Seducing the massage therapist [MF] (very long)

Author’s note: long term lurker, first time writer. This story is very long, all names were changed. Control-F “good shit” for the sex. I hope you enjoy!


**Part 1: Seduction on the beach**

In January I left the frigid, COVID-ridden east coast of the US for beautiful, sunny, COVID-exists-but-no-one-cares Costa Rica, one of the few places still letting in travelers from anywhere in the world. I ended up in a small surfing town on the pacific coast.

The thing about small surfing towns is that there isn’t much to do except surf, do yoga, and go to the beach, and people that do nothing but surf, yoga, and go to the beach tend to be young, bored, horny, and really fucking attractive.

Every day, I had a checklist of 4 things I wanted to do each day: stretch, surf, meditate, and talk to girls. So most days I would wake up in the hostel at 5/6am, do 45 minutes of stretching, surf for 2 hours, have breakfast, meditate and read and chill for most of the day. At 3pm I would tell my friends in the hostel I was “going for a walk on the beach” and then walk from one side of the beach to the other, talking to every hot girl I saw until sundown.

The first girl of the day is always the hardest. Wearing my big bright red backpack, I went for my “walk” and started off by approaching a brown haired au pair named Paula, who was sitting alone in the sand. I sat down next to her and she was a little nervous and started digging a hole in the sand with her feet. I joked that she was digging a hole to China—she didn’t laugh and wouldn’t return eye contact, and she was only in town for 1 day. I got her insta and then excused myself and continued.

I walked a bit further and saw a cute girl laying down on a towel reading a book. I sat down next to her and introduced myself. Her name was Lorena; she was a tourist from Argentina and the book was about spirituality. I told her she was cute but she was annoyed that I was interrupting her reading time—didn’t seem interested but she gave me her insta to get my to go away.

After that I saw a French yoga instructor I had been in a yoga class with—she had one of the best asses I have ever seen in person—and her friend. This story is not about either of them. We chatted for a bit and they taught me how to give french-style cheek kisses. We made plans to all do yoga together and I left them laughing and smiling.

Then I met her. Her back was turned to me when I first saw her, so the first thing I noticed was her thick slightly-wavy black hair streaming down her back to her small tight ass. I estimated she was about 5’5. She was drawing a heart in the sand, so I went up to her and joked “so this is your masterpiece, huh?”

She turned and laughed, and I got a look at her face. She was Asian! I was really surprised because I hadn’t seen any other Asians in this town at all. She had a broad, friendly smile and an incredibly relaxed energy. She looked a little bit older than me but you can never really tell with Asians.

She laughs, “Oh this? I’m just, drawing a heart, for my friend back in Switzerland.” She had such a cute English accent; a hint of German and her little careful pauses were the only signs English wasn’t her first language.

“Oh really? Because I thought you were going to sell this for a billion dollars at auction” I reply as the water washed it away. The water came rushing up, and I put my hand on her back to guide her away from the water, and we both shrieked a little bit as we ran away from the water.

“Nooo not the heart!” I touched her arm as we laughed. The moment died down and I looked her dead in her eyes and extended my hand. “I’m Andre.”

I’m 5 foot 9, brown eyes with a toned muscular build from years of playing soccer and lifting weights. I’ve been told I have the body of an MMA fighter. My best feature is my long brown curly hair which runs to an inch over my eyebrows.

She cocked her head slightly as her eyes searched my face, and she gave me her hand. “Freya.” she said simply.

I was a bit nervous but I wanted to be clear that I was interested in her romantically so I complimented her on her eyes. Always a gamble to compliment brown eyes—lots of people seem to think that only blue or green eyes are worthy of compliments. Or maybe that’s just my inner voice talking.

“Thank you… you have really beautiful eyes TOO! So radiant and warm and bright, wow… Yeahh, you have really amazing eyes.”

I was floored—didn’t expect that response at all. I never expect compliments on my eyes.

We got to chatting. She told me she lives in Switzerland but her ethnicity is actually Korean/Czech. She told me she works as a massage therapist, and I immediately told her I was interested in massage too, and had taken a massage course online during quarantine! She also told me she was in town for a week but would be traveling all around Costa Rica afterwards.

“Great! I’m in town for a week as well. I’ve gotta continue on my walk, but how about we get a drink sometime?”

