Bred by Her Father [M/F, dragon shifter in human form, first time, incest, consensual, erotica] (AmethystMare)

An adult dragoness living in a human world, a shifter, demands that her father take her for her very first breeding…

As always, I am open for commissions starting at 30 GBP per 1,000 words – please e-mail arianmabe[at] for more information or see my profile!

No one would have known that Amy was a dragoness from looking at her. To all intents and purposes, after living in the world of humans for far too long and adoring fashion and technology equally, she was the embodiment of a young woman. In typical times, even with her petite frame and shoulder-length brown hair that was always in a modern style for her East Asian home, she would have fitted in perfectly, though some that she had met there wondered why a good Korean woman did not seem to have a job or a husband as yet. Little did they know that dragons, at least openly, had no need for either, above humanly concerns and troubles.

However, there was a problem. A very big problem, in fact, for a dragon-shifter in her early twenties. Whereas she had been distracted by technology and the fast-moving pace of an ever-changing world, there was a need deep inside her, a want to have a clutch of eggs. It was the same for every dragon, remembering just how it felt to be inside her dragon body, bearing the shape of one that may be called “Asian” with her long, sensual flow of scales. What she called herself in the dragon tongue was not so crude but that was beyond what Amy needed.

Smiling, she tugged a little at her blouse, though the finely tailored fabric was fashionable rather than alluring – not in the way that she wanted it to be, at least. She wanted her small breasts on show, anything to lure her father in, for she could not think of any other, not in the whole world, that she would have wanted to father her clutch more.

She just had to convince him of that.

His city home was not as up to date as hers was but she could fix that as she entered via her own key, comfortably making her way up the narrow staircase, a Westernised abode. It was strange how things like that came into Eastern culture, a blend of the both as worlds collided, but it was something that Amy had gotten used to.

She found her father, who went by the name of “Jesson”, in the small kitchen, something suited to a bachelor and perhaps not a dragon of his status, though he barely turned as she entered.

“Hi, dad…”

She batted her eyes at him but her father didn’t turn, not choosing to give her a glimpse of his purely dark eyes. They were one of the things that set him apart in human society, when he chose to reside there and not in his human form, although Jesson did not stay there permanently, considering his affluence for his draconian shape. Maybe Amy would get there one day too.

“I didn’t think you were going to visit me today, Amy…”

Jesson did look at her then, smiling back at her, a wok on the hob set aside to cool, his meal prepared but not one that he was destined to eat. Amy spared a moment to admire him, the dragon that she was going to see as the sire of her and her clutch, his skin touched with gold, reminiscent of the scales of his dragon form. She hoped that would carry over into the offspring, leaving them appearing as if they were dipped in gold, between him and her. She could not think of anything more perfect, considering their warmth and love and the relationship between them.

His hair was darker than hers though, black and kept neatly short for human society, but her hair shade came from her mother, stepping up to him with a small, confident smile. Why ever should she not be confident when she was a young dragon who knew what she wanted? And she was there to claim what her father could never have expected for her own…

“Father,” she purred warmly, fingers grazing his jaw line as if she had far more experience at her disposal than she actually did. “It’s come time… The need is upon me and I have chosen a mate.”

Her father, Jesson, started, pushing back against the counters and capturing her hands in his own.

“Dear one, you know you do not have to come to me for approval,” he said with a smile. “But I am glad you have found a suitable drake for your first brood. Who may the lucky male be? Is it anyone I know?”

He knew – oh, he did. But he didn’t say anything, not yet, gasping softly as she stretched up onto the tips of her toes, not being the tallest as a human woman, to kiss his lips. They caressed his softly, tugging out his lower one, tongue flickering out. Without thinking about it, his tongue joined hers, brushing against the flexible, sweet appendage, drawing her into a deeper kiss. It was hardly as if it was something frowned upon between dragons anyway…

“Mmm… Amy, there’s no need to be so forward…”

She grinned, a wicked flash in her eyes, heralding the flickering up of her dragon form.

“Mmm… Father, you know what I want. This will be easier if you just give it to me…but I know what you’re going to say already.”

Jesson smiled, shaking his head. The warmth of her kiss lingered on his lips, bringing rise to desires that he had not had in many years.

“And what is that?”

Oh, how she made his heart pound, gasping inwardly, though he tried not to let it show. She could get anything she wanted from him with those big eyes of hers, how she nipped seductively at her lower lip. She’d been watching him, clearly, seeing just how she could manipulate him, lure him in, teasing him to the very best of her ability until saying “no” simply was not an option anymore. Jesson had merely been surprised at first but his daughter considered the question carefully.

