My [M] only time with one of my students [F]

Way back, like decades, I was teaching a massage therapy class at a place called the Oregon School of Massage in Portland.

The only credentials required was a license to practice, which I had. What I didn’t have was a lot of clients, being a male in that business back then was very tough and most of the male therapists were gay.

The only reason I was teaching was I thought it might be a way to pick up a few clients, the pay was $11.00 and hour too which was pretty good back then, but I only got three hours and had four classes each week.,

One class, there was a 25 year old redhead, long flowing hair, green eyes, round wire framed glasses, she always wore a short shirt and those criss cross tops, they called them “sizzler” outfits. No bra, I never saw her ever wear one.

The fun began when we got to the partner up portion, I put the names in a bowl and everyone drew who they would work on for the class. One class they practiced, the next class they switched.

The students would strip as their partner for the day held a sheet up for modesty, but the redhead just peeled off to completely nude and hopped on the table. Things got a little fussed up for a few moments but soon everyone relaxed and did their lessons as I called out the different strokes to use. I noticed the guy working on her was not being exactly professional, he kept exposing her breasts, and several times the sheet was not covering her red hair covered bush.

I chewed him out some for that, she just giggled and said she didn’t mind. Every class was like that, and it didn’t take long before everyone in that class seemed to lose all sense of modesty. Oddly, it was the only class like that, the rest everyone stayed a bit shy.

Then after about 6 weeks, she same into my office, asking questions about how to get clients, what to charge, all sorts of things. She sat in the chair across from me, her legs carelessly open, no sign of panties which I already knew by then she never wore.

Then she spotted me trying to not look, which is of course impossible when there is naked pussy right in front of you. So she asked me if I liked what I saw, and spread her legs real wide!

I stammered that I did, she stood up and was nude in about 3 seconds. Trying to have sex in an office using a chair, the table, and finally the floor is awkward, but she came home with me and we continued. That went on until the end of our classes, she got all “A’s” from me of course, truth is she had earned that.

When she took her State exams, she passed easily the first try which actually is a bit infrequent, those tests are tough.

I would have called her a keeper except she liked sex way too much, and it became clear she was not bothered by giving happy endings, and probably lots more although I do not know far sure on that.

I used to see her ads online, which always brought back fun memories. There could have been more of a relationship between us, but she was a bit too willing for my tastes.


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