“Ahh… I don’t think so, I don’t drink…”

I am not deterred. “Ok, smoothies then? and maybe I can give you a massage after as well.”

“Oooh, a massage! That sounds amazing! I’ll give my opinion on your skills,” she giggled. This set off faint alarm bells in my head—I hadn’t yet practiced my new massage skills on anyone yet.

Freya didn’t have instagram, and neither of us had cell service, and I can’t remember why but she ended up taking my number instead of me taking hers. We made plans to meet tomorrow.

“Promise you’ll text me?”

“YES! I promise.” she replied with a huge smile.

“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow!” We both walked away smiling.

Believe it or not, I still talked to two more girls after that but I’ll spare you the details on those encounters.

There was a party that night back at the hostel (yes, during corona, with lots of people and no masks), and I started drinking early. She texted me during the party and between the drinks and all the other girls I had talked to that afternoon, I had completely forgotten what our plans were. She reminded me of the time of our date and I agreed to meet her tomorrow.

I was chatting with two friends at the party about my date the next day; I had imagined I would give her the massage on the beach, but they urged me to book a private room instead. I decided I’d book it in the morning—always a good idea to invest in your own success.


**Part 2: The first date**

I booked the most expensive room in the hostel for the date, unfortunately—it was the only private room still available. The date was at 2pm and the guy currently in the room wouldn’t have to checkout until… 2pm. I prayed that the guy would check out early.

Around lunchtime I remembered I had to give this girl a massage and that I had never given a massage before. I pull out my notebook and study my handwritten notes from the course for an hour and also rewatch some of the videos. Finished studying, I change into a floral rayon button down and shorts for the date.

At 1:30, I approach the front desk, where the owner is sitting. Freya had already texted me she was leaving to meet at our planned meeting spot and she wouldn’t have cell service there, so I needed to be on time. “Is the room ready yet?” I’m friendly with the owner and tell him I’ve got a date at 2. “Who’s the lucky man?” he drawls with a smirk. I immediately start laughing my ass off.

He says he’ll check out the room, and we walk over together. Anyone in there? Nope. And all his shit is everywhere. Turns out the guy was surfing and forgot to check out.

The owner grabbed another staff member and the cleaning crew to start pulling all the other guys shit out of the room. I threw some clothes on the shelf and dumped some toiletries in the bathroom to make it seem like I had been there for a while. I grabbed my backpack (always have to be prepared) and hightailed it to the meeting spot.

I was late but luckily she was later—she got lost but eventually found it. You know how when you meet someone you’re excited to see, you both start talking quickly over each other?

“Wow you look—”

“Hey sorry I’m—”

“Oh no don’t worry—“

“I couldn’t find the—“

Off to a great start. We started walking toward the smoothie place in high spirits. She was wearing a sky blue low-cut tank top with a turtleneck built in—women’s fashion is so bizarre— and bleached denim booty shorts. Along the way, I picked a red hibiscus flower from the side of the road and put it in her hair.

We were so engrossed in conversation that we overshot the smoothie place by at least half a mile and had to double back—we made it just in time for closing. We got our smoothies (the smoothies were meh: the only reason we went there was because Freya’s friend recommended it, and later we found out she recommended it because she was banging the cashier), sat and chatted some more, and then afterwards went for a walk on the beach back in the direction of my hostel.

On the beach, I move to take her hand and she lets me have it but asks, “do you usually hold hands with strangers?”

I’m a little unnerved by the S word but I laugh it off as typical European squeamishness. ”Strangers? I’ve been telling you my whole life story!”

She thinks about it and says “Ok.” Holding hands wasn’t a problem after that.

The sun starts setting and there are throngs of people on the beach (yes, this is during corona). I usually prefer not to be seen holding hands with girls on the beach—as we walk, I see friends and other girls I’ve hit on out of the corner of my eye. We make it to the end of the beach, and lay our heads against a log as the sun is heading for it’s finale.

There is a brief moment and she bursts out “don’t even think about kissing me!” I laughed, knowing that that’s a good sign of exactly what would be happening.

“Who said anything about kissing?” I replied.

The conversation picked back up, we didn’t kiss, and after the sun had mostly set I reminded her about the massage. Freya asked me what type of massage I specialized in, and I told her “sensual massage”.

