Breaking her bubble [FM/FFM(?)][Anal][Creampie][Voyeur][Roommate]

*When I shared my memories and my best times, one thing always seem to come back a little more than others. I often think about it, I often try to picture what more could have happened and I do regret for not getting more out of the moment.*


I’m very fond of this story and allow me to share it with you.

It was back in university, almost half a decade ago. I had just finished my bachelor’s degree in nursing and started working. I wanted to really build up some savings before putting a down payment on a house, so I kept renting in the university district.

I posted on the uni forum to look for a roommate and very quickly found one. After all, it was so close to campus and it was so cheap. I wasn’t very picky about my roommate since I’m very outgoing, so I could get along with almost anybody. I literally went into my inbox, scrolled up and down super quickly and randomly clicked a message. I really didn’t want to put a sliver of effort in roommate hunting. For all I know, that person could have been the new Führer or something.

But she wasn’t. She was normal. Abnormally normal. She was in her undergrad in psychology. She was pretty … I guess. The very normal kind of pretty. Shoulder length dark hair and big geeky framed glasses. She always wore long sleeves and long pants, almost like she was trying to hide her body. The most particular thing is: I couldn’t bond with her. We did not **not** get along, but we just simply never clicked. I think I couldn’t even remember her name for the first couple of months when I wanted to introduce her to my friends.

Living at the apartment had become … *boring*. We awkwardly smiled to each other when we crossed in the hallway. She loved sitting in front of the TV watching some geeky/cerebral movies and I loved going out with my friends. After all, I worked in a highly stress-inducing environment, I often needed to blow off some steam. She didn’t seem to have many friends either. I seldom heard her on the phone or talking to anybody for that matter. On the rare occasions when we talked, I learned that she had one ex boyfriend who she loved very much, but the douchebag cheated on her when he went to Amsterdam. After that, her confidence was shattered and she can’t seem to get close to anyone. She’s the shy type, any time I even mentioned sex or dating she would blush visibly. I did feel bad for her, but at the same time, we weren’t very close and my life was very plentiful and busy, so I didn’t dwell on this.

Three or four months go by, the awkward smiles didn’t improve. When I couldn’t go out or when my boyfriend couldn’t visit me on my day off, the days were getting excruciatingly long. I still wasn’t anywhere close to her. Sometimes I try to start a conversation and she just simply nods or gives a two-word answer. I was getting frustrated. I was the one making all efforts to try to get to know each other! We signed a yearly contract and I don’t plan on moving out anytime soon, we had to learn how to be in each other’s company.

I didn’t know if all this lack of enthusiasm was a simply born of apathy, indifference or a personality trait, but it was starting to grind my gears. I became a little passive-aggressive, I put my things down with a little less care, I started to let the dishes pile up (even if I **hated** that as a cleaning maniac)… but no response. She’d just do the dishes and take some time to put everything back to order. I gave up my attempts after a while. I told myself maybe this girl was simply unbreakable, or broken somehow.

Until the fated day of Halloween. The day everybody gets to dress up as somebody they’re not to have some unbridled fun. The faculty where my boyfriend was a professor held a Halloween party. I knew my roommate wouldn’t want to come with, so I didn’t even bother asking her.

I got to meet some of my boyfriend’s friends and colleagues. My big handsome dork dressed up as a big syringe, because he was teaching virology at the university and his students dared him. I didn’t get time to shop for costumes, so I threw on a now-that-I-think-about-it very slutty skirt and some bunny ears I found in my closet. The party went on pretty late, we all had our fair share of inebriation. We decided to call it quits around 3AM, just before all the Ubers have 4x their normal fare. We said our goodbyes and decided to head to my apartment which was much closer than his.

I tried to be as quiet as possible when we got close to my apartment door. As we approached, I heard faint voices from the TV and knew she was still awake. I turned my key and pushed the door open and there she was, carefree and comfortably set on the couch in an eggshell sweater and her sweatpants, knees clenched at her chest, enjoying her late night HBO binge. And yet again there it was, that tiny awkward smile when we came in and the slightest movement from her hand, which was her timid way of saying hi.

Maybe it was the drinks, maybe it was the few puffs of weed, maybe it’s all my pent up frustration from the past couple of months, but right there and then, I decided to do something and break this Titanic-sized ice between us. I threw my keys on the table and kicked off my heels. I looked her straight in the eye and called my boyfriend. He was taking off the ridiculous syringe costume and changing into normal clothing.

“What’s up, babe?” he asked as he approached my side. My eyes were still dead set on my roommate, who was glancing at us with some reservation.

“Stand here,” I ordered as I placed him in front of me, right in front of our living room table, in plain sight of my roommate. Never breaking eye contact her for even a second, I knelt down. It was frankly very surprising that she was still looking at me with intrigue and not at the TV, which was playing *Westworld*, if I remember correctly. With my stare still in a deadlock with her big brown eyes, I started to undo the belt loop on my knees.

