[MMMf] [incest] [non con] Kati’s Innocence Part 8 Finale

I want to thank AlStew520 for helping me with the final installment!!


“Hello Kati” said Jakes rough unemotional growl.

All I can do is stand there looking up into his eyes as he towered over me. His body was rigid making his muscles pronounced as he held me against the wall with his large hand around my throat. I pulled at his hand but to no avail. “Jake I can’t breathe.” I barely manage to squeak out. It wasn’t cold but I could feel myself beginning to shake. I was terrified, and he knew it. He could smell the fear coming from my growing moisture between my legs. At my words he only tightened his grip as he groped me with with his other hand. His rough fingers brushed over my already erect nipple. At that moment I cursed my body for being so sensitive.

“What, I don’t get a “Hello brother’ even after you got me kicked out of the house you spoiled little princess?” he said as anger filled his voice. He reached down and removed his belt in one swift motion and proceeded to wrap it around my neck like a collar and leash. He then pulls out a knife and brings it to my neck. My breath quickens as I feel my sex growing wetter as my clit swells and starts to pulse, hating myself for it.

“Jake please stop! Daddy’s going to be home any minute.” I pleaded struggling to stay still pinned against the wall hoping he’d buy my bluff. Jake doesn’t say a word, he instead runs the blade across my chest just barely scraping my soft delicate skin. Then he brings it up to the belt, making a new hole in it so he can secure the belt around my neck.

“Good try Kati” he says coldly as he grabs a fistful of my hair and shoves me to my knees. I start flailing, hitting his arm and legs, in an effort to get him to let me go. Unfazed he shoves me further on to my stomach pulling my arm behind me. He removes his shirt and ties my arms behind my back with it as i feel my thighs getting slick.

“Jake please no I’m pregnant… please stop ” I pleaded as I tried desperately to get free. He rolls me onto my back and arms and I can once again see his eyes, full of rage. He moves to the side of my head pulling out his massively thick cock and without warning shoves it into my mouth and begins fucking it uncontrollably.

With the roughness in my mouth I wasn’t expecting to feel his hand caressing my growing bump. He lets go of my hair allowing me to breath as he moves over my small body kissing gingerly starting at my breasts down spending extra time on my bump. “Jake please let me go. please?” I beg trying to appeal to the softer side of him i can see in his eyes.

With the sound of my voice the rage returns. he throws my legs on his shoulders and shoves his cock into my sopping wet pussy as hard as hi can. ” See I knew you wanted it you little Cumslut, Your absolutely soaked” he shouts pulling the belt tighter around my neck. I feel the pressure in my sex start to build. I was dripping around his cock.

“Jake please stop” I manages to squeak out softly right before my body explodes on his cock. Cumming all over him and myself. I cum so hard i see starts as i start crying from the rush of emotions. I didn’t want this but my body did.

Suddenly I hear the door fly open as Jake is lifted off of me. as my orgasm subsides and my vision returns i see drew at my side untying the belt and t-shirt from my body. He covers me in a blanket and holds my close against his body carrying me to the couch. I look to the side and see Daddy releasing a Sobbing Jake as he slides down the wall crying into his hands. A line of blood dripping from his nose and lip from Daddy.

“Kati I’m so sorry” He sobs looking at me as I shake in Drews arms. ” I just wanted you so bad. I need to be with you. I needed to kiss you and hold you but you didn’t want me. I’m sorry” he cries as he crawls on his hands and knees over to me. “Please Kati I’m so sorry. please don’t kick me out again” he starts lightly kissing my feet as drew strokes my hair. He is my safe place.

Drew looked like he wanted to attack him but I put my hand on his arm to stop him “I don’t know. “You’re my brother and I love you but it just to much right now. I need you to leave for now.” He looked sad and upset at my words but simply stood and walked out the door. After he was gone daddy rushed over to make sure I was ok. After a bit of inspection they took me to the hospital to make sure the baby was ok. After a few test they told us that both the baby and I were ok and we went home.

When we got home we all sat down and talked about Jake. They asked if I meant what I said and I told them I did. He was my brother and I did love him. But I couldn’t have him around if he was gonna continue to act like that especially while I was pregnant. We talked for a few hours about it and came up with a plan.

A few days later we called Jake to the house so we could talk. When he arrived he looked small and broken and not like how he had been that day, towering and terrifying. He mumbled a hello when he saw me and we directed him to sit in a chair. After we sat down I told him if he had anything he wanted to say now was the time. Me immediately started to apologize. He said that he was so sorry. He explained that he wanted me so bad for so long that when he finally got me he didn’t want to let me go and would do whatever to keep me. He then explained that he thought the only way to have me was to take me. But seeing me on the floor crying not from pleasure but from him and his actions made him realize he was wrong and it was wrong. He started to cry and begged for forgiveness but would understand if I said no.

I wanted to cry from what he said but knew i needed to keep a straight face for the next part. I told him i understood but could not forgive him so quickly. He hung his head still crying. “But there is a way you could earn it.” At this he picked his head up and sat up and i told him our plan. I told him that I wanted him I’m me and my Daughters life but not as he is. I told him that he would need to go to counseling for his obsessive behavior and anger. Then if he showed progress with it he would be allowed to come to the house and visit me. But he would not be alone with me and no sex for a long time.

He sat for a long time thinking. Eventually he looked at me and said “I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you.”

——————————————————-2 years later——————————————————————————-

It had been a long road but things were finally back to normal. Jake kept to his word and went to therapy and counseling and started his visits fairly quickly. He was always very careful with me. You could tell the want was still there but he kept it under control. It took Drew and daddy longer to trust him than it did me but they eventually came around and before long he had moved back in. He was still heavily supervised at first but after awhile it was simply just reduced to a careful watch.

But it was a long time before he was allowed back into the bedroom. At first he could only watch as daddy or Drew fucked me. Then he was allowed to touch himself. Then after the baby was born he was able to touch me. Then eventually he was allowed to have sex with me while closely watched by daddy and Drew. But now after two years everything is completely normal again.

We have a beautiful baby girl named Kalee that we all love so deeply. We have settled into quite the routine. Daddy (Drew) gets her up and dressed every morning while Papa (my Father) fixes breakfast and Daddy J(Jake) takes her to daycare.

Drew and I still share a room and We added a room off of ours for Kalee. She is all of our pride and Joy.

Jake doesn’t need to be watched anymore and is allowed to fuck me as he pleases. Occasionally he starts to get possessive but he corrects himself before he gets carried away. I’m so happy to have all my boys back love it when they all fuck me together. I couldn’t be happier.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lzi1tv/mmmf_incest_non_con_katis_innocence_part_8_finale


  1. Nice adding the rehab in there!!! Outstanding story! Can’t wait for the next one!!!

  2. not what I was expecting… it was better than I was expecting!

  3. Wow that was an amazing ending❤?. Though I’m quite saddened that this is the end ??

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