Step Sister Corruption Part 84 – Day 44 Summer’s Findings (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

We got home after our long day between classes and redoing the whole Offer Talk this time with Summer there.

Granted we got more info out of Dr Braxter as Summer asked more questions that we failed to ask ourselves.

But both Kel and I were on the no thank you train. Actually I think Kel was still on the fuck you for calling me a bimbo train.

At least Dr Braxter didn’t out us like she promised in our class.

I did look around to make sure was giving us glares or secretly talking about us behind our backs.

The day ended and we drove home in silence until we got home.

I started to cook dinner as Summer finally spoke, “Hey Gabe do you know anyone really good at research?”

I looked over cooking our dinner which I had decided on portobello mushroom tacos, “Probably but I’d have to text him. Why?”

Summer sighed, “Because I tried searching everything about the doctor’s claims and all of them seem valid but I know there has to be some flaws to their magic drug. I just don’t know where to start.”

Kel was lightly munching on some celery, “What have you found so far?”

Summer looked at Kel, “Well I did find Muschi’ fertility clinics and watched and read everything they had on their site along with other sites that had reviews about their experiences with the clinic. All of them were good if not stellar reviews. It’s quite impressive.”

Kel rose her eyebrow, “Oh? How so?”

Summer walked over to her bag before returning to the table, “Here let me show you.”

Summer broke out her laptop and immediately went to the fertility clinic’s website and went to the testimonial page.

She clicked the first person who was there as a testimonial.

A Melanie Ross.

It showed her age which was 28. It showed her testimonial that her and her husband had been trying to conceive for three years constantly hitting Road blocks like missed opportunities. Eggs not attaching. Miscarriages.

The clinic found that both her and her husband had various problems with low sperm count from the husband and uterus problems.

After spending some time at the clinic not only did Melanie become pregnant on the first try but had multiple pregnancies.

Then there was the videos. The video of Melanie and her husband getting the shots. Melanie spending time at the clinic until she was ready and then photos of each week until her four baby’s were born.

Lastly was a video of how much she thanked Muschi for helping her and her husband conceive.

Summer spoke, “Each testimonial is like this.”

She went to another site showing the discussion forum and each question posed about the drug each person that answers the question not only defends the drug but gives their story of how they made they way to the fertility clinic.

Summer spoke, “Each web forum that I go to that even mentions the drug immediately there’s people there to defend it.”

She looked at me, “So is there any one you know who’s good at research?”

I looked up and thought before I looked at Kel. She instantly gave me a gross look, “eewww! You’re thinking of what’s his name. Aren’t you?”

I shrugged, “He is techie Kel and he did come through with your masks.”

Kel sighed, “Fine text him.”

I nodded and pointed to the food, “Mind finishing up Kel?”

She sighed and got up to take over my cooking as I stepped away to text Ben.

*Me: Hey Ben you busy?*

I waited and waited until I saw the bubble come up telling me Ben was texting back.

*Ben: kind of at work. What’s up?*

I completely forgot Ben moved wanting to work in the entertainment industry. What was it he went over there for???

Crap I couldn’t remember.

*Me: oh yeah did you get the job?*

*Ben: I wouldn’t have moved if the job wasn’t a guarantee Gabe.*

*Me: cool cool. What you working on?*

*Ben: can’t say. NDA and what not. But what’s up? How does your sister like the masks?*

*Me: they look awesome. I’ll have to send you some photos.*

*Ben: no need I’ve been watching her channel regularly*

*Me: you have?*

*Ben: come on Gabe it didn’t take a genius to figure out why Kelly needed masks all of a sudden and what little info you told me I simply put two and two together. Not a real stretch. Though it did take me a minute to figure out which site she was on. Lucky me she created an account on the more popular website for losers like me..*

I instantly thought Ben was the right choice though I was a little impressed and creeped out that Ben found Kel’s account and the site she was using rather quickly.

*Me: hey How good are you at research?*

*Ben: probably as good as the next guy I guess. Why?*

*Me: long story. How much dirt can you get on Muschi’s fertility clinic’s and their medical drug?*

*Ben: probably not long but it’ll have to wait until I’m off work. Is somebody in your family trying to get pregnant? Mom? Kelly?*

*Me: nothing like that. Just writing a paper for school and I’m having problems finding both sides of my argument. So when will you be off work?*

I lied. I didn’t want to tell Ben about our offer. Nor did I want to tell him that honestly after hearing Dr Braxter’s offer with the new information I’m kind of intrigued by it. Though I was still on the no thanks train. Still more information is better. Right?