She looked shocked: “*Sensual* massage? Ohh, I have to think about if I want to receive a sensual massage…”

I told her that “sensual massage mastery” was the actual title of the course I took online, and that seemed to assuage her. After the sun had set, I pulled a flashlight out of my backpack and we got up and walked hand in hand towards the supermarket to get some coconut oil for the massage.

We had been chatting about body language in the afternoon, and as we approached a guy and a girl sitting together on the beach, I leaned over and whispered to her that you could tell they were on a date because of the way he was looking at her. She laughed and agreed, and then looked at me curiously and asked “are *we* on a date?”

Alarm bells ringing in my head, I answered as coolly as I could, “Yeah I think so,” with maybe a hint of ‘no shit sherlock’ entering my voice. Was she kidding? Is she not attracted to me? Am I an idiot? Am I going to lose this whole interaction? I remain cool and dispel that negative voice from my head.


**Part 3 — The massage**

We pick up the massage oil from the grocery store and head to my hostel—conversation still flowing smoothly, but it’s clear the tension is going to expire if I don’t make a move soon. Everyone knows me in the hostel, and I hastily introduce her to the people staring at us. I watch as all the guys heads turn to stare as we “hi” and “nice to meet you” through the lobby and the garden and finally to my private room.

I took my backpack off and started to lay the towels down on the bed for the massage. But something was off.

“Uhh… where are my clothes…?” I looked at the shelf where I had put my clothes, puzzled. Then it hit me—the cleaning staff probably didn’t know which stuff belonged to me and which belonged to the surfer guy, and they just took all of it out. Yikes—I now had no shorts, pants, or underwear. We laughed it off.

Since Freya is a pro massage therapist, she already knew the massage setup routine and I didn’t have to tell her what to do. It was silent aside from the low whirring of the A/C, so I put on some relaxing music and then emptied my pockets on the counter. I immediately regretted this. I forgot I had my condoms in my pocket! I plopped my keys, the flashlight, and the condoms on the counter in a pile and she saw them immediately.

“Wow, you really came prepared for anything,” she said, a shell-shocked look on her face. I had no idea how to recover from this so I just said “yup” and went to use the toilet. As I pissed, I silently cursed myself and hoped I didn’t just ruin everything. I was stressed but still maintained my cool.

I washed my hands with the hottest water I could stand so my hands would be warm for the massage. I came back from the toilet and she had already straightened out the towel and prepared the oil in a bowl. She faced away from me, removed her top, and stripped down to her black lace panties and quickly laid down on the towel before I saw anything. My eyes were glued to her the whole time.

Time to get to work. I knelt down on the bed and took a towel and draped it over her legs to protect her modesty and make sure she wouldn’t get cold. I also tucked it into the top of her panties, so it wouldn’t move. I began the massage by placing both of my hands on her exposed back along the spine, not moving, just getting a sense for her breathing rhythm and allowing myself to relax as well. After about 30 seconds, I began with some light effleurage on her back, just outlining the area I was going to work on.

Making sure to always keep one hand on her at all times, I dipped my fingers in the coconut oil (for the first time ever) and spread it on Freya’s small back, my hands moving fluidly like water. I started to apply some pressure moving my hands up the sides of her spinal column, and mustered my deepest, sexiest voice to quietly ask her how she liked the pressure.

“It’s goood!” she said.

The massage course prepared me for this: most everyone will say the pressure is good even if they aren’t totally satisfied. I asked if she wanted more pressure—she thought about it for a moment and then said yes, yes, a little more.

I swung my leg across her body and sat kneeling on her butt to get more leverage. I applied some earthy touches, starting at her lower back—keeping my hands still on her back, leaning my weight into her body through my wrists, and then moving up a bit and repeating. With the increased pressure, she really got into it. She started sighing and moaning “Ohhhh, it feels.. sooo.. gooood.”

I switched back into more watery-style touch, modulating my speed and rhythm to her body, and continued kneading her back before moving up to knead her neck. From the neck I moved to one arm then the other—first doing effleurage to outline the area, and then doing watery kneading in mixed in with some firey flicking motions. As I went, I chatted with her about what I was doing and the philosophies I learned in the course, and I felt very comfortable with her as we rebuilt a rapport. I was starting to break a sweat as well—massage is hard work!

