Chasing the Horizon 3 [M/F] [orgasm control]

Chasing the Horizon 1

Chasing The Horizon #1 (M/F) from eroticliterature

Chasing the Horizon 2

Chasing the Horizon 2 (M/F) from eroticliterature

Chasing the Horizon 3

Her ass was still a bit sore this morning. She had slept so soundly last night thanks to the deeper level of satisfaction she received at work early yesterday. She turned to look in the mirror twisting to see the fading shade of pink on her ass. She revels in the knowledge of what yesterday was. And she wonders what may be in store for her today.

When she arrives at work, he is already there. That is very uncharacteristic of him to be at work this early unless there is a problem. So, she walks over and knocks at his door. “Good morning, sir! Is everything okay?” she asks in a cheerful tone in hopes to brighten his mood if there was a problem. “Good morning, beautiful! How did you sleep last night?” He replies, with the warmth of genuine pleasure to see her so happy this morning. “I slept wonderfully!” She answered. “Good, good. I’m glad to hear it.” he said as he smiled back at her. Turning back to his computer monitor leaving her standing in the doorway. She turns and heads to her desk.

She approaches her desk with light peppy steps, almost skipping. She was so happy this morning. She was glad he was already in the office. She always looks forward to seeing him enter the office, and actually waits impatiently until he arrives. Her day never truly begins until she has seen him and spoken to him.

When she arrives at her desk, she sees two small boxes and a note:

“Which box you choose to start your day,
Will determine how we will play.”

Instructions: “Choose one box and bring it to my office” – Sir.

Hmmm… which box to choose? They both are the same size. She picks them up, and both feel about the same weight. She shakes each one, and cannot tell what’s inside. The only difference is that one box is black and the other box is white. They are both about twice the size of a ring box, so not much to go on to determine what’s inside. She chooses the white box. She picks it up and walks to Sir’s office. She knocks on the doorframe to his office. He rarely closes his door. He looks up and smiles that smile that crinkles around his eyes. She never gets tired of seeing that smile… especially when it’s directed at her.

“Hello, Sir. I read your note and I’m here to follow instructions.” she says with butterflies in her stomach. Not knowing what is in the box or what she will have to do is tantalizing. “Good girl” he says. She loves how naturally that rolls off his tongue and warmly he says it. It calms her soul to hear him say those words. “Bring me the box you have chosen.” he says. She steps into his office and hands him the white box. He opens it to reveal a… something… her eyes get wide as she realizes what he pulls out of the box… he cannot be serious! He reveals the oddly U-shaped item. “Wha… what is that?” she asks in a breathy voice that indicates her arousal and intrigue. “It’s a we-vibe sync. ( It’s a remote control viberator. That you are going to wear today.” he says matter-of-factly. She swallows hard, as her mouth suddenly becomes dry. Yes… yes he is serious. “Stand on the other side of the black chair and remove your panties.” He says to her as he looks directly into her eyes. She quivers inside. She cannot hold his gaze, that knowing gaze of her arousal, the demanding gaze that requires her obedience. “Yes sir” she barely squeaks out as she tries to steady herself. Her pussy is so wet that she immediately soaked through her lace thong.

She steps around the large black guest chair to the right so she can stand between it and the large bookshelf in the corner. She bends as the waist, as he prefers, watching him watch her as she reaches up under her skirt to remove her soaking wet thong off her hips and down her thighs until it can drop to the floor. She steps out of her underwear, and picks it up. He holds his hand out and open. He’s waiting until she placed her panties in his hand. She does so. “Good girl,” he says. As he hands her the we-vibe sync. “Turn it on, and put it in,” he says. She blushes and he can visibly see the goosebumps form on her skin just above her cleavage and across her chest. He knows she gets a warm rush between her legs when she blushes, but those goosebumps indicate she is dripping wet with arousal. Damn! She cannot hide anything from this man. She takes the we-vibe from his hand and looks at it. She’s not exactly sure how to put it in or on or whatever. “Put the small side inside and the larger side covers the front and covers your clit,” he says. “Yes sir,” she says, and turns to leave his office and head to the restroom. “Where do you think you’re going?” He says to her. She stops and looks his direction. “I’m going to the restroom to put it in, as you instructed, sir,” she says. “No,” he says. “No? Sir?” she responds with her eyes wide and looking down at him through her glasses. “No, you will not leave this office until that we-vibe is in place,” he said.

