Rich Girl in an Art Gallery [MF] [WIP] [Male POV]

First, I am on mobile so sorry for formatting. This is a work in progress, so I am looking for constructive feedback, if you like my writing style, and would you read more? Thanks!

In a moment, her soft hand slides up the side of your neck. Her thumb holding your cheek while her fingers wrap around the back of your head. She pulls you into attention and locks her forest green pupils with yours just long enough for an adventurous smile and the words “Follow Me.”

The woman, who is the same height as you takes a step back and eyes the party, a bustling symphony of attendees chatting across the small bookstore. With some attendees eating in the booths sprinkled across the rows of shelves. Her white sundress neatly pressed over the contours of her body cuts off before the shoulders and rests beneath white fabric straps. The other women of the party are dawning numerous expressions of similar dressy casual attire, while the men appear eager to blend into a sea of grey suits. She moves her head around the room, scouting to see if anyone notices the pair of you. For a moment, her profile eclipses one of the moody ceiling fixtures and illuminates a silver lining down her eyes, dimpled nose, and parched lips.

She then leans upon her toes and moves with a light skip four paces toward an open doorway against the back of the western wall. Her blonde pixie hair dances through the various shades of dusky lamps and frosted holiday lights along the short ceiling. You follow, intending the same stealth and find yourself confidently light on your feet. As you arrive at the doorway you put your back to the wall to survey the room yourself. Out of the corner of your eye she stands ready at the far end of the entrance, awaiting your signal without apprehension. The entire group of almost 200 people are lost in their own evenings, drinking expensive wine and dining on decadent cheese plates, not knowing quite the exhilaration the evening has potential for. You dart your head back and nod an affirmative.

She takes off on her feet again, striding up two sets of the dark oak stairs. The pale white walls boast strong geometric shadows cast from scattered windows and mirrors on the top of the walls who only stand four feet from each other. At the top of the short flight, the stairs take a circular 180 degree turn. Her dress briefly blowing in the sunlight, whips around the corner just ahead of you. As you maneuver around the corner, at a brisk pace, the two of you are at a small hallway. Six foot wide windows stretch across the walls at your waistline. You both step forward absorbing the foyer.

The hexagon shaped room featured eight triangle shaped partitions with a glossy black and white photograph of the pacific ocean adorning each side. The space is filled with natural lighting complements of the fractured triangle skylights and sinking Sun. Sedentary in the very center of the room, a fruit wood deck chair faces away from you.

You turn your head to her, and she catches your eye. She spins around with her sundress dancing in the air for a moment, and facing you again mouths the familiar words “Follow Me.” As she her left foot backwards he hands pull up to her chest and her fingers curling enticing you forward. You follow matching her pace. The jagged shadows dance across your faces as the gaze you share seems to envelope the world.

She stops you with the palm of her left hand against your chest. You stop, and she takes one more step back. Her head turns and and one shoulder at a time takes up each strap and gently releases it from her body to fall to her side, eventually pulling her light dress to the floor. Hand on hip she grins confidently in her stark cotton bandeau presenting a tight neckline cutout. Her matching boyshorts sport a tight grip on her flawless legs.

She catches you in your moment of awe and with a patient grin, demands “Your turn.”

To Be Continued…
