Step Sister Corruption Part 82 – Day 41 Gift Searching (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

Fuck this day is so frustrating.

First I had a nice really long healthy fucking of Summer on my table which was amazing just to start off my morning right. Though we had to talk about the good doctors offer that Kel and I received before it got to that.

Then they left reminding me of my birthday which I had completely spaced. Which is very unusual for me.

But I had been kind of preoccupied with the whirlwind sex frenzy I had somehow stepped into.

I still pinch myself to make sure this isn’t all a dream and I’m not in some wet fantasy coma. If this a wet fantasy coma whoever is up there don’t unplug me I want to be here for the rest of my life.

Then while they were gone I tried to think of if I should invite people and do something. Or if the girl’s had a well thought out plan for my birthday and shouldn’t bother.

I lightly thought of my birthday now that it was at the fore front of my mind while I did some basic chores and did some videos for my channel.

The girl’s and mom were gone for an extra long time. But I found out that they went to the doctor’s for Kel’s check up after the beating she got from a volleyball.

We made the joke maybe we should make wanted posters for a cunning volleyball bandit asking people if they’ve seen this fast moving perpetrator to call us for a substantial reward.

Kel taking the joke in stride tried to smirk and tell us off but resorted to her usual giving us the finger.

It was the only body part that wasn’t broken or bruised.

Yes I’m an asshole.

I just retorted and reassured her in a couple of weeks she’ll have a different set of balls slapping against her face.

Once again she smirked and gave me the finger.

It was her only come back at the moment but I saw she lightly blushed at my comment.

Then after the doctor’s I have no idea where the fuck the girl’s went. I just know they were gone FOREVER!!!!

Then they come home with a metric fuck ton of shit filling my mom’s suv nearly to the brim.

Then we quickly unloaded every single item putting this here and that there. Each item the girl’s were meticulously letting me know what I could grab and what I couldn’t grab and where each item I did grab went.

They made sure I grabbed the groceries they got and put them in the kitchen to put away.

They made sure I grabbed boxes clearly from Muschi that mom pilfered and I put that in the corner to put away.

And they made sure I helped unload an ottoman that my mom couldn’t say no to for some odd reason.

Each time I grabbed something I saw in the corner of my eye’s the girl’s grab something and bolt to Kel’s room. After my first trip with the groceries Kel disappeared into her room and didn’t come back out until the odd looking ottoman was the last item to come out as she helped me unload it before she and Summer winked at mom about something and disappearing into Kel’s room where they actually locked the fucking door putting me on high alert. Then the girl’s bolted to Pink’s Gym where Summer had to work and Kel was itching to lift some iron.

That’s where my search would begin was in Kel’s room for my mysterious present.

But first I needed to put away the groceries and whatever was in the boxes.

I went to the task of cleaning and reorganizing the house…..again.

Somehow tornado Summer and hurricane Kelly re-destroyed the house and not in the fun way.

Wait… tornadoes get named???

Eh maybe typhoon Summer is more apt description because thanks to her merciless teasing my shorts were now wet with my precum.

Still I set to cleaning up their mess.

I got all the refrigerator items in though I had to re-do the organization of the fridge putting all the old stuff in the front and the new stuff in the back like I was working in a gas station.

Then I had to Tetris the fucking freezer like my life depended on it using my body to keep the door closed. If it didn’t stay closed I was going to have to resort to using duct tape on the refrigerator to keep the door closed.

Finally I put away all the dry and non cold items away into there appropriate places.

Then I opened the boxes from Muschi and put away the supplements and immediately thought how the fuck did these girls buy so much shit.

I’m sure mom must have walked into Muschi distributor or something handed over her credit card and told them I want to burn this bitch to the ground.

Pretty sure dad is going to flip once he sees moms spending habits.

And I’m sure the oddly weird semi light fucking ottoman wasn’t cheap either.

If it’s one thing I’ve learned about my mom is if she tells you she found it cheap or it was on sale get the receipts to learn the truth.


I put all the supplements away and found a shit ton of fucking pussy balls.

Why in the holy hell did the girl’s need so many fucking pussy balls???

Oh yeah helps fight off STD’s among other perks.


Well at least they had planned to fuck my brains out. Or was it me fucking them stupid?

I can never remember.

I looked at the fridge….CRAP!!!!

You may ask why I was looking at the fridge? Simple the balls need to be in a cool place or will start melting in warm areas because of their liquid center and between the cold blooded Kel and the constant freezing Summer the heater was on the setting I can only describe as the ‘HELL’ setting.

