The Tenant

? Not too graphic on this part. I would like to slowly build the tension. Thank you.



I quickly turned towards the faucet to wash my hand. I let the cool water run down my red palm which was burned when I accidentally touched the hot pot filled with pasta.

The doorbell rang again.

“Coming!” I called. If it wasn’t for that doorbell, I wouldn’t have been surprised and forget that the pot was just on my right side.

I dried my hands and quickly went to the door. Opening it, I was greeted by a tall, handsome but definitely unfamiliar guy. He seemed to be surprised to see me too, as I can see from his expression.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Hello,” he said. His voice was extraordinarily low, almost a soft growl. “I just moved in beside your unit. I was wondering if I could uh, have a phone call. My phone’s dead and I don’t have a charger with me.”

I knew from the president that a new tenant will be moving beside ours, but I didn’t know who it is. He must have noticed the doubt on my mind because he pulled out his wallet to retrieve his association card and showed it to me.

“Chase,” he said. “Chase Jordan.”

I smiled. “Sara Cumbridge.”

I noticed him smile and I somewhat knew the reason so I blushed furiously.

“Yes, come in,” I said opening the door for him. “The phone’s near the fridge. You have to excuse me though, I’m cooking and my husband will be home any minute.”

I returned to what I was doing while he continued to take a phone call. I couldn’t help but hear their conversation.

“Yes…” he said. “No, you don’t have to.”

I was cleaning the counter and washing the measuring cups I was using earlier. I was squeezing the sponge and putting soap in it when I heard him lowered his voice, but still I could get snippets of his message.
“….you need to be naked when I get home.”

Surprised, I accidentally dropped a glass on the sink, making the water splash all over the counter and into me. Great.

I turned off the faucet and grumpily wiped the counter. Nathan must have finished his call because I couldn’t hear him anymore.

“Need help?” he asked behind me.

“Uh no, just being clumsy as usual,” I replied turning to him. I found him staring at my face then his eyes slowly going down to my chest. It stayed there. What?

I looked down and I turned beet red when I remembered that I wasn’t wearing any apron, so the water that hit me earlier, coupled with a bit of sweat because of my kitchen experiment, turned my white shirt almost transparent, revealing my sexy black bra underneath with my huge breasts almost spilling out of it.

“Oh sorry,” I said turning to the side. “Uh, I didn’t expect anyone you see. Excuse me.”

I left him by the kitchen to go to the bathroom to get some spare shirt. I used to leave one there because sometimes Paul’s, my husband, friend come over for a drink and often need a change of clothes. But just my luck, because there wasn’t any and only a white sleeveless undershirt was hanging.

I took off my shirt and got dismayed because my bra was also wet. I need to change it. I reached behind me to unclasp it, but since it was not my lucky day, somehow some strands of my hair got tangled on the hook. It was already a full minute and I was still not able to remove it. I already pulled down the straps and was ready to turn the hooks in front but it wasn’t possible without hurting my head.

I didn’t have a choice. I need help. Well, I am a married women it was not like I was a virgin to be giddy all over for this. So why was I suddenly feeling something different?

“Um excuse me? I’m sorry but can you help me please?” I called loudly. I silently waited for Chase and heard him stop by the door. My back was turned and I was sure he could see the mess.

I could hear my breath loudly, and my heart started to pound when I felt his warm hands behind me.
“My pleasure,” he murmured. “Steady.”

His right hand rested on the side of my hips, while his other hand started to slowly remove the tangles of my hair. I had the feeling that he was deliberately moving slowly. He moved my long, black hair to one side, revealing my slender neck to his view. I wasn’t thinking about the predicament now, my brains seemed like it turned off voluntarily, and all I could sense was his hands on me and that building sensation inside my panties. I was ridiculously aroused.

I felt his hand on my waist slowly moving up and down, his hands sending tickling sensations to my skin. I closed my eyes and waited for a few seconds before I felt his warm breath against my neck. He moved closer and I could almost feel his long legs touching the back of mine.

“Should I remove it?” he asked. He was referring to the clasp of my bra.

I opened my eyes and slightly turned my head towards him, “Yes, please —“

I stopped. That was when I saw the mirror beside us. We were directly in front of the mirror! I could clearly see half of our bodies so close together. His clothed chest just a few inches from my back, his hand still on the hook of my bra. He was staring on the mirror as well, but this time watching my expression.

