The Starjumper Chronicle – Ch 2 (OC, Star Wars, Ahsoka, Cute, Wholesome, Princess Roleplay, Creampie)

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**Alright, onto the chapter :)**

Kiiran paced down the ship’s corridors contemplating the vessel around him. The hallway around him was lit by a few small lights set into the top and bottom of the walls. The lights outlined the corridor around him in cool white light so that he could find the doors or corridors that branched off from the corridor that ran along the spine of the ship. It appeared to act as the main route through the length ship. The Togrutan woman was asleep and more than likely using her Jedi powers to heal her wounds. The Star-jumper himself had endured his fair amount of punishment at the hands of authorities from half a dozen worlds. Star-jumper shuddered, remembering the pain and embarrassment; no matter what happened, he would never go back to that point. People with power will do things behind closed doors where the damage could be near limitless. So, while she rested, he explored the ship he had procured.

The ship’s next destination was Tatooine on the Outer Rim, so Kiiran knew he had plenty of time to explore the ship. This was his ultimate prize; it legitimized the pursuit that spanned most of his entire adult life. Kiiran’s curiosity grew with his every step through the vessel. What Kiiran had found so far had not satiated his curiosity. The first door he opened with flair and flourish, expecting a room of bountiful treasure or innumerable priceless artifacts, turned out to be a basic supply room. His treasure included med-packs, blaster equipment, light janitorial equipment, and what appeared to be some kind of charging station. Kiiran tried to hide his disappointment at his ‘great discovery’ and shut the door with a groan.

The next room he found appeared to be for communications. It struck Kiiran as Odd that the ship had all manner of current and old communication technology. Kiiran saw hard-lines running along the wall into what he assumed was a primitive communication suite on a desk. On the walls of the space stood various displays and light boards showed diagrams of the ship. A larger screen looked like it was displaying a detailed floor plan of the vessel. Three others on the left seemed to be focused on showing the contents of storage chambers. Kiiran’s eyebrow perked up upon noticing that no direct visual field existed. The only data he had were strings and lines of text in a language or symbols that Kiiran was not familiar with. While Kiiran looked over the rest of the displays, he started to idly stroke his chin. As Kiiran came back around to the polished black antique, he noticed there a blinking light buried in amongst old printouts. The man moved some things around and was amazed when he found what appeared to be a standard comlink waiting in a holding port

Kiiran pulled the comlink from its station cautiously and turned over the device slowly. The comlink was no bigger than a pack of death-sticks and appeared to be constructed from a dark green material with a few silver buttons running along its smooth surface. Kiiran scoured the surface of the comlink for any tool marks; however, he could see none. There was also no lettering or inscriptions to give him more of an idea about exactly how the device worked or how it may work with the ship’s systems. Kiiran decided that the best thing would be to test the device while things were quiet. A single quiet click echoed from where Kiiran stood in the room. Kiiran’s eyes quickly scanned around for any difference to the displays in the communication alcove. Not finding any changes, Kiiran clicked the device once more before concluding nothing had changed. Kiiran relaxed a little and gave a little grunt of irritation while he got up and headed out of the room.

Sometime later in his exploration Kiiran came across three training rooms, several well-furnished suites, an opulent dining room connected to an equally well-supplied kitchen. The dining room was carpeted with a deep crimson carpet. The walls of the dining area were covered by panels of artwork that paired well with the polished stone surface of the massive table. Kiiran was thankful for the change from the monotonous grey steel in the interior of this room and moved to inspect the kitchen. He noted with pleasure that the kitchen housed all kinds of food and what he assumed were cooking implements. The thought of why this ship would still have food in it puzzled him as he wandered back into the corridor.

