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[A4M] Erotic/Psychological Horror!

*****Hello, Fellow writers! My name is Teddy and I am in search of a writing partner who endulges in the darker aspects of literature! I’m 18, And though I’m biologically female, I am gender fluid! As you can tell by now, I’ve got my fair share daddy issues, so i’m no stranger to getting way too close to home with some scenarios.*****

*My hard limits are simple, Really! No scat/piss/feet/or any **over the top** gore! Though, I’m quite flexible with gore in general! Anything else, Regarding kinks/certain fetishes, I am quite fine with! Especially since I am looking for someone to push my limits in general! This roleplay is to be as disturbing as they come, So of course my characters are going to be quite innocent/naive.*

*****I may or may not have a few scenarios down, But first I do believe that I should make myself clear with what type of writer I am looking for! I personally write in a novela-esque style, Multiple paragraphs and in-depth detail in general! I also like world building, But that is not necessary most of the time as long as we’ve got a setting in store. As for plotlines, I’m looking for something revolving around hillbilly horror. The type of horror I aim for in general is simply stemming from deprivation in humanity/sanity. Think Devil’s rejects/House of 1000 corpses/Texas chainsaw massacre. Mean. I simply like villains who tend to be monsters in general.*****

*Basically, I’m heavily into psychological abuse! Please PM me if interested to discuss!*
