Turned on by my wife’s indiscretion [MF]

Backstory: So my wife (38) and I (41) have been married for 14 years, together for 17. We are very happy now and have been for many years. We went through some rocky patches our first few years of being married, as many young couples do. One night during that time, we were out at a bar for a friend’s birthday and I left early because I had to go to work the next morning. She ended up staying out. I was immediately suspicious the next morning when she still wasn’t home by the time I left for work at 5:30 am. Wasn’t answering her phone either. I gave her the benefit of the doubt that maybe they all went out to breakfast and her phone died.

I tried getting a hold of her at various points throughout the day with no luck. I was legit worried at that point. When I got home around 6 pm, she looked like she had just gotten home. All her excuses were horrible and nothing was adding up. Finally find out that she went home with one of the guys, Josh, from the group and stayed at his apartment. The two of them definitely had a mutual crush on each other and were always flirty. She denied doing anything with him, but word quickly got back to me that they fucked. I was pretty irate, but eventually I just kind of got past it.

About a year or so after that happened, I discovered Literotica. I found myself getting very turned on by the stories of couples swapping, as well as the hotwife stories. The fantasy grew on me over the years, but I kept it to myself. I had no idea how she would react. Eventually I decided I couldn’t keep it bottled up anymore and had to open up to her about it. She responded positively and our sex life immediately became more passionate. She’s still a bit hot/cold with it, depending on hormones and other life stressors that affect the female libido.

After a couple of years, I got this incredible urge for her to tell me about the night she cheated. Now even though many years had passed, she still to that point had never formally admitted to me that they fucked. I brought it up one night when we were fooling around and she basically froze up. Didn’t want to talk about it at all. I dropped it for the time being, but brought it up again soon. I explained to her that I was so far past being angry about it, didn’t hold any kind of a grudge, and frankly the whole thing turns me the fuck on. I love the idea that she was just so turned on that night that there was no way she was saying no to him. It took some time to fully convince her of this, but eventually she admitted that they fucked and started giving me a few details here and there. We ended up having some very memorable sessions when that night would get brought up. Despite that, she’s still very obviously nervous talking about it. Wine usually helps. I’m pretty sure she still feels very remorseful about the whole thing, no matter how much I tell her it’s a non-issue. Presently, I haven’t brought it up for a while now, as I try and be careful not to inundate her with certain things.

So fast forward to this past weekend. We no longer live in the same town where this all took place, but I ended up back there for work on Saturday. On top of that, I ended up right across the street from the apartment that she got fucked in. This totally triggered something in me and I couldn’t think about anything else other than that night. I was staying in a hotel the next two nights and jerked off hard thinking about it both nights.

This morning, the last dream I had before I woke up was her texting me saying:

“So I heard Josh is back in town to visit…
Whatcha thinking? ?”

In the dream, I immediately had this shot of adrenaline rush through my body and my heart started racing. This was very out of character for her to even bring it up, let alone suggest actually doing something. As I was typing my response, which I believe was along the lines of “Fuck yes, let’s do this!”, I woke up (of course). My heart was racing and my dick was painfully hard. I reached down and squeezed it, finding it ridiculously engorged. When I got home this morning, I jerked off 3 times before noon, picturing what it would be like for me to watch them reunite and fuck.

We’ve got a date night on Wednesday, so we’re both sure to have a good buzz going after a couple hours. We’re going to this very mellow wine bar that is the perfect environment to have some verbal foreplay. I’m thinking about how I’m going to bring it up to her. I already know she’s going to get the awkward giggles and start blushing, as she always does when I bring him up, but at the same time, I know her pussy will get immediately soaked. I don’t ever expect anything IRL to happen between them again, but I think it will make for some great RP when we get home…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lvreh5/turned_on_by_my_wifes_indiscretion_mf