Just Lay Back, I’ll Do The Rest. [FF] [SubDom] [Intimate] [Long]

*Another request by u/big_gay27. I hope I did your imagination justice :)*

I met Jennifer when we were in 8th grade and we’ve been inseparable ever since. Instantly, we clicked and became the best of friends.

On my 17th birthday (I’m a little older than she is), she gave me our first kiss, as we liked each other for a while at this point. And on her 18th, I told her I loved her.

It’s almost July now. We just graduated high school, we’ve grown very close together, and my life with her was good.

I was pretty shy when it came to sexual stuff. I grew up in a guarded home where sex wasn’t talked about a lot, so I had no idea where to start. Like most teenagers, I got curious one day and looked up porn. That’s where I discovered masturbation and decided to try it for myself. It was good, don’t get me wrong. But among all of the videos I’ve watched, I’ve seen girls together and wanted to try it for myself. Masturbating just wasn’t the same. I wanted a girl in my arms to try all of this stuff with.

That was when I met Jennifer.

Jennifer, unlike me, is very comfortable with talking about sex and all of that stuff. She’s had sex with both girls and guys, but said she preferred girls since guys weren’t easily dominated and that was the kinda girl she was. She talks to me about it all the time and barely gets two sexy words out of me aside from “mhm” and “nice.”

Don’t judge…I’m not used to this…

One day, however, I got a random spark of confidence that burned inside me. And I told her something that I’ve wanted to for a long time.

“I want you to take my virginity.” I said. I buried my face in my hands and could barely look at her. I was kinda embarrassed to say it.

“…you do?”

I nodded timidly.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong,” she said, “I would love to. But, out of respect for you, I need you to think about this first. Really think. Am I the person you want to do that?”

“Of course you are!” I said, kind of frustrated she even asked. “I’ve grown closer to you than I have with anyone. I love you more than anything, and I’m positive that you’re the one I want to do it with.”

She thought about it. Hard. She looked back up at me.

“Here’s the thing…” she said. She scooted closer to me and placed her hands on my facing, stroking my cheeks with her thumbs. “I feel like, since I’d be your first, that you’d eventually be sick of me and want someone else. I don’t. I only want to be with you, Kyla. Only you.”

My knees weakened every time she spoke my name. Thank goodness we were sitting down.

I kissed her softly and looked into her eyes

“I’m never going to get sick of you. If anything, I’m worried you’ll get sick of *me*. I’m probably not gonna be very good, and since you’ve had a little experience, you’re gonna expect too much out of me and I’m not gonna be able to meet your expectations”

“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day.” She said. “I could never.”


She held out her pinkie, and I locked it with mine. I laid down, head on her lap, and closed my eyes

“I love you, Jennie.”

“I love you too, Kyla”

I fell asleep in her arms.

I awoke on the couch with a pillow under my head, a blanket over me, and a note resting by my hand. I picked it up and read it.

“It was getting late and you know how your mom doesn’t like anyone over past 11. Sorry. If it helps, I’ll see you later today. Hopefully it’s as good as you want it to be. Maybe more…


The J had a little heart drawn next to it.

What did she mean when she said “hopefully it’s as good as you want it to be”?

Then it dawned on me…

Today was Saturday. That meant it was poker night, which meant my parents were gone at 7 and won’t be back until maybe 3 in the morning, too drunk to care about anything.

Which meant we had the house to ourselves.

We were going to have sex tonight.

I got up from the couch. My heart was pumping with excitement, accompanied with an intense fear that made me want to vomit. I had never shown a girl my naked body before and I’ve never seen a girl’s naked body either. Not even the locker rooms at public pools, where women just decide to have their tits hang out to half wash the smell of chlorine off of their bodies. I was terrified of that and always showered when I got home.

Speaking of which, I needed to be clean. I needed to be presentable. It was my first time, of course. And dammit, it was gonna be special if I had a say in it.

I got in the shower and went over every square inch of my body. Twice. I lathered my long, black hair with my best smelling shampoo, and when I got out of the shower, I used the best smelling deodorant I could find. I felt like a whole new woman. I was ready.


Physically, I was ready to go. But mentally, not so much. I knew deep down that it was gonna be great, but I was still terrified. I was starting to sweat from nervousness, undoing my hard work in the shower. I tried breathing exercises to calm myself down, which only helped a little. I tried to get my mind off of things, so I went down to my room and watched TV. That seemed to help, so that’s what I did for a while.

7 o’clock. My parents knocked on my door and opened it slightly

“Hey, we’re about to head out. Do you need anything before we go?”

“Nope, all good.”

“Okay. Well, have fun. Don’t get into too much trouble. And remember, you can’t have anyone over.”

“I know, mom.”

