[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part eight

Tabitha stands with her legs tightly together. Her labia majora protrude slightly. They are a little lighter in colour than her dark skin tone. I also got a glimpse of the pink flesh tones of her inner vulva as he stepped out of her drawers. I hope that I am going to see more.

I look across at Dr White. He appears mesmerised.

“What next, Dr White?” I ask him.

“Sorry, yes,” he says, coming out of his daze. He turns to the girl.

“Now, Tabitha,” he says to her. “We will find out whether you have been lying to us about never having lain with a man.”

He turns to me.

“Jonathan,” he says. “Sit the girl back on the chair, with her hands fastened behind the back.”

I put the chair back in front of the table and sit Tabitha on it. I arrange her shackled hands behind the chair back. The wooden chair is a ‘carver’ style, with a straight back and two wooden arms.

“Now, Reverend Gaunt,” Dr White says. “I will need your assistance for this.” Reverend Gaunt looks up. I can see the confusion and concern on his face. He really does not wish to play any part in this process, if he can avoid it.

“Jonathan, you stand at one side of the chair. Reverend Gaunt, you stand at the other,” instructs Dr White.

I readily do as instructed. Reverend Gaunt does so, too, but reluctantly.

“Now,” says Dr White. “Each of you take hold of the girl’s leg nearest to you, and lift it, and place it over the arm of the chair. As you do, let the girl’s backside slide down the seat of the chair a little.”

The implications of what we have been asked to do is immediately apparent to me. Tabitha’s sex will be fully open and exposed. It’s also apparent to Tabitha.

“No!” she cries, struggling but with only limited movement with her arms secured behind the chair.

Despite Tabitha’s efforts, I manage to grab her leg and lift it over the chair arm. Reverend Gaunt stands frozen.

“Reverend Gaunt!” Dr White says, forcefully. “Please do as I have instructed. It is important that we establish whether or not the slave has been lying to us!”

“Now!” he adds, when the Reverend still hesitates.

Reluctantly, Reverend Gaunt obeys Dr White’s command, averting his gaze from Tabitha’s exposed sex, as he does.

I do not share Reverend Gaunt’s inhibitions! I gaze at Tabitha’s exposed vulva. I marvel at the pink flesh and how it contrasts with her black skin. It seems that Dr White is equally fascinated by what is exposed, directly in front of him.

Tabitha continues to struggle and protest but she is held in place by the shackles and Reverend Gaunt and I.

“Silence, girl!” commands Dr White. “Keep still! We still have the clamps and I will use them if necessary!” he tells her, lifting them off the table.

Tabitha falls silent and still. Dr White puts down the clamps.

Dr White stands up and walks around the table, keeping his eyes on Tabitha’s sex. He stands in front of her.

“Now, Tabitha,” he says. “We will find out whether you have been telling the truth about not having lain with the goat/man or any other man for that matter.”

He pauses to let his words sink in.

“I haven’t, sir,” says Tabitha, desperately. “I swear that I haven’t!”

“Silence, girl!” Dr White tells her, again. “You don’t expect me to take the word of a slave, do you?”

Tabitha doesn’t answer and falls silent, again.

Dr White holds up his right hand. He makes a fist and then raises his middle finger.

“I’m going to insert one finger into your vagina,” he tells Tabitha. “I expect it to enter with some resistance but fully up to the knuckle. I will then attempt to insert two fingers. If you are a virgin, as you claim, there should be sufficient resistance to prevent both fingers from entering you fully. Do you understand?”

As I listen to Dr White speak, I realise that I am now fully erect.

Tabitha opens her mouth, presumably to protest, but then closes it again. She nods. I see shock, embarrassment, humiliation and horror in her eyes.

“But…” starts Reverend Gaunt.

“But nothing!” ripostes Dr White, cutting him off before Reverend Gaunt can speak further. “Watch what I do. It is important that you witness the result!”