Kiiran wandered sometime before finally stopping in front of a door at random. The surface of the door was a dull metal. It reminded him of in prisons and warships. Anxiously he placed his hand on the activation stud on the door and then let slip a sigh of relief when he was greeted by a welcome sight. The door hissed out of the way so that Kiiran watched the oblong room flicker to life. The center of the room was dominated by a large holo-board that slowly brought an image of the binary suns of Tatooine into focus. Kiiran crossed the threshold into the room and was not that surprised to find there were even more readouts and displays here encircling the Holo-Board. He was surprised when he glanced back at the holo-board and noticed now that the image was showing not only the planet of Tatooine but also the individual space travel around the planet. Irritated, Kiiran reached his hand out to check that these ‘ships’ were not just dust in the room. Surprisingly when his hand passed over a ship at random, the holo-board would display registration information as well as cargo and armament of the vessel.

“This should be impossible…live information from Tatooine” Kiiran said aloud before continuing his investigation. He noticed that after he had stated Tatooine, the holo-board seemed to recalibrate to the specified planet. Kiiran made a logical leap and started naming other places in the galaxy, “hmmm…Coruscant.”

For a brief second, the holo-board flickered, the lights in the room all went dark, and Kiiran thought he had overloaded the advanced technology at work in the room. Then the holo-board came to life and gave birth to, what seemed to the Star-jumper’s eyes, a miniature sun. Looking at the projection, Kiiran realized the room had dimmed so that all the detail could be seen; here floating in front of him was a massive chrome ball with what looked like a swarm of flies darting back and forth all over its surface. Kiiran could make out the platforms, skyhooks, and orbital stations all as if he were standing at a viewport in orbit. He steeled himself and thrust his hand into the projection trusting that his instincts were right. Much like with Tatooine, all kinds of information was displayed anywhere he stabbed his hand into the projection.

“The system could only receive this kind of current information if was hooked up into the entire holonet and holocom network. A ship with that capability should be a hundred times this ship and require a support crew to manage it.” Kiiran reasoned to himself, and his eyes looked towards the door he had come from as well as the door on the far wall expecting by some chance his words would turn to reality. Reality once again dashed the Star-jumper’s expectations; it seemed that for now the only people aboard this ship were himself and the Togrutan. Reminded of her sleeping form Kiiran left the war room. Sighing to himself he looked about the corridor with some satisfaction that yet again here he was with proof that his obsession had borne fruit.

With some frustration, Kiiran realized that he must have gotten turned around because now he was in a hallway that terminated in a strange pair of doors. These doors were strange given that they were not just slate grey pieces of metal. Instead, they looked like an old-fashioned wooden door. Moving closer to the door Kiiran took in the sight of it. There were unique designs on the doors that he couldn’t place or recognize as more than a pattern. They appeared archaic, angular, and they were in direct conflict with the rest of the ship’s design and decor, as much of it as the Star-jumper had seen so far. There was no obvious way to open the doors, so Kiiran placed his hands on the doors and pushed slightly. The doors gave way and swung inward, opening into a room bathed in sunlight. Kiiran figured the sunlight pouring into the room accounted for the doors’ surface feeling warm and the room seeming warmer still.

Immediately Kiiran thought he had stepped into another training room, but as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight, he realized this one was different. The mats and walls in the previous training rooms had been standard dull black or white material. In this room though, the walls were all furnished with a combination of antique polished silver inset into what appeared to be stained walnut wood. Except for the entrance on which he was standing the entire length of the floor was covered in what appeared to be a woven cloth mat with a design marking out a large ring in the center of the room. Kiiran moved into the room to investigate the design and what he saw was astonishing. The design intricately woven into the soft material of the training mat depicted warriors fighting and preparing for battle with various weapons. Kiiran started to understand that not only were these designs artistic, but they also were laying out a pattern of practice with the various weapons shown.

When he was done taking the pattern in, Kiiran finally noticed that covering the enormous back wall was an equally massive, tall display cabinet. It was framed in the same wood and silver style of the rest of the room. Dominating the middle of the cabinet were large display racks that seemed to house weapons of every make and model. He saw mighty blades, wicked-looking clubs, exotic rifles, several torture implements, and finally blasters of every description. This was an arsenal fit for a warrior king. With a smile, Kiiran felt that with claiming the ship, he had earned that title.

