[MF] Feels like the First Time Part 3

If this is the first entry you have found, here are the links for [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lrn52p/mf_it_feels_like_the_first_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lt5wk3/mf_feels_like_the_first_time_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). This is the piece part to this memory. Thank you for reading and commenting.

M: Good morning

J: Good morning

M: How would you like you eggs?

J: Scrambled please. Oh, and do I smell bacon?

M: Yes ma’am. Would you like some coffee, milk or OJ?

J: Coffee.

M: After last night I’m going to need a lot of it.

J: Did they come back last night?

M: No, but Charles texted me her address. They’re there. I’ll take you over after breakfast if you want.

J: I’m sorry you have to do that.

M: It’s all good.

She just smiled as I handed her, her cup of coffee.

M: I know she’s your ride back to school but seeing as you won’t be leaving until tomorrow afternoon, you’re welcome to stay here. No strings attached. The guest room is made up and the pup would gladly keep you company.

J: Really? Is that ok?

M: Sure, I don’t have a high opinion of your friend. I’m pretty pissed at mine to say the least.

J: Yeah, she’s never been this way, at least not around me. Though I guess I could say the same thing about me.

M: Let’s get your stuff after breakfast and those two can do whatever.

J: What if I want to stay in your room?

M: You might hurt my pup’s feelings.

J: Is that so?

M: She’s rather sensitive like that.

J: Mmhmm… What if I want to spend more time with her owner?

M: You’d have to negotiate with her, but I wouldn’t say no.

She has crossed the kitchen during out chat and kissed me.

M: I’m going to burn the eggs!

She walked back to the table and happened to see something she needed to pick up. She was completely naked under my shirt. The site of her muscular thighs, hips and ass created a bit of an uncomfortable situation in my pants.

The rest of the day was spent at my house. The weather was nice enough to grill burgers for lunch. It took a lot of negotiating to keep Jen in her clothes. She had become insatiable. By bedtime, I had all but given up.

M: Alright, here are the rules.

J: Rules?

M: You will do as I say, when I say, or you sleep in the guest bed alone.

J: What if I don’t want to?

M: Then I’ll drop you at your friends.

J: No! Ok, but I’ve never done this kind of thing before?

M: What?

J: Dom/Sub.

M: This isn’t that, but I can take it there if you think you can handle that.

J: No, I’m not comfortable with that.

M: Ok. Just follow the rules and we’re good.

We went up to bed and stripped.

M: Lay beside me and kiss me. No roaming hands.

She did as she was told. We lay there and kissed. I ached but no wasn’t really an option.

M: Alright now lay back. I’m going to eat you, but this time it’s going to be different. I want you to relax and just go with it. Don’t think, don’t react just listen to your body.

Again, I kissed a trail down her stomach. That always seemed to relax her. This time I had her put her legs on my shoulders as I started gently kissing her glistening lips.

She moaned with pleasure as I slowly worked my way down to her hole. I could see how red she was. I did my best to stay away from the most agitated areas. Then I slowly made my way to her asshole. She tensed up completely.

J: What’re you…

I cut her off.

M: Just relax and listen to your body. Stop thinking.

I reached up and teased her nipple as I lightly tongued her hole. She still didn’t relax.

M: Breath. I won’t hurt you I promise.

It took several minutes before I felt her muscles relaxing and her hole start to pucker. That was about the same time I heard the first moan.

J: Ohhh…that feels good.

M: Just relax.

J: Are you going to stick anything up there?

M: Not unless you want me too. Just my tongue for now ok.

And with that she relaxed again. I teased and tongue fucked her ass until my jaw hurt. She had melted in my bed in a way she didn’t know she could. I rested my jaw while I gently thumbed her asshole.

I didn’t try to m penetrate her just some provided gentle stimulation as I gently kissed her clit. That sent her over the top. She cried out and spasmed hard. I removed my thumb and slid up to kiss her.

J: I didn’t…wow. That was intense.

M: I thought you’d like that.

J: I’ve tried playing back there. I have one of those jeweled plugs, but it never did anything for me.

M: Sometimes we need a little extra help first.

J: Do you like anal?

M: I do. I enjoy all kinds of anal play not just the sex part.

J: Are you going to want to do that with me?

M: That all depends on what you want to do or try. I enjoy it, but that doesn’t mean you will. What we did might be your limit or maybe you decide you don’t want to do it again. It’s up to you.

J: You wouldn’t hate me or not call me?

M: Not at all. Being old has its benefits sometimes. I’ve learned my limits. How to set boundaries and more how to respect them. I’ve also learned how to listen.

J: Ok, but what if I want you to?

M: Then we take it slow. Anal is not something you can jump into. Your first time can make or break it. So, if you decide you want to try, we can start that process but that’s not a decision you need to make tonight.

J: Thank you.

I got up and cleaned up then headed back to bed.

J: Can I please make you cum?

M: I’d like that, but I’d prefer we wait until tomorrow. I’m really sore and I can tell you are too.

J: Ok, I just want to make you feel good too.

M: I know you do. Let’s get some sleep. No late night shenanigans this time.

J: Ok.

I gave her a big kiss and snuggled her. She fell asleep as I gently stroked her hair. I wasn’t far behind her.

This time she let me sleep. Again, I woke up before her and went downstairs to make coffee and breakfast.

I finished up breakfast before she had made it downstairs. I hadn’t heard her moving around so I made her a plate and poured her a cup of coffee. I brought it up to her.

She was awake and furiously texting on her phone.

M: What’s up?

J: My friend wants to leave earlier than planned.

M: Oh, well that’s ok. When does she want to leave?

J: She’s on her way over.

M: Oh…. Well at least eat something and take a quick shower before she gets here.

J: This is unfair!

M: Relax, maybe we can see each other again soon.

J: Our college is in Missouri and she’s the only ride I have to come up here. If she isn’t coming up, then I’m stuck.

M: Oh, maybe we can figure something out.

J: You could come visit for a weekend.

M: Yeah…no. I’m not going to be that guy. We could meet somewhere or find a way to get you up here.

J: I guess so. I just, I haven’t met anyone like you, and I want to keep seeing you.

M: We’ll figure something out. Just eat and shower.

She did, reluctantly as I tried my best to keep her calm. We said our goodbyes they hit the road.

We kept in touch for a few months but life and work just didn’t allow me to see her again. We had some skype fun, but in the end it wasn’t going to happen. That was a weekend I will never forget for a number of reasons.

Thank you reading and have a great week.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lvfogh/mf_feels_like_the_first_time_part_3


  1. Yes, you will never forget but for her with it being her first time, my guess is that it was orders of magnitude more memorable for her, especially since you treated her with class, grace and respect. That set the bar high and gave her a standard for all of what to expect from men on how to be treated in future relationships!

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