Dear diary (update) – mental notes from mom, Jenn, and Mark


I think we’re settling into our new normal after the events of this weekend. Jenn went back to school Sunday night, leaving me and Mark here together. I’ve noticed Mark being more attentive to both me and Jenn, which is such a nice change. I’m still not sure how things will play out in the long run. There’s still an unknown factor to all this that I’m not sure how to plan for. Not sure if planning for it’s even possible tbh.
That unknown feeling is mostly around Mark. Jenn has always been the following type. She’ll keep in line just fine. And so will I. Not sure what kind of leader Mark will be for this family. Case in point, yesterday morning’s incident. Can’t keep my mind off it.

I woke up and went to the bathroom to pee. I had finished peeing and was checking my phone as usual when I felt Mark come in and walk towards me. I saw him grab some toilet paper and then he ran his fingers through my hair, pulled my head back, said good morning, and then kissed me. As we kissed, he slid his hand between my legs and I naturally spread them a bit. It was a bit awkward because I was sitting on the toilet and this had NEVER happened to me before, not even with my ex husband. He dabbed and patted my pussy gently to clean me and then dropped the toilet paper in the toilet. He lifted his hand and held my face as we were still kissing. He then stopped kissing, but his lips held onto my bottom lip for an extra few seconds. He then said good morning again with a smile.
“I’m more than capable of wiping myself sweetie,” I said.
“I know mom, but I wanted to do something for you that I hope no other man ever has,” he said. “Besides, I came out of there, id like to think it’s my job to take care of it,” he said with a grin.
“You’re sweet hun,” I started to say, “no one has ever done that before so you’re the first!”
“Good,” he said as he was walking out of the bathroom, “because that’s just another way a real man takes care of his women!”

I was wet again, but not from pee this time. Was going to wipe it up but left it. Afterwards I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Hot as hell, but I’d have to see how this will play out. Yes, he’s the head of this house, but I don’t want to be controlled in every aspect of life. Still, he’s completely replaced his father, which makes me smile. Maybe I’ll ask Jenn. Hell, I better go to the store and grab a pregnancy test. I think I’m late!!!


Had such a great weekend!!! We finally had mom join us and we are the most perfect family now!! It’s only been me and Mark for a while and we felt kinda terrible keeping this secret, but SO glad it’s out now! Now we can just be ourselves at home, how great is that!?!?
OMG, mom called and told me about something that happened with Mark in the bathroom! I laughed and told her he’s done that me too a few times over the years, but that’s it. She seemed a bit worried, but I think I eased her worry. She kept asking if he was controlling and I told her of course not. She asked if there were other ways he was controlling and I told her he wasn’t controlling, but had actually taken care of me more, like a dad and husband should. He takes care of my car issues, he takes care of me when I’m sick, always available to talk, and he’s available at a moments notice when I need him. He’s like a husband I’ve known and loved all my life!

I even told her about the intimacy. He’s a perfect lover. Not sure if it’s the sibling connection or what, but he does most things perfectly. He knows when I need to be held, when to kiss me, when I need just oral or just sex, or when to transition from oral TO sex. How hard I need/want it, whether it’s fast and hard or slow and gentle . . . he just knows. He not only knows when I’m on my period, but he knows what days of my period I need chocolate and what days I need sex. I didn’t even have to tell him. I’m sure she’ll figure that one out soon.
Now to hit the pharmacy and grab a pregnancy test. I know it’s early but I’m super excited!!!


I’ve finally reached the place I’ve always wanted to be . . . the full time husband/owner of both mom and Jenn. They’re family, so I need to make sure to maintain that balance. This isn’t a one night stand or fly by night hookup, this is for life. Or at least until one of them wants to get married or move on in life. Until then, they’re mine.

I’m amazed at how different they are, yet how alike they are. Mom is definitely more shy, compared to Jenn’s more outgoing personality. Mom also seems a bit more resistant to being submissive, whereas Jenn is almost completely submissive. That reluctance from mom may be because she’s had to be both mom and dad for years. Hopefully that attitude changes over time.

They are so damn similar though. Although mom has slightly bigger boobs, their areolas and nipples are almost identical. They both have a freckle on the bottom of their right areola, which is sexy. Moms nipples are a tad bit darker and she has stretch marks at the top of her boobs, but that’s from nursing me and Jenn all those years ago and the constant filling and draining of milk. I bet they got huge when she was lactating. I bet Jenn’s will do the same thing when she has a baby. Hopefully soon!!

Jenn is 100% all mine now. She has been for a while, so I don’t think she’ll want to date anyone soon. If she’s pregnant, she may be mine forever, which makes me smile.
I need to work on mom though. We both know I’m the head of the family now, but I need to make sure that transition is smooth and complete. I need to meet her needs emotionally as well, not just physically if I’m going to truly own her. She’s being submissive now out of choice. She wants me to lead and own her. It’ll take some time to knock those mental fences down. Once the transition is complete, I’ll own her completely and she’ll be submissive automatically and it will no longer be a choice. It’ll be a bond stronger than a marriage.

I’ve noticed it easier turning other women down. My ex wanted to get back together, but that isn’t even appealing to me anymore. I’m already at that place where if you’re not my sister or my mother, I’m not interested.

Our house is full of so much love it’s crazy. If Jenn is pregnant, I’ll be a daddy soon. That thought makes me smile!!! I wonder if mom can still get pregnant. That would make my life complete if she could. The best part would be knowing that I did what my father couldn’t and became the true head of this house. I’d be the perfect husband/son to his ex-wife and the perfect husband/brother to his little girl!