“A legend needs legendary weapons…” Kiiran said to himself in front of a selection of swords; he reached out to pick up one of the more balanced-looking swords. He was surprised when his hand was stopped mere inches away from the hilt of the blade. Kiiran’s eyes narrowed, and he tried to reach for the weapon again, but once more, he was repulsed by the unseen force again. Kiiran cautiously moved his hand across the boundary in front of the weapons. There was definitely some sort of force field protecting all the weapons on display. The Starjumper took a step back and muttered in frustration. He was so close to this massive arsenal, and yet there was no way even to touch a single one of them. Kiiran pondered for a moment and concluded that there would have to be some sort of control switch in the cockpit. He turned to leave through the uniquely ancient set of doors and emerged back into the main corridor of the ship.


Ashoka slowly stirred from her slumber. Her body still ached as she sat up, but it was more from the time spent with her new companion than what the clone troopers had been doing to her. Ahsoka’s blue eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she realized she couldn’t find her clothes. She stood up to look for her them and instead noticed a door leading into what appeared to be a refresher complete with a shower. She gave a simple smile and looked to see if Kiiran was there to join her. She saw he wasn’t there, so she walked inside the shower. She wanted to go and find Kiiran, but first she definitely wanted a nice warm wash to clean off. A simplistic pleasure emerged inside her body when her bare foot touched the cool surface of the shower floor. Feeling something as simple as being able to walk on her own or take a shower without being around at least ten other people almost made her cry. Ashoka took a moment and then reached her hand up and turned on the hot water. Her head tails gave a small shiver as the warm water splashed across her sensitive breasts.

“Mmmmmfffff…” She moaned quietly as she moved her hands up and squeezed her breasts tenderly. It all felt so good, being free and having only her mind drive her actions. She wasn’t being imprisoned, under some forsaken Force spell, and right now, she no longer cared about the Republic, its war, or anyone else for that matter. Here for the first time in years, she was able to be focused on her feeling of pleasure. She cooed as her hands slowly kneaded the wet flesh of her breasts. She gripped and kneaded the tender flesh, smiling to herself as she felt her nipples press into her palms. Ashoka then took the thumb and forefinger of her left hand and used them to start pinching her nipples, thinking about how Kiiran had teased her the night before. Slowly she moved her hands down, feeling her hips and ass. Her taught stomach felt smooth to the touch; she let her hand drift to her hips. Ashoka then released her nipple and drug both hands to caress her ass. She slid her soapy hands slowly up and down her ass cheeks, finding the sensation electrifying in the small of her back and between her legs. She let her body guide her hands, and soon the fit-bodied young woman began spreading her ass cheeks just to feel the water and soap slide past her asshole to tickle the lips of her pussy and then run down her thigh.

Deciding that she had teased herself long enough, Ashoka brought her hands to either side of her moist sex. She took the fingers of her right hand and slid them along the slit of her pussy before using them to part her labia. A single sultry escaped from her mouth while the girl slowly pressed her finger into her pussy. She slowly drew it out a moment later, followed by her eyes closing and a small smirk grew on her face. It was good, but not as good as it had felt with Kiiran exploring her body. She made up her mind to focus on washing off her orange skin. Stepping out of the shower, Ashoka pulled a towel from a rack on the wall nearby and wrapped it around her orange and white body while she dried off. Once she was dry, she placed the towel back on the rack and turned back towards the bedroom. Her lithe body moved with elegance, enjoying the liberation that came from being free of prison and clothes. She had never been that big of a fan of keeping her body covered up before prison, and now she relished the feeling of the cool air flowing across her bare body.

When Ashoka looked for her clothes on the bed, she instead found a simple necklace and set of bracelets. Each had a large ruby with two emeralds paired on the sides of the central jewel. She could not help but gave a small smile. The ex-Jedi imaged Kiiran had been who took her clothes but given the jewelry he had left for her, she didn’t really mind. She’d never really had gifts before. The Togruat placed the necklace around her neck and then secured the two bracelets before moving to admire herself in the mirror near the shower.