I returned to her back briefly before spreading her legs, adjusting the towel to cover just her right leg, exposing her butt a little bit, and then applying more oil to begin some effleurage on her left leg. I just teasing around her butt cheek, avoiding anything that could be perceived as overtly sexual—just enough to make her wonder. Her sighs and moans were still not sexual but there was no question that she was enjoying the massage. I kneaded my way down, careful to be gentle around the sensitive area behind the kneecap, all the way down to her foot. I held the top of her foot from below and kneaded the sensitive underside of her foot—she loved it.

After handling her foot for a while, I decided to try one of the more advanced techniques from the course. The teacher had warned me not to try this on the first go, but I prefer to live dangerously. I announced to Freya that I was going to be moving her legs to shift her position. I stood up and kneeled behind her butt—no turning back now. I rolled up the towel so that it was just covering her butt and both her legs were exposed. Then I took her right knee and slid it out away from her, allowing her foot to come in so that her right leg was bent. Then I reached my hands under her thighs just above her knees, lifted up her legs, and knee-walked forward until her pussy was touching my waistline and her legs were laying on mine, pointing straight out into the air. The position looks a lot like this (image removed by automod: will post in the comments) except the woman’s body is completely straight and, perhaps surprisingly, completely relaxed.

Freya was pretty taken aback by this movement but I could tell she hadn’t lost her trust in me based off the rapport we had already established. I explained to her that this was more of a tantric massage position, and that it was beneficial because I could work on her legs and back more easily from this position. I bent her right leg so that her foot was near my face, and worked on kneading her foot. Pretty soon her apprehension was gone. After I was finished working her foot, I lifted up on the top of her foot while pushed her ankle down into her butt, making for a strong stretch of her quads and ankle muscles.

“Ohhhh,” Freya moaned in that sexy German accent. “Soooo goooood.” I released the stretch and repeated in the other leg, before leaning forward to push my weight onto her lower back for some more earthy touches. Sweat dripped down my forehead onto her back; I didn’t make any attempt to stop it and I hoped she wouldn’t notice.

The position does put some compressive pressure on the kneecap, so after a little more kneading of the leg, I released her from the position and I felt her relax again. I again mounted her, sitting on her butt, and finished off the massage with more watery touches and kneading on her back. As the massage came to an end, I slowly slowed my movements until they came to a halt on her back in the same position that I started the massage in. I let my hands rest for thirty seconds—my heart beating from the exertion of the massage, my face covered in sweat, my breath recovering—and aligned my breathing rhythms with hers. I had done it: I had given it my all. Then, all at once, I released my hands.

The course hadn’t taught me anything about transitioning from the massage into sex, which I consider a pretty big lapse considering the whole thing was focused on massage-as-foreplay. I decided I would lean over and make out with her. I started to make my move, but before I had a chance, Freya exclaimed “my turn!” I was a bit surprised but rolled with it.

She took the towel and stood up, not really taking any care to hide her small breasts, and raised the towel over her head so I could take my clothes off. I stripped down to my underwear, same as her, but she asked me to strip completely. I liked where this was going. I stripped down to my birthday suit and laid down on the still-warm towel.

Leaving her shirt off, she poured some more oil in the bowl and got to work. The massage was pretty good but I honestly don’t remember much of it. I’m gonna be honest here: I think the massage I gave her was a lot better than the one she gave me—not because her technique was poor, but because her tiny body couldn’t apply the same level of pressure that I could. I was totally relaxed though, and I knew she was enjoying giving me the massage.

We chatted freely as she worked. She asked me if I had ever gotten a massage before, and I said something about how my mom would sometimes give me a massage like this. She joked “your mom massaged you naked?” We both laughed.

The time flew by, and at the end she asked me very seductively, “So how did you like your massage?” Her legs were straddling my back and her breath felt warm on my right ear.

I rolled over to face her, noticing her small perky tits out of the corner of my eye, and in my deepest sexy voice whispered simply, slowly, “I enjoyed that *very* much,” as I pulled her in for a kiss.


