Clementina, Part VI [erotic horror, monster, violence, gore, anal, dp, incest-s/s-m/s, MFFF]


As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed. Please heed all warnings!

That aside, if this is your thing, then read on and enjoy. As always, I read and appreciate all comments, even if I do not necessarily have the time to reply.



Part VI

I woke up late the next morning with a minor headache and well over a foot of morning wood that left me wondering if there was any blood left to take care of the rest of my bodily needs. I think my cock was still growing a little from the light phallite.

I sat on the side of the bed, rubbing my eyes, waiting for the erection to come down, which it did, thankfully. Finally I pulled on some shorts and wandered downstairs. Clementina and my mother were sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee, my mom in her usual sleepwear of cut-off T-shirt and yoga shorts, Clementina in a robe she borrowed from my mom. I grabbed a cup and sat down.

There was a moment of somewhat awkward silence, then Clementina put her hand on my arm.

“Russel,” she said. “I am so sorry for what I did to you, what I forced you to do, and what you had to do to save me. That wasn’t me, it was those monsters, and I am sorry.”

“It’s okay, Clementina,” I said, then smiled. Hoping to lighten the mood, I added, “If it hadn’t been forced, the sex would have been great, right Mom?”

My mother chided me.

“Russel!” she said, and I realized that I had committed a faux pas.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “That was crass and insensitive. Please forgive me. And I apologize for being a peeping tom.”

Clementina nodded and put her hand on my arm.

“These are difficult circumstances,” she said. Our eyes met for a moment, then she looked away. I couldn’t help but notice the blush that crept up her chest above the robe that was open just enough to reveal a hint of cleavage.

Looking to change the topic quickly. “Can you tell us what happened?” I asked.

Clementina sighed, nodded.

“How much have you read from the journals?” she asked.

My mother piped up. “Only about enough to save you,” she said.

Clementina nodded. “There’s so much to tell. Where to begin. When my great-grandfather was adding the final wing on the house, they discovered the chambers you found. They had been there for centuries and were full of these friendly little cream-colored parasites. Apparently the Native Americans knew of them, and the Norse also were aware of them, encountering the caves during one of their ancient forays into North America. We don’t know who put the statues down there, we just know they are old.

“We lived with the creatures near us for many years, but most of my family didn’t take any of them on as hosts. A few did, but having family members with extreme sexual characteristics tended to make the relatives uncomfortable. So generally we frowned on it.

“When I was young, I was curious and rebellious, so I took on a cream colored phallite. For a few years I was quite the wild child. But eventually my parasite died when I was in my early 30s, and I settled down. By that point, we were considering selling the farm, and someone had to stay behind to keep an eye on the phallites. Since I was the one who had taken on a parasite earlier in life, the task fell on me. I have fought the temptation to allow another cream colored phallite inside of me since mine died. I was raised on a farm with certain values, and despite my wild period, I guess I am still a little old fashioned.

“You are probably wondering where the dark creatures came from. My uncle was a geneticist. He thought he could improve the phallites by making them more social, so he became obsessed with the idea of crossing the light phallites with social insects. Specifically, he picked ants.

“Shockingly, he succeeded in injecting ant DNA into phallites. Unfortunately, he created a monster. Dark phallites are still the sexual parasites their cream colored brethren are, but they are different. They reproduce by destroying the women who host them, and by turning the men into nothing but semen pumps – until they rot. They have a single queen who is located at the end of that tunnel you probably saw in the far chamber. She doesn’t produce the colony’s offspring, she produces eggs that contain special phallites that can create more queens. The colony spreads by injecting these creatures into a host and sending her out into the world. That’s me. I’m the vanguard. It takes two dark phallites to completely control a host. If a host passes one of their dark phallites into another, they have to return to the nest to get a new second or run the risk of losing control. That’s what happened to me and why you were able to purge me.”

Clementina stopped and sighed.

“My uncle created these horrible creatures,” she continued. “He then destroyed them – purging that far chamber and turning it back into a haven for the cream-colored creatures. We thought that the dark phallites were gone forever. And they were, until a couple months ago. My sister, Ona, had come for a visit. She and I had gone down to check on the phallites and she found, wedged between a couple of boulders, and old dark phallite egg. What on earth was she thinking? She brought it upstairs and hatched it. Lord forgive her, she turned it into a sex toy and used it to edge herself. She had forgotten the horrible lessons my uncle had learned.”