“Maybe he wants me to be his ‘slave girl’ this time.” Ahsoka chuckled to herself for a moment before her stomach growled and reminding her that she hadn’t eaten any sort of food in a long time. Ahsoka reasoned that this ship had to have some sort of galley and she set about finding it.


A few moments after she left, a panel opened up in one of the room’s walls. Out popped a small droid. The floating ball was the size of a basketball, and it moved about the room on repulsor pads on the bottom half of it. The droid’s main photoreceptor was a long blue line across the center of its spherical body. The eye scanned the room. The droid set to work after being alerted that the room was free of life signs. It grabbed the towel and replaced and then tiny arms unfolded from between the suspensor pads. The industrious automaton used these spindly thin arms to fix up the various sheets and comforters of the bed at breakneck speed. As it did this the droid’s olfactory sensors detected elements of sweat, pheromones, and residue left behind by the two life forms who had been rutting. The droid prepared a laundry order for as soon as possible. They did not like their idea of making their master sleep on dirty sheets.

The droid’s eye focused on the closed door, and the computer contained within it tried to calculate the odds of completing the changing of the sheets without either of the life signs returning. The computer signaled that it was unlikely due to the amount of rutting the pair had done so far. In the end, the ball droid sprits a bit of a fragrance over the bedding to freshen things up. Then it zoomed right back towards the wall and hid away once more.


Kiiran was making his way back to the quarters where he had left Ashoka. He found Ahsoka making some sandwiches in the massive kitchen attached to the dining room. Kiiran was immediately thrown a bit off when he saw her naked except for some jewelry. Kiiran smirked as he thought about Ashoka going on her adventure around the ship nude. He only hoped that wherever she had taken them from that, there was more for him to sell. To signal his presence, Kiiran pulled a chair out from the table with quite some noise. Ashoka looked up and smiled over her shoulder at him.

Ashoka called back to Kiiran while she plated the meals, “well just like the rescue, you have great timing. I just finished making some sandwiches and was about to come to find you.” She turned towards Kiiran and motioned to a pitcher in her hands,

“…And look…blue milk… I haven’t had this since back on Tatooine!”

Kiiran took the plate Ashoka offered him. “Thank you, and good morning to you. ” Kiiran watched as Ashoka gasped a little as her bare ass met the cold surface of the chair. “I guess that would be the only drawback in that choice of attire,” Kiiran said as he picked up half the sandwich on the plate and motioned at her and her nakedness.

Ahsoka’s cheeks grew a little red and she quickly took a bite of the sandwich to hide her embarrassment and stall for time as she struggled to think of something to say. Though, he wasn’t usually one for sandwiches; the fact that this mostly naked woman had gone through the trouble to make any kind of meal for him, it was only civil to eat it. It also helped that it had been some time since he last ate.

Ahsoka grinned as she dug into another bite of her food. Given the sudden brightness in her eyes and the silence that fell between the two, Kiiran could tell that she agreed with him about the food’s taste. For a moment, the two just continued in relative silence. The short amount of time that they had spent together really just amounted to the carnal romp. Thinking about the woman in front of him, all Kiiran really knew about Ashoka amounted to rumors that she had once been a famous Jedi who had gone rogue. For that matter, Kiiran also figured that all Ashoka knew about Kiiran was probably all the stories about him that he was some sort of rebel , criminal, and maybe worse. Still, he couldn’t be that bad given he’d saved her from the Empire’s thugs.

Kiiran took a long gulp of the blue milk that sat before him and then spoke up, “So how did you end up in that cell Ashoka?” Kiiran figured that if they were going to be on this ship together, he should get to know her better. Kiiran felt guilty as he watched Ahsoka shrink into her chair. Ahsoka set down her food and just looked down at it. With the mention of the imprisonment, Kiiran realized that he should have started by asking something more comfortable on the poor girl.

Slowly Ashoka drifted out of her melancholy and looked across the table at Kiiran. “You see that is a long story Kiiran… I should tell you… and one day I will tell you, but for right now I’d prefer talking about you. You said some people called you Star-jumper. Why is that?” She asked her mood seemed to brighten as she started talking.