Just then, he unclasped the hooks, and my bra, with the straps removed earlier, fell to the ground in a silent thud. My breasts came out as if from isolation, bouncing in front of me, so visible to his eyes from the view in the mirror.

We stayed like that for a few seconds. Just our eyes glued to the mirror, our breath getting heavier and definitely my arousal turning wild inside of me.
What is wrong with me? I was turning red all over and alarm bells were ringing furiously in my head. I should cover myself and thank him, but I couldn’t. This tall, fucking gorgeous guy was just behind me, staring at my face and my tits. It’s been so long since I felt so aroused because of a stranger.

Then he suddenly broke the silence.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“For what?” I asked breathlessly.

“For this.”

In a quick movement, he moved me to face the mirror, he was still behind me. This time, my whole half-body was his to gaze at. My breasts open for view, my nipples suddenly getting hard. I have a rather huge pink areola. I take pride in it since my husband said he could cum just looking at it. So for it to be seen by Chase, well I hope he felt the same way.

We stayed like that for a fully minute. I was staring at his face, and I could see that his eyes were staring at my tits.

Slowly, I felt his hands moved to either side my torso, stroking my skin. I straightened my back, pushing out my breasts, and my head slightly rested on his shoulders. It was all the encouragement he needed.
His hands moved up, and was now touching the sides of my breasts, tenderly caressing the curves. How I wanted him to just grabbed both of it and crush me towards him. But though I was fucking turned on, I didn’t want to make any move. I knew what I was doing was wrong and that I should stop him. However, my lust was getting the best of me.

He put his hands under my breasts, as if weighing them, then slowly moving to the sides again. I could feel that he was intentionally avoiding to touch my nipples which were so hard I thought it would quiver from his gaze. He pushed me forward, my body touching the cold sink and I could feel his cock on my back, stone hard.

I want to fuck. Fuck hard.

I was so tired preparing whole day for my husband and all I wanted now was a good pounding by some stranger.

I have no shame at all.

As if hearing my mind, I could see him smile and without further ado, he cupped my whole breasts, my hard nipples pressing against his palms. He pulled me against him, forcefully pressing my tits, making it bigger, the sides spilling from his huge hands. His fingers found the tip of my nipples and he started to play with it. I closed my eyes and let the sensation carry me wherever. How must it feel to have his mouth suck my tits?

He was torturing me, playing with my breasts without doing anything else. I was convinced I must make the next move when suddenly we heard an alarm go off from the kitchen. It was the microwave.

As if waking up from deep slumber, I realized what we were doing and I quickly tried to release myself from his arms. He must have felt my tension because he voluntarily stepped back and gave me space.

“Oh my god, what are we doing? I am so sorry,” I said. I was red from head to toe. I grabbed the undershirt from the hanger and was about to wear it when I felt him step towards me.

“Let me,” he said. He grabbed the shirt from my hand and whirled me around to face him. This time, there was no need for a mirror to make him look at my gorgeous tits. It was all splendor and free to his gaze.
I could see his jaw muscles tensing. What was he thinking?

However, he didn’t do anything else. Instead, he slowly helped me with the shirt. I raised my arms so that he could put it on me. He stopped midway in the process as if thinking of something.

I tried to be playful. “What?” I asked.

He was halfway covering my breasts when he mentioned, “I haven’t tasted a married woman before.”
The word married definitely brought me back to my senses. I pulled down the undershirt without his help and grabbed the bra from the floor.

I was already out the door when I asked, “Do you need anything else?”

He followed me out but didn’t went in the kitchen. So I had to go back a bit to make sure he was still there.
He was already standing by the doorway, waiting for me.

“Thank you for the phone,” he said his voice husky.

“Oh no worries,” I replied. “You need anything else don’t hesitate to come.”

He smiled. “Yes. I will definitely come.”

He was already out the door and thank goodness he was because my knees suddenly wobbled and I had to hold on to something to keep myself from falling.
Shameless, I thought. I am shameless woman.

But even when I was already in the kitchen again, preparing to store the washed dishes, I knew I didn’t regret any of it.

If anything else, I was looking forward for him to come.