**Part 4: the good shit**

*(Aside: read this section slowly)*

What an explosion of tension. I felt a shiver run through my entire body. Freya’s kiss was like a chocolate melting in my mouth, soft tender lips so gentle and sweet. My formerly-oily hands now dry and smooth, I caressed her cheek and allowed my hand to ever so lightly wash over her perfect face, allowing it to meet her ear and brush through her soft hair. Her knees straightened to allow her body’s warmth to flow into mine, and the end of her hair kissed my chest like a cool summer breeze. Our hands explored each others faces and bodies lustingly, teasingly, and oh so sensually.

As we kissed passionately time stood still. I let go of her tongue to kiss around her lips, moving along on cheek to her ear, and then interchangeably nibbling/kissing up and around her ear and down to her unpierced lobe, her passionate groans music to my ears. I kissed behind her earlobe, and finally she released herself from our embrace and, staring me deeply in my eyes, exhaled and moved slowly like a cat back through childs pose and onto her ankles, her hands trailing down my chest. Her eyes found my already-hard six inch cock, and she smiled and exclaimed “look at thiss.. beautiful *PENIS!*”

The way she said penis—it took everything I had to not burst out laughing. So fucking cute.

Freya loved to give me compliments. Her hand was still oily from the massage, and she lightly stroked me up and down while she gazed greedily at my cock. Coconut oil makes for very good lube.

Maintaining her gentle rhythm on my shaft, she took my left ball in her mouth oh-so-lovingly, sucking and massaging passionately, before replacing it in her mouth with the other.

She finished with my balls and smiled me down cheekily, brushing her long black hair behind her ear. She moved her hand to the base of my cock and licked me like an ice cream cone from my balls all the way to the tip of my head as I curled my toes with pleasure. I pulled a pillow behind my head as she took the head of my cock in her mouth, rolling her warm tongue around me and moaning her enjoyment. I wrapped her hair in my open hand and held the side of her head as she began bobbing on my cock, using her small left hand to feel up my toned abs and her right to cup my balls. I moaned her name over and over and told her how good she was making me feel.

I was in ecstasy, but luckily blowjobs aren’t a finishing move for me. I felt my cock tense up and then pulsate without orgasm, and I knew I would be able to enjoy her lithe tongue for a lot longer. When it looked like her jaw was getting tired, I pulled her up by her small waist and laid her down on her back. She was practically weightless in my arms and I loved to manhandle her.

I like to take my time with a woman. I kissed her deeply before resuming my earlier ear and neck kisses. I kneaded her neck a little bit more and watched her writhe eyes-closed in delight, and then dragged my chest down hers to suck on those same muscles. Afterward I let my tongue roam around the sensitive areas inside her collarbone. For all the guys out there—you should definitely do this for your woman.

With her moans egging me on, I kissed my way down to her tits. I was literally in awe of her nipples, shooting up further from her small breasts than any woman I have ever been with before. I was dying to get them in my mouth, but I wanted to tease her first. I kissed around her perfectly small areola and slowly scratched my nails across her breast, spreading my fingers out so they would scratch her areola. I held in a breathe and then opened my mouth wide so my teeth scraped above and below her hard nipple, and then slowly released the warm air onto her tit. I made out with her nipple, giving small, varied pecks over and over as she nestled her hand into my curly hair. I took her gorgeous gum drop tits in my mouth, sucking and kneading them against my cheek with my tongue, and nibbling lightly as I rubbed my thumbs on the creases underneath her breast. When I was finished, I kissed my way to her other breast to repeated my performance, reveling in her moans.

When Freya’s entire body was roiling with her pleasure, I began my descent to her pussy. She was still wearing her panties, and I moved the hem away so I could press my open mouth around her hip and sucked away at the bone. I worked my way around the accessible area of her hip with my mouth, and ran my hands sensually up and down her leg, and sometimes scratching lightly with my nails. I wasn’t done teasing her yet though.

I spread her amazingly flexible legs wide and took a long lick up the base of her panties—I looked up at her but her eyes were closed in pleasure. Not a problem. The panties sucked the moisture out of my tongue, but once the liquid came back, I started sucking up and down the muscle on the inside of her quads (I believe this is the adductor). This is a strong muscle and it feels amazing for the woman to have the muscle massaged this way, and it’s only possible to get good access to this muscle when the legs are spread.