Kiiran could not help but smile and fall into the backstory he told so often that it had become rote for him. “Well, I guess you could say that’s what they called me while I was running from planet to planet. I had never really liked settling down for too long. While that’s fine for a while eventually, the law decided that they had a problem with my…” Kiiran paused for dramatic effect before continuing, “ Well…let’s call them lifestyle choices. I still don’t see what the problem is; I mean it’s not like I’m out here trying to become some Lord of the Stars or anything nefarious, I just like my freedom. Even inside the Republic sometimes you end up going up against what the established authority has planned for you. “

Ashoka spoke up as Kiiran drew in a breath while preparing to launch into the next part of his well-rehearsed speech, “That sounds too simple Kiiran. What made you want to run so much? In my experience people are usually only running for two reasons; they are either running towards something or running from something. For some people they are running from some kind of threat… some part of their past. Is that why you run Star-jumper?” Ahsoka quietly asked.

Now it was Kiiran’s turn to feel small, he slowly nodded and started quietly ripping off pieces of bread from the corner of his sandwich. Kiiran sighed wistfully and then began,

“Well… in the beginning it wasn’t just me. No Ma’am. There were three of us to start.” Kiiran slowly filled her in on how he had started on this whole adventure which had brought him to the ship. Kiiran realized he had not told the story to anyone like this in years, so the going was slow. It took another sandwich, but the Star-jumper was able to get through most of the details. It wasn’t a pleasant story to tell, there were definitely more than a few moments where the story made Ahsoka gasp and look like she was about to cry. When Kiiran realized how long he had been talking he smiled because he had just let Ashoka in on the saddest secret in the galaxy. He knew someday he’d have to get it written it down.

Kiiran finally paused his telling of his story halfway through the siege of Meridian and his exploits with the Bultans to give Ashoka a smile. “Now this is normally where I pause and look at the woman, I’ve been buying drinks and give her some heroic line like ‘ To Tell you the truth my dear I was never much good with telling history. I always preferred to make it.’” He winked at Ashoka and did his best to look like a Holo-Action hero before taking another drink the blue milk from the glass in front of him.

Ahsoka giggled nervously at him and then placed her hand against his hand. She sighed, assumed her best Holo-action hero pose and looked into Kiiran’s eyes then said, “Well I know what you mean… I don’t know if it’s the same as making history but when I originally woke up, I wanted to make up for lost time…” she paused here to giggle at her impersonation and the look on Kiiran’s face. Then without the exaggerated posturing and accent she got up and walked around to drape herself on him. She purred into his ear, “I think I want to jump the man they call Star-jumper again.”

Kiiran slowly turned around to look at her before grinning and lowering his glass and offering her his hand. Ahsoka grabbed his hand before dragging him back into the corridor moving swiftly towards his chambers Ahsoka giggled with anticipation. Kiiran couldn’t help but watching the hypnotic movement of Ahsoka’s ass. The muscles of her back were taught and drawn beneath her orange skin. Ahsoka and Kiiran stepped into the bedroom and started in on each other. Neither one of them noticed that the bed was finely made or that there was a fresh scent pervading the room. Ahsoka spun around in a hurry to take off his jacket and shirt in between kissing his lips and neck. The clothes passed over Kiiran’s head before falling to the floor as Ahsoka ran her hands up and down his chest. Kiiran looked at Ahsoka’s face and the look of longing framed in her frail features. Kiiran brought his hands to Ahsoka’s chest and then firmly cupped her breasts. Ahsoka let out a small moan as Kiiran squeezed her breasts slightly and then pinched her rapidly stiffening nipples. Ahsoka brought her hands up to meekly protest the gentle torture of her breasts and grabbed Kiiran’s hands. Kiiran stopped tormenting Ahsoka’s nipples and lowered his hands to her hips, where he lifted her petite frame and placed her on the bed. Kiiran looked at Ahsoka’s bright orange skin against the bedding and found he could feel his heart racing and his need to be inside of her growing.

Ahsoka chuckled and writhed to strike her best Holo-video vixen before looking at Kiiran through half-lidded eyes and exclaimed, “Oh Star-jumper, I am in your debt now that you’ve rescued me. However, can I show you how thankful I am?”

