[MF] [mast] [first] CAUGHT BY HER PARENTS – Simply put, the day I got caught being jerked off by my girl’s dad!

**You can view the illustrated version of CAUGHT BY HER PARENTS at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

Okay, here’s the story. A girl named Candice and I had known each other for about two months when the event occurred. We’d both just turned 18 and had met down at the local public swimming pool one day over the summer, and we hit it off instantly.

Candice has long straight light red hair, green eyes is about 5’6″, and weighs around 120lbs. She isn’t really like a super-model or anything, but she has a smile that turned my knees to water when it was aimed in my direction. She’s awesome…

Anyway, school started about two weeks after we met. We both went to the same school, so I gave her a ride in the mornings and she usually went home with one of her friends in the afternoon. We really got to like each other as more than just friends. We started going to movies, out to eat, to school events, etc, as the school year moved on.

One day after school as I was walking through the school parking lot to my car, Candice walked up to me and asked if I could give her a ride home. She was wearing blue overalls and a white tee-shirt underneath. Apparently, her friend who usually gives her rides in the afternoon was sick that day.

I said sure, no problem, and so we jumped into my little old rusted red Honda and headed for Candice’s house. As we pulled into her driveway five minutes later, she noted that neither her dad’s car nor her mom’s car was in the driveway. She got an exciting little twinkle in her eyes and asked if I could come in and help her “study” for a math test she was taking the next day. Being the helpful friend that I am, I happily obliged.

As we walked in the doorway, I noticed two things. One, the house was big. And two, the house was really big. Massive spiral stairways, a giant indoor pool visible just down the hall, and a thirty-foot ceiling were some of the features that first caught my eye. She smiled that smile of hers and asked if I wanted the grand tour. I told her I’d love to see the rest of the house, so she proudly showed me many of the rooms and we ended up at her bedroom.

She asked if I was ready to study, and I said that sure I was, I just needed to know where her math book was. But before I knew what was going on, she pushed me down onto her bed and pressed her mouth to mine. We had kissed before, but this was totally different. As we kissed, she began removing her overalls.

My heartbeat quickened; I had never been in a sexual relationship with a girl before, so I was totally unsure what to do. I continued sucking on her tongue as she maneuvered her overalls and her tee-shirt off over her body and onto the floor.

Then she started taking my pants off, then tugged my shirt open, soon we were both laying on her bed in just our underwear. She stopped kissing me for a moment and slipped her cold hands down into my briefs, and my penis quickly gave her a standing ovation for her efforts.

She whipped out my stiff dick and promptly set to work on it with her hand. I had never felt such pleasure in my life. My brain felt as though it was gonna explode. the thought of my girlfriend handling my dick just made me crazy with lust.

All of the sudden, three things happened. I heard a loud thump just down the hall from Candice’s room; I started ejaculating through Candice’s closed hand; and her father, now home from work, flew into her bedroom.

It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. There stood her dad, staring at Candice and I, while I continued spurting my hot fluids all over Candice’s hand and the bed. I was frozen – unable to move as my body betrayed my lust for his daughter.

But as soon as I could catch my breath, I immediately grabbed my clothes and sprinted out of the room past Candice’s red-faced father and down to my car, setting a new land-speed record in the process.

The rest of my memories of that afternoon are still a bit blurred. I know I drove home half-naked, and I spent the rest of the day in my room waiting for “the call” to my parents.

Well, not exactly the whole day. That night my parents received THE not-so-friendly phone call from Candice’s dad, explaining exactly what had happened between his daughter and me.

Of course, even though my parents were a very forgiving couple, they grounded me for six weeks. I had to come home from school immediately every day, I could have none of my friends over, I couldn’t use my car other than for school, and I couldn’t use the computer.

Also, Candice’s parents threatened to take me to court for “raping” their daughter, though nothing ever came of it.

I have only seen Candice outside of school once or twice since that day, which was just under two years ago. We’re both afraid of the consequences. I dream about her a lot though, and she is my main fantasy while I masturbate at least twice a day.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lue8fn/mf_mast_first_caught_by_her_parents_simply_put