“I’d think you’d want to put me off, to say that I need to find myself a nice drake, a younger drake…”

Her father laughed, sweeping her up and off her feet into his arms. A squeal from Amy’s lips heralded her surprise but there was no need for her to go as a virgin, a dragon who had never been bred, for a moment longer. Her heart surged and he pulled her in close, arms dropping to the small of her back, pressing her against him and the rise of attention at his crotch.

“For the breeding to take,” he breathed, eyes darkening further with seductive intensity. “I must do it in my human form.”

She pouted, less than prettily.

“Oh, father… Is that necessary?”

“For breeding? Yes. Not to mention that I don’t think my dragon shape could fit into this small home of mine.”

That much was true and it was hard for Amy to feel bad about that at all as she followed her father to the bedroom, though she wished it was a swinging, undulating length of gold-tinted tail that she was following, not a human form. Still, she’d gotten what she wanted and there was nothing for her to do but to reap the spoils where they were best offered to her.

Her father kissed her deeply, no notes coming through of his earlier reluctance, though he was always easily persuaded by his sweet daughter. She may no longer have been his little girl, a grown adult with a luscious body that was all her own, but she was still his and about to be his in a way that he could not have anticipated only a short while ago.

The kiss deepened, Amy sitting on the edge of the bed as she drew him to her, tongues tangling, hissing and groaning into the kiss. More feral, bestial desires came up, the curling wrath of a dragon tangling in the pit of her stomach, but her father was right there for her to spend what had been brewing inside her for so long. She had to have him, had to take him, the worthiest dragon in the world that she knew of, slipping her blouse up and over her head without pausing to unbutton more than a couple of buttons. The silk whispered down her skin and then her father’s fingers were on her bare stomach, tracing the line of her oblique muscles, the fine and lithe physique that, even then, she was more than simply proud of maintaining.

“Oh… Father…”

Her head swirled but it was just as well that she had his more experienced hands to lay her back on the bed, undressing her of her trousers, everything finely cut, the height of fashion. Jesson, of course, did not care for such things, preferring to spend his energy on more dragon-like endeavours, but he did appreciate how the fine cloth revealed her form, down to her underwear and the gold and white patterned lingerie that made her appear even more so a queen then than she ever had been before.

“You are so beautiful.”

His adoration for his daughter could not be denied as Jesson disrobed, bare but for his skin, no underwear concealing his erection from his virgin daughter’s curious eyes. She didn’t need to be experienced to know that she wanted his shaft in her hand, to explore him, to feel him, kneeling on the edge of the bed as she ran her hands down his abdominals, stroking his shaft with tentative but increasingly bold fingertips.

“Oh… I didn’t think it would be like this.”

Her father smiled, his shaft twitching very faintly within her grasp.

“I’ll be gentle, darling, don’t worry.”

Yet that was not something at all that Amy was worried about, her lips questing down, if only for a taste. She had to try, to taste everything, sliding her tongue curiously over the head of his shaft. It was so different to that of dragons that she had seen when others her age, looking for their first mate, had engaged in lust, though she had not stayed, of course, for the main event. But a human shaft was smooth with a hint of veins, the skin pulling back from the tip as it moved along with her hand.

“It’s strange…”

But not so strange that she was not going to see what more it had in store for her. Her lips closed around the tip and drew a little of him into her mouth, her father’s hands resting on her head, guiding her in her exploration of him. He brushed her hair back from her face where it fell forward, a low groan rising in the back of his throat, need swelling in such a way that could not be denied.

A small drop of pre-cum trickled onto her tongue but she’d lapped it up before she realised what she’d done, the taste thick and exotic, almost like dragon fruit but with a darker hint of something musky and alluring twisted through. Amy could not have said what it was but she suckled him down, bobbing her head as she knew was born from the realm of giving pleasure to another.

“Mmm… That’s enough. Let me show you the ways of our bodies.”

He was older than her, many years so, more experienced than her, and Amy trembled as she was teased, his lips exploring her, her skin quivering in a way that she did not know her muscles could move. It would have been different, undoubtedly, if they were scales but for her first time she would have that human form, the delight of it tingling through her body.