Clementina lowered her head into her hands. I put a hand on her shoulder. She spoke but kept her eyes downcast.

“You can probably guess what happened. Ona lost control of the creature. He got loose and managed to get inside of her. He turned her into the queen, and she turned me into the vanguard…a…a monster. Then she crawled into that fucking tunnel and has been there ever since.”

“So Ona is down there at the end of that tunnel?”

Clementina nodded. “The phallites take care of her, feed her, bring her anything she needs, even satisfying her sexually. Her only job is to spit out an egg every month or so.”

“How long has she been in there?”

“A couple of months. This is so horrible…” She dropped her head into her hands again.

“How long will it take you to recover?” I asked. “And your sister.”

“I should be better in a day or two. My sister as well, once she is free. They do little long term harm to their queen, as long as we get her out of there soon.”

I looked at my mom.

“So,” I said. “To fix this situation, we need to go down there, drag out the women in the chamber and purge them, then go get your sister and purge her.”

Clementina interrupted. “It is probably already too late for the women. Most of those women were already pregnant. And the one you inseminated would have been the last. It only takes about ten to twelve hours for the creatures to gestate. I doubt any of them are still alive. And it’s more complicated than that. You first need to kill all the dark phallites in the chamber. Then the queen, my sister, will come out of her tunnel with an egg and try to create another vanguard.”

“And that’s when we get her,” my mom said. “And purge her then kill the eggs.”

Clementina nodded. “I will do the final purge. She’s my sister.”

“I don’t want to sound crass again,” I said. “But you don’t have the same equipment as I do. Will you be able to do the job? And will you be recovered by then?”

Clementina nodded. “I will be fine in a day or two. And I just need a big enough strap on. It will take you a couple days to clear out the chamber, and Amazon has next day delivery.” She smiled, then met my eyes again, flipped to my mom’s, then back to mine. When she looked down again, that blush was creeping up her chest again.

I shook my head to bring my focus back to the task at hand. “So how many dark phallites are there down there now? And how do we kill them en masse without harming Ona? It’s going to be hard with all that slime on the floor.”

“There are probably fifty or sixty, more or less. My uncle used an iron rake to push them into plastic bags that he fed into the wood chipper. The chipper is still out in the barn. And there are other, easier entrances into the chambers down there than the one you found – one is a tunnel that runs from the newest wing of the house, and the other is a tunnel that leads right up to the barn. Just dig a pit near the barn, point the chipper at it, and you can easily drag the bags out and into the chipper.”

“Jesus Christ,” I murmured. “That’s brutal. Is there an easier, more humane way?”

“Humane?” Clementina laughed. “Russel, you are amazing to think of kindness and humaneness at a time like this. I admire you. Sadly, there isn’t much you can do in the way of being humane. Wood chipper. Axe. Sledge Hammer. Choose your poison. And you will also want to clean all the old slime and organic material off the walls, too, and dump that in the pit. There’s a pump and old fire hose out in the barn you can use to pump out the chamber.”

“Well,” I said to my mom. “Ready to do some digging?”

Clementina was out of energy and had to go lay back down. My mom and I gathered our gear and headed over toward’s Clementina’s.

“So, how’s the little guy doing?” my mom asked me as we walked over to Clementina’s barn to get digging, pointing generally in the direction of my abdomen.

“I had a pretty serious case of morning wood when I first woke up, but mostly he’s been quiet. I’m not sure I’m much in the mood for sex right now anyway. But I have to say, while I didn’t like the coercion, I still wouldn’t mind an occasional fuck from Clementina, of my own free will and all that.”

My mom laughed and punched me playfully in the shoulder.

“I bet you wouldn’t mind,” she said, grinning. “Me too. Did you see the way she looked at us, and those little blushes?”

I nodded, smiling.

“I’m curious to see where things go,” I said. My mom and I hugged each other’s shoulders briefly.

Then we got to the barn, and the moment faded as we were faced with the reality of what we had to do.

My mom and I spent the rest of the day up by Clementina’s barn digging a six-feet-deep trench. We dug mostly in silence, with just the minimal chatter about the depressing task at hand.

The next morning we went out and got large contractor plastic bags and gas for the chipper. I won’t give graphic details about day two of the dark phallite extermination, except to say we used the rakes to herd the little monsters into the bags, then dumped them into the chipper. It was brutal, disheartening, and bloody work. The slime was several inches deep, so we used the pump and hose to suction it out, revealing all the little cracks and crevices where the monsters hid.