“Okay. Love you, bye”

“Love you too. Bye”

I was once again reminded about Jennifer. My heart began to pound again, but I wasn’t sweating as much. I checked my phone and a text from Jennifer showed up.

“When are your parents leaving?”

I responded

“They just did ;)”

“Perfect. I’ll see you in 20”

“Can’t wait!”

I decided to calm my nerves by watching porn. It didn’t exactly help in the way that I wanted to, since that’s all I could think about. The time was flying by too fast. I didn’t feel ready enough.

I heard a faint knock upstairs. She was here. The text on my phone that she sent me only confirmed it.

I opened the door, and there she was. She wore a blue hoodie, plain black leggings, and was carrying a small bag.

“Hey there, cutie!” She said, leaning in for a kiss. If anything, the kiss helped calm my nerves more than the porn. Much more.

She closed the door behind her and looked me in the eyes

“How are you feeling? Do you still want to do this?”

I buried my face in her chest

“I don’t know. I’m scared. I have no clue what I’m doing and I’m scared I’m gonna fuck it up.”

She grabbed my face with one hand, squeezing my cheeks together in the process

“That’s what *I’m* here for, silly.”

She began to kiss me passionately. We’ve never kissed like this before. It was an exciting, new experience and it was beginning to calm me down.

She released her hand from my face and placed both of them on my ribs, just below my breasts. They slowly crept down my back, stroking me lightly, until they rested on my ass and gave me a big squeeze.

I gasped slightly. She giggled a little and held out the handbag. I tried looking inside, but a white towel was blocking my view.

“No peeking” she said. “Here, hold this, and then wrap your arms around me.”

An odd request, but I obliged. She grabbed my thighs, just below my ass, and hoisted me upward. I wrapped my legs around her hips and held on tightly to her and the bag. This was easy for her, as she was slightly bigger than average (not overweight, but just…bigger. It’s hard to explain), and I was kinda petite. I was thin, but definitely still had meat on my bones. Regardless, she was able to hold me with ease

She carried me down to my room, while she continued making out with me. I’m just happy neither of us fell, otherwise that would’ve ruined the mood.

She laid me backwards on my bed and I laid the bag next to me. She kissed away from my lips, working on my cheeks, jaw, and neck. Fuck, I wanted her. I wanted her bad.

“You know, this shirt is only getting in the way…” she said, tugging at the hem at the bottom of my T shirt and slowly pulling it up. I grabbed her wrist and stopped her

“You first”

She grinned.

“How about together? Sound good?”

I shrugged

“That wasn’t a no…”


“Ready?” Her hands were at the bottom of her shirt. I could tell *she* was ready, but I was still nervous.



I still waited for her shirt to come off before I even tried. When I had taken it off, however, I was greeted with a beautiful sight. Jennifer’s boobs. Maybe C or D cups, somewhere in that range. They were shaped beautifully, just like I imagined them to be. She looked down at my, well…smaller boobs and her reaction was better than I expected. Her jaw practically dropped.

“Wow. You didn’t tell me you had these pretty things under there.”

“I thought that was a given” I replied, her sexy talk completely going over my head. She kinda chuckled a little bit and said “silly girl”

She pushed me backward and kissed me more, grabbing into the waistband of my panties and short shorts simultaneously.

“See, all of these clothes are just in the way! It’s so unfortunate!” She said, kidding my stomach and slowly working her way down. Eventually she slid the shorts and panties off (I helped by moving my butt off the bed a little) and let them fall to the floor. I was now fully naked, aside from my socks. It felt great.

She held onto my socks around my ankles

“You wanna keep these on?”


“Okay, anything for you”

She stood up in front of my bed and pulled her leggings down, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties. She was perfectly shaved (I wasn’t, and felt slightly embarrassed), and her thigh gap gave me a good view of her (practically shining wet) pussy.

“You know, I think I’ll keep my socks on too, just so you’re not alone.” She winked at me, and then motioned to the bag. “Take a look inside.”

I leaned over to the bag, removed the towel on the top, and looked inside. I found two items: a pink silicone strap on, and a white vibrator. My heart practically leapt out of my chest. I was beyond excited for what was about to happen. She held her hand out with her palm up.

“Hand it to me.”

“Which one?”

“Surprise me.”

I gave her the strap-on.

“Ooo good choice, sweetie”

Sweetie? There’s a reason I’m in love with this girl.

She put the dildo on and tightened the numerous straps around her hips and ass (lemme tell you, this girl had enough cake for a birthday party. But like, not too much. Perfectly round as all asses should be). The 7 inch long dildo now hung from her hips. It looked like, well, a good time. I was excited.

She got on top of me.

“Now, have you ever been penetrated by anything?”

