Don’t Move [M/Monster] [Erotic Horror] [Handjob]

Bide had lain in bed so long he was afraid to look at the clock. He didn’t want to know just how little sleep he would gain tonight. So if he must suffer, he would rather do it in ignorance.

His hands knew their duty at this time of night, especially when sleep evaded him. They made their slow familiar journey beneath the covers and then under the waistband of his underwear. There might not be enough time for decent sleep, but there was always time for this. They set to their slow pleasurable task and for the first time tonight he closed his eyes.

“Do not move.”

And he froze, but only because his heart had momentarily failed to supply his body with blood from sheer terror. Wild-eyed he searched the inky blackness of his bedroom. With what little green light the digital display of his alarm clock provided he saw nothing, but his ears had not made a mistake. Someone had spoken, and they where close. He tilted his head up ever so slightly. His closet door had been opened, but there was nobody inside. As he peered into to dark walk-in, the sound of a plug being pulled out of the wall extinguished what little light the room had, as well as his hope.

Weak with terror, blind and alone in the dark with the intruder, Bide summoned what strength he had to push the blankets off. He didn’t know where the door was exactly but this room was no longer safe and he could not stay here. Then someone grabbed his wrist in an iron vice. Confronted with the intruder Bide thrashed and waved at where he felt their face would be, but they where not above him. The hand hand grabbed him from below his bed and now held him to the mattress by the wrist. Despite it’s strength he could tell it was indeed a hand. Needly sharp nails dug into his skin deeper as he thrashed, but lessened when he slowed.

“Stop!” He shouted.

Whoever they where, they where under his bed. Bide made to swing his legs over the side and drag them out, but another hand hand gripped his ankle in it’s unmoving grasp. One after another, the sound of hands rising up from beneath the bed came until every limb had been immobilized. And still more came, dozens of hands but with one warning voice. It was no longer a choice, Bide couldn’t move, whatever this thing was had gotten close enough to immobilize him completely and now a last pair of free hands ran over the blanket, over his body.

Their reach was as uncanny as their strength. With his best efforts Bide tried to hold the image of a person under his bed in his mind, and not what his senses now tormented him with. One of the hands stopped at his heart, it would no doubt tear it from his chest, but then this horrible night would end. But without compassion the thing did not dig it’s claws into his chest, it only rested it’s hand there as his heart hammers against his ribcage. Bide had given up speaking, whatever it was it either didn’t understand him or it simply would not go away with words alone.

A hand ran over his face and he jerked his face away from the seductively soft skin of its fingers. But it was patient, after all, it’s prey was now helpless. Finally his neck grew tired and the fingers found his face. With the much more sensitive skin he could make them out with unfortunately visceral detail. The digits where long and slender and each had a insidiously hooked talon which the thing kept away from his tenderly vunerable skin. It could have torn the flesh from his bones, but it instead explored him. It touched his cheekbones, his jawline and mouth. It payed special attention to his bottom lip, rubbing small circles in the tender flesh.

Bide felt his heart slow at the unexpectedly tender ministrations of this thing, and the hand on his chest went lower. Now his heart sped up to the same speed as before, but for an entirely different reason. The thing soon found the area on the blanket that concealed his cock. The covers where thick but the monster now traced the outline of his hardening cock through the blankets. The hand on his face left, there was a squelching sticky squishing sound. The fingers returned and touched his lips, now covered in some kind of obscenely warm ooze. They rubbed it into his lips and they tingled. Perhaps if he appeased the thing it would leave just as quietly as it arrived.

Bide opend his mouth as the thing stroked his soft cock through the blankets with mysteriously stong desire. The fingers quickly went inside and rubbed the slimy sweet grool onto his tounge. For a brief moment he thought of wounding the thing, if only to spite it before he died, but it’s actions whispered it’s own intentions. Bide wrapped his lips around the coated fingers and sucked. The hand on his hardening cock rewarded him with a squeeze.

“Do not move.”

Then the claws dug into the blanket. Bide involuntarily bit the fingers in his mouth as he heard razor sharp claws make rags of the blankets and sheets only a hair’s breadth away from his most vunerable parts. But when the tearing stopped he was unharmed, and his cock laid bare to the nocturnal intruder. The thing continued to feed him that strangely delicious slime as another ooze covered hand slid down the length of his cock.

Now completely galvanized with desire, his cock stood proudly in the dark air of the room as a slime covered hand pleasured him. The tingling seeped deep down into his skin and rendered the sensitive flesh even more so. Bide sucked the fingers and moaned as the pace quickened with deliberation. The thing would stop intermittently to retrieve more slime from it’s unknown warm source, but would take longer and longer to return to it’s stroking. Bide found himself desperately sucking at the strange fingers if only to encourage a hasty return from the hand pleasuring his cock.

When it returned from it’s overlong absence and slide it’s firm grip over his head once more. Bide felt his cum rise up. The hand clamped down to the base of his cock, cruly halting any progress his now failed orgasm had made. His cock jerked, Bide moaned in frustration but the cum stayed inside him. Only when the dry twitches had stopped did the hand continue it’s ponderous stroking once more.

“Please” Bide quietly begged as fingers slid another batch of the addictive slime in his mouth.

Without warning the hand sped up to a mind bending pace. Now completely desperate and sensitized to even the gentlest pleasure, Bides hips bucked to the hand’s rythim. His balls tightened, his toes curled, his mouth opened wide in a silent pained groan of ecstacy. When the first shot came out it took a few seconds before the thick splattering cum fell down onto him. Then the hand sealed his cock closed in another vice-like grip. His cock desperately tried to fire it’s second load but only when the hand relented did it get to. This one as well took a great deal of time to land.

It would seal him closed between pulses. Only when another practically sky worthy shot hand built up did the hand allow him to release it. The torturous halting pleasure lasted for what seemed like hours until his cock was dribbling it’s meager reserves onto his belly.

To his reluctance, one by one the hands released him. He heard them slither back into the dark recesses of their origin from under his bed. Bide wondered if he had done something to offend it. Had he cum too quickly? How could anyone be expected to withhold an orgasm from so deftly erotic an assault? It left without another word save for one.

A hand touched his forehead, tenderly, and the intruder spoke one last time.


With that final command Bide drifted away, a content smile on his face.



  1. This right here is the love-child of my two most favorite things in the world. I hope you like it as much as I do. I have something bigger, but I wanted to test the waters with this when I saw how long my other story was getting.

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