The dark phallite hunt and slime removal (though more continued to to pour out from the tunnel leading to Ona) took all day. We saved two dark phallites alive since Ona would emerge once they were all dead. We left them in a bucket in the chamber and went home to bed.

Day three of the dark phallite extermination dawned warm, humid, and misty. It was still early as my mother and I made our way up to Clementina’s barn, then down into the chamber. Clementina came with us, carrying a box from Amazon. My mother was wearing a light-colored, two-piece athletic swimsuit, and I was in just shorts. Clementina had worn shorts and a sports bra.

Over night, the slime slipping from the tunnel to Ona had coated the floor to an inch or two depth.

I carried the bucket with the two remaining dark phallites up to the wood chipper and dumped them in. The last of the dark phallites was dead. I walked down the steps back into the chamber.

While I had been outside, Clementina had disrobed and now was nude, donning a massive strap-on that had to be over a foot long. I gasped.

“Jeez, Clementina, she’s your sister. Go easy on her.”

“Fuck her, after what she did she’s going to take all of it,” Clementina replied.

I went to the chamber with the white phallites and returned with one perched on my shoulder, ready for when Ona appeared.

The entrance to the tunnel leading to the queen’s chamber glowed a light pink that cast a light glow about the chamber. We sat in silence, our ears straining to hear the slightest murmur coming down the tunnel, any sign that Ona was ready to emerge.


We waited an hour. Then another. It was getting towards late morning. How long would this take?

We were approaching three hours. We were all getting tired of waiting. The slime on the floor was slippery so by now we had all fallen at least once. We were all coated in slime. Clementina still wore her monster dong and looked like she was ready to do some damage once her sister emerged.

“I don’t want to be negative,” I said finally. “But are you sure she’s still alive?”

“I can feel her,” Clementina said. “She’s almost ready to make her appearance.”

As she said that a murmur whispered down the tunnel from the queen’s chamber. We all turned. A fresh surge of slime slipped from the now pulsating pink tunnel, followed by a moan – I’m not sure if it was pleasure or pain. It was followed by faint sounds of heavy breathing and soft whining. Another surge of slime slipped from the tunnel and spread out across the floor.

Down the tunnel I could see a shadow starting to move, making its way down towards the main chamber where the three of us waited. It came slowly, wetly. We could hear the sound of someone wriggling through the narrow, slimy tunnel.

Another surge of slime coursed through the tunnel and like a tidal wave pushed Ona the rest of the way, dumping her slickly on all fours in the slime on the floor under the tunnel. She slowly slipped to her feet.

She was like her sister – over six feet tall with long black hair. Much of her body was that of a phallite host – wide hips, thick dangling lobes, and narrow waist. But her large, milky, pendulous breasts had wide nipples that were jet black with long erect tips. From the midnight aureoles, scraggly lines emanated outwards across the fleshy mounds. Yet still, it was her face that was the most startling – her eyes had deep, black circles around them with the same scraggly lines spreading outwards across her face. Her lips were black as night and her eyes were a glowing fiery red without any discernible pupils – like the eyes of the dark phallites.

Ona looked at the three of us, then focused in on her sister, taking in the huge dildo strapped to her hips.

“Really, sister,” Ona said. “I didn’t realize you wanted to pick up where we left off after I infected you. Had I known that I might have come out earlier.”

Clementina turned beet red.

“I’m not responsible for what happened after you put that monster inside of me,” she spat back.

“And what about the things we did when we were younger, when we both had the light phallites inside of us? You were so much more fun back then. Can you blame me trying to bring back the good old days?”

“You used to have a light phallite inside of you?” I asked Ona, interrupting the reunion.

“Of course,” she said. “Both Clementina and I took them on. We were young, and we were lovers. But when hers died she wouldn’t take another. I did. My second one died earlier this year, so I came back for a new passenger. And to try to convince my sister to join me. It’s not too late, Clementina.”

Clementina was looking at the floor.

“So you two were lovers?” I asked her.

Clementine sighed.

“Yes,” she said. “When we were young. It was a mistake…”

“It was beautiful!” Ona spat. “You know it was. And now that you have been tasting the slime of the phallites again, you know it’s true. I can read it in your eyes. Return to me, Clementina.”

Clementina looked down at the floor. The blush coursed up her neck again. Ona stepped forward, reaching out to her sister, taking her in her arms.

At first the hug was sisterly, loving. But as they embraced, their bodies slipped slickly across each other’s skin. A thigh slipped between two other thighs, milky breasts touched and slid against each other. Hands roamed.

