Post Pandemic Dream Sequence [FF]

It had been almost two years since we first met and then the pandemic started. I had regretted not kissing you that night we were talking for hours in your bedroom almost every day since, and now that you were finally on your way to meet me at this beautiful beach house in Goa, it was all I could think about. I did some last minute push ups to try and release some of the energy that was building up inside me but every time I slowly brought my chest to the floor I imaged you under me and it made things worse.

Finally I heard the doorbell ring. I took a deep breathe, exhaled and then put on my N95 mask before checking the peephole in the door. I could see that you were nervous, taking some last minute deep breathes of your own. I laughed and opened the door.

“Hiiii-” your excitement quickly turned to confusion as you went to greet me and I took a step back and said “Whoa whoa, we’ve gotta maintain social distance, the pandemic isn’t over yet”. I tried to milk this moment for a bit longer but your expression made me instantly crack up so I took my mask off as I closed the door and smiled. “I’m joking!!”

I remembered how many times you told me you loved my lips so I paused for a quick minute and watched you watch them curl into that smile as you registered what was going on before saying “Can I kiss you now??” “Please!”

We both leaned in so quickly, there was only a split second where I remember thinking how amazing you smelled, like the Ocean somehow, before I felt your lips, warm and wet on mine. We both stood still for a moment, lips locked, my hands on your hips and yours on either side of my face. “Mmm” I heard you quiety in between slow soft kisses. My hands went into the back pockets of your jeans and yours into my hair as our bodies moved into each other without thinking.

I broke the kiss to look into your eyes and ask “You trust me?” You were a little stunned but shook your head and caught your breath. “Hold on” I said as I wrapped my arms around your back, got a bit lower and pushed you up against the wall with my thigh between your legs. Kissing you with more force now, my thigh pushing into you and my hands moving up your shirt to cup your boobs on top of your bra.

I planted a wet kiss behind your ear and bit your earlobe. I could barely get the words out between breaths but I whispered “Tell me if you want me to stop okay?” Without missing a beat you said “Don’t stop, please”. I could hear how turned on you were and also started feeling your wetness on my thigh. I hooked my index fingers inside your jeans, touching the skin there for the first time and heard you suddenly deeply inhale. I smiled and looked into your eyes as I unbuttoned your jeans. I grabbed them from both sides and said, “Ready?” with a smile so cheeky I knew you could tell exactly what was going to happen next and you wanted just that.

I pulled your jeans down to your ankles and got onto my knees in one motion, still pushing you up against the wall with my hands on your thighs. I planted wet kisses up your inner thighs on both sides, working my way up to your center. My eyes were now level with your lace underwear which barely covered your lips. I could see your clit pressing through the wetspot that had already formed and I was so turned on I had half a mind to rip it off you. Instead I left it on and took one last look up to your face as I brought my mouth closer and closer. Your lips copied mine, forming an O as you closed your eyes and grabbed the side of the wall and braced your self for what you knew was coming.

Edit: This is a follow up from my last post about the same girl [60 Seconds [FF]](