Kiiran chuckled as he quickly decided to play into her game and put his hands on his hips. He growled in his Holo-Vid hero voice, “Well, Princess Tano, perhaps we should discuss repayment by use of your body.” With that Kiiran dropped to the bed and pounced on Ahsoka as she squealed in surprise.

As Ahsoka recovered from Kiiran’s attack she brought her hands down and worked at undoing and tugging Kiiran’s pants off. With a kick and a little use of the force Ahsoka had the pants off and scattered onto the floor. She made a delighted little exclamation as she watched his cock grow engorged from her attention. Ahsoka clasped her delicate hands around the warm girth of his cock and moaned when she felt what soon would thrusting in and out of her. The Star-jumper pushed against her shoulder leaned in and kissed on the nape of neck and the sensitive tips of her head tentacles. Hushed and hurried moans left Ahsoka’s mouth as she brought her hand around to pull Kiiran’s warm wanting mouth into her neck. Kiiran gently bit and then kissed the nape of Ahsoka’s neck. Ahsoka writhed and squirmed as she felt the spreading warmth in her groin and the wetness that it brought. Kiiran spread Ahsoka’s legs to check the effectiveness of his torments and was pleasantly surprised when his fingers came back well lubricated. Kiiran smiled down at Ahsoka as he rubbed the head of his member up and down the moist slit of her womanhood.

Ahsoka continued to writhe and struggled to impale herself upon Kiiran’s manhood. “uughh…mmmmm… Kiiran… K…uuunnfff… please…” Ahsoka pleaded with the man on top of her.

Slowly Kiiran pushed his cock into the warm tight flesh of Ahsoka’s cunt, which caused a brief fluttering of her eyes and breathing. Kiiran’s girth slowly came to fill Ahsoka completely before she could protest Kiiran was withdrawing himself from within her. This caused Ahsoka’s legs to quiver and shake while she wordlessly gasped into Kiiran’s neck.

Ahsoka struggled for breath before moaning, “mmmmore Kiiran…I need more…p…please Kiiran.” She looked up into Kiiran’s face before tugging meekly on the small of his back.

Immediately Kiiran started to thrust inside the woman lying beneath him. Kiiran slowly escalated from slowly filling in Ahsoka’s tight pussy before churning into her with a rough and deliberate passion. Under this new assault Ahsoka wrapped her around Kiiran’s back and helped him drive his full cock further into her. Ahsoka reached behind her to grab the headboard so she could be anchored while Kiiran thrust deeper and deeper. Soon all thoughts of anything, but the warmth and tightness slowly growing in the center of her being, started to fall away. Ahsoka had thought the Jedi foolish before but here on the brink of orgasm she knew for a fact the Jedi were fools to abandon such pleasure. That thought and all the rest were destroyed as the first boiling waves of her orgasm shook through Ahsoka’s body. Ahsoka reacted to the convulsions racing out from her loins, by letting go of the headboard and throwing her arms around Kiiran tightly. At that moment Ahsoka was drowning in the force and her connection to all things, she clutched tighter to the heat that was Kiiran’s body so that she would be anchored to this place.

For his part Kiiran never slowed down, even as he felt the tightening of the walls of Ahsoka’s pussy that signaled that she was close. He sped up his pace and took his right hand to stroke the tip of her head-tails, to help push Ahsoka into her climax. Ahsoka’s orgasm struck like a thunder bolt, everywhere Kiiran’s skin touched hers felt like it was electric; so much so in fact, that Kiiran slowed the pace of his thrusts so that he could collect himself and not finish to soon.