Clementina and Ona leaned back from each other, staring into each other’s eyes. Ona kissed Clementina on the lips, then leaned down and began suckling at her sister’s breasts.

Clementina closed her eyes, her face a mask of pleasure as her sister sucked at the creamy milk that now flowed from her breasts. Ona reached a hand down and slipped it between Clementina’s thighs, parting her thick lobes, and sliding a finger into her. Clementina moaned as one finger became two, then three.

Ona ran her tongue up Clementina’s breasts, up her neck, until her mouth was perched right across from her sister’s.

“Come to me Clementina,” she whispered again. “Join me. We can be queens together. Everything we need will be provided for. We can live in each other’s arms, living only for each other, only to pleasure each other. We will be more than sisters, more than lovers, more than human. It will be beautiful.”

Clementina opened her eyes. She and Ona gazed at each other lovingly. Slowly Ona opened her mouth, wider and wider. Slime poured out of Ona’s mouth and coursed down her distended throat and neck and across her breasts, mingling with the milk that trickled from her midnight nipples.

A tiny black head with beady eyes emerged from Ona’s mouth.

Clementina recoiled in horror, falling backwards into the slime.

My mom struck out with a vicious kick.

“Fuck this,” she spat, as she sent Ona tumbling to the side.

Then everything happened at once.

The dark phallite that was trying to infect Clementina had been knocked completely free of both the sisters and was now wriggling in a corner, making a beeline for Clementina. I snatched it up and dashed it against a rock – its head a bloody mess.

My mother landed another kick on Ona that left her dazed and within a moment she was hog tied and laying in the slime on the floor.

Clementina was on all fours in the slime, wretching. She looked over at her sister. “You bitch!”

Ona squirmed and wriggled, trying to free herself, but my mom had grown up on a farm, and she knew how to tie up something so it couldn’t come free.

Ona cursed.

“All of you will suffer once I get free. Even you, you bitch!” she spat at Clementina.

Ona convulsed and shook. Now with just one dark phallite inside of her she was going through the back-and-forth that Clementina had experienced up in our bathroom the other day.

Ona’s eyes cleared for a moment – the red slipped away, to be replaced by normal human eyes. She looked up at me, seeing the cream-colored phallite still perched on my shoulder.

“It’s time,” she said. “I’ve made a horrible mistake. Please set me free. I’ll do anything you want, just please help me.”

Clementina climbed to her feet and stood beside me, stroking the huge strap-on, but I pushed her back.

“My father is dead because of you, Ona,” I said. “Clementina said she wanted to be the one to drive the dark phallite out of you, but I claim blood right. You are mine, bitch, and you fucking belong to me until I decide otherwise.”

“I’m sorry,” Ona said. “Whatever you want when I am free, it’s yours. I’m sorry.”

“Fuck you,” I swore, and slapped her across the face. I seized Ona’s hair and jerked her head back, forcing her mouth open. The cream colored phallite on my shoulder seemed to know what was expected, because it gave an angry squeak and jumped straight down Ona’s throat.

As with Clementina, once the creature was down Ona’s throat, she started convulsing. Slime coursed from her mouth, from her ass, from her slit, with each heave. I flipped her over so her ass was in the air. Like Clementina, she had the phallite host ass – wide with a perfect asshole sitting in the center.

I pulled off my shorts and stood nude before Ona’s dribbling cunt and asshole. My phallite-modified cock had come to full attention and over a foot of meat pulsed in front of me, slime dribbling from the tip in a steady stream.

“Can you purge a dark phallite with anal or does it have to be vaginal?” I asked Clementina.

“I don’t know,” she hissed. “To be safe, let’s do both of this bitch’s holes.”

We grabbed Ona’s legs, pulling them apart and anchoring the ropes around boulders. Clementina lay down underneath her sister. I lifted Ona up and slid her pussy slowly down the monster dong her sister wore. Eventually Ona sat on top of the entire thing. She wretched, sending another round of slime down her chest.

I pushed her forward, exposing her asshole that was gaping from the dildo inside her cunt. A steady stream of slime poured out – pushed out from the pressure the dildo exerted. My mom appeared beside me and gave my cock a couple strokes, then pulled Ona’s cheeks apart, stretching her asshole even wider. A pinkish-red tunnel gaped in front of me.