His lips brushed her inner thighs, spreading them tenderly, but Jesson did not slip his tongue into her or even brush her lower lips with it as yet. No, he was too experienced for that, teasing and pleasing, nuzzling up, his nose and his breath leading the way with a tingle of delight. Her stomach arched up to meet his touch and yet he still did not give her what she wanted, splaying out his fingers flat across her belly to lightly pin her in place, as much as his daughter’s hips rose ardently, wanting his lust. Her navel rose to meet him as his lips even dipped into that, her breasts begging his attention with their soft rises, nipples soft and yearning as his nose traced a path around each, letting his breath tickle and bring a lusty flush to her body.

Amy squirmed, whimpering and clinging to him, everything so new in the moment that even instinct could not guide her as her father kissed back down the length of her body, heart pounding desperately.

“Please… Father, you can’t tease like this…”

Jesson only had a smile for her that promised so much more.

“There’s so much more than penetration to sex, dear daughter… But I can give you a taste too…”

He didn’t give her a chance to react, delving between her thighs and spreading her legs, nose pressing to the engorged nub of her clit, her folds parting softly as his tongue plunged inside. Her juices flowed lightly but he was there to see the flow freely before his aching cock sank into Amy for the very first time, her virgin body rocking up to meet him, a groan on her lips.

His tongue was not quiet or still as she wriggled, nuzzling down to her pucker, the part of her body that she had never imagined giving such pleasure, though it was only a tease, a temptation of what did not cover what she longed for in breeding. Her pussy longed for him, wetter than ever, hips trying to push insistently back to him, though she had to submit, at least in part, to her father’s lust. If he wanted to take his time, dragging his tongue around her anal ring and back to her pussy, suckling her clit, she would have to take every drop of ecstasy he delivered unto her.

“Oh, ohhh…”

She didn’t have or need words for what she was feeling, whimpering softly, turning her head to the sheets on his bed, grasping and pulling at them even as they rumpled under her fingertips. She had to hold onto something, anything, just to root herself in place, to remember what her kind of reality was, Jesson’s tongue delving hungrily into her and scooping up against the heat of her passage. That was not where the most pleasure was to be derived from, however, her hips rising and bucking against him, her body knowing through pure draconic instinct alone what she needed to do, at least in part.

Her father chuckled, the warmth of his breath tickling her pussy, washing over and through her.

“Mmm… Patience.”

But he was there for her, swirling his tongue around her clit and dragging it up, tucking back the tiny hood that would usually cover her clit when she was not aroused. It glistened with her juices right then and there, however, his saliva adding to it as he suckled the soft nub of flesh into his mouth. It was so small on her, his daughter so much smaller than he was, but he knew just how to please after his many years as a draconic lover, letting his tongue flicker up against it, testing her reactions.

Ah, but it was too much for her, which was all that he should have expected, her body twisting and jerking, too much sensation overpowering in a moment that was just supposed to be about pleasure. His fingers were not idle as he tasted her pussy, swirling his tongue inside where she was less sensitive, allowing different nuances to sweep to the forefront while he groped and squeezed her tits. The roundness of her breasts fit easily into his large hands and he groaned into her cunny, tweaking her nipples as they perked to a sensual rise in the cool air of his bedroom.

“Mmmph… Father!”

She was too ready, however, too randy, squirming away from him as she rocked her hips up, bracing the flats of her feet on the bed. The mattress squeaked under her but she was not dissuaded in the slightest from pumping her hips, every fibre of her being questing and aching for his breeding spire. Heat lanced through her, prickling under her skin, yet it was not something she could control as she moaned and whimpered, even her own hands trying to get down between her legs while her father moved between them.

“Wait for me, sweetie…”

He was kind and he was gentle, not about to make her wait as he hissed through his teeth, revealing a little of his draconic side. All he wanted to do was to be lustful and carnal, to let out the dragon within him, but she was his daughter too and her first time was to be the very best time of her life.

That was, of course, if Jesson had anything to say about it.

Still, the rampant rod of his breeding spire was ready, drooling lightly, pressing up to her pussy and parting her folds. In such a position, he covered her completely with his body and did not need to position his shaft, for he already knew the ins and outs of a slim, sweet body such as hers. Slow and easy was the name of the game as he let her arousal lubricate his shaft, easing the way for his hot length to push deeper and deeper.

Amy shuddered. She was no longer a virgin, not by any stretch of the imagination, yet she needed more, craved more, whimpering and growling, turning her head back and forth, clinging to him. Every sensation was overwhelming, crashing over the one that came before it with a snarl and a snap in its wake. Yet she had to bear through it for the sweetness on the other side, his thick shaft stretching her pussy but nowhere beyond the limits of her body. For that was not what sex was about, not even as her dear father pushed into her again, thrusting and grinding, finding a light rhythm that she was ready for, as much as she growled and clawed at his back, craving more.