“Only my fingers”

“Well, then, since this is much bigger than your fingers, this might hurt a little. I just wanted to warn you.”

“Well, if it hurts, then why do it?”

“Oh, because the pleasure feels so much better. It *overpowers* the pain. And there’s not even that much pain. You have nothing to worry about, okay Kyla?”


She held out her pinkie. I locked it with hers and she leaned in for a kiss.

“Now, let’s spread these *very nice* legs apart so I can get to that beautiful pussy.”


She opened my legs and gazed at it.

“Oh yes. It’s perfect.”

I blushed a little.

She leaned over and grabbed the towel from the bag and layed it under me.

“Just in case things get too messy, you can never be too careful. It also helps to place a pillow under your back so you’re more elevated and I can reach you better.”

“A pillow? I didn’t even think about that”

“Not many people do until they try it out.”

Once everything was in place, she scooted close to me. Our legs were touching now, which felt intimate and sweet. She placed the tip of the dildo on the opening of my vagina. She didn’t place it in just yet

“Now, I want you to do something for me, okay?”

I got up on my elbows, about ready to help her do the work. She placed a hand on my chest and pushed me down

“Uh uh, you stay there. Just lay back, I’ll do the work.”

“Yes, Jennie”

“Good. Now, I want you to do something, okay?”

“And what is that?”

“I want you to cum for me. You’re going to feel amazing while I’m doing this. You’re gonna wanna tense up, but you just need to let loose. Let the orgasm overcome you. Then, I want you to do it again. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, Jennie”


She worked the dildo around my whole and began to place it in. She was very gentle for me and worked it very slowly, giving my pussy time to get used to it as it went in. Eventually, my body accepted it and it slid all the way in

“Oh fuck” I said in surprise. I wasn’t expecting that feeling, nor for it to feel good. It didn’t exactly hurt, it just felt uncomfortable. Only a little though. She continued. Eventually, the thrusts got faster and the dildo slid in easier each time. Oh, it felt incredible. I looked up at her and saw that she was looking directly at my face. We made direct eye contact, despite my urge to close my eyes and just bask in the pleasure. But Jennie was beautiful. Too beautiful not to look at.

“You’re gorgeous, sweetie” she said. “Your facial expressions make me feel warm inside, because I know that you enjoy it.”

Fuck, I love her so much.

I could feel myself getting close. I was swelling and could feel myself getting wetter. Then I came hard enough to crack a walnut. At least that’s how it felt. My pussy squeezing the dildonwith each contraction felt wonderful.

“Oh fuck yessss that’s exactly what I wanted, sweetie”

“Oh I’m happy to hear that, my love”

Ugh, this girl keeps coming up with things to say that make my heart flutter.

She pulled the vibrator out of the bag (battery powered. Fancy, I know) and switched it on. The hum of it made me leak a little. My throbbing, tingling clit was so ready for it. She placed it on and I squirmed with pleasure.

“Here, hold that there. Okay?”

“…uh…huh” I said between gasps of intense pleasure. I gripped the vibrator tightly and Jennifer continued to fuck me hard. She picked up speed instantly and held my hand down so I wouldn’t be tempted to remove the vibrator from the overload.

The orgasm came (pun intended) much faster than the first time. I think I even squirted a little, since there was a wet spot on the towel that Jennifer was very smart to recommend. Honestly, it was kind of a haze. The situation was too intense. I just remember a tingling clit, slightly sore hole, VERY sensitive genitalia, and screaming through the whole thing from the pleasure.

As first times go, this was probably the best.

“I think I came, Jennie.” I said.

“You think? Honey, you practically exploded on me. It was fucking amazing.”

I held my arms out and she carefully placed her face in them. I stroked her cheeks and looked at her beautiful eyes.

“Sorry you couldn’t cum with me, baby”

“It’s okay, Kyla. I don’t mind the work.”

“Come here.”

She leaned down and kissed me softly. We stayed that way for a moment and I looked into her eyes.

“Thank you, Jennie girl. It was all I could ever ask for.”

“I’m glad. Never leave me, okay?”

I held out my pinkie. She locked it with hers.

“I love you, baby”

“I love you too”

Thanks so much for reading, guys. Hopefully you were able to enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I’m not exactly savvy in the Dom/Sub field, so I just did what I do best and added an intimate twist to it?

Once again, I still take requests. I don’t have any right now, so I’m totally open to take them. Also, reminder that part 3 to our favorite two girls Allie and Hayley is out now. Go give it some love.

I love you guys!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lv1emj/just_lay_back_ill_do_the_rest_ff_subdom_intimate

1 comment

  1. Yeah, I think I might have a thing for girls in short shorts. Blame it on my first girlfriend I guess. Thighs for DAYS

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