Ever since that first night when I saw Clementina’s asshole in the basement, I had been thinking what it would be like to fuck a hot phallite-ass. Now it was time to find out. I gave my phallite-cock another stroke then slipped the head inside Ona’s stretched hole.

Ona moaned, then heaved out a fresh wave of slime. I continued to push in – three inches, six, nine, a foot. Ona moaned again. I could feel the two phallites jockeying for position around the two huge shafts that were penetrating Ona’s holes. Finally my balls bumped up against the dildo that Clementina wore. We were both all the way in.

The two phallites spun around the twin cocks – one real, one artificial – inside Ona. The sensation was incredible. I pulled out a few inches and slipped back in, beginning a slow pumping motion. My cock rode up and down the underside of Clementina’s dildo. The dong had a soft-but-firm feeling that felt good as my body pressed against it through the walls of Ona’s ass and her vagina. The slime from my cock and the slime from her ass sluiced out her anus and down my thighs.

I picked up my pace as a fresh wave of heaves coursed through Ona. I felt her muscles tighten around her ass with each wretch, more slime poured from her mouth.

I reached around Ona and felt her stomach. I could feel two shafts inside, the artificial dildo and my cock. They were side-by-side, and I pressed them against each other harder, sending another wave of pleasure through me, even as Ona heaved again.

I reached up and felt Ona’s breasts, feeling the warm milk that trickled from her nipples, then reached down and felt Clementina’s chest as well – one hand on each of the two sisters.

“What are you waiting for?” my mother asked. “Fuck that thing out of her.”

I had become so taken by the pleasure that I almost forgot the reason we were here. I picked up the pace, knowing I needed to finish before the light phallite ran out of steam. I adjusted my stance and grabbed Ona’s wide hips, grinding in and out of her asshole. Clementina grabbed her dong with both hands, holding it steady so I could get better leverage.

The slime continued to pour from my cock, mixing with Ona’s, lubricating her asshole. I pounded my phallite-cock in and out, in and out. The chamber resounded with the slick sound of my cock reaming Ona’s asshole, and my stomach slamming her wide ass with each stroke.

The heaves were coursing through Ona. I began to worry if she was even able to breathe between slimy wretches. The muscles in her asshole were constantly tightening as her body tried to expel the dark phallite. With each tightening I shivered in pleasure as she squeezed my cock even harder, forcing me to push harder to slide my member through the slimy orifice.

The phallites had raced up to the top of my cock, then one leapt towards Ona’s throat and hovered there.

I felt my balls start to tighten, and Ona’s muscle’s squeezed again – this time in an orgasm. I gave one – two – three hard strokes. I groaned as my first shot of semen raced into Ona’s slick, gaping asshole.

She heaved one more time. A thick, nasty thread of slime poured from her mouth which suddenly opened impossibly wide.

A black head with beady red eyes emerged.

My mom snatched if from her mouth. Slamming it to the ground and smashing its head.

Ona gave a final moan and wretch, then collapsed into her sister’s arms beneath her, as rope after rope of my seed poured into her ass. I groaned while my balls pumped her full of slime and come that filled her up then poured out, trickling across my balls and Clementina’s slit underneath Ona.

I leaned back, my cock popping free slickly, the last few shots of juice sluicing down the side of my meat. My mom hugged me from the side.

“You did it,” she whispered into my ear, kissing my neck and stroking my cock to tease out the final drops of semen.

Ona rolled off Clementina’s dildo and lay on her back next to her sister, her asshole and slit both stretched and gaping open, come and slime pouring forth. She moaned.

“I…I am so sorry,” she said. “I can’t believe I did that. I am so, so sorry.”

Clementina rolled over on her side next to her sister. She rested a hand lightly on Ona’s breasts, then kissed her cheek lovingly, sliding her hand down her stomach and gently touching the still gaped slit between Ona’s legs.

“I’m sorry,” Ona said.

“So am I,” Clementina replied, kissing her sister on the lips.

When they broke the kiss, they turned to me.

“We owe him and his mother everything,” Clementina said. “They figured out how to purge me, they cleared out all the dark phallites, and now they purged you. If it weren’t for them, we would have both ended up dark phallite drones forever. I don’t know how we can ever pay them back.”

My mother spoke up.

“I have a couple of ideas…” she said.

“So do I,” I added.

Clementina and Ona looked at us, then looked at each other. They kissed briefly, then Clementina spoke.

“Anything you want, name it,” she said. “Now and forever.”

Though I had just come, I felt my cock threaten to stir to attention.



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