Finally Ahsoka’s grip started to subside and that signaled the end of her orgasm. Her eyes slowly fluttered as she regained her focus. Kiiran was smirking down at her as he slowly pushed in and out of her quivering cunt. Ahsoka could feel that the wetness that was once confined to the top of her thighs was now running down her ass into the sheets below her and starting to cool. Ahsoka got an idea to try something, after all she was free now and she wanted to enjoy herself. So, she opened her mouth to tease Kiiran and continue the little game they had started. When she went to speak the first noises she made where inarticulate moaning, but she quickly refocused her attention and purred, “Oh… unnnn… Star-jumper, it seems your princess has made a mess of herself trying to thank you properly… please… Oh mighty Star-jumper… allow your guest a sink or a mirror to straighten up in.” Ahsoka then gave Kiiran the best aristocratic pout she could muster while catching her breath while he continued to slowly draw himself out of her.

Kiiran’s smirk turned into a full smile as he listened to her performance. He looked up and to his left towards the bathroom that was attached to his quarters. He was really enjoying the playfulness of this woman and the joy she put into all the simple things she did, and he found himself wanting to see what she had planned. To that end, Kiiran withdrew his cock with a faint pop and sat near the headboard on the edge of the bed, looking down the length of Ahsoka’s naked body. He then took Ahsoka’s left hand in his and motioned with his right towards the doorway to the bathroom. Kiiran tried to hide the bemusement in his voice and then spoke with some bravado.

“ As you wish, princess Tano, through there”, Kiiran was motioning to the bathroom entrance, “that is where you will find a sink so grand as to meet your needs, and a mirror so pure as to allow you radiance to shine through.” Kiiran turned back to face Ahsoka and gave his best approximation of a courtly head nod.

Ahsoka giggled at his theatrics and his continuation of the game. As graceful as she could manage; her legs wobbly from the orgasm that was still making itself felt, Ahsoka moved to stand. Ahsoka feigned being weaker than she was and fell against Kiiran. Kiiran moved to catch Ahsoka and draw her into his chest. Ahsoka smiled to herself and breathed in the scent of the man who had freed her. The bouquet of scents was as enticing and attractive as the man they clung to. There was the tang of her sex on his skin, the scent of sandalwood, the smooth fragrance of oiled leather, and finally the pop of the sweat he was working up fucking her so well. Ahsoka allowed herself a pause to soak this all in, before raising the back of one wrist to her forehead and panting out, “you are most gracious as host Star-jumper, but it seems I am yet weak from the heroic escape you launched on my behalf. Would it be too much to ask you to accompany me to the sink?”

Kiiran had to raise an eyebrow before he stood and offered Ahsoka his arm. He could only imagine what a sight he was at the moment, raging erection and courtly posturing. As Ahsoka entwined her arm with his, Kiiran nodded and whispered to her, “This way, my Princess,” Kiiran noted that Ahsoka did seem to teeter in the first few steps but made the few feet to the bathroom without much trouble.

Ahsoka went to the narrow sink and leaned over it to make a close inspection of her face in the wall-length mirror positioned over it. She made a point to exaggeratedly check her face and head-tails in the mirror to sell the point that she was checking make-up she wasn’t wearing. Kiiran then noticed that she was standing on her toes and leaning over the sink with the express purpose of showing of the glistening wetness of her pussy to him. Before he could say anything Ahsoka started to act like she was struggling to turn the faucet on.

Ahsoka’s couldn’t hide the small grin that blossomed on her face while she gripped the faucet neck spoke into the mirror at Kiiran. “It seems that I cannot make this sink work. Star-jumper, please teach me how to get this sink to work” Ahsoka said, trying her best to sound like a pouty princess.

Kiiran stepped up behind the bent over struggling form of Ahsoka and noticed that with the way she was standing his cock was perfectly lined up with the warm moist flesh of her cunt. “Well, I find the best way to turn on this model of sink is to grab both handles firmly…” Kiiran mentioned nonchalantly as his hands slid up her thighs and came to rest on the top of her hips.

Ahsoka gave an excited sign of approval and a moan as Kiiran tightened his grip into the muscles of her hips. Kiiran then continued, “Then I like to make sure that the knob I want is well oiled, since it will be used a lot soon enough.” Kiiran met Ahsoka’s gaze in the mirror, as he lifted Ahsoka an inch or two off the ground. Holding Ahsoka like that Kiiran pressed his hips forward and drove the length of his shaft over the sensitive lips and clitoris and along the tight warm flesh of her lower stomach. As Kiiran drew his cock back the other way he lowered Ahsoka’s hips so that his flesh ground against her clit and then parted the dripping wetness of her cunt.

