Massage Advice [MF, Massage]

I have written quite a bit about giving massages. As a result, I’ve had a few questions about technique and other aspects of sensual massage. I thought I’d share some of my answers in case anyone is interested.

The question is, “How do you know when it’s time to transition to the sensual portion of the massage?” In a few of the stories I have mentioned my process of beginning with a traditional massage which brings relaxation and a feeling of well being. Later, I will begin a more sensual touch.

Before I begin my answer, keep in mind, I have only given massages to women. The answer for men could be different. Also, I am not an expert, but I’ve never had any complaints either.

How do you know when it’s time? A general rule of thumb: When you think it’s time, wait a little longer. If you’re going to make a mistake, make it by building up too much, not by not doing it enough. Remember that every second of anticipation just makes the moment sweeter when it finally arrives.

That’s the general rule. There are some other things to consider. Even the traditional part of the massage is in a way sensual. She is either naked or nearly so and your hands are touching her skin in close proximity to some very intimate places. Don’t think of a solid line dividing the traditional and sensual massages. It’s more of a transition than a quick change.

Also, you should learn to read her body. She’ll let you know when you can progress. It becomes much easier to read her with each massage you give. You can’t just assume that all women have the same body language and certain reactions always mean the same thing. However, there are some things to watch for as indications.

Her breathing is very important. If she is relaxing it will become slower and deeper. It may become more audible. Deep sighs or even a soft moan does not mean that she is necessarily aroused and should not be taken as a signal to move on to the next step. It might just be a reaction to relaxation or a new sensation.

Her posture is also important. As she relaxes, she will give the appearance of sinking into the table. When we lie down, we typically do so with an initial rigidity. Our muscles slightly tensed to maintain some level of support. Notice when you begin to fall asleep you begin to have the feeling (hopefully) of sinking into the bed. This is detectable but slight, so you need to be looking for it. You can also feel the tension leaving the muscles as you massage.

These are important because for the sensual massage to work its magic, she really should be fully relaxed. If she’s not, take the extra time to bring tranquility.

There are also some obvious signs that arousal has begun, but they vary from person to person. You might see her natural lubrication begin to glisten between her legs. She might move her body to give you more access. You might see her react to your touch. For example, while massaging her thighs you might see her perineum twitch or her anus contract. While these are indications that she might be starting to feel excited, they do not mean you should proceed immediately to the next step.

Take your time and continue building. Remember this above all else. This has to be about her pleasure. Not about something you expect to get out of it. You can’t go through this like a military maneuver with an objective in mind. It’s an exploration. It’s an experiment.

You can ignore all of these signs and still give a decent sensual massage that results in a nice orgasm. However, it takes more work and a lot of patience to truly pleasure her so that when you are finally finished, she can’t stop thinking about the next time her skin will be beneath your fingertips.
