Anti-Mask Karen finally gets a mouthful….

I manage a local grocery store and honestly, 2020 was great for me.  Business boomed,  we’ve mostly stayed clear of positive tests, and occasionally I get to kick out a customer that’s being an asshole for no reason.  Honestly,  my life is good.  Today was no different, regular things, inventory, payroll, scheduling, boring office stuff, but when I got the call that we had a Karen who wouldn’t wear a mask or leave, I was actually ready to get out and tackle something new.  

I’ve seen this situation play out so many times that they all seem the same.  Some customer calls out another for wearing a mask, then an employee reminds them our policy, and 50/50 they put one on, or just bitch for a bit and then leave.  This seemed like the bitch about it for a second type.  She only barely fit the Karen description.  Middle aged, strong opinion, sharp tongue.  But this one was more fit than normal.  She had on a tight fitting dress and and heels that suggested a New Years party later in the afternoon.   My security guard was already on scene as well as one other employee.  I stepped up and introduced myself, reminded her of the policy and asked her to put on a mask or leave.   She started to huff and puff about the efficacy of masks and my eyes naturally rolled back in my head.  I’d heard this millions of times before.

“Okay ma’am, let’s get you out of here.”  I said as I walked up to escort her out.  Maybe it was the long office day, or the ability to completely block someone out once they started spouting gibberish, but the hand that was supposed to push her gently in the back accidentally landed right on her ass.  She snapped around and glared at me, heat rising in her face either from embarrassment or rage.  I quickly adjusted my hand and started to push her toward the door.  Not two steps into my march she turned around slapped me.  Hard.  My security guard stepped in very quickly and put her in handcuffs and started escorting her to the administrative offices.  “Ouch, Kay.  You ok?  I’ll get the security footage and get the cops coming.”

He didn’t realize my accident.  He didn’t know I unwittingly grabbed her ass.  She started yelling about it as he escorted her off, but none of the bystanders seemed to notice and no one took her seriously from the beginning. I stood dumbfounded as the waves of people flowed back to their normal grocery store flow.

I passed the guard coming out of the office as I was going in.  I knew the protocol, he held the customer until the cops arrived.  He headed back to the server room to get video evidence of the encounter.  As I pushed through the door, I saw a very different woman in the office.  She had been visibly been crying, and when she saw me she tried to wipe her tears on her shoulder, but couldn’t do it well while handcuffed.

“Look…. lady.   I’ve seen the security footage.  It didn’t catch it.   It very clearly shows you hitting me,  which is assault. But…. I’m also a human.  I’ll recognize that my hand slipped and grabbed your ass.  I have to admit,  it felt nice, but I still can’t let you just go scott free after about 10 customers saw you smack me.”  I hoped that she followed my line of thinking.  “Maybe we can come to some sort of compromise.”

With fewer tears coming down her face she looked up at me inquisitively.  “Wait…  you thought my ass felt good?”  she asked with a big smile that broke her sad visage.  “I’ve been seeing this trainer at the gym.”    I perked up.  She knew exactly where I was headed.

“Listen, I’ve always had this dream…. well maybe it’s closer to a fantasy.   You Karen’s all strike me the same way…. bratty, entitled, stupidly bold.  I can’t tell you how many times I get done from an interaction with your kind and then can’t help but think about how humiliated I could make them feel.  How degraded.”

“Yeah?  That’s a fantasy?…..”

“Yeah.  I would just love to ram my dick down some Karen’s throat and watch her gag.  If you don’t want to wear a mask in my store…. I’ll let you.  As long as you’re sucking on my cock.”

“You mentioned scott free……  Do we just call it square and walk our own ways after?”

“Yup.  You’re free from assault charges, and my day runs a little better too!”

She pulled from the edge of her chair, arms still handcuffed behind her back.  She dropped onto her knees right in front of me.  “I don’t want to wear a mask.” She begged.

“I’ve always wanted to do this.”  I said as I slowly unzipped my pants.  “It’s time you Karen’s got what you deserved…..”

My day did go much smoother.   And every week when I see that lady in the store, she knowingly pulls her mask off and stares at me.  Daring me.


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