Her jaw muscles tensed as she pursed her lips together to maintain her composure. In the few short months she has gotten to know him, nothing surprised her anymore about this man. He has such a deliciously twisted mind. She sits on the front of the large black chair directly in across from his desk. She pulls her knees as wide as they can go so that her skirt hangs down between her legs and revealing some bare upper thighs. “You’re such a tease, little one,” he says with a knowing smile. She didn’t allow him to see her covered treasure between her legs. She wasn’t going to make it that easy on him. She reached under her skirt and worked the we-vibe inside her sliding it into place. Once it was snuggly in place, she brought her legs together, she stood up, and asked, “will that be all, sir?” “For now, yes. Good girl,” he says. And she walked out of his office and returned to her desk.

She left a small puddle on his black chair. He walked over, pulled out her panties, and wiped it up. He is really going to enjoy today, he thought to himself as he pulled out his iPhone and opened the we-vibe sync app.

She jumped! And looked around to see if anyone else noticed. No heads turned. The we-vibe came to life and she didn’t know what to do, except breathe… try to breathe steady. It was fairly quiet as a viberator, but she was sure if her desk was in a silent office the buzzing could be heard by everyone, or at least that’s how she felt. It wasn’t as strong as she thought it would be. The longer it’s humming inside of her between her legs she is getting used to it. Used to the delicious throbbing sensation it is creating in her pussy. This may be the longest work day she ever had, depending on his plans with her and this thing today. Then it was off! And she felt her body relax and take a deep breathe. She didn’t realize how tense she was trying to maintain her professional composure while at her desk so no one would know, until it went off and she could relax.

She was on edge. She sat nervously waiting for “it” to come to life again. She is going to be a mess today. She can’t focus on her work wondering when…. “OOOOHHH!!!” The low guttural moan escaped her lips before she could stop it. As the we-vibe came on stronger than the first time and the clitoral stimulation made her snap her legs together to cover the buzzing in hopes of helping somehow. She was bent over in her chairs resting her head on her desk and using her hands to cover her face waiting for the moment to pass. It felt so damn good and she was quickly becoming a ragged mess in front of everyone. Though no one was paying her any attention, she felt all eyes were on her as she was on display in this moment of ecstasy. Off! And she inhaled the deepest breath. She had be holding her breath and slowly exhaling the whole time trying to maintain composure. She was not winning this battle. She breathed… slowly in and out. Regained her composure, sat up, and tried to begin working again. This is going to be a long day she can tell… a torturously, beautifully, deliciously long day.

It had felt like forever, since the last buzzing. Maybe “forever” is a bit of over exaggeration, but it feels like it’s been a long time… she tries to go about her work, but keeps day dreaming and creaming waiting for the next jolt!

He is enjoying himself. He has a desktop computer with access to the security cameras. He usually keeps a few entrance cameras on the screen to keep an eye on what’s going on in the main lobby… and he gets to see her most of the day. He doesn’t stare at the screen, but it’s nice to know when she is at her desk alone or if there are other around talking with her. So, he waits for just the right moment… as he pulls out his phone…


She stood straight up our of her chair! That “thing” came to life mid conversation with another employee standing at her desk, and it was the most powerful surge she has felt all day with that thing. The person standing in front of her desk looked at her at quizzically. Nothing in their conversation called for that response. She jumped up like she had been bitten by something… she had been bitten, just by a different kind of “bug.” She stammered as she tried to explain herself, even though the person standing there didn’t ask, “I need to go to the restroom, sorry,” she stumbled over her rushed words. Her face was turning redder by the second and she needed to remove herself from the situation to avoid any further embarrassment. She walked around her desk and straight to the ladies restroom. She about knocked another woman down as she barreled through the door, again embarrassed and thinking everyone was looking at her crotch as it was humming along with the we-vibe. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her knees just about gave out from under her when the we-vibe began to pulse differently and intermittently between the inside and outside parts, she grabbed ahold of the sink counter to keep herself upright with her knees clasped together as tight as she could to somehow try to control the toy that was torturing her pussy like nothing else she has ever experienced. It was wickedly delicious, but it was causing her to lose focus too much today. She was sooo fucking needy with desire right now… and she did not have permission to “finish.”