*Ben: another few hours at the least. How quickly do you need this?*

*Me: sooner rather than later*

*Ben: ok as soon as I’m off work I’ll get your research. How much do you need?*

*Me: as much as to show me as many pros, mainly cons. I have enough pros for my paper but if you can find more that isn’t on their website I’d be really appreciative*

*Ben: fine. If it was anyone else I’d tell them to fuck off but because you’re the only person who treated me as a person and someone I actually consider a friend I’ll do it. But it’ll cost you*

*Me: name it*

*Ben: appreciate some nude photos of Summer*

I looked over at Summer before I looked back at my phone.

*Me: promise it won’t get distributed all over the internet*

*Ben: come on man it’s me we’re talking about here*

I sighed knowing Ben had a point. And he was trustworthy never giving me doubt of him spilling the beans on anything I’ve ever told him.

*Me: if there’s enough evidence I’ll up the price and slip you a video of her stripping*

*Ben: then you’ll have it before I go to sleep*

I smiled knowing a naked female would get any guys attention.

I walked back to the table with a smile on my face and happy that dinner was served.

Kel immediately spoke, “So is mcdweeb going to help?”

I looked at Kel, “Come on Kel after everything he did getting those masks back quickly and actually giving you variety. He’s a nice guy once you get passed his eccentricities.”

Kel growled but finally sighed, “I guess you’re right.”

Summer looked at me, “Is he going to help?”

I nodded as I chewed on a mouthful of my taco. I spoke through a mouthful, “But it’ll cost us.”

Kel sighed, “Ok what do I have to do?”

I looked at Kel, “You doesn’t want you.”

Kel sighed a sigh of relief.

I looked at Summer, “You on the other hand.”

Summer immediately put her face in hand and moaned out, “Cccrrrraaaappppppp!!!!!!!!”

She sighed in her hands, “Let me guess…photos?”

I spoke, “And videos.”

She groaned in her hands, “Fuck!”

She rose her head to look at me and glared, “The things I go through for you.”

I held up my hands, “Hey you’re the one needed help. I just went to the first techie guy I know.”

Summer squinted at me, “Coming from the most techie guy I know.”

I laughed, “Yeah he’s more techie techie than me. I’m just a gamer with opinions if you ever watch my videos.”

Summer sighed but smiled at me.

Kel spoke, “It’s a shame that they want so much from us. The money is really hard to turn down.”

I looked at Kel, “I know right. Do you know what I could do with nearly $150k a year. I could buy a house.”

Kel spoke, “Or finally get a new car.”

Summer laughed, “Yeah but too bad it comes such a high price tag.”

Kel sighed, “Yeah.” Before biting into her last taco enjoying the taste.

After she was done we heard her murmur, “But what If we did do it?”

Both of us looked at Kel. She blinked at us, “What?”

I looked at her, “You serious?”

She looked at me and spoke, “Come on Gabe what job are you going to find that immediately going to pay you $150k a year starting? None that’s who. You’d be working your entire life to get to that.”

I spoke, “Yeah but there are plenty of professions that pay more than that.”

Kel looked at me, “Once again you’re gonna have to work for it and it’ll take time. Doing this just gives a leg up.”

Summer spoke, “Why the 180?”

Kel sighed, “Look originally when she brought it up I couldn’t see past her calling me a fucking bimbo.”

She pointed at us, “Which I still say I’m not.”

We still smirked at her.

She continued, “But hearing that it again and hearing all the facts again I kind of thought about it.”

She looked at us, “I don’t know about you but I want the leg up. So what if my body changes. So what if I become a sex-a-holic …….HELLO!!!! NEWS FLASH YOU’VE ALREADY TURNED ME INTO ONE!!!!”

She sighed and blushed at her admittance to us but still continued, “But seriously you heard her even if it’s temporary more than likely it will be and they’re willing to take lots of precautions Dr. Braxter still says we can live our lives how we want to just with some routine and regular checking in.”

She looked at us, “And she even admitted if it lasts less than a year she would still make them pay our one year salary. What’s there to not lose?”

Summer quickly, “Come on Kelly sweetheart. What if this miracle drug over taxes your ovaries and in less than a year you can no longer have kids? What if once the stuff wears off you become permanently sterile?”

Kel pointed to Summer’s laptop, “Even the girl you showed me one of the pictures showed her, her husband, and 7 kids. 4 older and the other 3 younger. Meaning the drug doesn’t make you sterile.”

I spoke, “But what if this more potent one does?”

Kel thought of it and then flatly said, “Oooh…..”

Summer quickly spoke, “That’s what I’m trying to get to here Kelly. All the what if’s.”

Kel spoke, “Oohh….”