So yeah the balls will melt quickly if they stay in any room in this house. And winter was nearly on us the place has stayed fucking warmer than satan’s ball sack….except my room where I leave the vent shut and the windows open or as I like to call my room ‘HELL HAS FROZEN OVER’.

I mean I could put them in my room but there’s no guarantee that my room will always stay cold.

Then I remembered Kel has her own mini fridge from when she lived upstairs with me.

I went into her room and prayed she brought her mini fridge and was rewarded with easily finding it in the corner. Just in between her bed tables and her closet or should I say next to her dirty laundry pile. Whatever.

I opened the mini fridge and pulled all her shit out stacking them nicely on the top. And put in all the balls. After removing the two trays I was able to stack them nicely in her mini fridge. And was nice enough to put a couple of her cold bottles back in.

Not all of them mind you. Just a couple.

I went back to the boxes and pulled all the items that wouldn’t be destroyed in this hot box called a house. Only upside to all to the house constantly being warm was lots and lots of nudity.

Oh goodie mom got me more of her breast oil. Or was it lotion?

I mean it was clear and oil like but it absorbed like lotion.

I shrugged putting that thought to the back of my head.

Yay more Lilith’s elixir. Looks like I know where this shit was going.

And finally their beauty products.

Ok not all of the products was THEIRS. Muschi did make a mighty fine pimple cream that I habitually used keeping my outbreaks to a minimal. And their hair products were on point. Though their shaving products though awesome always left my face rather chapped.

Maybe once I can grow a beard without it being stupidly patchy I’ll give their beard products a try. But for now I’ll remain smoothly shaved…..on both surfaces.

Just a little bit of the lotion always helps with the chapped affect from their shaving products.

Maybe I should look into another shave company or something.

Or I could try their shave butter instead.

I was getting off task. I needed to unload and put away all this stuff so I can search Kelly’s room to find my obviously hidden birthday gift.

Eventually I got all the products put away in the right places.

Fuck that took longer than I expected. In my inherit obsession with keeping the place tight and clean I wasted nearly three hours.

I don’t have OCD.

I just like a clean place. I don’t have a clean obsession….more of a bug and spider problem. That’s a rational fear to have. Right?

Anyways the place was clean and I looked it over trying to ignore the obvious elephant in the room that clashed with Kel and my decorating style….mom’s new ottoman.

Fuck that thing looks SO out of place with the rest of our decor.

It was a damn eye sore.

Focus Gabe. Birthday present now. Ottoman later.

And I better hurry before Kel or Summer gets home.

I ignored the fact that Kel was at the gym for three damn hours and looked at the clock. I had roughly three more hours before Summer was off and both girl’s would be home.

I needed to find their hidden gift….whatever it was.

I walked into Kel’s room which was fucking destroyed. There was bags all strewn all over the fucking place. There was shit on her bed. Her closet was open and shit thrown in there.

Yep definitely hurricane Kelly.

When I came in to put away the balls I ignored the mess focusing on putting away their sex essential item.

Now that I was focused on something else I noticed her disaster she called a room.

My eye lightly twitched having the biggest urge to clean this bitch’s room and say fuck my gift but shook my head.

Gift now. Clean later….maybe. Might help Kel destroy this room later when I do unspeakable things to her orifices. Both of them.

I looked around going through Kel’s bags finding her usual girlie clothing. Leggings. Shirts. Frilly underwear.

Each item I basically tossed out of each bag until the bag was empty then just threw all the clothes back into the bag as one combined ball making each bag bulge.

I searched just about every single bag and item haphazardly thrown around Kel’s room to where my tendencies couldn’t be ignored anymore.

I sighed as I set about cleaning and organizing Kel’s disaster of a room extremely frustrated I couldn’t find the girl’s gift…..if they got me a gift.

I wondered if they hadn’t gotten it yet?

No they said they were going out to get my gift. Didn’t they?

They did. So where in the blue blazes was it?

I decided to think as I cleaned.

Hours later and lots and lots of folding and organizing later I got Kel’s room semi clean and presentable. All the mongrel had to do was put away her new outfits. Or at least take off all the tags and wash them like I normally do.


When I get new clothes I immediately wash them. Call me weird but after those pants that I had to have when I entered my freshman year in high school that reeked of gasoline when I got them I have been washing all new clothes before I even wear them. Plus I don’t want to break out from whatever detergent or starch they use to keep the clothes looking so new and unworn.

Yes I’m weird.

The entire time I thought as to what the girl’s got me mildly hoping it was something electronic but knowing them it was anything but electronic. I was completely clueless as to what it could be and where they could have hidden it.