“Wow wow wow babe, what are you doing?!” My boyfriend hissed while hesitantly trying to push me away. He did honestly look confused, but when I gave him a signal with the tilt of my head, he understood the unspoken message and knew to shut up and let it happen.

I pulled the belt off the loops and opened the zipper of his trousers. Even in the slight confusion, he was already getting hard. I dragged down his underwear and let his cock fall out. *She was still looking*, absolutely petrified, the long sleeve of her top covered her hand, which she put right in front of mouth. I took a moment to gaze into her eyes and made sure she was still watching. With no further hesitation, put the whole cock down my throat.

My boyfriend writhed and his head leaned back. He knew how good it felt. He put his hands in my hair and guided my passionate sucking. He was utterly enjoying the moment. It was a little different for me, I was half doing it to send a message. I was still staring at her with my dark green eyes. She didn’t even move a hair, but she was watching alright. Her TV show still played in the background, yet I knew that’s not where her attention was.

I did not pull any punches. I let my tongue do the work and created a warm haven for his cock within my mouth. I let all my spit drool down my chin, my neck and down into my revealing top. The bunny ears from my costume still on my head, wiggling to the back-and-forth action of my cockcleaning frenzy. She was looking with intent, but she was still as a rock, did not move so much as an inch.

I was still trying to get a reaction out of her. I went off even harder. I held onto my man’s butt and forced myself down his cock, until his balls were at my lower lips. I made myself cry with all the internal gagging. My tears dropped down my cheeks as I caressed his balls with my tongue. I stared at her with my teary eyes and yet, *nothing*. Same position, knees at her chest and sleeve in front of mouth.

I stood up, gasping for air. Tears were running down my face, dragging the carbon coloured stain of my mascara with them. Her gaze followed. I could tell she was trembling ever so slightly. She was looking up at me. I knew I had to bring out the big guns to break her. I reached underneath my skirt, hooked my g-string with my pinky and dragged it down. My garter still held my thigh highs as I took a wider stance, spreading my thighs and plump cheeks. I held out my tongue and ran my left hand over it, wetting my palm and my fingers with the sloppy mess made by all the throating. I bent over forward and leaned on the table, I reached over to my tight asshole and fingered it a little to lube it up.

“In my ass, honey,” I commanded again. I heard no complaint from my boyfriend. After all, why would he? It was his favorite. *Her eyes widened.* She finally let her her dark eyes shine. They were gorgeous, I have never noticed the sparks in her eyes until that very moment. She held her position and probably held her breath too. My mouth widened and let out an audible moan as his throbbing cock pierced through my ass. I leaned even further and let my elbows rest on the table for a more comfortable position. I had to find a way to reduce friction, because let’s be honest, saliva is hot but it doesn’t do the banger job that lube does.

My boyfriend was really taking his role in this very seriously. He tore the bunny ears away, grabbed a generous fistful of my hair and yanked my head backwards. I was biting my lower lip from the momentary pain, but my head in this position was perfect to look straight into my roommate’s eyes. One hand was holding my hair and the other was grabbing onto the garter belt around my waist, he thrusted into me with carnal passion. It was hurting me quite a bit, but I didn’t much care. I wanted to break my roommate. Because that night was decisive, either we kept the awkward tension forever or we broke all the barriers at once.

As my boyfriend groaned louder and louder, his member filled up my hole more and more. The fucking felt better, I guess all the precum was leaking and really lubed up the place. I could feel his massive quads twitching, I knew he was close. He wasn’t the only one twitching though, my roommate was barely containing herself. Her knees in front of her chest were rapidly becoming a less stable support for her elbows. Her previous episode had ended and HBO’s autoplay had rambled onto the next. *Westworld*’s chilling intro played as I felt a sudden halt in my ass. His warm load emptied inside me as he clenched his fist even harder onto my hair. He growled as he finished, his cock still pulsating, making my asshole feel every fiber.

I pulled away from him and knelt down again. I knew how my man liked it. I had to suck it clean. My roommate was definitely enjoying this show. She never stopped watching, even if it meant she had potentially missed an enormous cliffhanger from the last episode. I looked at her as a I applied suction with the inside of my cheeks. The gentle stench of semen filled me up and made me feel so especially raunchy.

I glared over at her with his cock in my mouth, now tired and limp. I knew something had changed. She still held her pose, trembling like before, but I saw the stain on her sweatpants. The stain of humidity on her crotch had contrasted into a darker grey. It drenched her nether regions and by the subtle sound of friction it made with the leather, I could tell it created a little puddle underneath her. I was satisfied with my work.

I stood up again and wiped my face with my wrists. Mascara and lipstick tainting everything.

“Come on, babe,” I called my boyfriend gently yet in a firm voice, “let’s go to bed.”



*Life at the apartment drastically changed after that day. The next part will be in composition! Feedback is greatly appreciated!*




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