The Farmer Friends – Part 11 [MF] Chapter 7 and End

[Part 1](
[Part 2](
[Part 3](
[Part 4](
[Part 5](
[Part 6](
[Part 7](
[Part 8](
[Part 9](
[Part 10](
[Part 11](

**Chapter 7**

I woke up to the sun streaming through her vintage lace curtains. Becky was not in the bed, so I went downstairs. She was frying eggs.

“Can I make coffee?” I asked her.

She turned around, still wearing nothing but her panties. “Hey there sleepy head, did you sleep well?”

“Yes I did. Very well thank you. How about you?”

“Well enough,” she said, “I’m not used to sharing my bed. And you talk in your sleep,” she added with a smile.

“Oh, I am sorry about that. Did I say anything incriminating?”

“Something about a neutral grounding resistor?”

“Oh no, I was dreaming about work. That is incriminating isn’t it?”

“It’s fine as long as you don’t start acting out your dreams, I don’t want you… doing whatever it is you do at work to me.”

I laughed and said, “is this what you use for making coffee?” as I pointed to a French press.

“I reckon it is,” she replied.

We ate breakfast, discussing her work and my work, her horses, and then how I needed to get home before the weekend was over completely.

“Well then, can I say goodbye to you upstairs in my bed?”

I flashed her a beaming grin, “I was hoping for a chance to have a piece of your sweet ass once more.”

She looked over her shoulder, down at her ass, lifted it up with her hand and let it fall and shake. “I guess it is a pretty sweet ass isn’t it?”

I took her hand, and it was my turn to lead her up the stairs. We fucked slowly and simply. Enjoying the last moments of our weekend spent getting to know each other. As I looked down at her pretty middle-aged face, wrinkled yet very attractive, her breasts bouncing to the rhythm of my thrusts, I searched my feelings. I found her incredibly attractive, and I felt a deep connection with her. It was so easy to chat with her, joke with her, and to just feel relaxed around her. But I did not intend to attach myself to anyone. I could not see either of us wanting to relocate to a city one hour away and leave our jobs. Did she want me to commit to her? If she said something, I would seriously consider it. Maybe give it a try. But no, she has probably has many men like me in her life, and she has not settled down with any of them. I don’t think that she is looking for commitment.

Becky framed my face in her hands, “you look worried?”

I shook my head no, and thought for a moment. “I’ve really enjoyed this weekend with you. I mean, really enjoyed it. I hope we see each other again.” Shit, I thought to myself, I’m talking in the wrong direction.

Becky interrupted my thoughts, “you come visit me anytime you want. I will be here, though you might want to call first. Let’s be, what do they call it? Fuck buddies.”

I thought to myself, yes, we are on the same wavelength. Relief flooded my face, and I said, “yes, I would love to be your buddy.”

*The End.*


And thus began a long and sporadic relationship. Charlie was not wrong when he said that Becky is like a butterfly. Between my work travel and her nomadic tendencies, we would not see each other sometimes for a year, but it was always easy to reconnect when the stars aligned and we came together.

Charlie and Ruth invited me to a couple of their swinger parties, which was a completely new thing to me. As a guest of the host, I was permitted to come as a single male a few times, and twice I went with Becky. I also went over to the farm few times to help Charlie. He and Ruth were always very welcoming, and being a busy bachelor, I appreciated that Ruth was an excellent cook. While I was living in the city where I met Becky, their house became almost a second home to me. A place where things stay the same, and I could get a breath of the fresh farm air (full of horse, pig, and cow shit odors), and do some hard manual labor with some good friends.

I do not live in that city anymore where I met her. But I travel enough that we manage to meet up occasionally still. It has been 5 years since I met her, and the last time we saw each other was 2 weeks ago in Pensacola where we both happened to be in the same area. That’s what inspired me to write the story of how we met.


Hello dear reader, I really enjoyed writing this, and it was entirely my pleasure that initiated it. But I would love to know if it brought you any pleasure, as well as any critiques or advice.

Thanks for reading.
