A Step Apart: Teased. Matt can’t hide his lust for his older step sister anymore.

Stephanie Modders laid on her bed with her cellphone in her hands hovering over her face, clicking away at her texts. Her pink, spaghetti strapped under shirt was half riding up her belly revealing the belly button piercing her mother nearly killed her for getting last year. Even though she was 18 when she got it, her mom didn’t like piercings that were anywhere but the ear and she didn’t like tattoos, period. Which is why Stephanie was taking this time while her mother was out running errands to wear as little clothes as possible and air out her recent tattoo she got on the small of her back. Every other waking and sleeping minute she spent at her mom’s house she would have to wear some over sized sweat shirt or a baggy t shirt that wouldn’t risk revealing her tattoo any time she bent over.

Matt didn’t mind in the least. He sat balancing on a large blue sit-up ball in the corner of the room and pretended to type on his phone. In reality though, his eyes couldn’t keep from creeping up and down his step-sister’s body. Her long tan legs that stuck out from the small black with pink trim, loose fitting shorts she wore.

*Why even wear those? They cover no more than panties would.*

Matt knew how wrong it was to be so attracted to his step sister. It’s not like he didn’t try not to be. His father had married Mrs. Modders 4 years ago and divorced 2 years ago so he could move on to his third wife and Matt’s 2nd step family. It was becoming a sick joke. The collection of step siblings and parents Matt was collecting. Ironically, he had no biological siblings and after his mother passed away from cancer as a child, that only left him and his douchebag father. Of course all of his step sisters and mothers were incredibly/unfairly attractive. It was one of the perks of having a absurdly rich and asshole-inclined father. Plenty of attractive women somehow fall in ‘love,’ with him magically.

It was fine. Matt has made his peace with it after his father divorced Stephanie’s Mom. It helped that all of his step families seemed to genuinely like Matt. He was a good looking boy. Polite, funny, and out going. He had just graduated high school and was set to attend college in the fall. But unlike the heartless business tycoon his father was, Matt planned to study medicine to become a doctor. He liked helping people. He liked making them feel better.

Matt picked up pieces of Stephanie’s clean and dirty clothes that littered the ground around him and threw them at her playfully one piece at a time. At half speed she batted the clothes away with one hand, her eyes still not leaving her phone. “Stop it, freak,” Stephanie whined.

“Pay attention to me,” Matt did his best to annoy her and he was succeeding. “What are you even doing? Writing your memoirs?”

“A friend of mine just hooked up with this guy in a hotel she works at,” Stephanie smiled biting her lower lip. “So naturally we’re all discussing the pros and cons of marriage at this point.”

“She make a vid of them hooking up?” Matt asked.

Stephanie glanced down over top her perky breasts at her step brother. She gave him a measured look as if deciding between a repulsed response or one of humor. She went with one somewhere in the middle. “Ugh. Freak. And no, I already asked.” She gave him a devious smile through her pink sparkling lip-glossed lips that made Matt’s cock pulse under his jeans.

“Damn, I could use some new vids- watched all the good ones on the internet,” Matt boldly joked. He felt heat rise to his cheeks. They had an odd relationship. Having met when they were both teenagers, they developed a friendship early on. Since they were both going through a phase of learning about their sexuality, naturally, their humor had tested sexual boundaries. They used to talk more like teenage friends would back when their parents had been married. Now, it had been almost a year since Matt had seen Stephanie. She had disappeared to college for her freshmen year and never visited her mom when he did. So *hanging out* today was especially awkward since they hadn’t seen each other in some time. Stephanie’s eyes flicked down to him and she silently shook her head as of to say *You’re stupid.*

He might have been reading too much into things but she did use this moment to adjust her position. She tucked her feet closer to her butt so her knees were in the air and slightly parted. The thin shorts- the only thing keeping him from her warm, tight lips, were tucked into her ass crack and flush to her pelvis. He could almost see an outline of everything.

Matt could feel the flushness in his cheeks. He took deep breaths in attempt to quell the flaring heat to his face that ultimately did nothing. He wasn’t thinking logically anymore. He wasn’t thinking at all. The blood flowed far from his brain to the growing shaft between his own legs. He knew he should not have pursued this flirtatious side of things but he couldn’t help it. Everything about her was intoxicating.

He remembered how they would play outside as younger teenagers. They’d get into wrestling matches over everything. Every time it ended in a chorus of giggling. But once his asshole father divorced her mother a year ago that all stopped. Now Matt came to visit Stephanie’s mom once a month for a day or two over the weekend. Enough time so Stephanie’s mom could get extra child support money from Matt’s dad.

Matt didn’t have to visit. He was 18 now, but he liked doing these little visits just to be around Stephanie. He kept the visits up while Stephanie was in college so that it wouldn’t seem suspicious when she returned home over the summer and Matt started visiting, again. He especially liked times like these where her mother was out getting groceries or with her friends. It made his fantasies more powerful. Even though he knew nothing could ever happen between them, just the possibility of it was enough to make him get a hard on.

He threw a series of shirts from the floor at her. Each one getting closer to her face. Each one making her more and more perturbed. His final throw of a dirty pair of jeans that covered her face put her over the edge.

In one motion she tore the jeans from her face and smacked her phone down on the bed beside her. “That’s it!” She yelled as she lunged from the bed and dove for him. Matt tried to brace himself but the shock of it toppled him off the sit-up ball as she tackled him. The pair of her jeans in hand, she shoved it in Matt’s face with a smile and giggle on her lips.

“You like that? Huh? How you like it?” Stephanie yelled half mounting Matt. His hands scooped under Stephanie’s bare thighs and lifted her easily, rolling her to the side. At 18 years old he was quite athletic. First baseman on the Baseball team in the spring and running back on the high school football team in the fall. Matt had at least 50 pounds of muscle on her and he could see that she realized how much he had grown in the last year, instantly.

“How do I like it?” Matt asked as he had her on her back. His fingers spidered up and down her ribs tickling her to no end. “How do you like it, huh?”

Stephanie’s high pitched scream broke into a helpless giggle as she tried to squirm away from her stronger step brother. “Stop,” she tried to cry between laughs. “Oh my god, stop stop stop.”

Stephanie crawled back onto the bed she had leapt off of and tried kicking Matt off of her but Matt slipped around her flailing legs and threw his own leg over her thighs, mounting her. She slapped and pushed playfully at his hard chest but she couldn’t move him.

“Yeah, now you realize you fucked up,” Matt smiles down on her as she squirmed helplessly. For the briefest of moments Matt’s hands relented their attack on his step sister enough that she stopped wiggling beneath him. The moment lingered uncomfortably long while their eyes met.

“You need to stop getting between a girl and her phone,” Stephanie broke the silence.

It’s a dangerous thing to do, you know?” She picked up her cellphone from the bed and with Matt still mounted on her went back to texting. “Now if you don’t mind, I have some texts to catch up on.”

“Well, maybe I’ll just hang out here then if you won’t pay attention to me,” Matt said, jokingly rocking back and forth on top of her hips.

“Sure, I don’t care. Do what you want,” she said quickly.

If Matt had been thinking right he probably would have stopped his hands before they did it, but they moved before he could think. “Fine, how about this? I’ll just do this then,” Matt’s hand reached forward and gently but playfully poked at her left breast through her thin top.

But to Matt’s surprise, Stephanie’s only reaction was to shrug while her fingernails clicked away on her screen. “Sure go ahead.” [read more](https://realsexstoriesx.blogspot.com/2021/03/a-step-apart-teased-matt-cant-hide-his.html)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m1w0dd/a_step_apart_teased_matt_cant_hide_his_lust_for