same time. Fuck I bet it felt so good to get your dick for real after that.

  2. Was her car actually broken?

    So so hot You went to her room instead of just watching. I love that you slid inside her bareback so quickly

  3. That happened to me my babysitter was feeling herself than she pegged me

  4. I wonder how often this happens in real life. Lol I’m glad it does though cuz this was a fantastic read. Looking forward to more.

    Also. Was it awkward after trying to hide it from wife? Or just the general vibe?

  5. Wife and I are interviewing a babysitter this weekend. Will be keeping this possibility in mind during the interview.

  6. That’s cool that you and your wife have an open relationship like that…

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