“Ah… Father… Ah… More…”

Every thrust of his cock reminded her of just why she was there, why she was taking his cock, the thought of the clutch that he would seed within her sending a luxurious thrill through her mind. She was his little draggie and her father would take her, dominate her – lust for her as much as she, perhaps, lusted for him. He could not say no to her and that was a gleam in the dragon-shifter’s eyes as he fucked her, grunting as he powered over her, braced with his palms driven into the bed on either side of her head.

“You’ll give me more clutches, dad,” she hissed, though it was hard to get the words out through his thrusts and her rising moans. “Every clutch… I want more from you! I want a hoard of little dragons all come from you, the strongest of all their sires!”

Her father’s lips parted but she dragged his head down to hers for a kiss, forcing his lips up against hers. He was forced to round his back to not break the kiss, her dominance coursing through the kiss, though it contrasted with his own, feral need snarling, growling and writhing. The dragon wanted out and yet her first time was not to be with a hot spear of dragon cock inside her but a human length better-suited for her.

Oh, but his darling daughter made it so difficult… Jesson’s head spun. His sweetie little draggie, the daughter that he had proudly watched grow up into a dragoness and a woman. She would always be his, however, and she his, the two of them tied even more closely than with family bonds as his thrusts sped up. The squeak of the bed rose in term with the slap of his hips on her buttocks, gripping her arse to raise her, taking control with longer, deeper strokes, need getting the better of him.

He wanted it too, his tongue teasing against hers in the kiss, moaning and tilting their heads to deepen it, sloppy and yet in a way that neither of them cared one bit. His hand squeezed down between their bodies to press her clit, though it was not that but the grinding of his cock over her G-spot that had her squealing and twisting, bucking and moaning into even his kiss as orgasm flooded her body: her very first with a partner.

And it was exquisite, her pussy tightening, body out of her control even as her father’s thrusts sped up and up, fucking her rampantly, unable to do anything but keep right on breeding her, knowing the outcome. She cried out into his mouth and clung to him, trying to twist her fingers into his hair but, alas, it was too short for that, gripping the back of his neck instead. His thrusts speared her full and she tried to buck up against them even though she was not stable in her body, trembling with raw need, how it flooded through her, blood heating up, every nerve-ending in her body pulsating with an electric spark that could never be replicated through anything else.

She was right where she wanted to be as her father bred her, his thrusts speeding up, a raw and ragged growl ripping itself from his throat. For Jesson was not a man but a dragon and it was time to let the beast out, dropping her hips and pounding her roughly, driving her, bouncing, down into the bed with every single one of his thrusts. A beast in the moment that it mattered the most, he could not stop, letting loose with a snarl that would have sent chills down her spine if she was not still in the twisting curls of orgasm, on and on until his ultimate high too was reached.

He roared, bellowing as he filled her, balls aching, spilling his seed, sealing the deal. There was no going back from that point as he bred his very much no longer virgin daughter, spurts drooling forth, filling her up. He was more productive than a normal human but still not as much so as his larger dragon form could produce, a sizeable dose fucked into her as it oozed lightly back down his length as he grunted and groaned, pressing his lips down to the crook of her neck in a loving nip that was a little bit too hard.

His daughter squeaked and he was abruptly reminded of how small and sweet she was, slowing his thrusts, orgasm fading for him more quickly than it had for her. Still, he could enjoy slow, languid rolls of his hips, coaxing out every drop of cum while she squirmed under him, though it had to be said that she recovered more swiftly than him. It seemed like no time at all before she was up on her knees, taking his re-hardening cock back into her mouth, cleaning him off without any prompting at all.

“Mmm… That’s my girl.”

She shivered. She wasn’t a girl, not anymore, but somehow she liked being called that by him. Maybe she’d even call him “daddy” next time she got him to fuck her? Amy smirked oddly around his shaft. She could only try.

But her first time was done and there was so much more to explore, her body tingling in the afterglow, aftershocks making her ache for more. The tease of delight was there to be taken, after all, and she had to be bold, had to lean into it, even as her father’s fingers combed lovingly through her hair.

“Mm, good girl.”

Amy moaned around his shaft.

Only if her daddy gave her clutch after clutch of eggs… If he did that, she’d always be his.



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