He had better be ready to fulfill some desires and give her some relief! Damn him and these stupid games! Well, not really truly damn him… actually quite the opposite… she loves his twisted mind and his twisted games, she is just full of need at the moment, and it’s not even close to lunchtime yet. Which means, they have not been playing this game very long… it’s a good thing she got some relief yesterday, otherwise she would clawing her desk every time this thing went off, or on, or whatever she means when it buzzes and drives her mad! She can’t even think straight…


She let out a long and slow exhale… she had been holding her breath again for too long and also trying to keep from screaming from torture. The only other time she had this much trouble withholding an orgasm was a late night text convo that led to some intense sexting instructions… she thought she was going to die that night. In the end he allowed her to soak her bed with a squirting orgasm that had built up over 4 days with several edgings. How she wish he could have been there in person for that night…but they have boundaries. Today is testing her resolve. She wants to touch him, she wants him to touch her, she wants to please him, and her idea of pleasing him doesn’t involve withholding anything… Alas, this is the consent she has given: to give him control of her body and her orgasms for his pleasure however he sees fit. He says that her obedience pleases her, but he doesn’t always make it easy to obey. Today is one of those times. But, oh how she loves to hear him say, “good girl.” So, she will continue to hold off her orgasm until he gives her permission.

She runs some cold water on a paper towel and uses it to cool herself down a bit by placing it on the back of her neck and forehead. She did not realize that she had actually broken a sweat from holding out, she must have been more tense than she realized. Regaining her composure she walked out of the women’s restroom, and was straight to his office. Just as she got past her desk…


She about fell over mid stride. She cursed under her breath and used a nearby lobby chair arm to keep herself upright. He chuckles to himself as he watches her struggle to steady herself to walk the last ten steps or so to his office. He plays with the app screen where he can cause the we-vibe to rev and pulse at the tap of his fingers. She can feel a wave sensation as he glides a finger across the screen. She is loving and hating him at the same time. She only has a few more steps to be in his office and out of sight from everyone else. She takes each step with unsteadiness and he spikes the vibes in her pussy causing her to almost collapse in the floor, and then he lets off. She takes another step and he surges with power to her clit, and she bites her lower lip to keep from audibly moaning in the office lobby. He lets off and on with each passing step, until she is clutching to his doorframe. She is breathing heavy with exhaustion from trying to maintain control, but her resolve is diminishing by the second… “please…sir” she breathes out with shaky breath. “Hello little one, how is your day going so far?” He asks, igniting her plea. “Please… sir… I… I can’t…” she pleas. “What seems to be the matter my dear?” He asks, again ignoring her plea. “Have a seat, you look stressed, are you okay?” He says, toying with her more than she appreciates at the moment, but he is enjoying thoroughly. She collapses into the large black guest chair across from his desk and out of sight from anyone passing by.


She sits quietly regaining her breath, and calming her nerves. Every fiber on her body is electrified. He skin is overly sensitive and extremely hot. She needs to cum! She has never NEEDED to cum so badly. But she needs to cum now. Her breathing is calmer and she asks, “please, sir, may I cum?” “What do good girls get?” he asked. “Rewards,” she answered. “What do bad girls get?” he asked. “Consequences or punishments,” she answered. She hated answering these questions as he only did this to reinforce the rules. It was an effective reminder, especially when she was a bad girl, but that didn’t mean she had to like it. “Have you been a good girl or a bad girl?” He asked. “Sir, I am desperately trying to be a good girl, I have not disobeyed once today, and have not had any release without your permission. Please, sir, I beg you,” she begged. She has never begged anyone for anything before. Well, except that Friday night sexting, but then she begged him to stop her from cumming so she would be a good girl. Now she is begging for release, for pleasure, by his hand, she is desperate in need. She can feel her cream dripping down the inside of her thighs, she knows she will leave a wet spot on his chair since he has her panties. He pulls out two towels… “thank you, thank you, thank you,” she thought.