When I finally pulled her panties off, I was rewarded with a sopping wet, wonderfully scented pretty pink shaved pussy. It looked like she hadn’t shaved in a couple days, which confirmed my suspicion that she hadn’t even known that this was a date lol. I teased her a little more by first slowly licking up and down the crease of her thighs, and then massaging her labia majora by pushing through my thumbs up and down, up and down. She was literally quivering at this point and I hadn’t even touched her pussy. Then I sucked on her folds, careful not to put my tongue on the inside of her pussy yet, and then pressed her folds together like a taco and move the taco up and down to massage her clit.

Now I was ready to eat Freya out. With the slightest touch, I placed the tip of my tongue on her hole, and painfully slowly dragged my tongue up to her clit. Release, and lick up again. Then, just like I had done on her nipples, I made out with her clit, kissing, pecking, lolling my tongue around it.

“Ohhh, it feels sooo gooood!” Within 30 seconds, she was convulsing and quivering through her first orgasm. I was honestly shocked—I had read a lot of stories of women orgasming instantly but I never saw it in porn, I never actually saw it happen with a woman I was with and didn’t really believe it could be true. Hey, lots of these stories are exaggerated. What was even more surprising to me was that, afterwards, she told me she usually had a hard time orgasming through oral—in other words, she hadn’t really met the right man.

I held my tongue still on her sensitive clit as she rolled through her orgasm, and hung onto her quivering legs for dear life. As her breathing returned to normal, I enjoyed licking her for a while longer as she begged me to fuck her.

I pulled myself up and flipped her over on her belly, quickly grabbing a condom off the dresser. I gave her firm ass a smack and rubbed my cock against the opening of her slit. “You’re so wet for me, Freya”, I whispered in her ear. “Do you want this cock inside of you now?” She whimpered her assent.

I stroked her clit with my head one last time before slowly entering her, burying my length in her pussy inch by inch, letting her enjoy the gradual feeling of fullness. It was like our bodies were made for each other—buried to the hilt, I felt the tip of my cock just barely graze her cervix. I fucked her slowly, methodically, rhythmically, feeling each stroke reverberate throughout my entire body, and using my hips to angle my cock onto her g-spot. This wasn’t sex: this was lovemaking.

I took her long black hair in my fist and pulled her into me, cupping her small breast with my other hand and squeezing her between my forearm and my chest. Her deep powerful moans were music to my ears. I focused on long, powerful strokes, pulling out until the tip of my cock was just barely held by her labia, and then returning with strong, deliberate force. I kept my breathing steady to stave off orgasm as long as I could, but before long my desire got the best of me and I start to pick up pace.

I upped the pace of my thrusts but Freya stopped me—“Fuck me slowwwly”, she crooned. I complied, letting her head rest on the bed and gripping her hips as I continued to push into her.

I stopped for some air, and she told me to lie down. We shuffled around the bed and she wasted no time lowering herself onto me: “Your big, beautiful penisss feels sooo goood!” Her smile was absolutely intoxicating. I grabbed a healthy handful of her ass and guided her hips down onto my shaft as she pleasured herself on my cock. I let her do the work for a while and enjoyed the show—Freya’s perky tits threatening to poke my eyes out—but soon it was too much. I wrapped my arms around her waist, bent my legs at the knees, and thrusted up into her dripping pussy fast and hard, again and again.

“I’m close Freya, come with me,” I panted to her with urgency. My abs almost ready to give way, her moans crescendoed and I felt her strong pelvic floor clutch my cock. With one last thrust, a tremendous orgasm rippled through me and I exploded up inside of her, squeezing her tightly to my body and pushing her head down into my neck.

We sat there for a minute catching our breaths. Sometimes it’s awkward with a new partner after sex, but we had built a solid connection and it felt as natural as ever. I felt sure that I was going to see her again. “Thank you for the massage,” she rasped sexily, looking at me with a wicked smile. I winked back at her: “Anytime.”


**Part 5: Epilogue**

We eventually found my pants.


I would be very appreciate of any feedback on my writing style or seduction game. Hope you enjoyed, and my DMs are open!

Also, did you notice we never discussed our ages? Take your guess in the comments ;)



  1. Sorry everyone, the mods declined to approve the image. You can find it in my comment history.

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