Summer added, “Dr Braxter highlighted the pros that some of the gifted kept. She didn’t talk about the cons or if they kept those cons.”

I spoke, “Like if one of the guys increased his dick but can no longer achieve a hard on ever again.”

I lightly chuckled at my own joke, “That would suck to be swinging a big ass bat that never gets hard. Be like trying to shove a long ass limp noodle in you. That would suck.”

Summer looked at me, “I’d be pissed if you could no longer get hard.”

Even Kel laughed at that.

Summer returned her attention, “So until we get more data if Gabe’s friend can find any. Then we can re talk about this topic. Ok?”

Kel looked at Summer before thinking over everything we just said before nodding. She spoke, “But if he doesn’t find anything and we decide to do it will you be there with me?”

Summer’s face softened and cupped her hand on Kel’s face, “Of course honey. If we decide to do this then I’ll be the first to go in.”

Kel’s eyes watered up before she blinked and nodded.

She looked over at me, “How about you Gabe?”

I sighed watching the whole scene unfold in front of me, “Fine If Ben can’t find enough hard evidence of major cons to this super drug then we can retalk about it.”

I pointed to both girl’s, “But I swear if I come out a freak I want promises from you both that you’re not going to leave me.”

I dared not to think of other BAD alternatives.

Both girl’s laughed and hugged me. Summer leaned over and kissed me.

Then she reached into my pants and grabbed a hold of my cock. She huskily spoke, “As long as you use this on me I’ll never leave you. Now come here big boy.”


My phone chimed an hour or so later right as I fired my third load down Kel’s throat after face fucking her while Summer laid on the ground breathing heavily her stomach full and her pussy leaking my second load out onto the floor.

I looked down at Kel and noticed her face mask protected her face from forming a sack shaped bruise on her forehead after the repeated ball slapping as I throat fucked her on the dining table.

Kel of course greedily gulped down my entire load and was now sucking off all her saliva off my dick that she liberally coated during her throat stretching session.

I picked up my phone and went to my email app. Looks like Ben emailed me.

Huh…..I figured he’d be at work for at least another couple of hours.

I opened the email.


*I found out that the project my team and I are working got pushed up a week. Meaning most of us are going to be rotating shifts sleeping here on the available sofas. I’m taking a small break before my turn to take a sofa and sleep for a couple of hours.*

*I did a little bit of research on your fertility clinic and found a few good sites which I’m including below. But to some up what I’ve found in a broad brush stroke. Looks like there are a fuck ton of pros to the drug they’re using but there are some flaws to the drug though not many.*

*The biggest flaw with the drug aside from not thoroughly tested so there’s a small, like really small, chance that the drug isn’t 100% affective, which is why I imagine they do in depth testing before any person can become a client. They need to make sure it works which is why you haven’t found many cons because of their initial testing. The other biggest flaw, once again for something that is supposed to be temporary, is that not ALL the benefit’s they taut actually show right away. There’s some medical reports that shows some client’s had adverse effects long after being a patient some of the extreme cases though not many either A.) goes out of control or B.) is hard to maintain without some type of corrective surgery to fix said effect or some type of regimen/medication to keep said abnormality under control.*

*I’m sure there’s more out there but I only did a broad glance. I’ll try to find more after I get some sleep. It’s a shame this drug can’t be isolated and affects only ‘x’ part of the body. And if they could make ‘x’ change controllable and possibly permanent. If they did this then Muschi would decimate the sexual market and be the absolute kings of everything medical. However, if they do crack this randomization of benefits I’ll be the first in line to have certain parts of my body fixed.*

*If that happens I’d highly advise buying stocks if you don’t already. But that’s more of a side thought.*

*Maybe when we’re old and grey they probably will.*

*Well I better get some shut eye. I wanted to get this email out because I promised. I expect good photos of Summer as payment buddy. You lucky bastard.*


At the bottom of the email were about 15 links.

Jesus not only did Ben come through on his promise but he out did himself on his research.

Actually I’m not surprised, Ben has always been like that. Whenever he did a report for any of the classes when we were in school he’s always out performed any other student including me. If the report or essay we had to write in class of the minimal was ‘x’ long it was a safe bet Ben would triple if not quadruple the minimum. His attention to detail always astounds me.

Probably why he got picked up for his job. His attention to detail.

I looked down at the girl’s as I sat and read the email.

I spoke to Summer, “Well tomorrow we need to do a photo shoot.”

Summer just looked at me through orgasm glazed eyes and uttered, “Anything you say baby.”



1 comment

  1. Minor spelling fixes here and there but I like where this is going. This is why you should always befriend the nerd in your class (aka me!) Lol

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