I look at Reverend’s Gaunt’s face as he turns to look upon Tabitha’s exposed vulva for the first time. It’s difficult to read his emotions. Shame? Guilt? But I note that he does as he has been instructed and does not look away again, as Dr White moves his hand towards Tabitha’s vaginal opening. Is Reverend Gaunt aroused, too?

I turn my attention to what Dr White is doing. I can see Tabitha tense at the first touch.

Dr White runs his finger along Tabitha’s vulva, as if exploring it. Tabitha gasps involuntarily. Did Dr White brush Tabitha’s clitoris? He repeats the motion several times and then his finger comes to rest at the entrance to her vagina. He presses lightly and the tip of his finger enters her. Tabitha gasps for a second time as his finer penetrates a bit deeper and, then, with a bit more pressure, his full finger is inside her, up to the knuckle. He leaves it there for a moment, and then he withdraws it.

“Good,” he says. “Now with two fingers!” I see the apprehension in Tabitha’s eyes.

Dr White repeats the process. He again runs his fingers along Tabitha’s slit and then places them at the entrance to her vagina. He applies gentle pressure and his fingers begin to enter her. Then they come to a halt. Dr White applies a little extra pressure and his fingers penetrate a little further and then stop. Dr White twists his fingers a little, but they do not penetrate any further. He withdraws them.

He looks at Tabitha. “It looks as if you may be telling us the truth,” he tells her. “It seems that you may be a virgin.” Despite her mortification at the indignity and invasion, I can see relief on Tabitha’s face.

“But I want a second opinion!” he declares, to everyone’s surprise. I feel my cock twitch in anticipation but Dr White turns to Reverend Gaunt.

“Reverend Gaunt,” he addresses him. “It is important that we have collaboration of my judgement. I would ask Jonathan, but your assessment will carry more weight. Will you please repeat the examination and give your opinion, please?”

Reverend Gaunt is totally taken aback by this development.

“What? Me? I …” he stutters, although I note that he has not once taken his eyes off Tabitha’s vulva and that he watched Dr White examination of her virginity, intently!

“Well, I suppose …” he says, warming to the idea. He’s turned on, I realise!

I look at Tabitha. She appears to be resigned to the inevitable. For my part, I feel disappointed and cheated!

Reverend Gaunt and Dr White switch places.

Reverend Gaunt extends his middle finger and places it on Tabitha’s slit. He runs it up and down, a little awkwardly, demonstrating his inexperience. I can tell that he is shaking. In excitement, I wonder?

Again, Tabitha gasps as his finger, not doubt accidentally, rubs against her clitoris. I can see that her vulva is becoming moist.

Reverend Gaunt first inserts a single digit into Tabitha’s vagina and then follows with two digits. His fingers appear to penetrate a little further than Dr White’s, perhaps because of the additional lubrication. but then they clearly meet resistance. Reverend Gaunt does not press further but removes his fingers and then runs them several times along Tabitha’s increasingly moist vulva.

Reverend Gaunt is enjoying himself!

I can see that Tabitha is becoming aroused, despite her revulsion at how she is being abused.

“Enough!” says Dr White. “Your opinion, Reverend Gaunt?” he asks.

“Oh, yes,” Reverend Gaunt replies. “Her virginity appears to be intact!” he declares, clearly disappointed at having his fun curtailed.

“OK, Tabitha,” says, Dr White. “It seems that you have been telling us the truth, in one respect, at least,” he tells her. He releases her leg and I do the same. Tabitha adjusts her position and sits back in the chair, still naked, with her hands fastened behind the chair back.

Dr White and Reverend Gaunt return to their seats behind the table. The reverend appears a little flustered.

I return to my place standing at the side, still erect and now frustrated!

“Next, we need to move on to the identities of the other girls,” says Dr White, ignoring the fact that Tabitha is still naked and making no suggestion that she should be covered up.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lt61ia/mmm_ffff_the_devils_work_part_eight