She once told him that she was capable of a triple action orgasm, meaning she could cum clitorally, vaginally, and squirting. It wasn’t an all the time thing, but she told him there has to be some major build up. He wanted to see that first hand. He assumes she is a screamer, so this may pose more of problem than intended, but he was will to take the risk, because she was worth the risk. “Honey?” he asks, trying to get her attention. She was off “dreaming and creaming,” as he liked to call it, when her mind wandered when she was in such a state of need. She blinked, not realizing her mind had wandered, but she was having the most naughty and depraved thoughts. He approached her with the towels in hand. “Stand up for a second, Little One,” he said gently. She did and was mortified if the dripping she had left behind. He chuckles to himself, and her face blushed and goosebumps spiked across her skin. Damn! That man knows too well how to make her blush like that. He’s the only one who has ever been able to do so with such ease. She wanted him, and he knew it. He likes it, he likes her, and he uses that ability to tease her to the nth degree. He placed a towel in her seat, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a soft wet kiss that made her woozy. He smiled and helped her sit back down in her chair making sure she did not sit on her skirt. The soft towel felt nice to her bare ass compared to the cold leather of the chair. He knelt down in front of her, opened her knees wide, her pussy was quivering with the need of his touch, and then he turned to place the other towel on the floor at her feet. Shit! She thought he was going to be a gentleman and escort her to her finale. She should have known better. She looked at him quizzically. His grin grew wider. He turned and looked her in the eyes, ran the tip of his finger across her calf. The touch of skin to skin electrified both of them and she felt like she could cum just from that, but it was just out of reach. Damn!

Using his fingertips hovering just above her skin so as to not actually touch her, he traced the inside of her calf moving up toward her knee… the goosebumps he created raced up the inside of her leg ahead of his hand sending tremors through her soaking wet pussy. She closed her eyes and moaned audibly but not loudly, while keeping her legs open where he put them. As he continued to trace his left hand up the inside of her left thigh, he reached up with his right and to curl it around her neck grabbing a fistful of hair and pull her into a demanding dominating wet kiss cutting off her gasp of surprise and pleasure claiming her lips, her body, for as his own. His left hand creeps slowly and feverishly close to the apex of her inner thigh. She opens her legs as wide as she can rocking her hips forward straining for him to claim her garden as his and taste the sweet nectar of her flower. But he keeps his hand just out of reach. She cries out into his mouth as his tongue assaults her to quiet her. He is frustratingly good with his mouth and tongue. She wonders what it be like if he used his tantalizing tongue and mischievous mouth on her pussy. She is aching for release and he is keeping her on edge, soooo close to the fucking edge she is almost about to cry as she feels her eyes watering as her body is seeking relief from the overwhelming sensations that have been assaulting her body all morning… she just needs… to… oooh… she… is… soooo… cloooooossee….


IIIIIEEEEEEE… mmmmmphmmm!!!!
Her hips bucked hard off the chair and she clawed at the arms of the chair to hold her balance and she squirted hard as he took the panties out of his pocket and shoved them into her mouth to quiet her cries of ecstasy! She was rocking and fucking the air trying to gain some relief as the largest orgasm she has had in days ravished her body. She soaked the front of his desk, the towel on the floor and the towel in his chair. He held onto her as she rode out her orgasm…. and it wasn’t stopping…. he didn’t turn off the blasted thing and she could feel herself building up again for another orgasm… MMMMMMMM!!!! As she was in heaven feeling the second wave of endorphins flow through her body. And his strong arms holding her felt wonderful. She was reveling in this moment. As she reached out to hold onto him she was pulled towards him and he began to give her neck starting near her right ear and working down her neck toward her collarbone. He stopped to nibble along the way, and she let him… taste her skin… as she just continued to moan into the homemade gag of her panties that were used to wipe up her puddle earlier that morning. She felt another orgasm building as she held onto him, trying to not let him go. She wanted him, close to her, on her, wrapped around her, and inside of her… she wanted him, desired him, craved him, longed for him, loved him… she just couldn’t tell him all of that… so she just held on not wanting to let him go, and lose this moment.


He held onto her, and she held onto him. Clutching one another, neither wanting to be the first to break this embrace. Both wanting time to just stand still for this moment to last forever. Finally, reluctantly, he laid her back in the large black chair and released her. She was spent. No energy to fight him to hold on for more. Mmmmmmph…. was all he heard in her reluctance to let him go and be let go. He reached up to remove the panty gag, and she took a deep breath she hadn’t been able to take the last few minutes. While he thought it would be devilish to make her clean up her own mess on his desk, he decided she deserved to rest and recoup. He picked up the towel from the floor and cleaned his desk. He loved these moments with her… her touch, her passion, oh how he loved her passion, her kisses, her skin… everything about her was electrifying. He loved her and wanted more too…

She was recovering and began to sit up. He gave her a bottle of water. He never left her side kneeling beside her, cleaning her up a bit with the towel, and just lightly rubbing her leg. He loved the smooth touch of her skin. She lazily reached out with her left hand and ran her fingers through his hair and played with the back of his neck. It was a quiet intimate moment in the afterglow…. they both had that goofy grin. Today was a good day, and one step closer to the horizon…