They weren’t in Kel’s room to properly hide it. Could they?

I looked at the time and thought they should be getting home soon…..I hoped. And I sure as fuck don’t want to be found with my hand in the cookie jar so I decided to end my search happy that I was leaving Kel’s room a fuck ton cleaner than they left it.

Guess I should take some satisfaction out of that at least.

I came out of Kel’s satisfied I had done my good deed for the week and was about to tackle my next obstacle……the fucking eye sore called an ottoman.

I was about to start moving the surprisingly light apparition ugly ass furniture when I heard a call pull up.

They were fucking home.

And like a hopeless puppy I nearly pounced on both girl’s as they walked in laughing at something I missed.

Both girls stopped in mid stride as I came up and kissed Summer full on the lips and instantly regretted it.

Summer tasted salty and like fucking eucalyptus oil.

I immediately spat that god awful taste out of my mouth and said, “Fuck you could have showered before coming home.”

Summer laughed not seeing what Kel was seeing.

Kel shakily spoke, “Um Gabe what did you do?”

I looked from Kel to the obvious clean house and looked at Kel, “Cleaned. Why?”

This time it was Summer’s turn to loose her color and both girl’s bolted to Kel’s room dropping their bags right where they were and slammed the door.

I looked confused trying to figure out what I had done.

Maybe it was their obvious mistrust in hoping I wouldn’t search for their well hidden completely mysterious gift. And they’d be right. Though wherever they hid it it was a good fucking hiding spot.

I heard Kel hiss through the door, “Fuck he cleaned my room too.”

I walked up to Kel’s door and heard Summer whisper, “Did he find it?”

Kel obviously frantic, “I don’t know.”

I tried to open the door but was greeted to the door being closed back on me with Summer saying through the door, “Stay Gabe.” With her quickly whispering, “Look damn it.”

And I heard some fluttering sounds.

Obviously Kel was throwing her clothes that I had painstakingly took the diligent time to fold and separate so all she had to do was fucking hang it all over her floor.

I leaned and tried to listen to their conversation.

I heard Kel whisper after a couple of minutes, “No it’s still packaged.”

Summer whispered back, “And the other items?”

Kel didn’t answer for a few minutes as I strained to listen against the door.

After what felt like forever I heard a faint, “Nope.”

And all of the sudden I did a gravity check as the door I was leaning against mysteriously disappeared and I kissed the floor with my face with a loud *Oof*.

I heard Summer speak, “Well well well what do we have here?”

I turned to see Summer standing over me smiling, “I think we have a peeper who can’t wait a measly week to find out what we got him for his birthday.”

I smiled at her, “You’d do the same.”

She smiled, “Maybe. Maybe not.”

She got down to hover over me and leaned in for a kiss which I immediately turned my head not wanting to get another taste of that eucalyptus oil again.

I spoke, “Go wash that crap off if you want me to kiss you.”

Summer sighed, “You’re loss.”

But she got up and before she walked off to the shower, “But go out and wait for my guest to show up.”

That’s right I completely forgot Morgan was coming over after Summer got off.

I got up and watched Summer strip down to nothing wink at me before retreating to the shower with Kel following close behind her okie removing her top before Kel closed the door.

Sigh and here I wanted to join them in the shower.

I decided to go take more supplements with a little extra seeing how the last time I took those pills was near lunch time. And seeing how Morgan was coming over the extra help was going to be needed.

Speaking of extra help I went upstairs to get my extra help.

With the two bottles in hand I gulped down my extra large helping of pills.

I had taken my pills and looked around the empty place looking at the ottoman wondering where the fuck I was going to put the eye sore.

I knew Kel said she would help rearrange the place now with the new item.

Honestly I wanted to throw the thing outside in the large bin of trash that the construction team was using to throw all their trash for the studio rebuild. I say rebuild because it went from adding to the current studio to the skeleton studio now standing.

Maybe in a couple of months when no one is looking before the construction leaves after the studio is completed I might satisfy my urge to trash the unusual piece of furniture.

I debated on joining in the shower with the girl’s but Summer wanted me to wait for Morgan to show up and my dick as all sorts of excited now that it’s wet pleasure orifices were back. And it throbbed almost painfully telling me to attack it’s prey.

But I kept my thinking in check….barely.

While I was at war with following Summer’s direction and trying to defy my dick’s urges a knock came at the door.

I smiled ear to ear at the knock. It was time to have some much needed fun.




  1. I caught up in the last twenty four hours.. I should’ve spaced them out. Lol.

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