[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part ten

I retire to my modest abode – not much more than a room really. There’s one thing that I need to do before anything else and that is to relieve my sexual frustration, whatever the bible and the church may say about sexual self-gratification!

As I stroke myself gently and slowly, I savour the gradual build up towards an eventual release. There is no need to rush. I allow my thoughts to wander to Tabitha’s breasts and nipples and how they felt in my hands. I recall her exposed vulva and how both Dr White and Reverend Gaunt touched her and penetrated her. I think of the other girls, picturing them, now that I know who they are, dancing naked, or at least semi-naked, in the woods. I edge several times. And then I think of young Emily Smith and imagine that it was her whose nipples were cruelly crushed in the nipple clamps and whose vulva was so openly exposed with her legs spread wide apart.

I immediately erupt, spraying my seed across the tiny room in a climax as intense and prolonged as any that I have known.

As soon as my orgasm is complete, I feel a strong sense of guilt. How could I get off on such thoughts? Why do I find the destruction of such purity and innocence so arousing? I rationalise it as only a fantasy, not something to which I would want to be a party in real life. But what about Dr White? Does he recognise such boundaries? I’m not sure. I’m learning more about him all the time.

And, in any case, how innocent is Emily? She took part in the goings on in the woods. What dealings did she have with the goat/man? If he/it were really the incarnation of the Devil, he would not have put any consideration of her relative youth and innocence above his own ends and desires.

When I have recovered and cleaned myself up, I eat and then go to visit Tabitha in her cell. I take some more food with me. I also take a candle lantern. It will be dark in the crypt.

I find her dressed and sat on the bench. I look through the bars at the bucket. It still contains only urine.

I unlock the door and go into the cell.

“I’ve brought you some more food,” I tell her. I put it down beside her. I look at the bread and cheese that I brought earlier. She has eaten very little.

Tabitha looks up at me and smiles weakly.

“You should try to eat,” I say, sympathetically.

Tabitha nods.

“Dr White wants to see you in his quarters, later,” I tell her. She looks at me firstly in surprise and then quizzically.

I hesitate. How do I explain Dr White’s instructions to her?

“He didn’t tell me why, but I suggest that you go along with whatever he wishes. He wants me to make sure that you are … clean and said that you should not be wearing your drawers,” I say.

I see a look of horror on Tabitha’s face.

“Dr White is a powerful man. It would not be good to disobey him,” I remind her.

“I suggest that, if you can, you use the bucket to empty your bowels before I return, later. Then I can empty the bucket before I leave you for the night,” I explain.

“I’ll leave you, now, but I will be back in a couple of hours. I’ll leave the lantern outside the cell, to give you some light.”

As I leave, I’m pleased to see Tabitha tackling the food that I have brought her.

When I return, later, the malodorous smell that greats me as I enter the crypt tells me that Tabitha has taken my advice and shit in the bucket.

Again, I unlock the cell and enter. I see, also, that she has finished the food.

“Good,” I say, as he looks up at me.

“Now, I need to get you ready for Dr White,” I tell her. “Take off your smock and drawers,” I instruct her.

Tabitha hesitates only slightly before doing as I have asked. Moments later, she stands in front of me, naked. Despite everything thing that happened, earlier, she still instinctively tries to cover herself with her hands.

I look at her and I feel my cock stir. In reality, I could probably do whatever I wish with her and there would be no consequences. Even if I do not take advantage of it, it is a strange feeling to have such power over another human being.

“Don’t worry, I won’t harm you,” I reassure her. I see her relax a little.

“I need to wash you … down there,” I tell her.

“But I’m already clean!” she protests.

“That is as maybe,” I reply, “But I have instructions from Dr White. And, like you, it is not wise for me to ignore his instructions.”

Tabitha seems to understand.

“Bend over and put your hands on the bench and spread your legs,” I instruct her.

Again, she hesitates only momentarily and then does as I have instructed her.

I look at her anus and vulva, fully exposed to me. I notice a trace of faeces around her sphincter.

To be honest, I’ve never before had the opportunity to examine the female genitalia so closely. Not even my wife would expose herself to me so fully. I cannot help but to be aroused. My cock grows to a full erection.

Despite my previous determination, otherwise, I cannot help but take some gratification from the situation.

“Do you touch yourself, Tabitha?” I ask.

She doesn’t answer.

“Do you touch yourself? Like Dr White and Reverend Gaunt touched you earlier?” I ask, again.

“Sometimes,” Tabitha admits, her voice shaking. And then I have a thought.

“Did you and the other girls touch each other when you were in the woods?” I ask.

A hesitation. Then she answers, “Yes.”

My cock responds immediately.

I put my hand between her legs and finder clit. I flick it lightly.

“Did you touch each other like this?”

“Yes,” I can hear the shame in her reply.

I stimulate her clit, further, circling it with my finger and then lightly brushing the tip.

“And does it feel good?” I ask. “Did it feel good when Dr White and Reverend Gaunt did it to you, earlier? Does it feel good when I do it to you?”

“Yes,” she replies, “But it feels better when you do it,” she tells me.

“Are you going to fuck me?” she asks, directly.

Am I? There’s not a lot to stop me.

But I reply, “No.” That would be a step too far.

Then she asks, “Is Dr White going to fuck me?”

I pause before answering.

“I don’t know,” I answer, honestly.

“But let’s get you ready. We shouldn’t keep him waiting,” I add, leaving us both a little frustrated.

I take a cloth and wet one end of it and use it to wipe her anus. Tabitha gasps as I penetrate her sphincter a little, to make sure that it is clean. I then use the other end of the cloth to dry her.

When I am done, I say, “Right you can get up, now. Put on your smock. It’s time to go.”

[Comments and feedback welcome – here or by chat or DMs.]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lv4ys0/mmm_ffff_the_devils_work_part_ten

1 comment

  1. I’m excited to see what awaits Tabitha in Dr. White’s quarters!!

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