Ahsoka responded to this new assault by leaning her head forward against the mirror and slowly moaning for him to continue. While continuing to slowly grind their loins together Kiiran stared at the petite woman in front of him. The orange flesh of ass and back were starting to glisten with a sheen of sweat. Her face was pressed against the mirror consumed with lust filled abandon all the while steaming the glass with her moans. Kiiran decided then that she was ready to have more.

“Finally, I find that the best way to get these faucets to dump their load is by just bearing down and putting all you have into it,” Kiiran grunted finally while lowering Ahsoka’s hips and thrusting into her. His cock slid into Ahsoka with little resistance, and she pressed herself up from the sink to slide onto him with more force. Soon Kiiran and Ahsoka found a rhythm that had Kiiran repeatedly churning her insides.

Not too long after that Ahsoka started to struggle to keep her upper body up off the sink. She looked into the mirror, in between powerful thrusts, at the man she was riding. The muscles of his arms and neck were glistening and bulging from the exertion he was going through. She couldn’t take much more of this before she would be wiped out, and it didn’t look like he was going to last much longer either. Finally, Ahsoka turned to speak, “Take me back to the bed…unf…mmmm… so you can fill your princess with your cum, Star-jumper!”

Kiiran reacted immediately to Ahsoka’s demands. He withdrew his throbbing cock and spun her on her feet towards the bed. With little encouragement on his part, she raced towards the already messy bed. Once they were both at the bed Ahsoka placed her knees on the edge of the bed before bending forward and lowering her body on to the bed. This left Kiiran with a view of Ahsoka’s drenched, spread pussy. The deep crimson of her labia against the bright orange of her skin was so mesmerizing that Kiiran almost forgot why he was there. It wasn’t long before Ahsoka started to slowly sway her upheld hips and rub tiny circles around her clit and snap Kiiran out of his reverie.

“Fuck me Star-jumper… Fill me with your cum… I need it” Ahsoka moaned into the mattress.

Kiiran stepped forward and shoved his enraged member into the prostrated Ahsoka. Immediately Kiiran felt the walls of her pussy tighten around his cock as Ahsoka lost herself to another orgasm. Incensed, by the noises Ahsoka made as she came, Kiiran thrust her on to his cock harder and harder until he felt the tightness in his back that telegraphed his orgasm rapidly approaching. With one last brutal push of his swollen member Kiiran grunted and released his seed deep into Ahsoka’s crimson love bud. Ahsoka let out quivering moans as she was quickly filled with the warmth of Kiiran’s seed. They stayed locked like that for a moment before Kiiran stepped back from the quivering folds of Ahsoka’s crimson slit. Ahsoka sighed and cooed as she collapsed into the bed, before dragging herself into a sleeping position at the head of the bed. Kiiran lay down and was in the process of catching his breath when Ahsoka drug herself closer and nuzzled into his chest.

“Oh Star-jumper…” Ahsoka said with a grin. She lay there listening to the relaxing beat of her partner’s heart and slowly drifted into a light sleep.

Kiiran watched as Ahsoka fell asleep in his arms and then closed his own eyes. The room was quiet, and the warm velvety tingle of his orgasm was making the promise of slumber that much more inviting. It was just then that Kiiran felt cool metal gently press into his naked shoulder. Kiiran’s eyes shot open; to a sight that offered him no answers, only more questions. About a foot away from Kiiran’s face floated a metallic blue sphere. The sphere was held aloft by what appeared to be suspensor plates, between which the small spindly arm that was touching Kiiran seemed to protrude from. Before Kiiran could think about if the lamp on the nightstand could damage this sphere, a tiny voice emitted from somewhere on the sphere.

“I’m so terribly sorry for intruding. I didn’t know how much longer you two would be ‘occupied’ so I decided to venture out to check on other systems. I hope you will pardon my interruption…”
