(f25) Hotel Hot tub [group]

This one happened a few years ago when my boyfriend and I were on vacation. My boyfriend and I John had only been seeing each other for a little over a year now and had just recently moved in. The sex was great but he wasn’t adventurous and enjoyed it quite basic, it took me ages for him to be okay with me sucking him off. Now he isn’t the jealous type but was a monogamous-minded guy so we never elected to explore anything outside of our relationship until today. We decided to take a couple of day’s vacation to the nearby mountain town and had a chat on the way about how I’m looking for more spontaneity in our sex life, some kinkier fire to spruce it up. He agreed to work on it and we moved on. After a great night of drinks, dinner, and walking around the town we went back to our hotel, got changed into our bathing suits, and went to the public rooftop hot tub.


It was around midnight and the drinks had hit us but we were still “fine” or at least that’s what I told myself. We get there and it is completely empty which never happens. John throws his towel off and jumps right in, I do a double-take around us and slowly peel off my towel revealing my thin bikini. I won’t bore you with too many details, but I’m reasonably athletic and working towards abs but not quite there, C cups, curvy with a booty that has seen many a squat at the gym. So I dare say I looked great in that bikini but it barely covered my nips and my ass had a tendency of gobbling up the bottoms. Jumping in I floated over and cuddled right up to him. We talked, had some fun, and stared at the stars for a while and it was magical. But suddenly I feel his hands walk down my back and the next thing you know with one pull my bikini top is off and in his hands. I gasped, slid under the water, and covered myself all while protesting what he did. John gave me a sly look because although I acted unimpressed he knew as well as I did that was the sexiest thing he has ever done.


We sit for a couple of minutes and the bubbles stop, I asked him to go restart them, and then suddenly the most risque words he has ever said escape his mouth “You go turn them back on.”


I was shocked. The area was still empty and the button was only about 10 feet away on a nearby stand, so hey I figured why not. I jumped up, lurched over the edge, wiggled my butt in John’s face a bit to try and assert dominance, but when I pulled myself all the way out he grabbed the strings to my bottoms and pulled those off too. I paused and contemplated jumping back in but I was already out, so I went for it. I ran over and turned the bubbles on and dove back in. It was absolutely exhilarating and I wanted to fuck him so badly. But before I could even fondle his package we heard a couple of voices.


Two guys opened the door and came walking out to the hot tub. They were young, decently fit, and sounded like they were having a good time. Politely they asked to hop in and of course, we said yes to be nice. They kept to themselves for while I tried to hide under the water and bubbles but I knew the timer would eventually run out. As it did the bubbles slowly died and I panicked, I had nothing but hands to cover my body. Thankfully my now oh-so-caring boyfriend had a great idea and asked to turn on the bubbles again. He did give me an out though, he said he would do it if I was too cold. It took a brief moment but I figured that I had asked for this. In a moment I hopped out of the tub, my butt on full display for these guys as I crawled out, I ran to the button with hands over my exposed breasts and pussy, and scampered back to jump in. At first, I thought they hadn’t noticed but then I looked up and they were mouths open.


They never mentioned anything but decided to start chatting us up. John got along with them great, and I was starting to come around to them except for one who kept trying to get me to give him high fives… I wonder why. They had brought some drinks with them and offered us some as the night went on. Eventually, the bubbles started to die again, and as everyone figured it out their eyes had turned to me. I proclaimed fine “I’ll go do it” but this is the last time. I slowly peeled out of the water and bent over the edge of the tub, my brain had decided that I’ll make my boyfriend regret doing this, and slowly shook my ass for the boys giving them a show. It turns out I didn’t have as much power as I thought. John slapped my ass hard and told me to stay like that. He adjusted himself, grabbed my cheeks, and spread them showing off my asshole and shaved pussy lips. The boys were ecstatic… and I loved it. How far was John going to go? This was a new side of him and I was both scared and aroused. That’s when I heard something that rings in my loins to this day.


“Why don’t you guys come over here and try her out, she is nice and wet.”


The boys asked if It was okay and I threw my hands back to give them a sick double thumbs up. They waded over slowly and I could feel 2 meteoric slaps come down on each ass cheeks. The boys felt up my glutes and spread me out, John from under the water encouraging me to spread my legs. Their hands walked along my ass and legs, and then finally I could fill them on my lips. They spread my pussy revealing all of my most secret areas to them. They paused for a minute enjoying the view of me and that’s when I heard some rustling and murmuring. John had told one of them to grab their phone and take pictures to remember this occasion. The other held me open and I could hear them laughing as the shutter of the camera captured my splayed pussy.


“Get in there, you both want proof don’t you” John had said excitedly.


The other guy waded over and I could hear John being a pro photographer for the first time In his life. The guy who freshly waded back to our side reached over the tub and began playing with my tits while the other slipped fingers inside of me. I was both humiliated and electric, but all I wanted was to cum. Which I guess one of them decided I was overdue for. One hand on my tits and the other reached down and rubbed my clit while the other fucked me with his fingers. I wish I could say I toughed it out but I came quick, within less than a minute. I was spent and just lay there over the edge of the tub while I heard John showing them the pictures. They talked about getting my boobs in them as well but he said no the fun was over now, but feel free to snap them to their friends. I’ve done nude photography before so it wasn’t a huge issue, especially because they did not have my face.


They all laughed, slapped my ass a few more times, took some final photos with what I think were funny faces based on the laughter, and the boys left. John pulled me back to my senses, wrapped a towel around me, and walked me back to the room. I was ready for sex and wanted to both punch him but also give him the best night of his life, unfortunately, I was spent and passed out while he watched whatever movie was on the hotel tv. The next morning I woke up him up most affectionately by punching him in the balls and telling him to warn a girl next time. I did not have it in me to go to the lobby and risk running into them so I scampered to the car and hid. On the way home I gave him road head as a sort of thank you, but also secretly hoping he would swerve and drive us off a cliff. We stopped at Denny’s after he came in my mouth so that I could get the taste out.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ltglhh/f25_hotel_hot_tub_group


  1. Wow that’s a lot of conflicting emotions. Definitely hot though. I guess the moral of the story is be careful what you wish for, right? Although I gotta say I admire the fact that you can let go and run with it. It does make wonder what would have happened if the tables were turned and it had been 2 girls that came out and you were offering up your boyfriend. Could he have handled it? Would he have given the thumbs up… so to speak. I think most of us guys are big talkers but we don’t really believe we will have to put our money where our mouth is. I think women are far more adventurous when it comes to sex… probably why there are more women in porn or at least one of the reasons. Idk, but that was an awesome story! Thanks for sharing!!????

  2. ok fuck we need to see those pictures or at least some pictures to get a visual. i’m so jealous??

  3. Damn, he didn’t even get sex out of it AND he got punched in the balls? He must really love you

  4. Yeah we say we want it… and we do for sure but when it happens we are like, ???? “uh, what do I do now!” All with a panicked look on our face.

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