Not so much of a slutty confession but I guess you’ll be the judge.
I am a pretty tech savvy person that works with computers a lot; as you can imagine my family and friends know it and ask for help or advice anytime needed. I don’t mind, it’s my job why not help. My girlfriend brother (M22) has a super hot girlfriend (f21), she is very exuberant and likes the attentions, we all know it in the family but she is very sweet. Few months ago she asked me to help her pick a new laptop to replace her old one.
No problem, found it and, to save her some cash I offered her to sell her old one on eBay to recover what money was possible, I have done this many times before for other people so no surprises there.
Now before I sold the laptop I turned it on to check specs, functionalities, format drive and do a clean install of OS etc.
I had also told her I was gonna do a back up of all her files just in case something needed recovery later on (she is quite clueless about this things and I knew she would have call me later telling me she had lost something on it). This is when I encountered the folder I should not have seen. Not even too hidden away is a pretty decent size folder of her nudes, dirty selfie, naughty video, some with even my gf brother. I could not believe it, there she was in all her glory, some of them where clearly screenshot from chat apps, some where proper pics she had taken of herself or that bf took of her. I had in the past fantasised a bit about her but always though of her as pretty vanilla and instead she had her ass spread like crazy to the camera.
Still gives me a boner to think about it.
Nobody knows I have found these but having this secret is making me super stressed around the family meetings as I cant tell anyone I know! Though that sharing it here on reddit would have helped me.
What to do? Do I tell her? But risk our relationship? Do I keep the secret but keep stressing about it?
Befor the floods of dm:
2. YES I still have the content of that folder, not sure why I kept it but could not just delete it.
3. Yes the laptop has been clean formatted and already sold.
Advice appreciated.
Add the material to your spank bank. What has been seen can never be unseen.
I would just forget about the whole thing. If you bring it up to her you will come off in a negative way.
If you have not already done so, I would put what ever you took from the old laptop onto the new one.
delete it, you have had your fun. Getting rid of it also frees you of the burden should I give it back and tell. Also: it is fair to delete to her as well I think.
The only correct thing to do is to photoshop the pics and put former First Lady Barbara Bush’s head over hers.
Never tell anyone. If she ever seems flirty let her know you know she’s a naughty slut, but don’t get specific.
You make sure she knows a gentleman never discloses a lady’s secrets, and do this as a by the way, but not probing to gain advantage.
She will either be grateful you have treated her with respect and protected her privacy,
or she will fuck you into next month. Either way, you are a winner.
keep it, be grateful for it and never tell anyone. i you bring it up you are fucked either way, if you stressing about for yourself just keep in mind that its just normal, no big deal, not mentionworthy
Tell her you saw them. She might reward you for your indiscretion. ?
Do not bring it up with her, the boyfriend or your girlfriend. Nothing good can come from that.
Do not maintain a copy just for yourself or look at it again. Maintain this folder with everything else you copied from her hard drive. Discovering this folder was an innocent mistake, but doing anything else with these materials or this knowledge is on you.
You seem like a good person. So do the right thing.
I will give you good advice. I would be tempted to keep them too. But if you value your girlfriend and are serious about her, delete them and never look back. If she ever found out this would be considered a pretty big betrayal and the relationship would likely end. You might think you can be careful and keep them hidden but no security is 100%. If losing your gf doesn’t really bother you than keep them and make sure you’re extremely careful about where you keep them and how you protect them.
I am a total pervert but my wife would leave me if she found nudes from someone we know. I couldn’t do something to hurt her like that.
Dont say anything and just make the back up like you said you would
You had fun, why rock the boat
I would show her how to encrypt and password protect the file. It’s not like you saw it on purpose. Secrets have a way of coming back on you so letting someone know in a way that isn’t lascivious is a good way to go. Plus you’re young, down the road you want to have stories out there that tell people who you are instead of that you’re an asshole. Take your narrative into your own hands. Then the worst thing that can happen is ten years from now when you aren’t with your current girlfriend and you run into this woman you’ll have a funny story. Just don’t be the one to bring up anything about the pictures. Have discretion not secrets.